Im baackkkkkkkk! I know, I know, it's been ages (seriously it feels like I say that every update) but I had homework and school and stuff so...

I'm going to shut up and let you read the chapter now. hope ya like it :)

Ashton's P.O.V-

I hesitantly knock on Zero's door.
"Zero?" I call, cringing at how my voice cracks. "Zero, I'm really-" Suddenly the door flies open, nearly hitting me in the face. Zero glares at me, one hand on the door, one clenched into a fist and raised up to my face.
"Get lost," she growls, "before I hit you."
"Woah woah woah!" shouts a voice from behind me. "Zero, no beating up the new kid!" I turn to see a blonde haired, blue eyed boy hurrying along the corridor, frowning. He looks kind of like one of those male super models, but in a mini version. It's kind of funny, actually. Zero lets out a huge, heaving sigh, letting her fist swing back to her side. I look at the model kid with new respect. Zero doesn't back down for anyone, not even me.
"Vin," she says wearily. "What are you doing here?"
"I was just coming to see you," said the Vin kid earnestly, his blue eyes widening. "And then I saw you try to kill the new kid! What's your problem Z? He might be a nice guy!" He turns to me, holding out a spotless, slightly podgy hand.
"Hey, I'm Vin," he says smoothly. "What's your name?"
"Ashton," I say dryly, shaking his hand. "I'm a pretty nice guy, which Zero already knows."
"Zero already knows?" Vin inquires, frowning slightly. I shoot a glance at Zero and she sighs.
"Ashton's my friend," she says. "I've known him for forever." I roll my eyes. Typical Zero, condensing twelve years of happiness, friendship and laughter into a couple of sentences.
"We lived in the same neighbourhood," I add. "We went to the same school... Well, before Zero ran away." I shot Zero a look and she scowled at me. But behind her tough, angry facade I could see the pain, bitterness and despair buried deep within her. It was as clear as day, and it scared me more than I can say. (A/N- I'm a poet and I freaking know it.)
"She hasn't told you why she ran away?" Vin enquiries.
"No," I mutter mutinously. "Are you saying she told you?" Vin let's out a short laugh.
"As if! I've been trying to get it out of her for ages but she won't budge! I don't even know anything about her dad!" I shoot another glance at Zero, a look that says 'you didn't tell your friends here about your dad?' She rolls her eyes, which clearly says 'of course not, moron! Look at him, do you think he'd be able to handle it?' I smile slightly, and my heart skips when I see the corner of Zero's hard mouth twitch. "Whatever Vin," she says airily. "So, let's go down to lunch, I'm starving!"

Vin's P.O.V-
There's something fishy going on between Ashton and Zero, its dead obvious. Ashton keeps shooting Zero these strange looks, which Zero is completely ignoring. I mentally sigh as I pick up my hamburger. Zero's keeping secrets from me. Again.
"So Vin," says Ashton, attempting conversation. "How long have you known Zero?"
"About two years," I reply. "Not long, actually. But sometimes it feels like forever. What about you?"
"Since birth," Ashton says, shooting another weird glance at Zero. "We lived in the same street." "Really?" I ask, my curiosity sparking. "Where did you guys l-"
"Hey, did you do that homework?" asks Zero, interrupting me. "You know, that essay Mr Sopper gave us?"
"Um. No," I say, frowning. "I totally forgot about it..."
"Good," Zero nods, "I did too, I didn't want to be the only one." I laugh a little. Typical Zero.
"Hey!" says a bright, chirpy voice suddenly. I turn as Newton and Trixie slip in the chairs next to me. "Hey," I greet, smiling.
"'Sup," says Zero dryly.
"Nothing really, just wanted to see how you guys were going on. Who's the new kid?" asks Newton, his finger almost unconsciously sliding into his nose.
"He's-" Zero begins, but I cut her off.
"His name is Ashton, he's Zero's friend. They've know each-other since before Zero ran away!"
"Really?" Asks Trixie curiously, eyeing Ashton. "Do you know why she ran away? Perhaps something about her father?"
"Hey!" Zero protests, "I'm right here idiots!"
"Well..." Ashton starts, glancing sideways at Zero. "Zero's dad... He's kind of-"
"Ash," hisses Zero. "Don't you dare. I swear..."
"He's kind of a weird guy, which I guess is where Zero gets it from," finishes Ashton, sniggering. I frown as Zero sags in relief. Clearly she was expecting him to say something else, I just have to figure out what...
"You jerk," growls Zero, punching Ashton on the shoulder. I wince, remembering how much Zero's punches hurt, but Ashton simply smiles, his eyes sparkling.
"You know you love me." My heart squeezes and I look anxiously at Zero, wondering what she's going to say. Zero doesn't love anyone.
"I tolerate you. Love is going a bit far." I breath a little sigh a relief, earning me a weird look from Trixie. The bell rings, signalling that classes are about to start again. I tune to Ashton, grinning mischievously.
"Get ready for hell, dude."

Ashton's P.O.V-
Vin was right. This is hell. We're sitting at tiny, uncomfortable desks, all facing the hard faced, purple haired, frankly scary teacher, who's name was Macbeth of something of the sort. "I have the results of the maths tests," she says in sweet voice that makes me cringe. "And guess what." Her voice rises, "ALL OF YOU GOT A BIG, FAT ZERO! THAT MEANS YOU WILL WRITE, A HUNDRED THOUSAND TIMES, I AM A BIG DUMMY DUMB AND I AM NOT WORTHY OF MISS MACBETH'S SUPERIOR TEACHING! GET TO IT!"
"Is this lady serious?" I ask Vin, who's sitting next to me. "That's not even possible!"
"Just go with it," Vin mutters. I sigh. Maybe this new school isn't going to be so great after all.

DIJA LIKE IT? Review and tell me! Alssooooooo, tell me what story you want me to update next, this or DD? I've started on a new DD chap but its gonna take a while because I am lacking in creative juices -.- sorry for horrible grammar, I'm a lazy, lazy person and I can never be stuffed proof reading properly. thanks for reading :D