(A/N): Let's wrap this one up shall we? Since the idea is fresh in my head, I figured I'd just finish this one off right now. Thanks for all the views my friends. It definitely makes me feel welcomed back into the fanfiction world after such a long time.

By popular demand, you guys can expect the rest of the unfinished ones to be done very soon. I'm working on all of them simultaneously so expect a flood of content from me in the coming weeks. Thanks for sticking by me for so long everyone...I've really appreciated the support and the fact that you guys enjoy what I write. You guys have made up nearly half of my total views amongst all of my stories so the League community is really strong even today.

Thanks...now let's get back to it shall we?

Better Than The Average

"Nocturne is coming from the right,"
"I see him,"
"Sona's just up ahead, keep running and tell me if you need more speed,"

I continued to look through my orb as Sarah continued to sprint as quickly as she could towards Sona as Nocturne initiated his infamous Paranoia.

"ALL ALONE!" he cackled.

I channelled some of my energy as I transferred it to Sarah, giving her the speed she needed to make it in time to Sona.

"Rengar needs to hurry up with that Nexus...if I go down then no one will be left to defend ours,"
"Jonas will get it done, right now we have to worry about that ghost flying towards you,"

Sarah drew her pistols as she turned to look behind her only to see Nocturne flying at her. Sarah shouted for Sona to use her Crescendo and after managing to get out of the way of the tremendous blast of sound, Sarah sucked in a breath before lifting her pistols up. Nocturne was struck hard with the sound as Sarah unleashed a barrage of bullets. The ghost however looked up, still somewhat alright as he continued towards the two girls. I smiled as I channelled my energy once more, lighting him on fire through sheer force of will. Soon, Nocturne fell, allowing Sarah and Sona to escape. It wasn't long before Rengar indeed struck the finishing blow on the enemy Nexus and our team won. I smiled at yet another victory though this one was special; it was for a large sum of gold as it was the final of a tournament. This was the win that determined whether or not I would be able to finally move out of that tiny apartment of mine...then again, it was my home for most of my life and leaving Bilgewater behind wasn't exactly something I thought about a lot on a normal day.

I had too many friends, too many memories and I guess to an extent, I didn't want to leave Sarah behind either. We would still see each other at the Institute Of War but considering that I intended to move to Ionia where she was wanted for many crimes, it wouldn't be feasible to include her in my everyday life if I decided to make the trip. She and I had grown into such good friends over the past year that I probably consider her even closer than Harry. She treated me like a little brother; she was always the one to tell me where I was wrong and where I was stupid but I guess I wasn't the smartest of people considering what happened after my sister passed.

I drank a lot, I did a lot of reckless things when it came to my job as a hunter and most notably, I spent a lot of time at the Institute. Rengar and I were partners and friends and he was the one I called upon most of the time but every now and again, I'd call on Sarah and she would go right back to being the kind of harsh big sister that Cassandra was. I saw a lot of her in Sarah...maybe that was why I was so drawn to her. I couldn't care less about the fact that she was a terrifying bounty hunter who chose to shoot first then ask questions later and her sex appeal was infamous enough in Bilgewater to label her as the "Untouchable Pirate Queen" but that wasn't why I liked Sarah so much.

She was honest, she was real and even though she wasn't the best of friends at times, she was probably the realest person I could think of. She never lied to me about her opinion, preferring to say something that expressed her distaste rather than to sugar coat it. Even though she was harsh with her opinions, she always wanted to know what was bothering me and she had her own methods of letting me blow off steam. She'd come with me on fishing trips, work out with me and sometimes, she'd even help me brainstorm ideas for a book I'm writing on the side. She was very understanding...something that I found to be rare in women as attractive as her.

"Are you going to take us home?"

Her words snapped me from my train of thought as I chanted my spell to being her back to the Institute. She was smiling at me.

"30,000 was it?" she asked.
"40,000 actually," I replied.

She smiled at me.

"You earned it...I'm proud of you," she said ruffling my hair.

I rolled my eyes as I picked up my bag. I then held her hand before chanting the teleportation spell back to Bilgewater.

Three Hours Later- Connor's Apartment

"And of course we'd come back her completely drunk,"

I shook my head as I sat down. Sarah was laughing hysterically.

