Already Home

This is after HTTYD2.

Summary:Hiccup gets badly injured in a dragon racing incident when his tail malfunctions. He's been in a coma for a few days and a lot of people are beginning to doubt that he'll ever wake up.

His body lay beaten and broken on the bed as he laid there. His breathing was steady, but that was all that kept some people's hopes up. Hiccup's body was bruised all over and he had cuts and burns from the building he ran into that was on fire. He attempted to put it out with the fire prevention system, but the tail had caught on fire somehow and burnt it too badly and he couldn't escape. The crowd witnessed the boy and the Night Fury crash down into the building and then after what seemed like agonizing seconds, the building collapsed right on top of them, still in blazes. It was a miracle to see that the boy hadn't died in the hands of the fire right there. "Must have been the Night Fury." A lot of people suspected to have saved him not once, not twice, but now three times for a devastating incident.

Now, the boy lay in the bed where he had been resting for a few days now. He hadn't moved one bit, the only sign of life was the steady breathing pattern. Toothless, every now and then would sit up and stare at the boy, waiting to see his owners' body move but nothing. Toothless rested his head on the bed side and stared at Hiccup, with his green-yellow catlike eyes. He sensed someone approached and looked up towards the door, but a familiar presence eased him.

Astrid Hofferson slowly opened the door and walked inside, looking at Toothless then back at Hiccup. Her face, which was once filled with a bit of hope, now seemed to sulk back as she took note of Hiccup, unmoving. "Hey." She said soft and quietly, towards Hiccup. She walked over next to Toothless and began scratching and petting him. "He hasn't moved yet, huh?" She said as she looked at Toothless with a long face. Feeling the troubled and saddened vibe Astrid was giving off, Toothless put his head and rested it under Astrid's chin as he used to do with Hiccup. Toothless gurgled something and Astrid sighed. He then pulled his head back and moved towards the corner of the room where his bed was and lit the stone he laid on, on fire and rested in the embers.

Astrid knelt down next to Hiccup's bedside. She saw the glass of water on his nightstand, still the same amount of fluid that was left there the day before. She grabbed Hiccup's hand in hers and kissed the back of it. She then rested the side of her head on his bed and stared up at him, hoping to see him move; a twitch a flinch, anything. But she got nothing. "You know Hiccup, people are starting to doubt you'll ever wake up from this. But me? No. I know you will." She lifted her heard up off the bed and began playing with Hiccup's fingers with both of her hands. "It was quite a blow you took into that building, but you were only trying to protect people because that's what a chief does." She looked back up at Hiccup, with a sense of hope he'd have a side goofy side smile, but still, nothing. "And you know," she said, "You've been through worst and you came out of it like nothing ever happened. You're going to wake up, I know it. I don't care if anyone else is doubting you, because I'm not. Just .. Just come back when you're ready .. alright?" She said, her voice wavering.

She felt the sting of tears that she tried holding back so much. She hated this. She missed his stupid remarks and comebacks that'd he tell her and the laughs they shared. Thinking about what it used to be hurt and a pang of doubt started to overcome her along with fear. The instantly, she felt ashamed in herself. How could she think that? Of course Hiccup was going to be alright. He always is. No matter how hard she tried, the salty tears came flowing like a river. The dropped onto the bed sheet and some fell onto her hand and Hiccup's hands that were intertwined. She wiped her eyes a few times and the tears finally stopped coming.

She sniffled and rested her cheek back against the side of the bed again and stared back up at Hiccup. For a splint second, she could've sworn he moved. "Hiccup?!" She gasped, not too loudly. But no response. It was the same old steady breathing pattern he had kept for days on end. She sighed, full of despair and sadness.

She leaned her forehead and pressed it against the couples' hands and closed her eyes. She just wanted to make sure he was close by. After a minute or so, she opened her eyes again. She felt the heat of the sun on the back of her head, although it was still pretty cold. After a little while longer she finally let go of his hand and turned around so she began facing the door where she had came from. Her back leaned against his bed side.

She put her hand under his bed and pulled out the Book of Dragons. She secretly hated this book just because it was always a "Fishlegs and Hiccup" kind of thing. She was jealous, but she didn't want to admit it. Although, something inside of her knew that Hiccup could already sense the jealousy and a bit of hatred welling up inside of her every time Fishlegs and Hiccup got all "geeky" about the book. She signed and opened the book. She flipped through each class and read it to herself. She studied every word, every drawing; all the pieces of knowledge each page had to offer her. She brushed her palm against some of the drawings and writings and realized that it was all basically Hiccup's work, all of his hard work all sketched out onto these pieces of paper. She sighed, although the sigh she let out was really shaky. Tears were about to start coming, but she wouldn't let it happen. But it did.

