DISCLAIMER: This is based off of Jennifer Armentrout's Lux series. Jennifer Armentrout owns all of the characters and story.

7 months later after the end of Opposition


Wringing my hands together, I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. I couldn't believe this day was actually here. Wow. If you had asked me a year and a half ago, I wouldn't have thought Daemon and I would make it to this. Raw emotion built up inside of me and tears began to fill my eyes.

Dee rushed up behind me from where she was adjusting her dress and asked, worriedly, "Kat, are you okay? What's wrong?"

I smiled slightly as my eyes blurred and nodded, saying as I turned around, "Yeah, I'm fine." Dee waited expectantly, her green eyes wide, and I looked away before stuttering out, "It's just…I didn't think – I didn't – I…today… would – would…"

Suddenly, Dee flung her thin arms around me, whispering, "I know, Katy. Trust me, I know." She pulled back, her hands on my shoulders, and said, "There were times I had doubts too. But the thing is, we're here now. You, me, Daemon, Archer, Dawson, Beth, even Ashley. We're all here now, and by some miracle, we're okay."

I grinned through my tears and replied, "Don't get me wrong, Dee, I know. But it's not just that. It's the fact that I'm-I'm so happy, and sometimes that just feels wrong, especially when my mom, or Carissa, or Adam, or even Andrew and Ash, aren't here to be part of it."

Dee's bright eyes filled with tears before she squeezed me harder. I hugged her back and held on tightly. She said, "I get sad thinking about them too." She pulled back again and looked at me, saying, "And it's not that we should forget them, it's just that we can't let them keep us from living our own lives."

Despite everything, I choked on a laugh and said, "Geez, Dee. Since when did you become so mature?"

She grinned and replied, "I have no idea." She wiped the back of her hand on her cheek and smiled as she said, "Oh crap. Now I'm crying!"

I laughed and said, "I know, I'm sorry. So am I." And suddenly, a few tears streaked down my cheeks, but this time, tears of happiness.

Dee groaned as she smiled, saying, "Oh, don't start crying more, Kat! You'll mess up my masterpiece! And, you shouldn't be crying! It's your wedding day!"

I nodded as I wiped the tears from my cheeks, smiling once again. Dee fluttered over to the vanity. We were in Dawson and Beth's room getting ready. I looked to my right at the picture of the three of them hung on the wall, and I grinned even more. They were so cute, and Ashley was getting so big. Her black, unruly curls reached the top of her back, and she was growing taller every day. I looked back at Dee as she rummaged through her makeup bag. She came up with a few tubes in her hands and rushed back over to me. She dabbed at my cheeks with a cloth and then a powdered brush, before swiping a wand of mascara across my lashes. She fixed a few curls added one more spritz of shimmery spray to my hair.

She pulled back, grinning, and said, "Okay. You're finally ready." She turned me around to face the floor length mirror, and she pressed her hands to her mouth, smiling. My eyes grew wide as I stared at my reflection. I didn't look like myself at all. Whatever Dee had done, she made me look – and not to sound conceited – but she had made me look…beautiful. My grey eyes were framed with thick, black lashes, and Dee had done something with the sparkling eyeliner to make my eyes seem huge, and the color popped. My skin was creamy, shimmery, and smooth, and my cheeks were tinged pink. My lips were the color of roses, and perfectly shaped. Dee had curled my hair into a low chignon at the nape of my neck, and a few loose curls hung around my face, framing my cheeks. She had secured the silver piece at the top of my veil on the top of the bun, and it fell down my back and gathered at the floor. The lacy, strapless gown I wore cinched at my waist and the tulle and lace fabric fell in loose layers to my feet. My ears sparkled with my mother's sapphire and diamond earrings.

"Whoa," I whispered.

"You look beautiful, Kat," Dee said as she looked at me in the mirror.

I turned to her and said, "Thanks, Dee. Thank you. So do you!" And she did. Her dark hair fell in a straight, silky sheet over her shoulders, and a single silver pin was secured in her hair, pinning back a section. Her flowing lilac bridesmaid dress brushed her sandaled toes and her eyes were beautiful as ever. "Where's Lesa?"

Dee said, "Um, I think she went to get the flowers."

I nodded, "Okay." Just then, a knock sounded on the door, and Lesa poked her head in.

Her dark eyes widened and she said, "Holy crap, Katy. You look gorgeous!" She rushed in with her arms full of flowers and threw an arm around me.

I giggled and squeezed her back, "Thanks. How's the dress?"

Lesa stood back and groaned, "Oh my god, it's beautiful! It fits perfectly! You look beautiful!"

I laughed again and said, "No, not mine. Yours."

Rolling her eyes, Lesa said, "Um, it's awesome." She smiled slyly and twirled. Dee giggled and I smiled. Once she stopped, she said, "But seriously, Katy, nothing and no one could even possibly be as pretty as you are today!"

