(A/N): Hello my friends. It's been a while since I've returned to the League Of Legends scene (at least on my own for those of you who are aware of the collaborative effort of Steel Lycan and myself). This time, we're gonna be looking at none other than the one and only Sarah Fortune. Everyone knows who she is and everyone knows that she's probably the most well known female champion in the entire League with the exception of Katarina (because she's the covergirl basically).

I'm gonna be doing things a little bit differently this time though. I've decided to convert all of my League fanfictions concerning female champions and summoners to two-shot fics so for all those stories that you see undone, I will definitely be getting them all wrapped up very soon.

It's good to be back; I went through a very dark time in my life where writing basically kicked me out of the house and she just now decided to let me back in.

You guys know the drill! Read and review and feel free to hit me up if you wanna talk. I'm always up for talking with my readers! I also apologize if Miss Fortune is a bit OOC; she's a little difficult to write for my creative mind but I'm trying nevertheless!


Unusual Compassion

Bilgewater- The Dusty Board Tavern

"Finally! Some gold for us all to share!"
"I'll drink to that my friend!"
"Finally we get some well-needed rest and all the beer we can drink with women to boot!"

Sarah Fortune rolled her eyes as she took another gulp of her beer. It was a Saturday in the town of Bilgewater and Saturday was the day where Happy Hour was most popular at The Dusty Board. She had been coming to the tavern since she was a teenager and it became her favorite place to be whenever she wasn't on The Fields Of Justice or on her ship with her crew. She was quite glad for the break; the League had gotten very lively and she was called upon numerous times but for now, she believed she had some time to spend on herself rather than being controlled by a summoner.

"Need another lass?"

She smiled.

"One more for the road Harry," she replied with a wink.

The man chuckled heartily before handing her another mug of beer. She reached into her pocket to pay him but he raised a hand.

"You're always welcome at my counter Sarah; you've been a darlin' for almost 16 years," he said.

She smiled as she took another drink. Harry raised an eyebrow, noticing an unusual amount of silence from her.

"Something on yer mind lass?" he asked.

She let out a soft sigh.

"I'm just a little tired from work is all," she replied.

Harry shook his head.

"I've had you here for nearly half your life darlin'; you ain't foolin' me none," he said pinching her cheek playfully.

She rolled her eyes.

"Looks to me like you're lonely," he said.

She opened her mouth to speak but she could not come up with words to escape it and she instead let loose a sigh.

"Beautiful lass like you shouldn't be lonely; you can get any man you want with a snap of your fingers," he said.

She smiled at his compliment.

"I…I guess I just want someone different; not easy to enthrall and just not…boring," she said shrugging.

Harry nodded.

"Looks like you want to settle down rather than just have a good fling," he said.

She blushed profusely at her friend who once again chuckled loudly.

"I'm sure a lad will walk in here that will interest you," he said.

She shrugged.

"I've been here half my life and most of the men here are the same…drunken meatheads that have no ambition or substance," she replied with a sigh.

Harry shrugged casually.

"Every now and again a lad will come in here and he's actually got something about him but I guess only time will tell then eh?"

He finished wiping the glasses as the door to the tavern opened. Sarah looked across the room to see a man dressed in a thick cloak that covered most of his body and also his head. He had a mask covering his mouth as he paused for a moment to brush some of the snow off of the cloak. He then approached the counter as Harry smiled.

"Want yer usual lad?" he asked.
"Give me a double…had a horrible day today," replied the man.

Harry's face then turned serious.

"What happened?" he asked.

Sarah pretended to not be interested as she listened in on the conversation.

"She passed away an hour ago…there was nothing I could do," said the man.

Harry put a fatherly hand on his shoulder.

"Go get your seat lad; I'll be over there in a tad," said Harry.

The man nodded as he went to a two person booth and had a seat. Sarah looked at Harry and raised an eyebrow.

"He's been a long time customer and he's probably one of my dearest mates," he explained.
"What happened to him?" she asked.
"His older sister died…got shot in the streets a few days ago and she never came back," explained Harry.

Sarah's heartstrings tugged at the story as she turned to him. He had removed his hood and mask, showing a rather handsome face. His hair was short but enough to cover most of his forehead and even though it was unkempt, it still looked as if he maintained its shape through some obscure means. He had a scar on his right eye which reminded Sarah of Katarina Du Couteau, the Noxian Assassin.

"That girl was everything to him…tears me up to see him like this," he sighed.

He took out two large mugs and filled them with a combination of whiskey, finely aged beer and butterscotch. He finally added ice into it before placing it on a tray.