"You said her...not here," she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at myself; I had no idea I was already so far gone.

"It was a good party though," she said.
"Can't complain I guess," I replied.

She removed her jacket and lay down in my bed.

"For a shy guy, you sure know how to attract a crowd," she said.
"Most of them were fans of the team...they come with winning the tournament," I replied.

She shook her head.

"Can't you for once stop trying to explain yourself and loosen up?" she snapped.

I was silenced by her suddenly serious tone as she rose to her feet. She approached me with a rather serious look on her face though it was red from the heat the alcohol in her body generated. She probably had just as much, if not more than I did.

"I swear one of the most annoying things about you is that you don't know how to take words at face value...accept the compliment and move on," she said again.

I nodded slowly.

"Guess I'm not used to getting compliments for anything I do," I replied.

She shook her head as she sat on my lap, her back turned to me. I mentally jumped up in shock but realized that she was doing what she usually does: teasing me.

"What's it gonna take for me to let you know that you're a good guy?" she mumbled.
"You had a little too much to drink," I said closing my eyes.

I could feel the alcohol wearing off as my metabolism quickly began to break it down. My body had learned to get over alcohol quickly over the long years I spent drinking and thanks to my rather healthy lifestyle, I rarely suffered from its aftereffects.

"And if I did?" she asked.

I lifted her from my legs and placed her in the bed.

"Sleep it off Sarah," I said.

I turned to take a shower but her hand shot out and grabbed mine. She drew me close to her, her eyes almost drunk with lust.

"Make me," she whispered.

I shook my head as I freed my hand from her grasp.

"This teasing doesn't work on me...don't you know that by now?" I asked.

I then raised a hand.

"You're drunk...so it's even worse," I continued.

I turned once more to shower and she didn't stop me this time.

Later That Night

I finally felt my head become steady as I rose from the bed. I looked around to see the apartment deserted. I looked around until I saw a note on the fridge.

"Today's that day...I'll be back quickly,"

My face suddenly went pale and I realized just why he got so serious earlier; today marked the anniversary of his sisters death. I knew he would want to be alone so I did what I usually did, wait for him to return. I guess I went a little too far when I teased him earlier because I knew he had feelings for me. He always tried to play it cool and pretend he saw me only as a friend but any woman with eyes and intuition could tell that he liked me. The part that amazed me however was the fact that he didn't like me for the reasons other men did. I know I'm a beautiful woman and I know that men would kill to get me into their beds...but that wasn't why Connor liked me so much. In fact, he probably considered my looks to be a bonus.

He trusts me with just about anything going on in his life and for the most part, it was mutual. I always talked to him about my problems though they were few and far between and he always gave me good advice. He was always there when I needed somewhere to stay or someone to come with me to the bar so the men wouldn't annoy me as much...but I think he likes me...not Miss Fortune, the feared bounty hunter of Bilgewater. He knew what Sarah Fortune was like...he knew me better than every other person I could think of and he didn't mind me. He tolerated my teasing, my harsh opinions and all of my annoying flaws and he did it all with a smile.

That was a real man...the kind of man that every woman should seek to settle down with. Someone who was real...someone who would be there for you simply because you're you. I saw a flash of blue light outside of his door and soon, he entered the room. He was soaked to the marrow, no doubt due to the rain pouring outside. His face was pale and his eyes were almost soulless. I knew that he was suffering on the inside; his sister was a subject that only I could speak to him about and even then, he had difficulty talking about her for periods of time. I rose to my feet and approached him. He didn't move...just stared at the ground.

"Come on...let's get you to bed," I said softly.

He didn't respond as I removed his raincoat from him. He straightened his arms and allowed me to remove it, revealing a soaked dark blue muscle shirt that brought out his rather toned body. He wasn't impressive but he was enough to catch my eye. I've always found him attractive...though other men were much more so. I led him to the bathroom and looked at him, making my intent clear. He slowly raised his hands and allowed me to remove his shirt. I looked at him once more.

"Take a shower...I'm right outside," I whispered.

