Author's note: Well, here it is. The last chapter in the story. I'd love to stop and thank EVERYONE who has taken the time to leave me a review or send me a message. I don't think I would have gotten here without all the encouragement along the way. So, to all of y'all who have supported me here on and the lovely ladies who once chatted with me in the DE circle - this chapter is dedicated to you.

Thanks a million for coming along for the ride!

Warnings: Mature - language, violence, sensitive subject matter, adult content, character deaths

"Elena, I'd really feel better if you'd sit down." Jenna caught the screen door with her heel as she carried a platter of lettuce and tomatoes out the back door.

Trying not to spill the pitcher of lemonade, Elena shook her head. "Trust me. Anything I can do to make this one hurry up and arrive is fine with me." She placed the pitcher on the table laden with the food for Jackson's going away party.

"Anything?" Damon came up behind her and wrapped his arms around Elena's ample belly. He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

She patted the back of his hand. "You know that'sstill off limits." She spun in his grip and kissed his cheek. "Nothing to raise my blood pressure." Elena gave an impatient glare in the general direction of her belly. "Five weeks in the hospital to watch the pre-term labor. Once Dr. Meyers said it'd be fine to have her, Lily decides she's comfortable and wants to hang out a while."

"You're not too far overdue." Alaric turned away from the grill. Jenna and Elena exchanged a look. There was nothing not too far about being overdue. He glanced back and forth between Damon and Elena. "Just remember this feeling next time the two of you even look at each other."

"Oh no." Elena shook her head sternly. "This one is it."

"I seem to remember you saying that about the twins." Jenna remarked with a smirk.

"In four more weeks, it will be physically impossible for us to have another surprise." Elena patted Damon's arm.

"Oh." Jenna turned away to hide her laughter.

Alaric clapped Damon on the back. "Taking one for the team. You're a good man."

Damon narrowed his eyes at Elena before turning back to Alaric. "And you're a man whose grill is on fire." He pointed to the black smoke pouring out from beneath the lid of the grill.

Deciding it was time for a subject change, Elena turned to look at the children playing on the lawn. "At least I didn't miss Jackson's party." Jenna came to stand at her side. "He doesn't mind going to Duke?"

Jenna nodded slowly. "NYU was Quinn's thing. I don't think he wanted to go without her. Brogan and Brady are playing soccer for Duke. The coach said that Jackson could probably make it on the team as an alternate since he missed tryouts. He's going to be alright."

"He's strong. The change will probably do him good." Elena took a deep breath. "Maybe I will take that chair." She glanced in Damon's direction as she carefully lowered herself into the folding lawnchair.

Damon came up behind her and placed his hands on the tight muscles of her shoulders. As he massaged them, he felt her begin to relax. "You okay?"

She reached up and took hold of his hand. "I'm fine."

"You're fine, huh?" Damon watched as Elena took hold of the porch railing as they arrived back home. "You've been fine every five minutes since we ate dinner. Admit it." He took pity on her and wrapped his arm around her to wait out the contraction before he helped her up the short flight of stairs. "Here you go." He steadied the porch swing as he guided her down.

Elena wiped the sweat off her forehead. "I didn't want to interrupt Jackson's party."

"Well, I don't want Matt to deliver our daughter on the porch." He stooped over and kissed the top of her head. "Which is why I told Jenna to follow us home."

"You didn't." Elena looked horrified.

"Oh yes." He pointed to Jenna's car winding down the street. "She'd already figured it out, though. She was timing you too."

Elena held her hands in front of her face. "I was trying so hard."

"And you were doing a great job, but you're about to have a baby. That's kind of a big deal too." He gave her a loving smirk.

"Do you have her bag?" Jenna jogged up the sidewalk.

"Just going inside to get it." Damon squeezed Elena's shoulder as he walked away from her side.

"The nurse is going to bring you a heating pad. Hopefully that'll help. It did with the twins. Or maybe it was Claire. They all kind of run together sometimes." Damon came through the door into the darkened room and walked to the side of the bed. He helped Elena roll onto her side and made a fist and lightly pressed against her lower back. "That any better?"

Elena hissed as she nodded her head.

"Liar." He pressed harder as he watched the contraction crest on the monitor. "Want some ice?"

Elena shook her head.

