Dont own Twilight

A/N Okay this is it. Its a long chapter and was tough to write which is another reason it has taken me so long. This is probably going to be the last Twilight story I post on fanfiction and it is kind of sad for me. Midway through this story I started a little website to try a few things out and thanks to my old friends, my readers, and some new friends and authors and their readers, like PeterGirl, MooNOrchiD,Sparkling Fae, Shenandoah76029, Dr, Harleen Frances Quinzel, GeezerWench plus a lot of others I could spend a lot of time listing, new writers and veterans who have blessed my new home with amazing stories we have grown to over 1100 members in a short time. It has also become a place for people to post poetry and artwork and videos, including some by my daughter Halea who just won the Non Canon gold medal for best video for Hot Harleys and Cool I'm proud :) In addition chat and message boards have really turned into an online family and I know most of you who have followed me for the last two years have had a big part in that. The work on the site cut down on my time writing this story and I apologize for the delays. A lot of you have moved your reviews to my site and I am grateful and hope this continues. I have two stories there that are Twilight, one an action/ mostly comedy called Spy Games featuring a lesbian Bella Swan at her Uncle Jack Webbs request moving to Forks to insert herself into the Cullens life to figure out what they are and continuing the series. I think we are in the middle of Eclpise rigt now and the cat is out of the bag but Eddie and jake still can't come to terms that she is a lesbian.. Of course my old friends and a couple new OCs named Sasha and Arial from one of my original stories as well and Chasing Bella which is nearly done, I think four more chapters.

Anyway, like I said this will probably be the last Twilight story I post here. I may post an Avengers story (Agents Of Shield) I am working on later after I try it out at my place and probably will post a Harry Potter story collab with MooNOrchiD here on ffnet.

Its been a crazy ride. I think we have had a lot of fun, I know I have, and hope you will all check out my original stories and the orginal authors and fanfiction writers I have on my site as well. Mostly I hope you come by and hang out with us. Everyone who has always reviewed my stories and encouraged me I can't say thank you enough. Okay, lets get on with the story.

Chapter 24

"Ty is the perimeter set up?" Connolly asked.

"We got Clive's guys on the roof, the wolves guarding the underground entrance and Mina, Hawk and Brody are in the throne room heading to the wall. Vamps are on the south wall.

"What about you?"

"I'm walking up and down the top of this castle with Dante trying not to freak out. It isn't easy at this point."

"I know, I can see."

Connolly and Webb sat in the control room an ocean away from where the action was and it was killing them both. Approaching the castle were at least a thousand walking dead bodies, some mishapen in the form of demons and some appearing lifeless. Connolly hoped they would be slow like the zombies of movies but they were not. Not faster than regular humans but still not slow.

Unfortunately every human they crossed they killed, snapping their necks. Once the bodies hit the ground they rose again, a new spirit entering the body and adding to the army. The army was two thousand yards away and advancing on the castle at a steady speed. People were running from the mob in fear and panic but some were caught regardless.

"Jack you in contact with the pilots?"

"I got them."

Above the fray were eight Auroras, hovering over the scene. Althought they had fired into the zombie army, the bodies while knocked down, rose and continued to advance. Those with legs shot off, crawled.

"Connolly the President is on." Vivian told him, no longer the wise cracking young lady she normally was, taking in the importance of the situation.

"Go for Connolly."

"Jason what is the situation? The Italian military is mobilizing. Where should they go?"

"Tell them to circle the city and destroy anything that comes out of it. Right now bullets aren't working. Maybe head shots might but I'm not sure. There are too many to tell. The Auroras are holding and I am seriously considering lighting these bitches up."

"How many civilians?"

"Most have evacuated. Those that haven't, have been overran, necks snapped and inhabited by a spirit to add to the army."

"We can't firebomb civilians."

"Sir if we don't these damn things are going to be everywhere, including the castle. We are trying to buy time for Bella and Winter. This army is determined to get to them."

The President said nothing for a moment.

"Any other option?"

'Not that I see sir."

"Okay do it."

Connolly did not hesitate. There may have been thirty humans there but they would be dead and enemies soon enough.

