No specific pov
The thud of the ruler on the white board was enough to startle everyone out of their daze.
"Alright listen up cause I'm not gonna repeat myself" will said.
"You have the papers that explain everything but I'm going to debrief you on our team so we can fit our best assets together." Excitement was palpable in the room. " Most of our team, me Rose Kelvin and carter are Ascended children. " Ascended children have different forms that the ascended doesn't get to and I are sifters we have to ability to change into our spirit animal and we take on the characteristics of that animal."
"For example as wolves our loyalty and pack mentality is heighten so we fight best in groups. There are other types of ascended like Sibils who can read faces, Shift movers who can change appearances of objects and people. There are naturals who control weather Evo's who influence decisions and Thermotages who serve as our healers and doctors. " After finishing his speech Will leaned back against the wall as rose stepped forward. Everyone shiftier in their seats awaiting what their former friend had to say.
"I shouldn't have to explain damphir's to you right?" rose asked with raised eyebrows...yes both of them. Lissa, Janien, Abe, And Dimitri all laughed uneasily under her gaze.
"My closest friend Vee is a nephilim part angel. Because of this she fights with special weapons there for she needs a backup so she and Carter who is a ascended sun bear work well together. Vicki and sparky also fight as a pair."
"The rest should be pretty self explanatory Shadows that live are literally shadows except they feed on you souls, sun spirits and willow the wisps are entities that offer information...but it always costs a price so treed lightly."an almost evil grin spred across her face.
"but enough of that you just want to get into the field. The way this will work is pretty simple you will be paired with an agent and will participate in specialized training every night and morning as well as working in the field with the team and learning as we go. We don;t have much time so practice will start tonight. listen for your partner and then well grab dinner and begin."
"Christian and Lissa will work with James and Eddie" christian's glare was deadly.
Adrian will work with Vee and Kelvin your with my old man Abe." Despite his anger at her disappearance Abe couldn't help but smile at the endearment.
"Vicki and Janine will work with Carter Milkil" Rose paused and looked up. "If your wondering you will be working in fours to help speed your learning curve."
Everyone in the room knew their were only four people left and Dimitri was shocked that he would be anywhere near Rose. "Will and Dimitri and Alberta your mine."
"Alright everyone" will began "Find your partners and lets head to dinner I'm starving." After a brief silence everyone stood, with an audible sigh Dimitri made his way toward will and followed everyone out. One they reached the entrance he paused and pulled out his phone dialing the number to his home in Russia. After a couple rings it became clear no would answer. With a cuss he hung up now even his own family wasn't talking to him.
There is no excuse for why I haven't updated other than laziness . Review Please even thought i don't deserve it your reviews make me smile. I have the best readers ever I love you guys
Expect a visit from our russian familiy.
What do you think about Lissa and Christian working together?
See you later
-Blood rose