One tear came rolling down her cheek and landed on a piece of handwriting. She gasped at what happened and quickly wiped away the tears that stopped coming. She bit her lip and furrowed her brow. The one tear that had trickled down her cheek and landed on the page began to smear the writing. It was still legible but it looked ruined to her. This was all of Hiccup's hard work and who knows if Hiccup is going to be able to even continue this?! Panic starting rising up in her and so did sadness. She ruined one of Hiccup's things, and of course of all things, it had to be the Book of Dragons. She placed the book away from her and stared at it. The tears began rolling down her cheeks and she started quietly sobbing to herself.

Toothless, realizing how sad Astrid was came over and laid next to her, placing his head on her legs to not get harmed by the spikes on her skirt, and closed his eyes as to comfort her. Her body rocked as the sobs shook her and the tears rolled down from her cheeks onto the floorboards, onto Toothless' head, and onto her skirt. She laid there sobbing, thinking back to when she and Hiccup weren't even considered friends. How horrible she had treated him. Sure she never did anything as bad as the others, but that still didn't mean she wasn't harsh on him. He's never where he should be, she remembered herself saying about Hiccup as he walked into the Mead Hall to eat. She remembered running away from him when he was asking about reading the Book of Dragons together. She remembered being utterly disgusted by him when she first saw Toothless. She remembered envying him when he was beating her in the arena with the tricks he learned from Toothless. She remembered it all and she felt ashamed and disgusted with herself.

"Why. Why did I do all of that? I'll never be able to take it back." She said quietly to herself through her silent cries. Just then, she was interrupted by something. She turned around expecting someone to have just been walking in on her and her face was red from the idea of someone seeing her cry. When she turned, nothing stirred and nothing seemed out of place. She looked at Hiccup in hope something happened, but nothing, or as she thought. She looked at his arm. Did it move? She looked at it questioningly and Toothless followed her gaze. He looked at her and then back at Hiccup's arms. They both waited in silence, tears still slowly falling from Astrid's eyes, but they began to dry up. Nothing.

She closed her eyes and settled back down, feeling the last of the tears come out. It felt like she couldn't cry anymore after that. She breathed heavily and Toothless laid down beside her, this time his head next to her on the floor. She noticed his tail resting across from his body and studied it. She looked at where the makeshift wing used to be and noticed that Toothless' scales were slightly burnt. It was hard to tell since it was a little dark in the room and his scales were already a midnight blue color. She felt sorry for him, she felt like she had to do something for him. Toothless did all he could to protect Hiccup, and he suffered the cost, and yet that still wasn't enough to full save him.

She sighed and looked down at her hands in her lap. She decided that maybe she'd try to take up black smithing and learn from Gobber and surprise Hiccup and Toothless with her new inventions too. She smiled at the idea but silently and quickly laughed it off. "Who am I kidding? I'm no inventor. I'm not like ... Hiccup." She said the last part so quietly, almost too scared to say his name. "Hm?" She heard someone say behind her, but it was unmistakable where that would've come from.

Surprised and slightly embarrassed she turned to face Hiccup, who was slowly opening his eyes, with the sunlight shining right into his face. "Hiccup?!" She said in a whispered yell. Hiccup groaned still trying to take in his surroundings. He sat up and squinted his eyes around his room.

Hiccup groaned in pain as he sat up and put an arm on the side of his stomach. "Ouch." He hissed quietly as he sat up. He pulled off the covers and lifted up part of his shirt to see that there was a huge scorch mark along with a huge slowly healing gash. He looked at it in disbelief. It was a monstrous wound that would definitely leave a scar. Toothless noticed the pain his owner was in and how slowly he was moving so he walked over to the other side of the bed opposite of Astrid and put his head on the bedside and gurgled something and tried to do a little toothless smile. "I'm okay buddy." He said as he pet his dragon.

Astrid had tears pouring down her face this time from happiness and she covered her mouth with her hands and tried to hide the tears. Hiccup turned to her with a smile, "What did I miss?" He said. Astrid didn't say anything. She leaned her face in and pulled Hiccup's face the rest of the way to meet hers for a long kiss. "You don't have to cry. I'm right here. I've always been." He said with a smile, as their foreheads touched. "I know it and I knew it." She said and she closed her eyes, and smiled face angled downwards as their foreheads leaned on each other. Her hands caressed his neck and her fingers played with some of his hair. One of Hiccup's hands were on the bed for support while another was playing with Astrid's neatly braided blonde hair that rested on her shoulder. He smiled at her. Just the way I last saw her, he thought to himself.

Hope you guys liked it ~ I'll be making more and more soon, just looking for ideas. I want to do something to show the kiddish/playful kind of side of their relationship like in the second movie (:

I also take requests btw!