"I heard someone wanted a heating pad." A smiling red haired nurse pushed open the door and stepped into the room. "I'm going to be your day nurse." She pointed at the sun rising out the window. "When I saw Salvatore on the board, I said I had to have you." She came to Elena's side and positioned the heating pad so it was supported by one of the many pillows stacked behind her. "So the Little Miss is finally gracing us with her presence?"

"I desperately hope so." Elena attempted to relax into the pillows.

Julie, Elena's favorite nurse from her earlier extended stay at the hospital hovered over Elena and placed a blood pressure cuff on her arm while she watched the different monitors. "I heard y'all have had a long night."

"Is there any other way to do it?" Damon stepped away from the bed and went to the sink to wet down a washcloth.

"Blood pressure looks good." Julie stepped to the foot of the bed. "Let's take a look." She pushed back on the sheet. Elena winced as she started the exam. "Sorry, Elena. You've still got a while." She looked at Damon and shook her head. "Still not quite at a 9."

"You've got to be kidding." Elena groaned and closed her eyes.

"I'll be back in a bit. Let me know if you need anything." She patted Elena's leg as she folded the sheet back on top of her. She turned the lights back down low as she closed the door behind her.

"I can't do this." Tears glistened in Elena's eyes as she squeezed Damon's hand so tightly his fingers threatened to break.

"Yes you can." He wiped the cool cloth over her forehead. "You are the strongest woman I've ever known."

"Just because I staked a vampire..." She paused mid-phrase.

"Nope. Not just that." Damon stared into her eyes. "Because of everything you are. Fourteen years ago, I stood in this very room with you. You were totally alone. You'd just lost Stefan, and you were just about to have a baby on your own. You never gave up." He took her hand in his. "Four months ago, you wrote letters to our kids to tell them goodbye when you thought we were both going to die." He waited as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. "Even when you've been scared, you've always gotten through it."

"Because I've never really been alone. I've always had you." She shifted to a sitting position and Damon slid onto the bed behind her. "You've always been here just when I needed you most."

He pulled back on her shoulder and supported all her weight. "And I always will be."

The faintest tap sounded at the door. Damon looked away from the tiny pink bundle making satisfied smacking noises at Elena's breast. He opened the door a crack and turned back to Elena. "I'll just be a second."

Elena nodded as she stroked the infant's jet-black hair. "Who is it?"

"Your fan club has arrived. Well, a small portion of it." He closed the door behind him and stepped into the hall. "How long have y'all been here?"

John looked at his watch. "About an hour." Claire nodded in agreement. "She talked me into it."

"Jenna still with the others?"

"They're not home from camp yet." Claire bit her lip.

Damon glanced at the clock behind the nurse's station. Only one in the afternoon? Had time stopped and he missed it? It felt like midnight. "And may I ask why you're here then?"

"Dad, my mom was having a baby. I could skip a day of camp." She turned to John. "Uncle John said it was okay."

"He did, huh?" Damon glanced at John who looked guilty as charged. "I guess you want to see someone?" Damon leaned against the wall.

"Can I?" She tried to peek into the room.

"Let me see if your mom's finished feeding her yet." Damon looked in the room just in time to see Elena straightening her hospital gown. "You ready for a couple of visitors?"

Elena yawned. "Of course."

"After you." Damon stood back to let Claire and John into the room. He walked to Elena's bedside and scooped up the tiny pink bundle. The baby mewed in protest. "Oh, I promise I'll bring you right back." He studied Elena's face. "Maybe. You might be stuck with your dad for a while." He nodded to the chair in front of the window. "Well, have a seat."

Claire's eyes widened as she dropped into the chair. John came to stand at the chair's side.

"Careful." He knelt down in front of her. "Hold your arms out. Remember to support her head." Damon gently passed the baby to Claire.

"She's heavy." Claire ran a finger down the baby's tiny hand.

"That's why you're sitting in the chair. Nine pounds, seven ounces." He brushed his hand over her shock of black hair. "I'd like to introduce you to your sister - Lily Katherine Salvatore."

Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I have. These two (well, three if you include "Before the Ball") stories have been the most interwoven plots I've ever attempted. Thanks for staying with me for the duration.

I don't know what's going to happen with "When the Time Comes." I don't have a whole lot of extra time right now. But if time permits itself, and if I get on better terms with the show again…maybe you'll see an update on that one in the future.

Thanks to all of you for your support along the journey.

I've had a lovely time with "my" Salvatore family, and I hope you've grown fond of them as well.
