Oh No!

Well hello there! It's been awhile again right? All I've been doing these past months were rewriting this story! rwbybomb21 suggested this and at first I got offended at the time but as I re-read my story I've never felt as much cringe as I did, for that I'm sorry. Hopefully now they are less cringe and more intriguing!

Happy reading my dear viewers!

It was a warm Saturday night and three people had just gotten into the car after celebrating a birthday dinner for their daughter of now 11 years old. She had short dark red hair with happy gray eyes, her birthday with just her parents was the best thing ever to her. They both had busy schedules being top-notched professionals, her mother was a medical doctor while her dad was a lawyer, so she rarely got to spend time with both of them like this.

The car started.

"Ruby!" Her mother called out to get her attention. She looked exactly like her mother but a small difference was that her mother had slightly longer hair than hers and liked to wear girlier things, other than that she was nearly a clone of her .

They started their way back home.

"Y-Yes!" She shouted in surprise and her parents chuckled at her silly antics.

They got out off the parking lot and onto the streets.

"Did you enjoy your birthday today?" Ruby's dad said warmly to her. He had pure black hair and warm golden eyes, he wore suits most of the time due his work and his natural fashion sense.

They cruised through town with no concern.

"I really enjoyed my birthday today! It was the rubest!" She yelled out in the car and both of them chuckled at her pun even more so as they stopped at an intersection.

"My, you sure do like making up puns, dear." Her mother said teasingly and her father nodded in agreement.

They began to move again after that.

As they went Ruby saw something from the corner of her eye speeding their way with no intention of stopping. Eyes widening she opened her mouth to shout to her dad but was too late, the first half of the car was crashed into by the other and she was screaming as glass shattered all around her and her world was spinning uncontrollably until she lost consciousness.



Her vision was filled with white as she stared up to an unfamiliar white ceiling with an equally annoying beeping noise. Everything around her was way too bright, she had to eventually close her eyes to it.


Her whole being felt horribly numb to the world and in such a surreal sense too that it should have made her feel something, but it strangely didn't. Her body couldn't even twitch a muscle if she wanted to.


Her memories of who she was, where she was, and how she got here was a complete haze to her. All she could do was stare at the blank ceiling and relate to it. Everything else didn't matter as it felt like it was just her and the beeping 'floating' numbly through this white blank abyss.


She finally dared to open her eyes only to be meet with the same white ceiling earlier before looking down to her body. With effort she really didn't understand just to simply loll her neck forward, what she found out was something of a dreadful realization for the girl. Her eyes widened when she saw her left arm was covered in bandages while her other was full of I.V tubes.


Trying to get up only ended up in misery for her as pain enveloped her being instead of her numbness she had gotten used to. That's when everything began to click, she was Ruby Rose, she was in the hospital, she had gotten here only because of a stupid car accident! Where were her parents at, how long had it been, her head swirled with these thoughts!? Panting as panic kicked in at the onslaught of dreadful memories and questions floating through her mind, she was becoming uncontrollably shaky, her body was in a cold sweat, and that annoying beeping was on high blast.


That's when the chaos began as several people came bursting through her room trying to keep her in check from moving around, but all it did was bring her even more panic and soon enough she began screaming for help, for her parents, for anyone that could save her. Just as those hysteric screams and spasms began they soon stopped as her world slowly turned black, but the last thing she saw was apologetic face of a man.

The second time she woke up her body was sore especially her left arm and throat. She groaned at her discomfort, and that's when a person made their presence known.

"Ah, you're finally awake Ruby." said a voice so gruff that it had to be a man. "Do you know where you are and who I am? Please take your time"

Several minutes past but she finally spoke one word at a time, "Hos...pital...Do..ctor..." her voice was very strained but she didn't care at the moment.

"That is correct!" He said in an amazed tone? Now she was beginning to get confused but was asked another question. "Do you know why you got here?"

"Car...Acc...ident." He nodded with approval while he scribbled down some more notes on his clipboard.

When he was done he began again, "Lastly, do you know who you are and what age you are?"

Her eyebrows furrowed before answering, "Ruby...Rose….11.."

