Disclaimer: I don't own the Love Live! franchise or any of its characters. This story is entirely a work of fiction :)

A/N: Thank you to everyone who favorited, followed and wrote reviews for this story. I really appreciate that you took liberty and time to read this work of fiction. This is my first fic so any feedback is much valued.

Anyway, I would like to take up this space to address the people who wrote reviews (you can skip it if it bores you :D ), so here it goes:

OrientalFail - Thank you! :) I just can't seem to abandon NozoEri since they are really my true OTP in LL xD

Shione789 - I try my best to do justice to my writing and I really enjoyed writing this too :) I'm also looking forward to writing more stories that involve other pairings in Love Live! Thank you!

Bad one - Unfortunately, this story will be narrated through Umi's point of view because I wouldn't want to change the story flow. Although, I would like to explore more about Eri's and Nozomi's relationship (you just gave me an idea haha thanks!). I would probably write another fic about it, if I have time :) But mostly, this fic is only KotoUmi-centered.

LiulfrKeahi - I really like Nozomi's character (she's actually my favorite). I see her as someone who's really mature and who views things in different perspectives, so she tackles problems a little maturely (as seen in the LL season 1). That mainly is the reason why I can see her as a director/scriptwriter, because I can tell that she sees things in a bigger picture, but still considers how the small details can affect each other.

bkuebird - Thank you xD Eri and Nozomi should just get married or something. Their chemistry is just whoa. When I was writing this story, the KotoUmi and NozoEri moments also made me squeal because I can just imagine them doing all those scenarios and it makes me grin like a idiot.

Agent Dragicorn - I really thought hard about their courses. Like, I really looked up a lot of things before I settled on it. I have a rough draft of this story somewhere in my laptop xD I rewatched season 1 and 2 just to see the personalities of each character and made headcanons out of it. Their character designs are really complex, so I really had a hard time doing it haha. I've grown fond of Nico's character when I rewatched the series and read her SID. I'll probably explore her relationship with Maki and write a fic for them. I'm actually thinking about it now xD soon probably. . .

CleideJam - Thank you! I'd like to think that Umi is not the type of person who easily falls in love at first sight. It's more like, she got curious and it won her over. She saw the different sides of Kotori and that endeared her to the girl. I'll explore the progression of Eri's and Nozomi's relationship in this universe but I don't think I would include it in here since this is a KotoUmi-centered fic.

Kaney - Thank you for honoring me with your review :) Umi is really shy deep down, but she has her times of boldness and determination xD I hope I did her character justice :)

Here it is, the story's continuation and its last installment :)


Eri and Nico heard a heavy sigh.


That would be the 4th time since she arrived here. Nico thinks.

They look at each other. Eri arches one of her eyebrow. Nico shrugs.

Something's not right.

They are inside their usual café. Eri is typing her Finance 301 report on her laptop while Nico is holding her script and memorizing her lines. The atmosphere is serene. The only noise is coming from the cashier attendant taking the customer's orders.

And the sigh coming from their friend.

They both direct their attention to Umi. She's resting her chin on her left hand, staring out at the window. Her book lay untouched on the table.

Nico sighs and puts her script down on the table. She tears a sheet of paper from Eri's notebook. Crumples it. And throws it at Umi. It hits the side of her head. Bullseye!

Umi is startled out of her musings. She stares at them, lips pressed into a thin line.

Eri tilts her head in question.

Umi just stares at them for a couple of minutes.

Nico has had enough of it.

"Okay. What is wrong with you?" She asks impatiently. Her eyes narrow and fix on Umi.

Eri closes her laptop, leans forward and gives Umi her undivided attention.

Umi opens her mouth. Nothing comes out. She tries again.

"I think I messed up," she mutters quietly, her shoulders slumped.

Nico and Eri nod their heads slowly. ". . .about what?"

"Remember that girl I keep talking about? The one in the station?"

"Yes." They both say in unison, still unsure what the problem is.

"I invited her to the premiere thing. . ." Umi trails off, bowing her head. Eri takes note of Umi's sad tone. She looks at Nico helplessly. ". . .and she says she can't go—"

Nico is about to interrupt her to tell her to stop moping around just because the girl can't go. That she can invite her another time. That she should not give up just because of one rejection.

"—because she's with someone." Umi finishes. Nico's planned speech dies on her throat.