I exited the room and sat on the bed. Even though it was only a glimpse, I saw a tremendous amount of muscle definition on his torso. I guess being a hunter really had its perks after all. He was one of the most agile people I had ever seen, making climbing trees and leaping over objects seem like a breeze. I suddenly felt more attracted to him...but now was not the time for dirty thoughts. He was in pain...he probably wouldn't even speak for the rest of the night. The pipe turned off and he came out dressed in a long sleeved white shirt and navy blue pajama pants. He silently joined me on the bed but still said nothing. I did the only thing I could think of. I moved behind him and embraced him, wrapping my arms around his neck and allowing my weight to lean on him slightly. I hoped this would help him feel better.


I felt the concern from her gesture. I hadn't felt this bad in a long time...not since the day Rea passed. I visited her grave and after paying my respects...my heart suddenly grew darkened and I felt all happiness drain from my soul. It was supposed to be an easy visit as I had done many times before...but I guess I still haven't gotten over the fact that she was gone. I slowly placed my hand on Sarah's arm and rubbed it gently, showing her that I appreciated her efforts. She responded by holding me closer to her, not caring that my neck was pressing into her modest bust. Quite frankly, I didn't care either...it was childish to be embarrassed of something so meaningless.

"I'm not going anywhere..." she whispered.

I gathered my courage before rubbing her arm once more, indicating I wanted her to release me. She let go of me as I crawled up to the wall. She sat in front of me, looking at me with clear concern.

"You miss her...don't you?" she asked.
"With all my heart," I replied.

Sarah nodded.

"But there's something else on my mind...its been there for a while," I said.

I looked into her eyes and much to my surprise, she didn't break contact.

"I never took the time to say thank you...for all you've done for me," I said.

She smiled at me.

"That's what friends do," she replied.

The moment that word escaped her mouth, my eyes involuntarily narrowed but I smiled regardless.

"I don't know where I would be right now without you Sarah..." I continued.

She placed a hand on my cheek and looked at me.

"You're a good man Connor...now stop moping and move on with your life, you can't dwell on Rea forever," she said.

I opened my mouth to reply but she placed a finger on my lips, silencing me.

"She would want you to be happy," she said.

She moved her hand to my cheek and gently stroked it.

"You're way too good of a man to let this kind of thing bother you..." she whispered.

I looked down at the ground and took a deep breath before I held the hand on my cheek.

"I'm probably going to regret this...but I can't hold this in anymore," I whispered.

I closed the distance between our faces and gently placed my lips on hers. She stiffened at the contact and I pulled away after about three seconds, knowing full well that my face was probably the colour of blood. I looked at her and she seemed at a complete loss of words.

"I'm...sorry Sarah...I shouldn't have done that," I sighed deeply.

I looked away, my eyes narrowing at the mistake I just made.

"It's just that...you're the only one who's been there for me...and what we have is probably the thing I cherish most in my life right now," I explained.

She was still silent, looking at me as if she were scanning for a lie in my voice.

"I've...had a crush on you since the third month we met but I hid it from you because I didn't think you'd want something like that to think about," I continued.

I took another deep breath.

"You're an amazing woman...Bilgewater and hell most of Runeterra knows that whether it's for the superficial or meaningful reason but of all the others...I think I can say that my feelings run deeper than just mere infatuation,"

Her eyes widened.

"We've only been friends for a little more than a year...but I don't know anyone else as well as I know you...you're my best friend and someone who I would do anything for,"

She smiled at me and rubbed my cheek once more.

"You're such a sappy punk...now shut up and kiss me," she ordered.

Before I could even respond, she already placed herself in my lap and pressed her lips against mine.


I don't know what took him so long to realize that the attraction was mutual...maybe I didn't make it obvious enough but then again...Connor wasn't particularly the smoothest bullet in the chamber. He always looked out for others and never himself. I was honestly waiting for the day that he would finally realize that I would accept him and of all the time we spent, it took him 8 months to realize it. I started to feel deeply for him by the second month we met but it didn't turn into genuine feelings until about the fourth. He treated me as if I was his older sister.

He took me on many trips, went shopping with me and really made me feel special. Not the kind of special that a champion of the League feels but the kind that a woman feels when she knows she's wanted and appreciated. He was one of the very few humble men I could think of who would genuinely do anything for me because it was for me and not for something they could gain as a reward.

I waited so long for him to make a move and it took him to get torn apart again for him to realize that I wanted to be the one to put him back together because I cared that damn much for him. I didn't know when I was able to let genuine feelings develop; men usually sought after me because of my image...but he sought after me because I was simply...me.

