SYOC fic with a twist. After a plane crash, a ragtag bunch is marooned on a remote island where they find 14 amulets, one for the each of them. Each amulet bestows its owner the power of an animal. Quickly, they find that they are the subject of a twisted reality show. If they win, they get to leave the island. If they don't, they are trapped there... FOREVER.

Usual rules apply. No half-a*sed apps; make your characters interesting! If not, you might as well label them as the Heather/Gwen/Alejandro/Harold wannabe, and so forth. Multiple apps can be sent, but it's not first come first serve. Challenge ideas are appreciated!

To make things easier, if you have a saved app of your OC you used in another SYOC, feel free to send that instead. Just add Animal at the end.



Gender & Age:

Animal (make sure this hasn't been taken):


Personality (give me a summary here):



Relationships & Romantic profile:

That'll be all! For the app: leave a review so others can check if their animal has been taken, and PM me so I can easily access it when writing. Until next time!