"Jack, light em up."

"Aurora 1 and 2, firebomb the hostiles."

Two missles streaked into the mass of human flesh and demons. A wall of fire enveloped the army.

Connolly let out a deep breath when he saw nothing walking out of the wall of fire. As soon as the flames reeceeded he saw nothing but ash where bodies had been.

"Shit, Jay it looks like Aro is leading an army, estimating five hundred, from the backside. He must have come out of the sewer system and he is right next to the damn castle. You can't bomb him. I think the main force in front was a diversion." Ty informed him.

"Jack get our birds over there to start gunning them down. It may not work but we have to try. Ty go for head shots. Tell the wolves to make sure they are not killed. I know that sounds stupid but we do not need a possesed wolf body. Make them the last line of defense. Send Jake and… can Leah find where Bella and Winter are in the castle?"

"How the fuck would I know? I ain't no expert on Indian magic. If she does you know she is going to try to get in."

"I doubt she can. Blow the hallway and have the wovles go to the portal room. They are the last line of defense. Thre are plenty of targets this army can take out but Aro is determined to get them in this castle. That means the undead army needs to get to the big ass demon. We can't let them."

"Sun is setting Jay. Aro gonna be strong as hell in a bit."

'Not when he gets in those walls. We can light him up. How are the birds doing?"

"Blowing bodies apart but Aro is getting faster." Jack informed him.

"Get the wolves to that door Ty. Clive you have control over the walls. Try and hold off as many as possible. before they get to that door. Take Hawk with you to the hallway in front of the portal with a couple UV grenades. When Aro slithers his way in, kill him. We have to buy Bella and Winter as much time as we can."

"Copy LT. Hawk set the charges. Dante, Clive, you got control of the walls. If they look like they are going to breach fall back to the throne room as a last resort."

Ty ran through the hallways, found the wolves at the undergound entrance and gave them new given, Ty did not wait for Hawk to turn the underground to rubble. He grabbed onto Quil as he ran by and they all followed Leah who ran faster than she had ever ran in her life.

In the portal room Bella and Winter prepared to battle for the Earth.

Winter's mind was everywhere and nowhere. She thought of her sister who she could feel near her, almost by her side. She thought of Leah, the difficulty they had at first, the connection they shared, she wondered if she died if Leah would die as well and prayed she wouldn't. She thought about growing up in foster care, her sister and her physically abused on more than one occasion. She thought about the only friend the two had, the friend she had dragged into this nightmare. All of these thoughts flashed through her head in less than ten seconds while she watched their ancient enemy, who stood with what looked like a smile, if a creature with as many fangs as he had, could smile.

Bella's thoughts were also all over the place. She wanted to focus but felt her life flash before her eyes. She saw glimpses of playing on First Beach with her father as a little girl, the confusion when her mother took her and left, the beuty of the desert, her friend Jake.

She thought of Edward Cullen and the darkness and loss of control as she allowed him to drink her blood nearly every night, being drawn in, Jake kissing her on a mountain top. A simple kiss from someone who loved her for who she was, set her free.

She remembered leaving Sam at the bus staion and the worry and sadness in his eyes, not knowing if she would ever speak to her parents or friends again, living alone, drinking too much, smoking too much, how she hated the job she had at that run down gas station.

She thought of the nights she stared at the handgun, drinking enough to hope she could find the courage to pull the trigger and end it all.

She thought of the tortorous week in Coronado. Despite the pain, the memories she most focused on were Ty and Jack crawling through the mud with her, telling her family crawls through mud with each other. It was the first time she felt she belonged to a family in a long time.

She remembered the feelings Jason stirred in her, the first time she saw him, the first time they made love.

She remembered Winter saving her, giving her a purpose, Chris trying to talk her through the mess her life had become, trying to tell her it wasn't her fault and failing to convince her. She had made her decisions and it was all on her.

Mina told her to never show weakness in front of her enemy. Be strong, be herself, always be aware of those around you.

She remembered the drug lord she killed and realized she felt no guilt over it. She remembered Jason's face after he learned of the loss of his men. She remembered the feeling of dread she had seeing him in the hospital bed, her mother and father's faces while her leg tried to mend itself.