Suddenly, another knock sounded on the door and I yelled, "Come in!"

Beth stuck her head in and said, "Hey guys, it's time. Daemon and Dawson and the guys are ready!" Her eyes drifted over to me and she gasped, "Oh wow, Katy, you look absolutely beautiful!"

Blushing now, I replied, "Thanks, Beth."

Grinning, Dee looked at me and said, "Katy, you're just going to have to get used to everyone fawning over you!" I blushed even more and everyone laughed.

Beth cleared her throat and continued, "Um, you guys ready?"

Lesa, as if shook from a daze, yelped, "Yeah! Here guys," she finished as she handed Dee an identical bouquet of white peonies. She then turned to me and handed me a bigger bouquet of white peonies and roses. Nerves started to fill me as Lesa and Dee made final, last-minute touches to their dresses. Oh my god. Holy crapola. Beth saw my paling face and she gave me an encouraging smile.

"Don't worry, everything will be great," she said. She crossed her fingers and I let out a shaky breath.

Lesa took my hand and said, "Bethany's right. Everything will be perfect." With that, she walked into the hall to join Beth.

Dee gave me one last squeeze and whispered, "I'm so happy for both you and my brother, Kat." She pulled back and I saw the joy in her grass-colored eyes as she said, "I mean it. You both deserve each other. You two love each other so much."

Shifting my flowers to one hand, I threw my arms around her and said, "Thanks, Dee. I love you."

She hugged me back and giggled, "Love you too, sis." She winked at the last bit and I couldn't help but laugh. She went on, "Alright, no more delaying. It's time you got married!" She squealed and followed Lesa.

I took one last look in the mirror and took a deep breath. Well, this is it, I thought. With that, I followed Dee out of what seemed like the safety of Beth and Dawson's room, and on my way out, Beth smiled at me and said, "Everyone's in the back. They're all waiting on you." I nodded nervously and clutched my bouquet. We all followed Beth's retreating, blue-dress clad figure down the hall, and then down the stairs. I made sure to throw my veil behind me and keep my dress up, because oh god that would be so embarrassing if I broke my leg right before my wedding, although Daemon might get a kick out of it.

At the bottom of the stairs was Ashley, sitting on the ground in a light purple dress with a darker purple sash. Beth rushed into the kitchen and came back with a basket of rose petals, and handed them to Ashley. She spoke softly to Ashley, "Ash, do you remember how Daddy and I showed you how to walk down the aisle?"

Ashley nodded and smiled a slightly toothless grin before saying, "Uh-huh Mommy! Like this!" As to demonstrate, she started throwing small handfuls of petals on the ground.

Beth nodded and smiled, "That's right. Okay, mommy has to go sit down now." She straightened up and came over to me before saying, "Alright, once I go out and take my seat, that's the queue for the music to start playing. Once that happens, Ash will go start walking, then Lesa, then Dee, and finally, you. Okay?"

I nodded and said, "Okay, got it." Beth nodded and started to turn around, but I called out, "Oh, and Beth?"

She stopped and turned to face me, asking, "Yeah?"

"Thank you for everything."

Beth smiled and quickly walked over to me and gave me a quick hug, "Of course. But really, it's me who should be thanking you for everything you've done for us," she said as her eyes drifted to Ashley. She looked back at me, her brown eyes sincere and joyful, and whispered quickly, "Congratulations." She smiled and turned around again.

As Beth opened the door and slipped outside into their backyard, Lesa and Dee came over to me quickly and adjusted the veil and the train of my dress. Once everything was in place, they both gave me a quick hug.

Lesa said, "Congrats, Katy."

And Dee followed, "We're so happy for you, Kat."

"Thanks, guys, I couldn't have done this without you two," I told them as I grinned nervously.

Just then, I heard a harp start to play outside and it felt as if all the air had been punched from my gut. My eyes widened and Dee shrieked.

"Oh my God, it's time!" Dee squealed. With one last adjusting of my gown, Lesa and Dee lined up in front of me, and Lesa helped Ashley stand and get ready. They both looked at me one last time, and then Ashley walked out of the door. I heard a soft chorus of "awwws" outside, and despite my nerves, I smiled. A few moments later, Lesa walked out of the door. God, this was so nerve-wrecking. Maybe I should just bolt? No. I couldn't. Katy, stop being a baby, and get out there. Technically, Daemon and I had already done this, but still, this seemed much more real, and in a sense, I guess it was.

With one last look over her shoulder, Dee glided out the door. Taking a deep breath that I'm not even sure went to my lungs, I took a step forward in what felt like was slow motion. As I neared the door, I could feel my breath coming faster and faster, until finally, I stepped out into the breezy, light air.

And then I gasped.