I snuggled into his arms, pressing my weight against his chest as I tried to capture as much of his soft lips as I possibly could. It took him a few moments to process that I didn't reject him as he thought I would've but he put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer, causing me to move my hands to his neck. I had no idea how hands that handle a bow, a gun and carried so much heavy load all the time could be so soft and callus free but now was no time for questioning it. I deepened the kiss, capturing his lower lip with both of my own and sucking very gently. The low rumble in his throat indicated that he didn't object to the gesture in the slightest.

I stopped after a few seconds and looked into his eyes.

"Did you really not see?...I've been waiting for you to make a move," I whispered.

I giggled at the astonished face he made and before he could say a word, I silenced him with my finger.

"You cared enough to not act on your feelings to keep our friendship alive...you added to your suffering because you wanted us to always be friends...I'm here to tell you that there's no way in hell that I'd want you as just my friend after tonight..." I said with a sly smile.

He returned the smile and stroked my cheek.

"I love you Sarah," he whispered.

Those three words are the phrase I used to never want to hear because I was terrified of commitment but...it was Connor. Connor wasn't like all the other men out there...he was actually someone I believed would be worth facing my fears for. I knew that what I felt for him wasn't just a crush...but I have no idea how love truly feels.

"...I...think I love you too...Connor," I replied.


I could sense the emotions behind her words and I closed my eyes.

"I know your fear of commitment is still there...and I'm not pressuring you to do anything Sarah," I said.

I looked away for a moment.

"Your life isn't mine to control...and as a champion of League, you're not bound to do anything you're unsure of outside of the Fields Of Justice so...the way you want to do this is entirely up to you," I finished.

She looked astonished at my words.

"I'm not going to induce your fear because I want something real...I'd rather wait for you to conquer it yourself than to force the matter," I said.

She shook her head.

"You're such a selfless idiot..." she said flicking my forehead with her finger.
"Because I love you?" I replied.

She laughed softly.

"You know...I think that you really could be a man I could grow to love...if you give me a good enough reason," she teased.
"I still don't understand why I get the chance and no one else does...you even told me several times that other men look better than me," I said raising an eyebrow.
"Because you're better than the average," she replied solemnly.

I chuckled softly.

"Are you going to sit there the whole night laughing...or are we going to make things more interesting?" she said.

I hadn't heard this seductive voice before; my spine felt a shiver engulf it and my heart rate doubled.

"How do I know you're not leading me on this time?" I replied.

She looked at me and smiled as she led one of my hands to her left breast.

"I want you...to touch me...make me not regret my decision to say that you're better than the average man...because I don't give out compliments like that very easily," she whispered.

My eyes locked onto her face.

"You've been longing for me for a long time Connor...I could see it in the way you look at me...even though your intentions are pure, you can't deny that you've always longed to have me..." she continued.

That seductive tone of hers continued to eat away at my self control.

"Here's a little secret...I've never done this before...the closest I've come is second base before I killed my target," she whispered once me.

Sarah Fortune...WAS A VIRGIN?!

"You're...you're kidding me right?" I said in disbelief.
"If I'm afraid of commitment and I don't have any boy toys...how do you think I'd have lost it?" she asked.

I tried to speak but nothing came out but hot air. She giggled at me.

"Out of every other man I've met Connor...you're the only one I'd even consider giving myself to...now...make a move," she challenged.

The last few strings holding my control together vanished and I allowed my mind to recite the fact that Sarah Fortune now wanted me to be the one...to take her.


I guess I went a little far in saying that I was still a virgin. I've nearly lost it a total of eight times but I never quite got through. Four of those times were because I used myself to get close to my targets before killing them and the other four were drunken escapades that ended with me leaving whenever they got a little too...grabby.

Connor suddenly rushed forward and captured my lips and I smiled into the kiss; I finally broke that self-control he had over himself. I slept in the same bed with him numerous times in much less clothing that I was wearing now and I was amazed that he didn't do anything to me...not even stare. I guess there really are good guys left in the world.

I felt his hands gently explore my body, pausing at my stomach and feeling the muscles I knew I built up over the years I spent as a pirate. His hands were soft, light and never overzealous like those other men; they explored at a pace that allowed me to control where they went. I encouraged him by drawing his hands towards my breasts and I could tell he was nervous. Above all else, I wanted to see what he would do.