She remembered killing Edward Culllen and smiled. Everything in her life had led her to this moment. She knew she may die but this demon would not pass her. She would send it back to where it belonged.

The demon spoke.

Winter and Bella looked at each other and both shrugged their shoulders.

"Do you think you could speak English?" Winter politely asked.

"I faced two twins last time. I have three to face now? Of course one is a spirit. A twin attached to your soul. You found a physical replacement for her. This one is lacking." he motioned towards Bella.

"You have Aro for a servant boy. I would seriously reconsider talking shit about other people being lacking." Bella responded not allowing her own doubt to creep into her voice. Mina had taught her that.

"You have spirit for a vampire snack. It will be delightful to chew the meat off your bones."

"We going to talk all day? Your zombies won't reach us. Our friends will stop them." Winter told him.

"Your friends are weak. My army is coming to me now. Nothing can stop them. I did not need them to kill the twins last time. I won't need them this time."

"You lost last time." Bella reminded him.

"Yes, but the twins died, just as you two will. I hope you do not have anything to live for. Your lives ended the moment you stepped into my chamber."

Tired of talking Bella pulled a handgun from inside her jacket and fired. Yoso was struck and stepped back.

"The new toys Aro told me of. I am afraid you will have to do better than that Bella Swan."

"Just my way of saying hi." Bella slipped her overcoat off and Winter did the same. Both raised their swords and attacked.

Outside on the castle walls Jasper, Peter, Charlotte and Garrett stood, looking down at the grotesque disfigured bodies attempting to climb the wall.

"This sort of remind you of the Alamo, Major?"

"Wasn't there Peter. I do know I prefer to attack than defend."

"Can you manipulate them Jasper? Any of them?" Garrett asked.

"No I can't."

"Then I guess we do this the old fashioned way. Its night time, call off the Auroras and lets tear them to pieces." Charlotte said, resigned that she would be covered in blood tonight and need a shower.

"Use these. They will work much better than our hands." Garrett handed out the battle axes he had found in the castle as display pieces. They were not sharp but with their strength they should make effective weapons.

"Oh well. Who wants to live forever right?" Jasper mused.

"I did." Peter responded.

"Look at this way. If we die today it will be glorious. $500 to the vampire that kills the most. Lets go gang."

That said, Garrett jumped down into the fray, the other three following. As they landed each were attacked by a human body. The bodies were fast and strong but not as fast and strong as the vampires.

Garrett sliced his battle axe through a head, not taking time to wait for the body to drop.

"Thats one." Garrett called out.

"One and two." Charotte responded watching her own victim's heads drop.

"No way we are losing this bet Peter. Start swinging." Jasper instructed and the four plowed into the mass of inhumans.

The battle inside the portal room raged. Yoso was accurate and strong with his sword and club. Bella and Winter were accurate and strong as well with their katanas. Trading blows, no one seemed to make any headway.

The girls split up trying to circle the demon, hoping one could find an opening. Bella and Winter moved in, only for Yoso to spin quickly, taking both of them out, cracking Bella's skull. Winters back was slammed into the wall across the room from Bella.

Yoso stood over an unconscious Bella, bleeding from the scalp, her skull misshapen, and raised his club to finish her.

"No!" Winter screamed and reached out with everything she had, sending Summer towards the demon. Her power manfiest itself in a girl seemingly made of fire who stood over Bella and stopped the club from coming down. Yoso strained but could not budge Summer's spirit. He gave up and stepped back. The spirit attacked but nothing came of it. Yoso turned around and looked at Winter whose nose was bleeding.

"You can direct the spirit but it takes quite a bit out of you, does it not? This one is almost dead. You should have saved your strength and fought alone."

Yoso raised his broad sword over her but Winters eyes never left the demon.

"Her name is Bella and she is very much alive."

Yoso was confused by her lack of fear until he felt the Katana enter his back and exit his abodomen burning him from the inside. Winter stood and shoved hers in the opposite direction, impaling him.

