A/N: Oh. Wow. Talk about a very late update. Sheez. Are you guys still there? No? Yes? Well. I hope you are.
'Neeweyz. Yeah, I had a very busy life these past few months so I couldn't update any of my stories. I deeply apologize. I wasn't expecting that it was going to be that busy. I promise to be a more responsible author from now on.
Ha. I wish.
Also, to my The Complex readers, I will be updating this month. Maybe once or twice, not sure yet when, but I will. :)
Chapter 3: A Perfect Day
Tezuka Kunimitsu did not—in any way— expect that he would be in such a situation.
No, when he woke up in the morning of this glorious Saturday—a rather good day to play tennis, with the sun high up in the east sky, tamer humidity and a slight breeze caressing the greens around his house—he had thought it was going to be a really, really good day.
So he took his time with his shower, warm water running down his back, relaxing him and bringing him to a state of pure calm. His cup was steaming with green tea when he showed up for breakfast, beside it a bowl of rice, miso soup and unacha.
The walk to the bus stop took him the usual six and a half minutes, the ride was smooth and he was able to read five full pages of text before it pulled to a stop at the station.
Nobody in his team—regular player or not—was late, they registered without a problem, and aside from the usual bickering between the two freshmen in his team, nothing remotely significant (read: irritating) happened.
The results of the games themselves were up to his liking.
True, they lost Doubles 2, but that was to be expected. Doubles 1 went remarkably well, Singles 3 was a tight one, but Inui lost 2 sets to 1 and Fuji's game took only 50 minutes. And with him playing Singles 1, they have this quarterfinal in the bag.
All in all, Tezuka had a remarkably good day so far.
But now, as he stared—glared— at a grinning Kazue Ishii, whose blue eyes reminded him of one of his so-called 'friends' (who is also donning a shit-eating smile), Tezuka knew the rest of the day will be going down the drain. And he hasn't even played his game yet.
He knew he shouldn't have followed his team mates when they left the courts to pester their 'ochibi'.
It wasn't that of a big problem, really—saving the eternally clumsy Ryuzaki is like an everyday routine for any of them—more so in the case of Echizen, and Tezuka doesn't really mind (because who would like to face the wrath of one Sumire Ryuzaki if her dearest granddaughter so much acquire a scratch when in the company of coughresponsiblecough seniors?).
But being in such a— well, compromising (by his and other's standards) position whilst such conniving people (read: Fuji, Inui and Ishii) are there to witness it is another story.
A very different story—one he very wanted to end before it even starts.
But of course, since he is doomed by the cruel fate that had put him in the same plane of existence as said three people, Tezuka knew it better not to hope.
"I knewTezuka-kun likes his girl with brown hair and brown eyes!"
And for the record, Tezuka Kunimitsu does not have a type of girl whatsoever.
And he is not blushing.
When the blue-eyed rose-gold haired Kazue woke up this morning and smelled the heavenly aroma of waffles and pancakes cooking (her mother is a desperately-in-love-with-Western-food-culture person, so—), she knew it will be a very, very good day.
She was able to enjoy her twenty-minute rose-scented bath and five-minute warm shower, wore her new shirt and pair of those adorable (though not-so-tennis practical) shoes, dried her hair remarkably well, styling it in her usual side ponytail (which will probably be messier later after her game), bangs held back by her favorite hair clip—a gift from her bestfriend. Even her breakfast was perfect—pancakes straight from the hot pan dripping with maple syrup and a tall glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice.
Her mother didn't even bother her with her usual five-minute lecture. Instead, the western-fanatic bid Kazue a good day, and left her to enjoy her hearty plate of pancakes.
Right then, Kazue knew she will have a very, very good day.
Now looking at a beet-red Sakuno Ryuzaki and a stone-faced Tezuka Kunimitsu whose eyes could've have been a pair of dagger especially crafter for her demise, Kazue knew this would be one of the best days of her life.