The man looked sympathetic for a brief moment before speaking in a stern tone, "Yes your name is correct but your age is 12 now."

What? "What?" Ruby's only thought spilled out from her lips as she looked expectantly at the aged doctor.

He looked rather serious now before he spoke again, "Ruby, I will be honest with you, what I am about share with you is some rather grim news." He paused as he moved to sit down next her bedside, before slowly moving is bigger hand to cup her smaller one. Her eyes were full of confusion and fear about this 'grim news'. What happened other than her not knowing her right age? Did she even want to know?

He sighed, "That car accident that you went through with your parents, had left you in a coma for about a year."

Her eyes widened in shock, she couldn't believe it, "S-so!? I-I was just asleep for year and now I'm just 12, m-my parents are fine though…" her stomach felt sick. "Right?" The doctor's face winced as his grip tightened on her right hand.

"I'm so sorry Ruby, but your parents.." He hesitated, but she knew the end of his sentence before he even officially confirmed it.

"Your parents didn't survive."

A part of her didn't survive that day either.

That year after Ruby woke up was utter hell, she had to be rehabilitated for literally everything from cognition, to speech, and then to movement every lesson was exhausting to her. She was either in a fighting mood to better herself or was in a depressive mood of never wanting to get better. No matter what, she had to attend her appointments and by the end of each day it was either a sore throat after talking for too long or her whole body aching when she over did herself, but the worse pain of her appointments was when she was having to endure a stress induced migraine which lasted for hours afterwards.

After a while Ruby had to relearn almost everything academically wise and that was the hardest part for the redhead to handle. It made her feel like she was worthless due to losing the lessons she shouldn't have lost memories of, from Math all the way to English lessons she needed to be retaught again. For these lessons a tutor was brought in from signal, the school that Ruby was going to prior to the accident. She was in seventh grade during the time so she had to catch up on a lot of material to even pass seventh and go onto eighth. For her this felt like the second lowest point during the rehabilitation period.

Once she was both mentally and physically strong enough, a blow to her mental and emotional well-being was sent her way. It was in the afternoon when a man in a black suit came her way after her second to last appointment at the rehabilitation center. She didn't really notice him until he was right next to her.

"Ruby Rose, correct?" He said in a rather disconnected way.

Jumping in fright it took her a second to compose herself, "Y-yes." Ruby shyly said to the intimidating man. She looked at her therapist nervously, hoping they could or would do something but they looked at her with pity. She cringed at the look, she hated that look, so therefore she hated both these men for looking down on her.

Having some finesse, the man tried to but failed to gently state what he was here for, "You may not like what I'm about to say right now, you might even come to hate it, but I need you to come with me kid. We have to register you into the foster care system." Everything after that moment was blank to her.

Ruby had been so busy these past months of getting 'better' she had completely blocked out that her parents were dead, to never come back 'home' to them, and to be left as an orphan so young. Once the realization of being put into foster home and living with unknown kids varying in age with uncaring adults 'taking care of them' dawned on her mind, tears started to form and she numbly walked with the agent into the his car to begin an unknowingly, at the time, long fought out process of becoming an independent minor in the city of Vale.

For Ruby it was a losing battle to become an independent, not even one judge she meet believed that she could actually pull through in living alone due to her 'mental evaluation' going astray. If she had passed her evaluation she could have been under the Emancipation of Minors law, but it wasn't her fault that they ordered an evaluation on a very symbolic day of when her parents died, it was definitely their fault.

During the time of this ordeal she was forced to live at a foster home and she basically had to fend for herself like an animal due to being bullied into submission by the other kids, saying that she wanted to get of here because she was just too 'good' for this live style. In her opinion it didn't matter if she had to live with them or if they thought she was too 'good' for this, what mattered to her was that she didn't ever want to be expected to call some adopter mom and dad because the only parents she had were now gone.

As for the never-ending struggle for her independence was looking more and more bleak. The final court date was looking to be a most indefinite 'no', but a surprise twist for the preteen was that someone had vouched for her and chose to be anonymous for reasons she was not told by. The only information she had of this person was that they were from a different branch of government and they were female of high ranking, but she was grateful nonetheless because this person had made her free from a foster home.