He screamed and twisted sending both girls to the ground. Both reached out and the katanas exited his body, flying to their hands. Once again they attacked.

On the North wall Clive, Mina and his men continued to fire at the mass of bodies that climbed over each other, rising up to reach the top. Two Auroras were hovering hitting the bottom of the pile causing it to collapse. Clive knew the ammo was not unlimited on the craft and he and his men were running out. Mina tossed a grenade down the pile of bodies and tossed another right behind it.

"We must have killed a thousand of these damn things."

"No we haven't. They are already dead. We have to disable them and that is difficult considering how they cluster."

"Cilve, this is Connolly, how much longer can you hold the wall? you are fighting one of the main forces. Our vamp squad is tearing through the other. We have lost sight of Aro and his men."

"I can hold maybe five more minutes."

"Ammo status?"

"Not good."

"Charge the wall, thirty second timer and fall back to the throne room." Connolly instructed.

"They will be in the castle if we blow this wall."

"Aro probably already is. Dante is searching for him and in five minutes he is going to find Ty. Grab Chris and the Preist in the throne room and follow the tracker and get with Ty. He is in a chamber outside the hallway with Hawk. If they fall the wolves are all that is between Aro, a shitload of zombies and Bella and Winter. No way we kill them all. Let the aircraft do what they can, blow the wall to cause an avalanche and head to Ty. We have to bottleneck them and hold them off. Thats our only chance now. No way we can kill them all."

"This is the time we would normally retreat." Mina mused.

"Go ahead if you want. I have a wall to wire." Clive told her.

"Are you kidding? My girls are down there. No where else I would be in the world. If we are going to die at least it won't be boring."

"Sullivan, you have one minute to set explosives. Brody grab as much ammo is left in the throne room and wait for us."

Brody took off without another word. A body reached the top and looked at Clive who pulled his machete and sliced the head off. Mina clubbed one in the head with her rifle and pulled her handgun, shooting the closet with precision, watching the vamp ammo absolutely destroy the heads of the mutiliated, transformed bodies climbing towards them.

"Charges set!"

Mina, Clive and four of his men, the four left, ran back into the castle. As soon as they hit the stairs Clive hit the detonator, dropping the wall and burying hundreds of bodies in collapsed rubble. It also opened up the main area of the castle but this didn't matter anymore. The team was not worried about exit plans. The only focus was getting to that portal door and killing the enemy until the last fighter was down.

In the throne room, Clive saw Chris with a shotgun and Father Frances on his knees.

"Time to go Padre." Clive instructed.

"I believe I a can do my best here. Prayer is needed."

Clive picked the priest up by his arm and thrust a rifle in his hand.

"You used to be a SEAL, pray while you fight."

"That sounds like an excellent idea. Lead the way."

In the portal room the battle continued, both foes, Bella and Winter, and Yoso moving at incredible speeds. Winter had buried her sword into Yoso's neck but was unable to cut through. Bella had attacked his leg, hacking like an axe man, but only made a small amount of damage before the leg kicked out, barely missing her head.

Bella was dazed from her still healing cracked skull and Winter was weak, unable to use her link to Summer, but still fighting, still moving.

Bella swung and missed, as the demon turned. She twisted away before she was cut in half but the tip of the broad sword sliced her back open, spilling her blood on the ground.

Yoso was unable to taunt her because Winter had cut his throat. He stumbled back, Bella leaping and kicking him in the chest towards the portal. He caught himself before he fell back and swung his club, striking a flying Winter in her knees with his club handle, one spike from the head sticking her leg, and sending her flying into the charged her and sung down only to be blocked by Bella. Blood was soaking her back and she felt faint but she would not give in. Yoso attempted to swing his club until Winter stood up and blocked is, her blade cutting through the weapon slicing it in half. Bella kicked his groin and the grotesque creature backed away.

The three combatants stared at each other, Bella feeling the deep slice that reached into her lateral muscles trying to repair. Winter shaking her head and Yoso also dealing with pain he had not expected, in his knees, throat and groin. His abodmen had not healed from the impalement of the blade, one of his weapons was destoyed and for the first time he did not see two pathetic girls with swords. He saw two threats and he was very worried. He needed his army.