Well, that changes everything. Eri and Nico stare at each other.

"And now, I-I don't know how to talk to her or even approach her—"

Umi's hands are shaking. Eri takes it and holds it tight. She's really upset about it.

"—she probably doesn't want to see me anymore since I basically confessed to her that—"

Nico notices the tremble in Umi's voice. Her eyes soften. She's holding back her emotions.

"—I looked like a fool back there and I don't think I can face her—"

"—you don't have to force yourself to see her," interrupts Eri. Umi looks up at her, eyes on the verge of tears, "You can choose to distance yourself."

"Besides, there are a lot of train stations going to your university," Nico adds, looking at her with a small smile, "you can find another person to observe." She winks.

It makes Umi chuckle, feeling that a small weight has been lifted off her shoulders. She wipes the corners of her eye and proceeds to hug her friends.

And just like that, the atmosphere becomes lighter.

Thank God I have friends like them.

"You could also observe me, you know. I really don't mind, since it's practice for when the paparazzi's stalk me."


For the next few days, she doesn't follow her normal routine.

On Monday, she asks her father if he could drop her to school on his way to work. Her father asks her why. She merely shrugs and tells him she just wants a change of pace.

On Wednesday, she stays late in the library. (She reasons out that she has a lot of school work to finish, but she knows that it's not the only reason.)

Umi heeded Eri's advice to not force herself, since she's really not ready to face Kotori again.

She tries her best to distract herself from thinking about the train station fiasco— or Kotori, for that matter.

But Umi knows it's hard to just forget her since they've somehow grown closer.

Especially because she has come to really like the girl.

I should probably not subject myself to any romantic feelings, whatsoever. All it does is make me look like a fool.

The day of the premiere opening came.

Nico reminded her friends that their film will be shown in their school's auditorium at 3pm and that she will expect their presence or else their friendship will be over.

Umi drags her feet to Nico's school. As much as she's reluctant to go, she promised Nico that she will support her no matter what.

Although that doesn't stop her from wishing that Kotori could be there with her.

"Where are you?" Eri asks Umi on the phone. She is waiting for Umi outside the school's gate.

"I'm on my way to the gate."

"Ah! I see you." Eri ends the call and waves her hand for Umi to see. "Umi-chan!"

Umi notices and dashes towards Eri.

"Sorry. I was held up because of archery practice." Umi pants, her hands on her knees.

"It's alright. It's still early anyway." Eri says, pocketing her phone and letting Umi catch her breath.

After making sure that Umi's breathing is stable, they make their way to the entrance and surrender their entry slips to the guard in front. When they entered the school grounds, a student —probably an officer in-charge— hands them both a pamphlet. Umi reads Tokyo Film Center School of Arts: Celebrating Artistic Talents on its cover.

"There sure are a lot of people here." Eri comments, looking around. There's a look of awe in her eyes. "We would probably get lost if we separate."

The place is decorated with large colourful streamers. Different stalls were set up —probably for food and games. Eri could see couples strolling around, content with just staying with their partners. Some people are participating in the games, particularly those that involve big prizes. She even sees a person wearing a costume and promoting their drama or play.

She would not be surprised if she sees a flyer about maid cafés or horror houses somewhere in the school. The thought of it brings shivers to her spine.

They walk further until Umi stops abruptly. She had seen a stall selling manjūs. Her eyes go wide and her mouth starts to water. She moves towards the stall before Eri grabs her by the arm. She looks back at Eri who scowls at her. She smiles sheepishly.

"It's like a cultural festival." Umi states as she composes herself. A tinge of pink can still be seen on her face, "We should call Nico to tell us where the auditorium is."

Eri nods and pulls out her phone from her pocket and starts to dial Nico's number.

"Erichi! Umi-chan!"

They both turn towards the direction of the sound and see Nozomi running towards them.

Eri freezes up. (Umi can tell that her friend is mentally preparing herself to face the film student.)

Nozomi stops in front of them, trying to catch her breath.

"I have a problem."

"I came here to support and watch the film and not to do this."

Umi knows that her whole face, neck and even ears are red from embarrassment. She agreed to help Nozomi with whatever her problem is, thinking that it would have something to do with running an errand.

A little while ago. . .

"I have a problem."

Umi and Eri raise their eyebrows. "What can we do to help?"

