Continued from the previous chapter (Hurt from the Lu$h Crew diva)

Here is an Angel x Emilia one-shot, with some EmAubs fluff. And I'm writing this while listening to Somebody To You by The Vamps and Demi Lovato.

Dedication: nemo kiwachi and blossomgem

December 3rd: Solving this problem.


Yesterday seeing Aubrey crying was just not right. I know who Angel is dating and that was Francesca who was an American-Latina. She is actually sweet but Aubrey made me change that. I hate having arguments with her, but seeing her cry made all my worries go straight to her. Angel needs to do something about her.

I remembered the whole thing yesterday at the toilets before Angel arrived.


I was patrolling the northern side of the High Tide because it was incredibly due to the storm that had occurred last week. As I went past the toilets, I heard some crying coming from the area. I go into the girls' toilets where the crying got louder until I noticed that the voice was belonging to Aubrey.

"That Latino slut!" she screamed out and opened the door to reveal me in front of the door. She tried to stop crying by the looks of it but her tears was leaking faster and I couldn't help but pull her in for a hug. She was so stressed and teary-eyed. It was painful. She didn't move away so she wrapped her arms around my neck and cried harder. Damn, she cries like a waterfall.

"Who is a Latino slut Aubrey?" I felt her stiffen. She cried still though.

"This guy!" she whimpered out.

"Do I know this guy?" I asked as I felt her nod.

"Actually...I do need this shirt to face off Glitch later so please don't dampen my shirt." I said with half amusement. She chuckled lightly and punched me lightly on my shoulder. I couldn't help but chuckle with her too. She still had red eyes and chewed lips but she was still that brave sassy queen I know who's from Lu$h crew. She rests her head onto my shoulder. What I said was half true, I do have a dance off but it was with Mo, not Glitch.

"Why are you like this?" I asked with curiosity as she started to cry again. Oh no!

"Because he doesn't love me! He never will." she whispered the last part, but I heard it though. She thought I couldn't hear it, think again but I didn't push it though.

"Who doesn't love you?" I asked. This was getting more confusing.

"Angel!" My heart tightened. Angel? Flirty Angel? Something isn't right- NO! She kinda found out about Francesca!

"You love Angel? I thought you don't like him like that." She cried louder and it was hurting my eardrums. I hope she knows about my ears.

"I didn't but I do now."

"Aubrey, he still does-" I was cut off by her placing her fingers on my lips to stop talking. That sassy princess!

"He stopped flirting with me Emilia! To be honest it hurt me and I snooped on his phone." Aubrey admitted and my mouth opened up in awe. No wonder she knew kinda about Fran.

"This is strange but I know he still does." I comforted with my voice to match hers so she knows I feel sorry for her. She can't be like this. It isn't right.

"Really?" she asked with her big eyes. I nodded and hugged her again. I'm happy that she was smiling again. She maybe a very sassy princess but it's because people don't know her well enough.

~End of Flashback~

Angel was now over at mine and Bodie's bach because he wanted to get away from Aubrey because of yesterday. Today was a perfect day to relax with B but he had to work today. It was odd how people would want to swim in the start of winter. But I didn't mind. I got a can of sprite for Fran because she isn't a fan of soda and gave Angel a can of Coke. I asked Angel if I could talk to him in private. He didn't mind so we went to the back and sat on the chairs me and Bodie bought for the bach. The back had a perfect view of the beach and it was breathtaking.

"How can I help you Em?" he asked in a very serious tone.

"We need to talk about Aubrey." His face paled at the mention of her name. What the hell is wrong with him?

"Wh-what about her?" He stuttered. Okay, something is definitely not right!

"What's wrong Angel?" He looks at me with a very scarlet blush on his cheeks. Oh he isn't over AUbrey.

"Nothing! Nothing's wrong!" He yelled at me. Yeah, he's definitely lying to me.

"Man up and tell me. You yell 'nothing' and stutter when you lie. You are such a bad liar dude." His head hangs down in defeat. Oh he's ready to tell me about her. I am ready for this!

"I do still love Aubrey but her hurt is making me fall for her harder and if that continues then I can't be by her because I love Francesca. She is more honest and less sassy than Aubrey, which I don't like, but she is like a perfect girl for me. And I hate to admit that as well." Angel said all in one go. I can't believe it. He's falling for Aubrey more than Francesca. What shocked me more was that Francesca was right behind Angel. I kept quiet as she started to scream at him.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? YOU SAID WE WERE MADE FOR ANOTHER ANGEL!" she yelled with anger and hurt inside. This isn't going to be a good ending. He stuttered to come up with something but she walked right up to him and made a move that I didn't expect.

She punched him in the groin. His face was full of pain and I could feel it. It felt incredibly tense.

"WE'RE SO OVER ANGEL! I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU EVER AGAIN!" Francesca yelled at her, then she turns back to me. "I'll see you later Em." I just waved back at her, speechless of what happened as Francesca left the bach. Wait, what just happened right now? Angel was in a very bad state right now and I couldn't blame him at all. His relationship ended with a very unexpected twist and Aubrey is still in a very bad state because of Angel himself. I got up and wrapped my arms around Angel as he cried into my shoulder. I don't blame him though. Today and yesterday was full of out of it drama.

"I'm sorry Angel, about what happened." I finally said as Angel continued to whimper on my shoulder. His state was a lot worse than Aubrey's, how odd.

"It's okay Em. Everything happens for a reason." He finally said since he got punched in his 'love' area. His faced showed a lot of hurt but he tried to hide it away.

"Maybe you should call Aubrey, Angel. She would love for you to talk to her right now, and let's face it. You're both hurt from someone you know or you yourself." I suggested to Angel as I felt him stiffen in my grasp. He thinks it isn't a good idea but I need him to admit his feelings. Then I did something completely unexpected.

I kissed his lips! I wanted to pull back and I felt him trying to pull back but his lips was too soft and luscious to leave and he didn't move because of what just happened before this. I pulled back to see his face in dazed moment. That isn't good, he wants me now.

"Angel, sorry but I don't want to be your girlfriend." I said sharply but harshly to him. He looked like his heart was breaking but I think Aubrey is more important than him wanting me.

"It's okay. I'll call Aubrey for you." I smiled that he will call her. She needs the support right now. And then the next thing I noticed was him leaving the bach. he's going to talk to Aubrey in person, such a gentleman Angel. But I can't stop thinking about that kiss we just shared. It was full of unexpected moments and some lust to add to it. Stupid Angel! Now I want more from you!

Thanks so much Angel!

There is your Angel x Emilia One-shot. I know that it is mainly an EmAubs chapter but the ending was different. Hehe! Remember you can request what pairing you want until Chapter 8, but I might extend it to Chapter 10 since I don't have many requests.