"He's got a nice taste in drinks," she said.
"He's gonna need it…he don't take death very well at all," said Harry.

Sarah lowered her head before raising it.

"Maybe I can cheer him up?" she said.
"He don't know you like he know me…but a woman's touch is never a bad thing I say," he said shrugging.
"Make me one of those," she asked.

He nodded and did as she asked before she took the tray to the table. Harry smiled; Sarah had her soft moments every now and again and contrary to her reputation as a heartless bounty hunter, she did have a motherly side.

Sarah arrived at the table to see the man looking down at it with almost soulless eyes.

"You doin' alright kid?" she asked.

He looked at her before looking at Harry. Harry nodded and he seemed to have gotten the message,

"Death's never a good thing to feel…especially when it's the last of your family," he replied.

She handed him one of the mugs and he accepted it before putting his hand over the top, covering it completely. He then slammed it down several times before taking a sip of it. He sighed in what seemed to be satisfaction.

"So what's the famous Sarah Fortune doing in a place like this?" he asked.
"Harry is a very old friend of mine and I always come here," she replied.
"I see…so do the men come at you like moths to fire?" he asked.

She chuckled softly.

"And if they do?" she asked.
"Then they're in way over their heads; you're a champion in the League Of Legends and one of the most feared pirates to have ever come from this town…how could any of them even remotely have a shot with you," he said shrugging.

She laughed softly.

"So I'm gonna assume from the robes you're wearing underneath that cloak that you're a summoner," she said.

He nodded in response.

"I'm surprised you don't remember me…then again, I never talk when I summon you," he said.
"Why not? You're controlling my every move and using up your energy when you teleport me places," she said.
"Doubt you'd want to talk to someone like me," he replied.

She could sense iciness in his voice but she didn't really care; he was interesting because he wasn't jumping at the prospect of getting to know her.

"Why is that?" she asked.
"I'm no bounty hunter nor am I a pirate; I'm just some guy who is a summoner for the League and a hunter near Ionia when I'm not in summoner robes," he replied.

She then pointed at the scar on his eye and he shrugged.

"I was attacked by a tiger and that happened…didn't kill her though," he replied.
"Why?" she asked.
"Because she was protecting her cubs and it was my fault," he replied.

She nodded; she liked his sense of compassion. He finished the first mug as he took the second one.

"I assume the third mug is yours?" he asked.
"Yes," she replied.

He closed his eyes.

"You're gonna want to shake that; it's quite bland when the ice melts," he explained.

She followed his movements before taking a slug of it and smiling.

"This is delicious," she said.
"It's what I always come here for…Harry takes good care of me whenever I travel here," he said.

She looked back towards Harry before turning back to him.

"So…may I ask what happened?" she said.
"To my sister?" he replied.

She tried to retort but he raised a hand.

"I know you couldn't help overhearing…it's alright," he said.

He put the mug down as he took a breath.

"She died from lead poisoning when she was shot in a vital artery…by the time they extracted the bullet, too much of it had dissolved into her bloodstream so it was only a matter of time before she died," he explained.

Sarah put a hand over her mouth as the man finished his second mug.

"Wendy meant everything to me…now I'm alone," he said.

He rose to his feet.

"It was nice talking to you Sarah…but I'm afraid I'll have to continue this conversation later," he said.

Sarah to his surprise, got up and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You're not alone and even though I don't know you that well, you take good care of me whenever you summon me and even though we haven't really talked much before…I'm here if you need an ear," she said.

The man's eyes widened in shock before softening. He smiled slightly.

"Thanks…and my name is Connor," he said.

Sarah smiled at him before shaking his hand. Connor looked at her for a brief moment before exhaling a short breath.

"I was going to go on a fishing trip before I leave for home tomorrow…would you like to come?" he asked.

Sarah turned back to Harry to see completely widened eyes and vigorous nodding.

"I mean…fishing isn't really a fun thing for most people…but it would be nice to have some company," he said.
"Sure, let me know where and when to meet you," she said.

Connor's eyes once again widened.

"6 AM tomorrow right here?" he asked.

Sarah nodded with a smile.

"I'll see you then," he said.

He looked at Harry for a moment and nodded before leaving the tavern. Sarah shook her head.

"I absolutely CANNOT stand fishing…yet I said yes? I guess I really am loosening up now aren't I?"

Sarah approached Harry as he chuckled loudly.

"Kid pulled your heartstrings didn't he?" he asked.

Sarah rolled her eyes.

"It's alright lass…he's a good kid and I know you'll enjoy his company…among other things," he teased.