"I need one person to do something for me." Nozomi pleads. She looks troubled and Eri can't help but associate her with a lost kitten. She has this unexplainable urge to wrap her arms around the troubled girl.

"I can help you," Umi volunteers without second thought. She thinks it's rare for Nozomi to look so distressed so she gladly offers her assistance.

Nozomi looks at her for a long time. She scans her body from head to toe.

Then she smiles with a glint in her eyes. At that moment, Umi thinks that she had just signed a contract with a devil.

"You are actually perfect for the role."

"You're just going to stand in front of the stage," Nico counters, showing Umi her unamused face, "It's not as if you're going to act in a play."

They are currently inside the backstage, waiting for their cue to go out. When Umi entered a while ago, a dress was shoved into her hands and she was instructed by Nozomi to change into it. She was pushed by Nico to the changing rooms. When she came out —forced out, really— someone grabbed her arm and led her in front of the vanity table and promptly started applying make-up on her.

It was only when her preparation was finished that Nozomi told them of her predicament. Two of her models backed out because of a misunderstanding in schedule and they are in dire need of two substitutes.

Luckily, Nozomi was able to convince her friend to help her. She only needed one more. That's when she saw Eri and Umi.

"I know that," Umi fidgets in her seat, "but I can't go stand there wearing this s-s-short dress" She points at her clothing.

"They will see my l-legs!" she cries out, her blush coming back full force. "I will never find a partner now, let alone marry someone!"

Nico slowly shakes her head and pulls Umi towards the full length mirror. "You look beautiful in that dress. You don't have to be embarrassed."

Nozomi and Eri both agree, nodding their heads. Umi surveys herself in the mirror. The dress does accentuate Umi's good points.

Well, the dress is beautiful in the first place.

"Besides, you have someone up there with you," adds Nico. She looks at Nozomi. "Where is she anyway?"

"She was here before I left to look for substitute models," answers Nozomi, scanning her surroundings, "She probably went out to get something."

"Nozomi, I brought the playlist you asked me to make." They heard someone from the door.

"You!" Nico shouts, pointing her finger at the girl who just entered the room. Everyone looks at Nico whose brows are scrunched in anger. They shift their attention to the newcomer.

The girl crosses her arms and squints her eyes at Nico with distaste. The room fell silent. Everyone is waiting for one of them to make a move.

Umi, Eri and Nozomi dart their attention from an angry Nico and an annoyed redhead. The tension is so thick, one could probably slice it with a knife.

Nozomi tries her best to placate the tense atmosphere. "I see that you've met my childhood friend Maki-chan."

It didn't help.

"You are friends with this girl?" Nico shrieks and eyes her disbelievingly. "How could you be friends with a girl who doesn't even know how to apologize?"

"I have a name you know," The girl snaps at her, "and why would I? I wasn't the one who was not watching where she was going."

"You. Spilled. Coffee. On. My. Dress." Nico emphasizes. She looks at Maki with contempt. "I have a table read that afternoon."

Maki just scoffs at her. "Really? Well, you spilled coffee on my journals."

They growl and grit their teeth at one another. Umi swears she can see auras emitting from the two girls.

Nozomi glances at Eri and Umi, asking for their help. It is Eri who intervenes. "Why don't we bury the hatchet? It happened all those months ago."

The redhead looks at her. She contemplates what Eri said.

"I'll agree." She finally says, her chin up and her head directed away from them, "I'm not immature enough to just hold a grudge just because of a spilled coffee."

Eri smiles at her, glad that the girl sees it her way. "I'm Ayase Eri, by the way."

"Nishikino Maki." The girl introduces herself. She shifts her eyes to Umi.

"I'm Sonoda Umi," She bows politely, "nice to meet you."

Eri and Umi look at Nico. She stares at them, not happy that they are ganging up on her. After a while, she succumbs.

"Yazawa Nico," she extends her hands. Maki hesitates, but eventually accepts it.

I'm just doing this because it's rude not to take an offered hand. She reasons out in her head.

The corner of Nozomi's lips forms into a large smile while she observes her friends. She pulls out a card from her deck. Ace of Cups. Her smile softens.

"I predict that we will be with each other's lives for a long time," she says. Her three friends look at her. She shrugs and just smiles mysteriously.

"You're up next. After the band intermission." the stage director announces to the room.