The look on Fuji Shusuke's face as the realization that he lost in their two-year old bet – one that she is very, very adamant on collecting— sinks in, is a hefty bonus.
"So? Pay-up, Fuji-kun!"
With her hair up in a very messy side-ponytail and her eyes glinting blue like the skies above them, Kazue smiled one like the coming bright summer.
Yes, indeed. This is one good day.
It was a good day, Sakuno thought morosely as she accepted Tezuka-sempai's proffered hand, pulling her up.
Yes, up until now, the day had been remarkably good.
The sky is a clear blue blanket above their heads, the breeze is cool and crisp, leaves are swaying, birds singing...and yet, Sakuno couldn't help but feel that is actually—well— the worst day of her fifteen year-old life.
She is blaming one blue-eyed sempai she thought was her friend. Although Sakuno knew her Ishii-sempai is just being her usual bubbly self, but still—
"So...I didn't know you were that close to Tezuka-kun!" Beaming like an early summer, Kazue regarded Sakuno and the rest a very, very happy smile, causing poor auburn-haired girl to stutter and shift in her seat wanting to get away from here, but on her other side, Fuji-sempai smiled so serenely.
Scratch that. She is blaming two blue-eyed sempais whom she thought were her friends.
Beside her, Tezuka Kunimitsu grunted a gruff "Hn."
Sharp, hawkish eyes regarding the blue-eyed girl with an aura close to hostile, his eyes then moved swiftly from Kazue to Hoshimi who is looking fabulously bored from this whole scene, to Koharu whose eyes are blinking rapidly and lips hanging slightly open then to Junko, whose brown eyes smiled at him, eyelashes fluttering and a pink hue on her cheeks, before finally stopping on the quietly smiling Ayana.
He is not familiar with the three other girls, but Ayana Osakada is a constant in his life.
His tone was one of inquiry, as if asking a secret question, and Ayana tilted her head to the side, regarding him with a very polite albeit slightly teasing smile. "You're playing Tezuka-kun?"
He'd nodded once again, motioned to his racket with his head; Ayana's smile remained. "We'll be watching you then."
"Ah. Fuji."
Said male nodded happily, eyes closed though one can feel intense amusement seeping out of them. "Hai, hai."
He turned towards them again, smiled, and said. "Let's catch up later, ne, Kazue-chan?"
Kazue smiled up at him. "Sure, Fuji-kun!"
They all watched as Fuji jogged to follow Tezuka; Sakuno and the others a little amazed at how relatively easy it went between Fuji-sempai and Ishii-sempai. All of them know about the two's brief yet remarkably sensational relationship a year prior (she heard it through the grapevine that is her bestfriend, of course).
She doesn't have a lot of time to ponder on that, as Kazue turned her grin at her once again. "So tell me, Ryuzaki-chan…what exactly was that?!"
Sakuno, face beet red and cold sweat pouring down the sides of her face, forced a lump down her throat before speaking in a garbled tone, "Uhm—anou…Ahm…Ishii-sempai," gulp, "it's not what it looks like," another gulp, "really!"
She waved her hands nervously around her, eyes wide with panic.
Behind the poor girl, Eiji and Momo snickered; Ryoma tried to glare but was ignored. Taka-san was chuckling nervously, while Inui just observed, mumbled something and turned to his notebook to jot down what was happening around him.
But Ishii, the angelic—not! Kazue Ishii, merely giggled, her eyes still merrily twinkling. "Oh, of course not, Ryuzaki-chan!"
Sakuno felt her face flame even more.
"Anyway," she waved airily, turning to her friends, "I haven't introduced any of you to them, right?"
"As if we need that." Hoshimi drawled, flicking her braided hair over her shoulder. "Can't we just sit, please?"