Soon after that demanding mental and emotional battle of becoming an independent, well, technically Ruby was dependant on the government's aid every month due to not being old enough to work yet, but still, she was free in a sense. She quickly settled into an affordable apartment by the Government themselves due to it being fifteen minutes away from a new school they picked and she gladly accepted it; she didn't want to be reminded by her old classmates about her family. Though the one thing Ruby didn't like about this place was that the landlord named Junior had two assistants that looked like they would cause drama for anyone if they so much as didn't like them. Though the landlord himself was a confident and somewhat understanding well built man, and he welcomed Ruby into his complex.

The room Ruby was given was on the second floor and she deemed it as a simple yet stylish design, probably due to the landlord's own fashion sense. It was colors consisting of white and gray's, the entrance, living room, and bedroom were of light gray carpet while the kitchen and bathroom flooring was of dark gray granite. The walls to the kitchen and living room were white which made it look spacier while the bathroom and bedroom where of light gray. The lighting was three simple ceiling lights that lit up the kitchen and living room with ease, the bathroom had one ceiling lamp, while the bedroom had one long metal lamp which lit the room nicely. The decor in the living room was simple, a black couch for only two people, a black table in front of it, and a small screen TV. The kitchen was another simple design, all the cabinets were white and enough space to put things in, on the gray countertops a small silver microwave was placed while the refrigerator was next to the stove/oven. The bedroom was a standard one only fit for two people and one white drawer with a window next to the left side of the bed. Lastly the bathroom was made for only one person and it was pretty standard nothing really notable.

Finally her belongings were all delivered to this still foreign place that was now called her 'home'. It was an emotional moment for her, this was where she was going to spend all her time in after getting home from school, this was where she truly had to grow up and be on her own and take care of herself. She gulped as tears were filling up her vision, She didn't want to do this alone, she wanted her family back, she wanted her life back, she wanted to feel happy again but those things were far from her reach now. Rubbing away the tears in her eyes with her arm she moved to unpack everything she brought with her without breaking down every time she saw something that reminded her of the good times.

When Ruby finally went back to school she had somehow managed to skip to the tenth grade, it probably had to with trying to block out the stresses of the legal process and wanting to show them that even with all the stress and trauma she went through, still going through, she could still maintain her grades and she was extremely successful. She was only 15 and Ruby proved to them that she could accomplish anything if she tried hard enough, but this caused a huge problem for socializing.

Due to her only studying and barely having any genuine human interactions for two years straight she developed social anxiety and unrelatable feelings to her peers. This caused a lot of people to be shunned away from her and not speaking at all didn't help either, though this recent development happened due to coming back to school.

Ms. Goodwitch was her English teacher and her first period class. The older woman was quite striking with her emerald eyes, platinum blond hair and clear pale skin. Her attire was also equally striking from nicely framed glasses to a loose white blouse complemented with black high-waisted pencil skirt and black stockings, ending with black heel boots. She was to Ruby, someone you didn't want to disobey so when it was her turn to introduce herself, Ruby's voice was completely lost to her and it freaked her out.

Trying to make a sound was not doable anymore, the whole class was watching her and she had no idea on why she couldn't speak anymore. Tearing up, she put her head down in shame, Ruby hated this new problem she caused herself.

"Ruby, you may sit down now." Ms. Goodwitch gently said to her and Ruby nodded. The redhead hated herself more than anything in this moment.

The mishap had become an apparent game to bullies such as the young heiress Schnee or sometimes a group of boys dubbed as CRDL to make her use her voice in anyway, and to think it all started during lunch of the same day..

Keeping her face hidden with her bangs, she quickly tried to make her way out the lunchroom after getting her tray of food. But due to having no sight and rushing she rammed into somebody so hard that their bodies were now a tangled mess of limbs covered in food. The lunchroom was completely silent and Ruby wondered how badly she messed up, and by the lack of sound of it, pretty badly. So once Ruby was brave enough to looked down to see who she rammed, she froze even more so. It was Weiss Schnee.