Umi's eyes went wide. She forgot that she has to come up on stage.

Wearing a short dress.

Exposing her legs.

She turns to Eri and attempts to beg her way out. Eri fixes her with a firm look —expressing that she won't easily be swayed. She changes tactics and stares at Nico. She only got a snicker in response.

I guess I'll have to move to the Arctic region and learn the ways of the eskimos after this.

She dramatically falls to the floor, embarrassing scenarios start to fill her mind. Nozomi takes pity on the girl and pats her head, telling her that it's alright again and again.

Eri ignores Umi —she's pretty used to her when she becomes embarrassed— and directs her attention to Maki. "Nishikino-san, I have a favour to ask of you."

Maki arches her brow and looks at her.

"She", Eri points to Umi, who looks like she's about to pass out, "easily gets embarrassed in front a crowd. Could you hold her hand on the stage to ease her nerves?"

Maki looks surprised. She opens her mouth to answer but she is called outside the room.

"Nishikino-san, you are needed in the sound booth."

A girl grabs her by the arm and proceeds to drag her away. She looks back at Eri apologetically.

I hope she does it. Eri thinks, a frown forming on her face. She looks at her best friend and sees her hands trembling. She approaches Umi to try and calm the girl's nerves.

Nico looks at her two friends with a sigh escaping her lips. Umi, you're in college already. It's about time to stop getting embarrassed for every little thing.

"Tojo-san, I made a few changes to my dress since it's kind of loose in the chest area."

Nico hears someone from outside the door. Nozomi excuses herself and exits the room to check and find out what the person outside needs.

Nico stands awkwardly at the center of the room. She looks around. Everyone seems to be doing their own thing. She figures that it's time to go back to her seat in front of the auditorium.

I don't have anything to do here anymore.

She moves to exit the door at the same time as someone rushes to enter. She bumps into the person and falls back to the floor. She looks up, ready to reprimand whoever bumped into her, and sees Nozomi staring down at her.

"Sorry." Nozomi apologizes, smiling down at Nico. She offers her hand to the girl. Nico accepts it and lets Nozomi lift her off the floor.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Nico asks while dusting herself. She looks at the film student and raises her eyebrow in question.

"Ah! the stage director told me to ready the models, so I came to pick up Umi-chan," Nozomi explains. "I just saw her partner, so we're set to start the program"

Isn't 'Ms. I-will-not-apologize-because-it's-not-my-fault' supposed to be her partner? Nico thinks. She is about to point out that Maki left the room a little while ago, when Nozomi sidesteps to let someone enter the room.

"Nishikino-san just left—" Nico stops and stares at the newcomer.

A girl stands beside Nozomi and smiles at Nico. Eri looks up to see why Nico stopped mid-speech. Umi does the same.

She notices the girl and her eyes go wide.

Amber eyes.

She quickly stands up, forgetting her previous embarrassment.

Green ribbon tied to the right.

She can feel her throat closing up.

Grayish-brown hair.

She can't move. She forgets how to breathe.

Cute smile.

Her mouth is hanging open.

"This is Minami Kotori." Nozomi introduces. She appears to be oblivious to Umi's internal struggles and continues to smile.

Minami Kotori?

Eri and Nico look at Umi, shock evident on their faces. Nozomi directs her attention to Kotori.

"Your partner will be Sonoda Umi."

After hearing the name, Kotori turns her attention to the girl. She freezes. Her eyes go wide and her eyebrows rise.

"Sonoda-san. . ."

It takes a minute for Umi to register that Kotori spoke her name. Once it did, she spontaneously combusts from sheer embarrassment. Her hand covers her mouth. All of them can see the tips of her ears go crimson.

Nozomi shifts her attention to Umi, who has yet to respond, and then back at Kotori. She's about to ask how they knew each other, when the stage personnel enters the room and looks at them.

"Good. The two models are here." The person moves to drag Kotori and Umi away by the arm. They are led near the stairs to the stage. "You stay here and wait on your cue to go out."

She goes away, leaving Kotori and Umi alone. An awkward silence envelopes them. Umi contemplates on what to say.

This always happens when I'm alone with her.

"I'm sorry."

It was Kotori who spoke first. She is staring at the ground. Umi glances at her out of the corner of her eye. "I wasn't able to explain myself properly back then."