In front of the throne room Jake grimaced. He felt every blow Winter took because Leah felt it. The wolves were agitated and wanted to be inside but the door was inpenetrable. No way of getting in. It went against their very nature to allow and imprint to be harmed and Leah had slammed against the wall numerous times until Jake pointed out that Winter could most likley feel her pain and to stop. instead she lay next to the door, ready to defend it at all costs.

It also went against Jake's nature to let Bella be injured but he knew he had no choice. His pack was the last line of defense against an army coming to help its master and the master being let loose on the world.

Jake also knew if that door opened and a monster walked out his pack had no chance and he knew he didn't care. None of them did. They would fight and win or die. Those were the only two options left to any of them. They were the only options available since they had all shifted for the first time.

Please let them win was his last thought when he heard an explosion up ahead.

In the hallway in hundred feet away, Dante Youngblood had wired a passage way, As soon as the first sign of undead life appearded he would blow the charges. Mina, Clive, Brody, Chris, the Priest and four men had joined an already present Ty and Dan Hawk. Once the men entered they set quick, small C4 blasts esentially trapping themselves in the hallway with only one other entrance. Jake had ran the corridor before Ty had arrived and phased long enough to assure them that the hallway past the portal room was a dead end. This was it. One way in and one way out.

"When they come in, wait until Aro is near and then blow it." Ty instructed.

"I can shred them till he arrives. If he has the guts to come in first."

"He won't." Chris added. "Blow it now."

"No. Aro goes down today." Ty ordered.

"Ty what are you doing?" Connolly asked.

"The plan. We hold here and kill Aro when he walks in and seal the rest out."

"No way Aro comes in first. Just blow the fucking doorway."

"Nope if he won't come in I'm going after him. They can blow the door behind me."


"What would you do if you were here Jay?"


"Ty when did what would Connolly do become the standard for good decisions?" Webb asked, cutting into the com.

"Fine what would you do Jack?"


"Happy hunting Ty." Connolly finally told him.

Dante stood on the side of the door and Clive on the other.

Footsteps. Running footsteps.

The human bodies burst into the light only to be shredded by the deafening sounds of Hawks minigun. The possessed tissue was destroyed , literally chopped to pieces. Still the lost souls charged.

Hawk ran out of ammo and the rest of the group opened fire.

Ty and Hawk rushed the opening fighting their way through animated corpses, Ty taking a few shots and Hawk body slamming multiple opponents who simply got up and rushed back towards the group.

"Blow the fucking wall!"

Dante did not hesistate to press the button.

Twleve possessed bodies and the human warriors were all the remained in the area, the rest trapped behind or under rubble. All hoped Hawk and Ty were not two of the bodies trapped.

Chris Jenninings fired his twelve gauge shotgun into one of the bodies, heads and the body dropped. Clive took his machete and began swinging. Dante jumped into the fray with his k bar and a battle cry.

The room became even smaller.

Father Frances fired at point blank range, afraid of striking a teammate with an errant shot. His gun was taken and strong hands grasped his neck when he heard a growl.

The hands dropped as did the body. Jacob Black's wolf had the head in his jaws. No more shots were exchanged as two more wolves, along with Brody, Clive, Dante and Mina began disassembling bodies. As soon as the last body dropped Jake, Quil and Embry fell back to their spots by the chamber doors.

The soldiers took a breath.

"Injured?" Connolly asked.

"We are good mate. Thankfully the wolves aren't any better at following orders than you are." Clive observed.

"Stand your ground. I've lost coms with Ty and Hawk. Did they make it through the breach?"

"I hope so but I have no idea. Hawk shredded several and we had twelve but I have no idea who or how many were on the other side." Dante told him.

"Fuck." was the only response Connolly could think of and his only thought was it should be me there.

On the other side of the wall Ty and Hawk were being mobbed. Had the group of twenty bodies been focused on them they would not survive. Instead they were desperately trying to pull large rocks away to clear a path. Ty pushed until he was shoved behind Hawk who lifted on body sideways and used it to clear a path through the crowd.