To which Kazue just rolled her eyes. "That," she pointed at the now glaring Hoshimi, "is Hoshimi Takeuchi. She's from—"
"Hyotei." Inui supplied, ignoring Kazue's eyes shooting him daggers for stealing her thunder. "First year. Tennis regular, plays guitar and violin…"
"Gee," Hoshimi, gray-green eyes amused and annoyed at the same time, cuts in "thanks, but I think the whole world doesn't need to know every single detail about me." She nodded at Inui, before falling gracefully at the seat behind her, crossed her legs, and then proceeded on taking out her phone, completely ignoring all of them.
Sakuno thought she saw Inui-sempai raise an eyebrow, but wasn't too sure since the junior looks exactly the same when she blinked once. Kazue only giggled.
"And this one here is Junko Mikami." Smiling, the said girl bowed her head, murmuring a soft 'hello'. "She's from Hyotei too, but definitely not as bitchy as Hoshimi."
"Kazue..!" Ayana chided, eyes warm yet carrying a warning. "Be nice."
Said girl just grinned cutely. "You all know Ayana, of course, so no need to introduce her."
"Thanks for the love, Kazue."
"Anytime, Ayana dear." She chuckled. "And this doll here, is Koharu Satou. She's my classmate in Rikkai! Isn't she pretty?!"
Momo and Eiji nodded in agreement, while Taka offers a shy smile to the girl, Inui's pen is tapping his open notebook.
He couldn't help but think that the girl looks eerily familiar. He's sure he'd seen her somewhere, but…he couldn't quite put a finger on when and where.
Koharu, cheeks pale and eyes wide, squirmed on her feet, tugging at a stray lock of Ayana's hair. Clearly, she is uncomfortable with the people around her gazing at her, and Ayana tapped her hand in reassurance. To Kazue, she said, "Stop that, Kazue. You're embarrassing her."
To which Kazue pouted childishly, but relented. Satisfied, Ayana glanced at her wristwatch. "I'm going to look for Tomo-chan. I'll be back."
"But you said Tezuka-san you'll watch!"
Laughing softly at Kazue's scandalized look, Ayana proceeded to standing from her seat. "I won't be too long. I'll still be able to watch his game." Her eyes were at the courts, looking for Tezuka. He was still at the sidelines, watching calmly as two attendants were preparing the court where he'll be playing. Ayana knows it will take at least a few more minutes, and Tomoka texted her earlier stating where she was at the moment.
Kazue huffed, sat down and crossed her arms. "Whatever."
"Be nice, Kazue." Ayana warned, smiling at Sakuno, before leaving them entirely.
Sighing, Sakuno sent a grateful smile at the back of her best friend's cousin, before her eyes caught sight of another pair of eyes staring at her.
Junko Mikami tilted her head to the right, a thoughtful look in her face. "Uh…" her brown eyes blinked, before recognition crept into them. "Aren't you that girl we met last weekend?" she asked, a tiny frown marring her smooth forehead.
Sakuno felt a bit deflated—is she really that unremarkable? Sure, they only met once, but still…
But then the other girl smiled.
"I didn't know you go to Seigaku!" she looked positively glowing with the discovery that Sakuno wondered why.
Hoshimi tore her eyes away from her phone, sighed loudly and rolled her eyes upwards. "Of course," she started dryly, "because it was so not obvious when she called Ishii 'sempai' when they saw each other again. Oh, maybe you also forgot Ishii was from Seigaku?"
If Junko was offended, she hid it well.
"Hoshimi-chan…" Koharu said softly, her ice-blue orbs pleading. Hoshimi grunted, but heeds the silent request.
Laughing softly, in what others would assume to be a shy one, Junko lifted a bare shoulder, her shirt being an-off shoulder cut of the softest yellow shade giving them a peak of flawless porcelain skin, brushed her hair off the blades of her shoulder and offered Sakuno an apologetic look. "Gomen. It was so dark…" she trailed off when she noticed the males looking at her curiously.
And then there was a hint of pink in her cheeks, before her eyes drops to the ground, her lips twisted in a small smile, hidden.
Hoshimi sighed once again; rolled her eyes once more in what could be interpreted as incredulity. Koharu patted her shoulder gently, as if in understanding.