"I should be the one apologizing and—"

"—No." Kotori insists adamantly. She looks up to meet Umi's eyes. "You deserve an apology and a proper explanation."

Umi averts her eyes. She doesn't want to hear what Kotori has to say. She doesn't want to hear her rejection once again. She bows her head.

I'm so naïve. She thought. She can feel her eyes start to water. She blocks out her surroundings, too focused on holding back her tears.

"—promised her to spend the day—"

I shouldn't have initiated a conversation before. I should have just been contented with watching her from afar.

"—should have ran after you but—"

I should have kept my distance. I should—

Kotori grabs Umi's left hand and holds it tightly to her chest. It brought Umi back from inner musings. Umi looks at her, forgetting how to breathe properly.

This is it. She's going to tell me to not see her anymore.

"—if you'd like, we can go next week?"

Umi opens her mouth to apologize and promise to not see the girl again.

wait, what?

Umi stares at her dumbly, mouth still hanging open. Kotori is staring at her intently, but Umi can see that her face is flushed.

". . .what?" Umi voices out her thoughts.

"I asked if you would like to hang out with me next Saturday? You could bring your friends with you." Kotori repeats what she said, a little unsure. She notices Umi's confused expression.

"Were you listening to what I just said?"

Umi shakes her head slowly.

"Geez, and I was explaining myself to you too." Kotori blushes harder. Umi thinks it's the most adorable thing in the world.

"I promised Tojo-san that I will help her in facilitating the program today," She continues, looking away from Umi. "since this event is a collaboration project between my school and hers."

Crap. That's why she can't go.

"I was supposed to explain that to you, but you looked so devastated back then. Then you turned and started walking away from me."

She has a legitimate reason and all I did was to act so selfishly and left her.

It's now Umi's turn to blush. She covers her face with her right hand. I am stupid. Really really stupid.

"I was looking for you in the train station but I never saw you. I'm really sorry." Kotori lets go of Umi's left hand. (The literature student didn't even notice that they were holding hands in the first place.)

Umi finally opens her mouth to say something. She lowers her hand from her face. Kotori can see how embarrassed the girl in front of her is.

"No. It wasn't your fault. I misunderstood everything."

Umi swallows her nervousness. The fashion design student stares at her.

"…so, you're not angry?" She trails off. Her voice is soft, almost like she's afraid of speaking her thoughts.


"Thank God." Relief crosses Kotori's features. She smiles widely and moves to hug Umi tightly.

"I was really worried that I'll lose you"

Umi freezes. She doesn't know what to say next. Her mind is blank and she feels dizzy.

Did she just. . .?

"Can we talk after the event?" Kotori whispers in her ear. It makes Umi shiver. Her heart is pounding and it makes her knees weak. She lay motionless in Kotori's arms.

She merely nods her answer.

Umi doesn't understand what had happened near the stairs. It's as if her brain short-circuited. Everything is fast-forward and she feels that her own time is suspended.

She's still in a daze when they were called to go out. Kotori is the one who guides her throughout everything.

She even forgets that she is supposed to be anxious and embarrassed in front of the crowd.

The only thing that is keeping her sane is the fact that Kotori is beside her.

And that throughout the program, Kotori never lets go of her hand

Umi manages to make it until the end of the event.

Eri and Nico are waiting for her when she comes down the stage. They see her holding hands with Kotori and both of them give her a sly smile.

It makes her want to shoot them with her bow and arrow.

Her friends introduce themselves to Kotori. They tell her all the embarrassing things Umi has been doing the past few weeks—even her stalker-ish ways in the train station. It makes Kotori laugh and hold Umi's hand tighter.

Umi doesn't stop them, since she doesn't want to appear too bossy in front of Kotori. (and mainly because she doesn't want to stop hearing Kotori's laughter.)

Eri and Nico both notice how less high-strung Umi is with the girl and it makes them want to tease her more.

When they see Umi being comforted by Kotori, they can both only think how cute and perfect the two are together.

"I'm really sorry for misunderstanding everything." Umi says.

They are currently walking leisurely on the school grounds. They left the auditorium a little while ago to have their private time.

"I jumped into conclusions and didn't hear your side of the story." Umi stares at the ground, ashamed of what she had done.