Behind the crowd was Aro.

"How very foolish. The darkness here makes me strong."

"The why didn't you go first bitch?" Ty fired but Aro moved to the side. Before he could take aim again Aro had him by his throat.

"I think I will kill you quickly. I have a wall to bust through it appears. My army may not be as strong as a vampire but I certainly am."

"Let's see how you like a little daylight bitch."

Ty dropped the UV grenade from his pocket to the floor, blinding Aro and lighting up the dark tunnell in natural sunlight. A kick to the face sent Aro stumbling back. Not bothering to pick up his weapon, Ty pulled his knife.

"Bella wanted to say hi but she is kicking your Daddy's ass right now. I told her I would deliver her message."

The mass of possessed behind Ty stopped clawing at the rock. Hawk pulled a machete from his back.

"I'll hold them off. Kill that fucker." Hawk instructed. Ty never took another look behind him as he advanced on the retreating vampire. He tossed another UV grenade over Aro's head, lighting up the hall behind him as well.

"Come here bitch. We gonna stay in the light and do this like gangstas, you feel me?"

Behind the rubble an inhuman shriek was hear outside of the portal room. All in the hallway, wolves and team, winced. It was impossible to tell if it was a demon's shriek or one of the girls.

In actuality it was Winter. Yoso had shoved his broadsword through her side, just missing her lung. Bella sliced his arm. causing him to let the sword go, swept his legs and pulled the sword out of Winter, flipping backwards and planting it in Yoso's chest.

Winter stumbled back.

"Did he get your lung?" Bella asked. prepared to take her partners sword and use it to defend her and carry on the battle.

"No, just broke a rib. How is your back?"

"Healed," Bella lied. The more injuries she received the slower they were to heal from. Her skull just felt solid a few moments ago but she had shapr pains inside her head. It felt like her brain was on fire. Her jaw had healed somewhat but everytime she swung her sword she pulled more muscle and skin from her back. Her lungs hurt, she was tired and bleeding profusely and becoming dizzy from loss of blood.

"Did you kill him?"

Bella looked back and Yoso rose, pulling his own sword out of his chest.

"I don't think we really can because he isn't alive to begin with. This is just some physical form he chose. Why the hell he would choose to look like that I have no idea. We have to knock him back into that portal. The light is dimming. We are running out of time."

Yoso felt his physical form giving way. He had been sliced and stabbed so many times had he been even a vampire in darkness he would have died. Being what he was, a being of pure power and strength, immune to death with the power to conjure a physical form he should have been stronger. These two were stronger than the last. They should be dead already.

The three combatants stared at each other, Bella trying to catch her breath and Winter standing with one hand on her katana and the other hand on the wound in her side.

"What do you say we call this a draw and you go home and we will try in another thousand years?" Bella suggested.

Yoso stood not moving.

"You know if I am to return to that portal those swords disappear and the only thing keeping you girls from death will be gone."

"Yeah we heard. We've both been good girls though for the most part and are pretty sure after the shit we have been through we can get a free pass into Heaven so we got that going for us." Bella calmly stated, while thinking of a plan of attack. So far, sword fighting and trying to slice the demon had not worked.

"I'm better." Winter whispered no longer holding her side.

"The two of you do not even realize the extent of your injuries, do you? You both have broken bones you haven't noticed through the pain. You are nearly dead form blood loss despite your healing properties and you," he pointed to Winter, "lied. I hear the blood pooling in your lung now. It is over. Leave now and your friends may be able to save you in time, provided you keep your swords."

Bella looked at Winter and knew he was right. He could continue on with injuries. They could not. The girls were running out of time and strength.

Bella jumped towards Yoso's arm. He swung his sword but she twisted at the last minute and with a yell sliced threw his wrist, the sword falling along with his hand to the ground. Winter charged and sank her katana into his abdoment once again. This time Bella ran around to the front and stuck hers in his sternum.

Both girls pushed.

They only moved a step at a time. A yard at a time. Yoso used his one hand to try and remove the swords but this was it. This was the girls last move. For all the agility and speed they possessed it came down to who was stronger.