To my surprise, he moved his hands down to my shirt and broke the kiss, looking at me. The deep red blush in his face indicated that he wanted to remove it but he didn't want to say the words. I responded by removing the shirt myself and tossing it into the basket behind me. He looked at me with hungry eyes, as if in disbelief that this was actually happening. I felt kind of glad that I picked tonight to wear my favourite underwear set, which was a dark red two piece set. I wasn't a fan of those hook bras or those mainstream strap panties so I opted for the tied version. The look in his eyes indicated that he had absolutely no objection with my choice.

"...You're beautiful," he whispered.

I felt some heat develop in my cheeks but now was not the time to act embarrassed; I needed to push him over the edge. I grabbed his shirt and roughly pulled him back down onto me. I smiled to myself when I felt his hands do exactly what I wanted them to...entice.

Of all the men I was with, his hands were by far the most skilled. He didn't just explore like a crazed teenager on hormones...his movements were precise, gentle and most importantly, they had purpose. I didn't know if he learned my sweet spots or if he was just a good guesser...but once he reached my collarbone with his lips and the space between my ribs and abdomen with his hands, I felt myself begin to turn to mush. I couldn't help but moan loudly as his lips devoured my neck. He was...very good at this.

The longer he did this, the more I felt my feelings bottle up until finally, enough was enough. I immediately flipped our positions, shoving him down to the bed and getting on top of him. He looked at me with slight astonishment and before he could say a word, I silenced him with my lips. My hands went under his shirt and I felt those abs of his. Still, he could be a bit more muscular but for a hunter who didn't really rely on strength and size, he was more than enough. I slowly began to move from his mouth as I made my way toward his neck. I stopped only for a moment to allow him to remove his shirt, tossing it aside to be forgotten for the rest of the night.

I could not believe my eyes. I guess it was because I had never looked at him up close like this before or maybe it was because of the insane levels of hormones running through me. His body just looked...delicious. His hands found their way to my pants and he unbuttoned them. I smiled to myself; I was getting through that wall of self-control he built up quite easily. As not to discourage him, I drew the pants off my body, revealing the other half of my underwear.


My heart was definitely trying to jump through my chest. Never in my life had I seen such sex appeal. I could feel myself giving into my instincts and a certain area suddenly came to life, pulsing painfully beneath my boxers. She definitely wanted me to lose control...but was it really alright to do this on just the first night?

I didn't get to think about it much when I felt Sarah grind herself against my length. She laughed softly as I let out a groan. I wasn't prepared for the assault of heat and electricity that just cursed through my body and I reacted the only way I knew how: retaliating. I leaned up, cradled her in my arms and pressed her back against the wall. My mouth began to wildly explore her skin as my hands immediately made their way to her thighs. I couldn't think of any material that felt better than Sarah's skin. Her thighs weren't as firm as I pictured them to be and once I felt her shudder at a particular spot, I smiled to myself knowing that I could take full advantage of that. My mouth continued to make its way down south until I reached her breasts. With one swift yank, the bra became undone. One of her hands shot up and held the clothing in place and I looked at her.

It was the first time I had ever seen embarrassment in her eyes. I understood why however; she had never revealed herself in her full glory to a man before. I guess to her, the barriers of underwear were indeed a major one. I looked at her and kissed her lips, assuring her that she didn't need to be embarrassed of herself.

"You already know that you're the most beautiful woman on the planet to me...there's nothing to be ashamed about Sarah...I meant it when I said I love you...and I mean all of you," I whispered.

Those words somehow slowed her increased breathing rate as her cheeks became red. I placed a hand on the one covering herself and I looked at her, making my intent clear. She slowly relinquished her grip and the bra fell to the bed, revealing her supple bust. I looked at her for another moment before lowering my lips to the left breast and kissing it. She moaned loudly, much louder than the other times and I snickered to myself; she had quite a number of sensitive spots. I gently enveloped the nipple in my mouth, teasing and sucking it lightly. The moans soon became soft screams as she turned to mush in my hands, no doubt overwhelmed by the pleasure she must've been experiencing.