Weiss was a rich girl who was older than Ruby by two years, she had long white hair carefully put into a side ponytail, and pale skin with a faint scar on her right eye. She was a school beauty and Ruby admired her for her looks and as she found out not for her personality. Both blushing a deep crimson red due to this embarrassing position, Weiss finally squeaked out words, "Get off of me you dolt!" As she pushed the smaller girl off of her. Ruby was left in embarrassment like no other, she never meant for this to happen but she couldn't find her voice, it hadn't worked at all earlier today and it certainly wouldn't work now!

"Oooooh~ WhiteRose~ sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!~" Another older girl named Yang Xaio Long sang teasingly to them. Which only set off Weiss further and made Ruby wanted to die right there while the rest of the student began laughing at them.

Ruby's wish nearly came true when being on the ground made her have a great disadvantage of defending herself when Weiss slammed her foot on her face causing her to have a nasty bloody nose. She screamed as she cupped her nose and recoiled in pain, everyone was silent again after that.

Weiss laughed at the redheads pain, "Serves you right, you silent freak!" Before stomping off.

"What the hell, Ice Queen!? I was just teasing you two!" The blonde said angrily as she rushed to Ruby's side. "Come on let's get you to the infirmary." Yang said reassuringly to Ruby before she was suddenly lifted from her position into the strong arms of this crazy woman who caused half of this incident before passing out.

When she came back to the conscious world, she noticed Yang was at her side looking horribly worried, even more so than she did in the beginning. When she finally noticed Ruby's stares she quickly changed her face to her usual nonchalant demeanor for her.

"Hey! Ya finally awake now Red! You've been out cold for like 4 hours now!" Yang explained to her in an almost cheery fashion while giving a nickname to her.

Ruby frowned at that, she didn't need this person to feel comfortable with her, she didn't need anyone anymore. Sighing the redhead looked out the window in the infirmary and saw that it really was beginning to get dark. She slowly got up from her position but had to stop midway as her nose throbbed painfully. Groaning she rubbed her nose to soothe it while also discovering a small bandage on the bridge of her nose.

"Haha~ Yeah that's gonna sting for a while, sorry about causing the Ice Queen to do that.." She smiled cheesily while shrugging her shoulders. Ruby furrowed her eyebrows at Yang, she really didn't understand that blonde. "If I knew she was going to do that I wouldn't have teased the both of you. Ya know you can report her for doing that to you, right?"

Ruby shook her head, it was not worth the trouble and she probably deserved that anyway, she saw that Yang frowned at that. Finally disconcerting herself from the blonde, Ruby began to get out the infirmary bed, grab her backpack and make her way out.

"Um wait!" Ruby paused and turned back to the blonde, confused. "Do you need a ride home as a.. You know... an apology?" Yang sheepishly motioned to Ruby but the Redhead shook her head again, she would not let anyone know Where she lived, she would not become pitiful in the eyes of her peers even more so. "Ah, well alright! See ya tomorrow!" The blonde waved awkwardly.

Ruby shyly waved back out of politeness.


Opening my eyes as my body jumped up in surprise at the loud noise, "I had dreamt of bitter memories of the past this lunch period." My mind snapped back to reality as the bell alerted every student of lunch ending. "What caused this was a mystery to me, maybe I was stressed about something I could have done to prevent the WhiteRose incident. Even though, it had been several months ago and for the most part blown over, but, the Schnee had a personal vendetta against me since then, and I was extremely paranoid because of the onslaught the diva caused me by her bullying." My stomach rumbled while I winced in hunger, "I didn't eat anything at lunch anymore due to past experiences of my tormentors.", I sighed, my gray eyes hollowly looking at my normal classmates, "While on the other hand, dreams about my family always tended to still make me feel miserable regardless of how much time past, it seemed that if I blocked out my feelings and not talk about it, it would make the reality of my situation feel numb and hazy. It had worked for the most part, but at the cost of feeling outcasted amongst my peers, though it didn't bother me in the slightest because in two years they would forget about me and vise versa." Slowly getting up, I made my way to my History class, hoping it was as boring as usual.

