I am back again! This time I am here to update this lovely Kurtbastian I've had sitting around since like last August. Wow, nine months. Yikes, sorry about that! It's like a pregnancy I guess. XD I still feel so bad omg I'm sorry. I'm not even sure what exactly I'm gonna write about. I'll just go with the flow probably. I never plan these things. I should start doing that.
Anywho! Here we go.
In My Head – Chapter Two
Kurt went the rest of his day not hearing a word from the mysterious Sebastian who messaged him on Skype. He figured the other man either was busy, or just decided that he didn't feel like talking to Kurt any longer. Either way, he wasn't too bothered by it. The man seemed nice enough.
Blaine always returned home from his classes before Kurt did, so when Kurt walked through the door, he saw his roommate sat out on the couch, his laptop in his lap, probably working on whatever term paper he had to write for his musical theory class. They exchanged their hellos as Kurt flopped down on the couch next to Blaine, carefully toing off his shoes.
"How was class?" Blaine asked casually, his eyes not leaving the screen of his laptop as he typed away at his essay.
"It was good. The weirdest thing happened though! I got this random message from some guy on Skype." Kurt said with a look of confusion on his face. He didn't notice the way that Blaine tensed up, pausing in his typing as he glanced over at Kurt. "I mean, the guy, his name was Sebastian, he seemed pretty nice. It was just really random. Apparently some guy at a bar gave him my Skype name. Don't know why the guy didn't just give him the number to a deli or something…"
"Yeah…" Came Blaine's awkward reply, as he cleared his throat and got back to typing, trying to avoid all eye contact with Kurt as he could. "That's… That is super weird."
Okay, now if Blaine didn't have the worst guilty face on right now, it would probably be his tone that gave it away. Kurt narrowed his eyes at his roommate and casually slipped out his phone. Pulling open Skype, he opened the chat he had with Sebastian earlier.
"[4:40 pm] Kurt Hummel: Hey, I have a little question for you."
Sending out the message, Kurt set his phone down and waited for the reply. He waited through three episodes of Law and Order, and through dinner, where he and Blaine ordered Chinese takeout. It was only when he was in his room at his computer, working on his homework while snacking on potato chips, that he finally got a message back from Sebastian, the message window pinging on his laptop.
"[6:04 pm] Sebastian Skype: Hey, sorry, just got home from class. What do you need to ask?"
Letting out a soft sigh as he went to type the message back to Sebastian, he attached an image of Blaine along with it, sending it to him.
"[6:06 pm] Kurt Hummel: (View image) Is this the guy who gave you my Skype name the other night?"
"[6:07 pm] Sebastian Skype: Holy shit, yeah that's him! You know that guy? Wait, that's a stupid question. How else would he know your Skype name?"
"[6:07 pm] Kurt Hummel: Ugh, figures… That's my roommate, Blaine. That asshole, I'm gonna kill him."
"[6:09 pm] Sebastian Skype: Ooooh, so you're the roommate who screamed about some guy touching your ass. You're right, you are really effeminate."
"[6:09 pm] Kurt Hummel: Shut up…"
"[6:10 pm] Sebastian Skype: Whatever. Tell Blaine I said 'Go fuck yourself, because I ain't fucking you'."
"[6:10 pm] Kurt Hummel: Will do."
Speak of the devil, just then Blaine came into his room, carrying Kurt's box of sweet and sour chicken. "Hey, Kurt, if you're not gonna finish this, can I have the rest?"
"Sure." Kurt said with an overly sweet smile, standing from his chair so that he could face Blaine. "Oh, and Sebastian told me to tell you 'Go fuck yourself, because I ain't fucking you'. His words, not mine."
The speed at which Blaine's face fell could hold records, and Kurt would laugh if he wasn't extremely pissed that his roommate would do something like that. "Oh, that's, uh… That's nice… I'm just… Just gonna… Go on out now…" He mumbled, slowly backing out the door.
"Oh no you don't!" Kurt called after him, following him out into the hallway, when he tried retreating into the living room. "Blaine, what the hell? Giving my Skype name to some sleazy guy at a gay bar?"
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I panicked! He wouldn't let me go until I gave him my number, and I lied and said my phone was broken, which he didn't believe so I just gave him your Skype name because he asked for mine, and I regretted it immediately after I did it but it just sorta happened, I didn't even know he was actually gonna message you-!"
"Blaine, please, shut up." Kurt groaned, pinching at the bridge of his nose as he got the other to stop rambling. "I…" He started, and then just let out a sigh. "I can let it go this time, since Sebastian is actually pretty nice and understanding. But just please, don't do something this stupid again."
"I won't, I promise."
And that was the end of that.
Afterwards, Kurt didn't hear from Sebastian again until he was getting himself tucked into bed. He was about to plug his phone in for the night, when it went off, signaling that he got a message. When he checked it, it showed that he had a message from Sebastian again.
"[11:30 pm] Sebastian Skype: Nighty night stranger."