Sarah gasped audibly as Harry chuckled loudly.

"You don't think I saw the way your eyes ate him up? You were a wee lad in a candy store," he teased again.

She smacked him in the shoulder as he continued laughing.

"You wouldn't say yes to no fishing trip unless you like him…gotta say that was mighty quick," he said.

Sarah rose to her feet as she prepared to leave, scoffing at her friend.

"Take care of him Sarah,"

She had no idea how Harry's voice changed from playful to serious so quickly.

"He really needs someone right now…I know he's probably gone home to sulk and drink more and that lad is too nice to suffer through that alone," he said.
"Where is he staying?" she asked.
"He lives in an apartment just beside Makin' Leads, number 9 on the second floor," he replied.

Sarah nodded as she left immediately.

15 Minutes Later- Connor's Apartment

I had no idea why I was acting this way over a guy I just met…but I couldn't help but feel like I needed to help him; Harry wouldn't tell me all of that unless he really believed that he was a good kid.

Harry was a man who had seen enough men to know when one was of worth and for him to say that he was "a good lad" as he always puts it, was a hell of an accomplishment. To be a close friend to Harry was no small task either because he was about as picky as they came. I finally found the apartment as I raised my hand to knock on the door.

Connor was one of my many summoners but I remembered him most because he often chose to heal me whenever I was severely wounded and he also gave me the power to move faster whenever I was fleeing from a battle. He kept my safe and it was very rare for me to get stuck in a hairy situation whenever he was watching over me. Now there could be a lot of reasons for that.

The most common reason was that I am Sarah Fortune. I am very well aware that there are a lot of men who sought after me and many would kill to have my attention but for some reason, Connor didn't strike me as a man who did things to impress people; he did what he believed in. Occasionally, he would even warn me when something is coming even if it was far away just so that I'm aware of it. He was a person who liked to protect others as I had heard a few stories from other champions talking about the "silent summoner who protects us all".

Maybe I wanted to know more about him because he wasn't like the other men who immediately flock to me because of my sex appeal. Maybe it was because I felt sorry for him and Harry wanted me to take care of him. Maybe it's just because I just want something to do. Whatever the reason, I was outside his door right now and I intended to do one of the three, if not all of them.

I raised my hand and knocked on the door and he came not even 4 seconds later. He seemed really astonished to see me.

"Sarah? What're you doing here?" he asked.
"Thought you could use some company…Harry told me where you lived so I decided to drop by," I replied.

He nervously scratched his head as he moved aside and allowed me to come in. His apartment was very well kept despite its small size. A bed that was slightly larger than a twin size sat at the wall with a rug in the middle of the room separating it from the entertainment center which contained a nicely sized TV and quite a large audio system with an MP3 player hooked into it. I could tell that he had a taste for technology and he obviously imported most of these items from Piltover. Further to the back of the room was a fridge, a countertop, a stove with an oven and a sink and in front of it was a small table with two chairs. There were two doors behind the table which I assumed led to a laundry room and a bathroom.

"I apologize if it seems a little cramped…but it's all I can afford right now," he said.
"It's cozy…I like it," I replied honestly.

He smiled slightly as he turned off the stove and removed the lid before taking a whiff. He seemed content with what he made.

"I was just about to eat dinner…would you like some?" he asked.
"Sure…what is it?" I asked.
"This is the rice and the roast beef is in the oven keeping warm," he said.

I nodded with a smile.

"Beef's my favorite meat," I said.


A Long While Later

"You certainly know how to cook," she said.

I laughed softly.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it...though it wasn't much," I replied.
"You shared it with me and you made it yourself...not like you ordered it and lied about it," she said with a shrug.
"Sounds like this has happened before," I insinuated.

She laughed.

"I've been on quite a few dates in my time and trust me, sometimes I wonder if you men really think before you do things," she said with a chuckle.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

She cleared her throat and had some water before speaking again.

"You're not like all those men I've met...you don't do anything to impress people and you're humble which isn't something I can say about a lot of men in Bilgewater," she replied

She took another mouthful of water.

"Your sister must've been proud to have you as a little brother," she said.

My heart warmed up greatly as I smiled genuinely.

"Rea would definitely like you Sarah...you two would be good friends," I said.
"If she's anything like you then I'm pretty sure we'd get along," she replied.

I looked towards the picture of her I had on the wall and sighed. Sarah saw my expression before putting a hand on mine.

"She's in a better place...and I'm sure she's smiling down on you right now," she said.