I had soon learned it wasn't going to be the usual plain lesson today as Mr. Newport seemed more excited than most days due to him fiddling with his well kept mustache and suit. Even the class, who were normally fatigued by this point, radiated in excitement for an unknown reason, and I couldn't help but to get a pessimistic feeling during this all this, so I put my head down sideways on the desk as Mr. Newport began to speak.

"Today class, we have someone new joining us today and for hopefully the rest of this school year." He said in his formal tone of voice. "Please do come in and introduce yourself." He soon gestured at the door.

I duly looked at the door while the rest beamed with excitement and what came through that door made me feel things I hadn't felt in a long time for someone, curiousity and interest. It instantly made my numbed world imploded on itself, leaving me feeling scared and desperate to latch onto anything of reason on why this could have happened. The person who walked through that door was a fair-skinned, long jet-black hair, and golden eyed young women. She was wearing a sleeveless black jacket with purple colored jeans and black vans, but the most unique item she wore was a purple bow on top of her head.

I knew I shouldn't have been this interested, making connections with anyone was a big no-no for me, yet this mysterious transfer student reminded me of things I wanted to keep buried inside her mind. So this gave me an excuse to dislike the new girl that brought forth old feelings of hope, I frowned at first but then scowled as the new girl spoke furthering these bothersome emotions.

"My name is Blake Belladonna, I'm 17 years old and I hope we get along for the rest of this school year." Her voice was smooth and clear, unlike my own which had left me since the beginning of school. I started to glare at Blake and soon enough the older girl noticed the venomous stares coming from me and Blake raised an eyebrow to me.

Mr. Newport asked, "Do you students have any questions before I assign her a seat?"

Before long the class clown spoke, or should I say shouted to the wincing new girl, "Where did you transfer from!? Why do you wear a bow!? Do you have a favorite color!?"

Blake sighed as she was given a few childish questions, but nonetheless spoke, "I transferred from Signal High, I wear a bow because it's simply my style, and my favorite color is Violet." She said straight to the point while Yang had a 'satisfied for now' look.

The next onslaught of questions were none other from Weiss. "What are your hobbies? Your likes and dislikes? And why did you transfer here?" The Ice Queen said poisedly to the transfer student.

The ravenness was yet again quick to answer, "My hobbies are writing and painting, I like seafood, and dislike dogs.." Her face soured at the mention of dogs before answering the last question, "And I only transferred here due to moving." After that a few more seconds of silence fell for anymore questions to give to this mysterious transfer student.

When none came Mr. NewPort began, "Well, now that your curiosity is hopefully satisfied, I will now assign Ms. Belladonna's seat next to Ruby Rose, she is in the far corner of the room." He pointed to the scowling turned shocked redhead.

I gritted my teeth when Blake was drawing near 'my' area, I picked a corner for a reason in all my classes I didn't want to get attention, but now that this transfer was here everything would change that. Turning my head to the window I didn't want to bother staring at Blake anymore, she somehow brought back emotions I didn't want to have. Once the mysterious transfer student sat down the class finally begun, not that I payed any attention to it.

By my last class, which was P.E, I unfortunately found out that Blake was in the same classes as me and even worse was that she was my locker 'buddy'. I put my head down as I gritted my teeth and gripped my red jacket I always wore, I would wait until Blake left to change.

"You don't like me do you?" The ravenness calmly stated to me and my head shot up.

That wasn't suppose to happen.. "Why are you talking to me, leave me alone!" I thought as we had a staring contest. "I can't speak, damn it! Nobody ever talks to me!" I furrowed my eyebrows at Blake, she only raised an eyebrow in return.

The more they stared at each other, the more I was reminded of my Father's eyes and that's when it all clicked in my mind. Blake had reminded me of my Dad all this time, that's why I felt so interested in her the moment I caught sight of her. "I want to disappear right now." I thought as tears formed and I cupped my face.

"Ah!" The transfer student gasped before quickly composing herself to speak, "I'm-" But before Blake had a chance to apologize, I had for the first time in forever spoke up.

"I hate you."

Oh Well isn't this different~ Lol

Please let me hear your thoughts on this! Is it worse, is it better, the same, or did you like the original more?