"Anyway—"Kazue started, before a loud cheer from the courts cut her off.
"Looks like the game will be starting." Inui startled them with the statement, but all of their attention was suddenly glued at the courts below them.
"Che. Finally."
Beside her, Ryoma-kun leaned forward, elbows on knees, a serious look on his face, as if he was the one down there, facing an opponent across the net.
Sakuno smiled, her eyes faint with both amusement and wonder.
"I hope Ayana will be quick to come back," Hoshimi drawled, her legs a languid stretch in front of her, "this won't take too long."
Looking at the obviously inferior player opposing Tezuka, they all agreed with the observation.
Tomoka rarely ever smiles sheepishly— because it's just not her nature to be sheepish. But almost every time she's faced with her more matured cousin (despite the fact that her Yana-nee is just more than a year older than her age of fifteen), Tomoka couldn't help it.
It was a good thing her cousin rarely ever intends to make her feel that, but Tomoka knew it was not because her Yana-nee is a generously kind person—not that her cousin is not a kind person, of course.
"Really, Yana-nee, you didn't have to come here just to give this to me!" Tomoka clasped the ticket close to her chest, her eyes practically twinkling at the words 'VIP Pass- Admit one' that were emblazoned in bold letters.
Tomoka wanted to faint on that very same spot— it's a VIP Pass for the event happening in downtown two weeks from now— the one Tomoka had been saving her allowance for the last few months for, where a ticket (general admission) costs a hefty 7,000 yen.
For a middle schooler like Tomoka, that's a lot. She couldn't even start to think how much the VIP admission pass costs.
"Both of us will be here I know," Ayana said with a smile in her voice, "so I thought I'd give it to you now."
Her hair is in its usual top bun, with her bangs swept to the side and clipped at the back of her ear, though a few locks have escaped the roll of her do.
"I was watching Kazue play as well." She added, shrugging in a nonchalant fashion.
Tomoka raised her grateful eyes to her laughing cousin, and was rewarded by a dance of amusement in the older girl's brown eyes. Tomoka also loved her Yana-nee's eyes— sometimes they are amber brown, sometimes a rusty sort of the same shade, and sometimes—like now, it's just brown. Not like Sakuno's chocolate orbs, or her own.
What she loved more about her cousin though (aside from being the most awesome cousin who always invites and gives Tomoka free tickets to her band's events) is how she manages to look pretty in almost anything. Even in just her white polo shirt and jeans, Ayana Osakada manages to look radiant—a feat Tomoka knew will take her years to master. Tomoka often wondered if there is a class for that, but decided that even if there is, she'll never be able to pass said class.
"Ishii-sempai played?" smoothing the pass before slipping it into her jean's pocket—Tomoka mentally admonished herself for not bringing a wallet or a bag today. "I thought she was planning to quit the tennis team?"
"Her captain refused her resignation."
Tomoka blinked. "Oh. Oh—so uhm…"
Smiling, Ayana moved to step on Tomoka's left, started to walk towards the courts, Tomoka unconsciously following her. "Kazue didn't really want to quit her tennis." Her smile didn't falter, but the look in her eyes changed, and Tomoka wondered.
"Then why did she say she'll quit?" Tomoka remembered that day when an out of breath, wind-swept Kazue Ishii barged into their house where Ayana was playing the guitar for her brothers one winter afternoon, and announced she will be hanging her tennis rackets and quit.
The resoluteness on those blue eyes was so solid and steel that Tomoka was convinced Kazue would really do it.
"I don't get it." Tomoka mumbled, stuffing her hands on her front pockets, sighing in a way that is weary and just a bit jealous and envious.
What she wouldn't give to be able to play tennis—to be able to shine and be admired. She'd love that—the feeling of adrenaline pumping through her veins, the throb of excitement overflowing her, the sound of her feet skidding to a harsh stop as she hits a ball back to her opponent…
It has been a long time since she last played. Between her studies, her part-time job, her chores at home—there's just no time.