Feeling very encouraged from her words, I released a breath of relief as a feeling of comfort came over me. I looked towards the clock and much to my astonishment, the time was already 2 AM. I couldn't believe Sarah and I had spent nearly 5 hours together and I was even more surprised that I cooked twice in a single night.

"Do you have somewhere to be? It's getting pretty late," I said with concern.

She shook her head.

"I didn't bother to book a hotel room because I was going to out to sea tomorrow...but I'm not going again," she said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because we have a fishing trip don't we?" she asked.

I blushed profusely at her words as I turned away.

"Oh...I almost forgot about that," I said.

She looked at the clock and sighed.

"It isn't safe to walk the streets of Bilgewater at this time of night..." she said with a sigh.
"You could stay here," I suggested.
"Trying to get me in your bed already?" she said with a wink.

I chuckled but shook my head.

"I can get my bedroll and you take my bed...I mean we have to get up at around 5:30 to get to the spot on time," I said.

Sarah smiled at me before flicking me in the forehead.

"I'm not going to make you sleep on the ground in your own apartment; I don't mind sharing," she said with a wink.

I nervously tried to reply but she raised a hand.

"Don't worry about chivalry...you've already proven that it isn't dead for you," she said solemnly.

I hadn't heard a voice so genuine in years. I nervously scrambled to my feet before going into the laundry room and pulling out a towel and washcloth. After handing them to her, she nodded in gratitude.

"My sister's clothes are packed up in the laundry room so you can use those...she's about your size," I said.
"Such a sweetheart," she cooed.

I turned away nervously as she entered the bathroom. I changed into my sleeping clothes before nervously climbing into my bed. I couldn't believe that Sarah Fortune, the bounty hunter that all men dreamt of sleeping with was in my shower...and was going to sleep in the same bed as me. I swallowed hard as I tried to calm my nerves. I had always found her extremely attractive but I guess being a summoner for the League hardly allowed me the luxury to admire her.

A curvaceous body that many gazed at in awe, ruby hair and a flirtatious attitude were mainly what men saw on the surface but after talking to her for the past 5 hours, I learnt a lot about her. She wasn't the cocky person that she made herself out to be and was only mildly so. She was quite a nice person considering that her reputation told that she was capable of killing many in cold blood and manipulate feelings as if they meant nothing to her. The most popular rumour however was that she spent a lot of her time with men but she confirmed that it was a lie saying that she tried numerous blind dates but they all failed due to them not being "interesting and fun" as she termed it.

She said that she liked men who were true to their beliefs regardless of the situation and the ability to keep true to oneself was something that she held in very high regard. I guess that's why she's such good friends with Harry; he was a textbook example of such a man considering all the hell he went through to get that tavern up and running. I tried to ask her about what she looked for in a man physically but she brushed me off with a vague "I know them when I see them". Why was I asking such a thing?

I guess it was because I was undeniably attracted to her. Even though I wasn't usually the perverted kind of guy, no red-blooded man could deny the oozing sex appeal that Sarah gave off but that was only part of my attraction to her. She was an interesting woman and she surprised me in many ways, especially as a person. The fact that she was now here with me and not doing some other thing meant even more to me, especially since I knew how busy she tended to be between the League and her bounty hunting work. Maybe I was thinking wishfully...but does she like me too?

She soon came out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel on. I shoved a pillow in my face and prayed to the gods that I wouldn't turn into a tomato at the sight of her naked body. She laughed at my reaction as she entered the laundry room with an audible click indicating that she locked the door to change. I sighed in relief and a minutes later, she emerged from the room dressed in a large T-shirt and some very short shorts. I had no idea why my sister had shorts that small...but who was I to question what she wore? Sarah tied her hair into a ponytail before requesting a bag to keep her discarded clothes in. I complied, handing her one of the bags I ordinarily used for my hunting gear. I scooted as far as I could as she got into the bed.

"I didn't think I'd ever have company...so I'm sorry about the small bed," I said.
"I'm not complaining...though it's very cold thanks to the snow outside," she replied.

I swallowed hard as I covered her with my blanket, neglecting myself because I was used to cold weather.

"Better?" I asked.
"I have a better idea," she replied.

Much to my astonishment, Sarah removed the blanket before turning to me and grabbing my hands. She then drew me close to her and wrapped them around her waist before turning her back to me and making herself comfortable.

"Body heat's the best kind," she whispered.

It took everything in my power to not pass out from the heat building in my head. I nervously tried to retort but she laughed softly again.

"I like you Connor...and I know you're not the kind of guy who would take this for granted," she whispered.

My eyes narrowed.

"So I'm not like the others?" I asked.

She laughed once more.

"Not like the usual," she replied solemnly.