Her hands locked around my head and pulled me closer, encouraging me to keep going and I obeyed her. I soon turned my attention to the other nipple, achieving the same result as the other. My hands soon made their way down to her panties and one decided to be zealous and slip inside. I could feel how tense she was, no doubt struggling to get her body under control from the rampaging pleasure. I slowly let it make its way down to her womanhood and I smiled to myself upon feeling the moisture. Who would've thought that I would be able to make her like this.

She suddenly shoved me down to the bed before drawing my boxers off. I immediately reached into my drawer and pulled out a condom, much to her surprise.

"Did you anticipate this?" she asked raising an eyebrow.
"Not really...I just always have them just in case," I replied solemnly.

She laughed as I put it on but not before she spent a moment looking at me. I wasn't sure what she was feeling but from the subtle smirk on her face, I hoped she was satisfied with what she saw. She yanked her panties free and tossed them aside as she positioned herself. I shook my head as I leaned up and pressed her against the wall. She clearly did not expect me to do that and I soon buried myself inside of her. She cried out as her grip around my shoulders turned into a deathlock. No other feeling that I could think compared to the level of pleasure that coursed through me. I continued, taking a slower pace knowing that it was causing her pain. Her deathlock became slightly painful as her nails began to dig into my back but surprisingly, I didn't care. All that was on my mind was continuing the act.

She soon moved back to look at me before she got off of me. I watched her as she crawled around and before I could react, she had already shoved me into the wall. She ground her hips against my abdomen and that maddening sense of lust came back. If there was one thing Sarah was good at, it was teasing. I grabbed her waist before once again sheathing myself inside of her but she didn't let me do anything after that moment. She pressed me against the wall before bouncing back and forth, each thrust inward sending an unknown voltage of electricity through every blood vessel in my body. I guess it was my turn to be the helpless one. She sped up and soon, my hands grew limp as the pleasure began to stun me. I refused to show my weakness as I looked into her eyes, only to be met with a heavy kiss. She again placed my hands on her breasts, non-verbally commanding me to do the same thing I did before. I did not disobey.

After a few heated minutes, I felt as if my energy had been drained. Suddenly, all the adrenaline disappeared without a trace and my body finally caught up to the fact that I was finished. She however continued her actions, making me really question if she lied about being a virgin or not. At this point however, I really didn't give a damn.

She let out a loud cry as her head shot skywards and I felt her womanhood squeeze much harder than before. She then collapsed onto me, limp as a ragdoll. Not even two seconds afterwards, I felt an intense pressure build up inside of me. I knew what was going to happen and I immediately removed myself from inside her and let myself spill. I was going to have a hard time cleaning the sheets tomorrow...but this was definitely worth it.

For a few minutes, she lay on me as she tried to recover enough to slide herself into the bed to sleep. Finally, she moved but smiled at me.

"You're not half bad at this," she said with a wink.
"I'm pretty sure I had you in some respects," I said raising an eyebrow.

She childishly stuck her tongue out at me.

"Alright...you're damn good at this," she said kissing me.

I chuckled softly.

"Jeez...it took all that just to make you throw a compliment my way huh?" I said rolling my eyes.
"Don't push it cassanova," she said rolling her eyes.

I laughed softly as I lowered us to the bed and flicked the light off. She snuggled up next to me and kissed my cheek.

"You're definitely better than the average," she said.
"You're making it sound like I'm going to have to improve for the future," I said raising an eyebrow.

She giggled.

"You'll have all the time in the world,"

I shrugged as I kissed her forehead.

"So...you're really a virgin?" I asked.

She audibly gasped.

"How could you think I was lying?" she said with an obviously fake surprised tone.
"Because...you're incredible at what you do?" I interjected.

She flicked me in the forehead.

"I do things like this all the time...teasing is part of the job description," she replied.
"That's not what I meant..." I said rolling my eyes.
"I just winged it there to be honest," she said shrugging.

I tried to retort but she simply laughed.

"Face it Connor, I can make you melt like butter," she teased.
"I know I can make you turn to mush," I replied.

She tensed for a second and a deep crimson blush appeared on her face.

"Touché," she sighed.

I closed my eyes.

"So is it fair for me to call you my woman now?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes.

"One condition," she replied.

She brought her mouth to my ear.

"We have a round two in the morning,"