And to hear that there are people who don't appreciate that chance wholly—
Tomoka gave a sigh; it wouldn't do her good to be thinking of her lost chances. Somehow, she'd gotten used to not having the chance to seize any opportunity that passes her by. She has responsibilities unlike girls her age—and though Tomoka would have wanted to just forget about them and be a normal fifteen-year-old girl and have fun whenever she wants and can—she just can't.
Ayana chanced a glance at her cousin, whose silence she knows stems from some sort of repressed anger, and disappointment.
Tomoka had always been like the surface of a clear ocean—one doesn't need to look too deeply and long to see what's inside, what's down there. And for Ayana, it takes less than one look, one sigh, one second for her to know and feel what Tomoka is feeling, thinking.
Sometimes, she felt like an intruder. Sometimes, Ayana wanted to not look; to not know—but she just can't not—no matter how hard she tries.
It's a blessing and a curse—to feel too much, to see more than what others can, and Ayana had learned how to take advantage of that.
Though it doesn't necessarily makes her any proud.
"Kazue—" she smiled, laid a hand on Tomoka's shoulder, the other gripping the strap of her guitar, "Kazue was just confused then—until now. I think—" -I know- "some people are like that, Tomo-chan."
"She's not like you." Ayana said softly, her grip on Tomoka's shoulder tightening when her cousin tensed. She continued. "You know what you want, but you also know what you have to do."
"Kazue is different. She doesn't know what she wants to be."
Still frowning, Tomoka tried not to shrug. "That's too bad then." She didn't know what else she can say, so Tomoka settled on that.
Ayana laughed a soft one, her hand dropping off Tomoka's shoulder. "Yeah…it's too bad."
"That was a quick match, Tezuka."
Without glancing at Fuji, Tezuka responded with his usual 'hn', before zipping his bag. Hefting it to his shoulders, he turned to his team mate, and glared at the smile that was on Fuji's face.
He knows that smile; it means an incoming headache for him.
Chuckling, Fuji motioned to where Ayana is talking to their coach's granddaughter and her cousin. "I didn't know the two of you are still on…speaking terms…Saa, Tezuka. Are you hiding anything from me?"
"Why wouldn't we be talking?" translates to, "I will talk to her when I want to."
Amused, Fuji tilted his head to the left, blue eyes slowly opening. "You do know he wouldn't like it that you're talking to Osakada-chan, right?"
Fuji smiled. In Tezuka's monosyllabic dictionary that one translates to 'I don't care.' Awww…His captain is growing up.
"Saa.., we better go home now then."
"Ah." Taking two steps forward, Tezuka stopped. He didn't turn though when he said, "Tell the rest training on Monday starts at seven sharp."
"Hai, hai, Buchou."
Chuckling at the almost annoyed grunt Tezuka has given him; Fuji made his way towards their waiting team, all the while eyes following his captain's movements, until they both reached their intended destination.
"I insist, Sakuno-san."
"Just accept it so we can go together Sakuno!"
Tomoka sighed, murmured something under her breath before taking the ticket from her cousin's hands and thrusting it with a little bit more force to Sakuno's.
Poor girl all but squeaked, red-faced. Tomoka fixed her a glare, before launching on a mini-tirade; Ayana watching with amusement.
"You said you wanted to watch them perform again, right?" Sakuno nodded shyly, eyes darting around them. "So now's your chance! Geez, Sakuno-chan. Why can't you just accept it! Come on, it will be fun!"
"But— but—I haven't asked grandma for permission yet! And—"
Ayana smiled gently, placating the younger girl. "Is that all? I can talk to your grandma if you want."
Does she even know grandma? Sakuno thought to ask, but couldn't. Instead, she bit her lips. It's true she said she wanted to see the older girl's band again. There's just something that night that Sakuno couldn't quite forget, couldn't shake off. Even now, she still gets excited whenever she thinks about it.