Yoso stepped back again, two more steps. He glanced over his shoulder and realized they were pushing him towards the portal. He stopped trying to pry one sword out and swung at Winter only to see the twin spirit burst in a flash of fire and cover the two. His hand could not reach them.

Bella tried to look past him and saw the dim light of the portal. She remembered in Coronado hitting the sled, one hundred yards up the beach and one hundred yards back a step at a time. She never thought she could feel that much pain in her body until this moment. Every muscle was screaming, she was bleeding from cuts she didn't realize she had, felt bones that were broken she hadn't noticed before.

A few more feet.

Winter knew she was dying. She would probably die regardless of whether the sword was in her possession or not. She was fine with that. Her sister had them wrapped up in her protection and nothing would stop them. She would see her soon. Maybe both her and Bella would. It didn't matter. Leah would survive. She would have a world to live in because of what Bella and her did here today. They would walk into the portal with this son of a bitch if they had to.

On the other side of the rubble Dan Hawk fought like a man possessed himself. He was as strong as these creatures but outnumbered by twenty. The number went down with every swing of the machete.

Two bodies jumped him from behind and he was on the ground covered.

He pushed himself back up, sending the bodies flying and continued to fight. Live or die Connolly was right. This defintely beat prison.

Ty and Aro were locked in combat, rolling on the ground. Despite the light around him Aro was still strong, still two thousand years old and still had very sharp teeth.

Unfortunately for Aro he had no idea how to fight humans without his vampire gifts.

He was surprised when Ty was on his back and brought Aro's head closer to his neck. Aro sank his teeth in but then felt the pain in his side. He tried to move back but Ty's legs had him locked.

The pain continued, jabbing him in and out.

Ty had sustained a bite but that was nothing. He had this creepy fucker exactly here he wanted him. Unable to move, ribs open to the blade. Ty continued to stab as Aro continued to scream. Tired of the noise Ty lifted his arms and stabbed Aro in the throat. Black venom mixed with human blood from a recent feeding poured onto Ty. He rolled him over quickly and stabbed Aro's eye. Now it was just a hole in his skull.

"I'm gonna let you keep your other eye bitch, cause I want my face to be the last thing you see in two thousand years on Earth."

Ty stuck the blade in Aro's throat and twisted, sawing around his neck and through his spine.

Aro gasped once as Ty pulled his head from his body and then his dead eyes closed for the final time. Tossing his head away, Ty ran to Hawk who was also wounded and still fighting. He was absorbing strike after strike and kept swinging. Ten were left.

Ty began stabbing wherever he could find, tearing through tissue side by side with Hawk.

Hawk's machete was taken from his hand.

Both were thrown back, next to Aro's body.

Hawk looked over and saw Aro.

"At least you killed that bitch before we get taken out by the night of the living dead."

The animated corpse in front had Hawk's machete.

Both flipped back and stood, not prepared to die on their backs.

The machete was raised and Ty blocked the arm, stabbing the corpse doing no damage. Hawk took the blade back and sliced off the head. Four hands grabbed the SEALs.

Four hands were gone.

All the bodies dropped.

"What the fuck did you do Hawk and why did you take so long?" Ty asked.

"Wasn't me. It must be Bella and Winter."

In the portal room the struggle continued. The portal grew dimmer but they were only feet away. Yoso had planted his feet in the concrete digging it up, and making the trek harder.

Winter looked at Bella who nodded. They needed three feet.

Both dropped the katanas planted in Yoso and quickly wrapped their arms around his wide waist, lifting him in the air and throwing him into the portal.

Yoso screamed and then was silent. The portal shone bright blue and then disappeared, as did the swords inside his body.

The loss of strength the swords gave them hit both girls immediately and both collapsed to the ground face first, covered in blood. Winter was coughing up blood and Bella could no longer move due to the pain in her back. Through the pain neither realized they had numerous broken fingers and toes. Three of Winter's ribs were broken and Bella was bleeding internally from a blow to her stomach.

She looked over at Winter who laughed, blood spitting out of her mouth with each breath.

They reached across and held each others hand.

"It's been a hell of a ride Winter. I love you."