Kurt couldn't help but smile, typing his message in reply.
"[11:31 pm] Kurt Hummel: Good night, Sebastian."
The next day, Kurt woke up at around 11:30 in the morning. Since it was a weekend, he didn't have to worry so much about getting up for classes. He still felt like getting out of the apartment though, so he dressed himself up nicely in a pair of his best grey skinny jeans, a simple white t-shirt, and a black sweater with a red scarf tied around his neck. When he left, Blaine was still asleep, so he slipped out quietly deciding to go grab some coffee at the Starbucks up the street from their apartment. It surprisingly wasn't as good as the Lima Bean, but coffee was coffee, and he needed his Grande latte mocha. So he waited in the short line at the counter, and ordered his coffee with a croissant, giving his name.
Once they called his name, Kurt grabbed his cup and his croissant, going to sit at a small table near a window. As much as he loved hanging out with his friends in the city, it was nice when he had days off from school and work and just got to spend time by himself. He could check up on Facebook to see how his friends and family not in the city were doing, check his emails, and just relax and not worry about what he was going to do for school or work or anything like that. It was calming. Sure, he wishes to one day take a boyfriend to his favorite relaxation spots, but for the time being, he was content by himself.
Well, it was quiet alone time, until he got a message. He figured it was probably Blaine wondering where he was, but when he checked, he saw it was Sebastian.
"[12:10 pm] Sebastian Skype: Hey, what's your number? As awesome as Skype is, I'm not always around wifi and I'm draining my cell data like crazy talking to you."
"[12:11 pm] Kurt Hummel: Now Sebastian, is that anyway to ask someone for their number? And anyway, I just started talking to you yesterday. What makes you think I'm gonna give you my phone number?"
"[12:12 pm] Sebastian Skype: I see how it is, you want me to beg, don't ya? Fine. Please?"
"[12:12 pm] Kurt Hummel: That was pitiful. But, ugh, fine, whatever. You have a point. Skype drains the hell out of my phone battery."
So, Kurt sent Sebastian his phone number. He wasn't sure what came over him that made him actually agree to give a near stranger his phone number, but, what's done is done. And sure enough, the first message came through from Sebastian.
"Unknown: There, see? Much better."
Chuckling, Kurt saved Sebastian's number to his phone as well, typing a message back to him.
"K: Yes, I see what you mean. This is a lot easier."
"S: Much."
"K: Okay, so I'm at Starbucks, right? Well, I never really believed the whole 'Starbucks employees are horrible at spelling your name right' thing, because most of the time, they spell my name right or spell it "Curt", which I can let slide because a c and a k make the same sound. But this isn't even close."
Holding up his Grande latte mocha, Kurt quickly snapped a picture of it in his hand, the spelling on the cup being "Cert". He then sent the picture to Sebastian, because it was absolutely ridiculous.
"K: Have you ever heard of a person in your life named 'Cert'?"
"S: LOL, uhm. No. That's just sad. I hate Starbucks though, their coffee is shitty. The best coffee I've ever had is at this place called the Lima Bean, which I'm sure you've never heard of, but the coffee there was the shit. Never got a cup of coffee that was as good as theirs since I moved."
"K: Surprisingly, I have heard of it… I used to live in Lima. Did you live there too?"
"S: Westerville, actually. But that's weird. Small world, we're both from Ohio."
"K: Blaine's from Westerville, too."
"S: Huh, I guess all gay men flee Ohio eventually."
Kurt laughed out loud at that, mostly because it was true, as far as he was concerned. The only one of his gay friends that he knew of that was still in Ohio was David. Santana, Blaine and himself all left to New York.
"K: We're too good for Ohio anyway. Whatever, what are you up to this early on a Saturday?"
"S: Well, I don't know if I mentioned this before or not, but I am a music student at Julliard. I take their voice classes, and I'm rehearsing for this recital I have in a few months. I have to sing Italian… Ugh, my Italian is shit. I don't speak Italian. I don't even plan on singing in languages other than English when I get out of college."
"K: If you're rehearsing, then why are you texting me? You're not gonna get any better at Italian if you don't focus, dummy."
"S: My teacher isn't here yet. He's supposed to be helping me out but he's way late. He was supposed to get here at 12:30."
"S: Nevermind, asshole just got here. So I gotta go. I'll text you later though, dork."
"K: Go learn Italian, asshole."
Sitting back in his chair as he put his phone down, taking a sip of his now cold coffee, Kurt didn't notice he was smiling until just now. God, how was a guy he just met effecting him this much? He's pretty sure he was told some stories about people getting murdered by being lured by creeps they met online… God, his dad would kill him if he ended up being killed by Sebastian.
Wait… That makes no sense. Dammit Hummel, get your head out of your ass.
Okay! I decided to switch it up a little bit here, going for texting instead because I see that using Skype the whole time would get fairly tedious. We will eventually go back to Skype though. And as I was writing, I actually kind of thought of a few ideas! Which I should definitely write down so I don't forget.
Until next time, darlings!