But, is it really okay? Is she not being too presumptuous if she does accept the invitation?
But if she refuses…she doesn't want to think what Tomo-chan will do if refused!
"Stop over-thinking okay?" Slapping her arm none-too-gently, Tomoka wrapped her own around Sakuno's shoulders. "You're too young to be doing that!"
"I'd be really grateful if you come, Sakuno-san." Ayana smiled, brown eyes boring down on Sakuno's.
She is being too nice to me…Hiding a sigh, Sakuno lifted her eyes, to give the older girl a smile, but ended up blushing profusely when she saw Tezuka and the rest of the team approaching them.
"Uhm…anou…okay, Ayana-sempai." She said weakly, her eyes dropping on the ground, her feet shuffling.
"Yana, hey, shouldn't we be going?" Frowning, Hoshimi shouted from where she was standing with Koharu (who looks a little bit scared at the way Kaidoh is hissing at an overly enthusiastic Momo and Eiji). "We need to practice!"
"You have practice today, Kazue-chan?" Smiling, Fuji asked.
Coming to a stop, Kazue slung an arm around Ayana's. "Yep! We have an event in two weeks, so Ayana here is slave driving us once more!" At Ayana's chuckle, she waved her other hand in the air behind her. "But it's okay! We're in a roll these past few weeks, and we don't want our momentum to stop!"
Chuckling, Fuji lets his eyes take in the bright smile painting Kazue's face. He'd ever thought he'll see her like this—cheery, bright like the sun. She'd always been a winter girl—his winter girl, once—with sighs and thoughts deeper than his ocean-blue eyes.
Maybe moving to Rikkai had done this to her—or maybe it's his doing.
"Ah, that's good to hear." He'd said, avoiding a pair of all-seeing brown eyes, "Any chance you'll invite us to a show?" he teased, just so he could close his lids and hide.
Still grinning, Kazue crinkled her nose—a habit she couldn't quite get rid of. "Maybe…if you promise you'd pay me for winning our bet about Tezuka's preferences!"
"Tezuka-kun's…preferences?" Ayana asked, quite amused at the glare Tezuka sent her. "On what?"
"Hn." With a warning look, he tugged at the guitar on her shoulder and, ignoring looks from his team, steered the smiling girl by the hold he has on her elbow. "Let's go."
Chuckling still, Ayana nodded at the girls, Fuji and the males, and then at Sakuno and Tomoka, before matching Tezuka's stride, her soft laughter drowning the male's grunt.
They looked comfortable together, and Inui, standing beside a guffawing Momo and Eiji, couldn't still believe there is a female in this world—no, universe—that would look as effortlessly comfortable as Ayana Osakada beside the terse and Tezuka Kunimitsu.
It simply defies all logic.
There was a terse silence, Sakuno noticed, as she and the rest follow the two retreating juniors with their eyes. She was surprised at the knowledge that Ayana Osakada and Tezuka Kunimitsu are that close, considering how private the male captain is.
Tomoka seems to know a little bit more than the rest of them, as she simply shrugs a shoulder before pulling on Sakuno's hands.
Looking behind her, Sakuno caught the bewildered stares the rest of the tennis team (except Inui-sempai and Fuji-sempai, of course) and the thin-lipped countenance of the girls (except Kazue-sempai, whose eyes she couldn't see because the older girl was busying herself with her bag, as if looking for something).
"Well, what are we waiting here for?! Let's go!" with a grin, Kazue marched ahead the rest of the group, ignoring the way Fuji is looking at her.
Another A/N: Thanks to all who posted a review/suggestion for the last chap! I have downloaded some songs from you guys and listened to them over and over again. I admit to being addicted to some, actually. :)
HungryChesire, SunnyGirl9, KuroHana21, RockPrincess410 and guest reviewers...THANK YOU! And also to those who favorited/followed this story...can't thank you enough guys.
That's all.
Disclaimer: I do not own PoT, or Perfect Day by Supercell, title of this chapter.