Kotori cleared up the misunderstanding back in the auditorium. The reason why she couldn't go was because she's the assigned project leader for the collaboration between her school and Nozomi's. They were tasked to design the outfits to be used by the actors starring on Nozomi's film. It was their professor's way to help them branch out on their field.

When Umi heard the story, all she could do was blush in embarrassment and apologize profusely.

"It's alright." Kotori says, smiling at her. "Things turned out fine in the end."

It stays silent for a while. Umi is content with just walking beside the girl and occasionally admiring her out of the corner of her eyes.

"I honestly thought you were weird back when I first met you." Kotori says after a while. She picks up a dried leaf off the ground. "You were always staring at me and when I try to catch your eye, you divert your attention."

"So it really surprised me when you first approached me," she continues, smiling at the memory "and then you failed epically since I noticed your wristwatch was working."

Umi chuckles at the memory. She couldn't believe why she did all those things in the past.

She got me wrapped around her little finger and she didn't even notice it.

"After that, I seem to always notice you on the train." Umi looks at Kotori. She takes note of how the girl's eyes seem to soften when she talks about their train station story.

"I talked about it with Honoka-chan, and she would only make fun of me," Kotori blushes. She picks up another fallen leaf off the ground, "telling me that I probably have a crush on you."

Umi can't stop her heart from pounding. She forces herself to act normally.

"When I think back now, I probably really do." Kotori stops walking and directs her attention to Umi.

"I honestly never believed that you could like someone just because of fate or coincidences," Kotori states. Then, she smiles. The sight of it takes Umi's breath away, "but the past few months with you proved me otherwise."

That statement left Umi dumbstruck. She can feel herself start to hyperventilate.

"So does that mean…" Umi starts. She looks at Kotori with a dumb look. "…that it's okay for you if I ask you to go out with me?"

"It depends." Kotori teases. She takes hold of Umi's hand. "Are you asking me out?"

It makes Umi grin and roll her eyes. Kotori can only beam at her in return.

How did I come to like this woman?

The next few days bring pure bliss for Umi.

She and Kotori still continue with their routine, but she's certain something has changed between their dynamics. She notices the lingering stares Kotori sometimes directs her way. The accidental brush of their hands that makes Umi hold her breath. Even the innocent teasing Kotori seems to be doing lately. Umi thinks that if Kotori continues to do those things, she would need a supply of oxygen on standby or else she will hyperventilate and faint.

She officially meets Kotori's bestfriend one Wednesday afternoon, when Umi got off her train car. Honoka can't seem to gush over how Kotori always seems to bring up the topic of Umi in their conversations. It makes Umi blush but the sight of Kotori all flustered and fidgety under her questioning gaze makes up for it.

After a couple of dates, Umi invites Kotori to her weekly meet-up with her friends (plus Maki—Umi's still confused as to why the redhead is there, and when the topic of it was brought up, what Nozomi did was smile knowingly at a blushing Maki.)

She officially introduces the girl as her girlfriend. The table erupts into cheers and her friends congratulate her.

"Congratulations for moving from stalker status to actual girlfriend!" Nico says to her, a cheeky grin plastered on her face. It earns her a glare from Umi.

"At least I'm not in denial with my feelings." Umi retorts, rolling her eyes. It makes Eri and Nozomi snicker, and Maki blush red as her hair.

Nico can only open her mouth in shock and indignation.

"S-shut up!" She shouts. It makes Umi smile smugly.

"Nico-chan speaks the truth though." Kotori states, smiling at her girlfriend. It makes Umi pout at her.

"Whatever. At least I got to snag you for myself." Umi says after a while. When Kotori is about to counter her statement, she kisses Kotori on the corner of her mouth.

It catches Kotori off guard, making her face turn crimson. Umi only smiles and winks at her.

Kotori hates how bold the normally shy Umi can be sometimes. Although she can't deny how it makes her heart race when the said girl shows her aggressive side.

Or any side, for that matter.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Umi still carries on with her train station routine.

She still continues to observe people on their daily lives.

But by far, Minami Kotori is still the best person she set her eyes on.

A/N: Once again,thank you to everyone who read this fic. I am hoping I did the story justice (even though I ended it that way lols). Any feedback is really appreciated. You can drop me prompts or ideas or you could just say hi to me, I don't bite. My tumblr link is on my profile. I'm pretty much online most of the time haha.