"I love you. I think Summer is waiting for us." Winter whispered.

"Jason and Leah are going to be so pissed off." Bella sighed and pressed her forehead to the stone floor as darkness took her.

Outside the door opened and Jake and Leah ran in. Phasing human Leah screamed and fell down beside Winter. Jake yelled for Bella to wake up and pointed to Embry and Quil who ran down the hall.

In the hallway. The stone barricade Dante had created was crumbled.

"Don't shoot." Jasper Whitlock said. He, Peter, Charlotte and Garret all walked in followed by Ty and Hawk.

"We found the backway in. We were busy slaughtering those fuckers at the entrance Aro used until they fell over dead."

Ty stepped up. He and Hawk were both covered in gore, but Ty had Aro's head in his hands.

"Where are the Winter and Bella?"

"We didn't know the nasties stopped coming. Is it over? Mina asked.

Her question was answered by a naked Quil and Embry running into the hall.

"Come quick, Bella and Winter are dead!"

"Jasper break open that entrance as well." Ty said and ran, the rest behind him.

What he found did not look good. Both women appeared to have had the hell beat out of them. The katanas were nowhere in sight, Bella's back was slashed open. He turned her gently on her side and saw she had blood pooling in her stomach.

Clive checked Winter and could see her breathing was slow and she was lying in a puddle of her own blood streaming from her mouth. Both the girls heartbeats were feint and slow.

"They need surgery and got less than five minutes to have it done if they want any chance. Peter, Garrett take them. Charlotte you kill anyone that gets in your way."

"This is Connolly, can anybody fucking hear me?!"

"Lt does the Italian military have a portable surgery station outside the city?"

"Yeah I told them to set one up…why? One of the guys take a shot?" Connolly asked, dreading the answer.

"Go Garrett." Ty ordered.

Garrett and Peter picked up Bella and Winter crading them closely, trying not to harm the more if that was possible. Leah nearly phased when Peter touched Winter but Jake and Quil tackled her.

Instead of fighitng she stood up and followed, running out the hallway not giving a damn that she was naked. "Quil grab our clothes and meet us up top." Jake asked and ran after her.

Ty took a lighter from Clive and set Aro's head on fire. He walked into the portal room and tossed the burning skull on the floor.

As the team, arrived outside the city, stepping over corpses littering the once beautiful streets of Volterra they found the Italian med station easily enough. Chris tried to run into the tent only to be stopped by to guards.

"Hey let him go. I'm Lt Ty Gavin US Navy. My team is the reason you fuckers ain't being eaten by zombies and shit."

"Sir there are two surgeons treating two females and the environment has to remain as sterile as possible." one of the guards explained in English with a heavy Itaian accent.

"Tell them we just need the two stabilized. We about to land some top secret aircraft here ya'll best forget about and get them to our own hospital ship."

The guard sadly shook his head.

"I am a medic as you would call it. I saw them. They would not survive the pressure change of being lifted in the air. The only chance they have of being saved is by those two surgeons. You are very lucky they are here because they are very good but … I saw your friends. It does not look good. I know one of them was having CPR performed on her minutes ago. Please remain outside."

"Man there gotta be something we can do." Ty whispered.

"There is son. We pray." Father Francis told him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't right now Father. I got to tell my best friend the only woman he ever loved is probably going to die if she isn't already dead."

Connolly said nothing as Ty related the news. Neither did anyone else in the control room. Max placed a hand on Connolly's shoulder but he knew it was meaningless. It mean't nothing at this point. His son's heart, his love was having surgery in a tent in Italy in a last ditch effort to save her life.

"I got an update Lt." Ty said quietly.

"Go ahead." Jack answered for Connolly.

"Winter has been intubated. They think they got her lug sewn up enough to trasnport her to a good surgical facility. They are moving her now. If they can seal up all the internal bleeding she might have a chance. But her heart isn't good. ribs are broken. one went near her heart damn near into it.

"And Bella?" Jack asked. Connolly was actually crying. Vivian felt sick. That was a sight she never thought she would see.

Ty took a deep breath.

"They say she got some bleeding in her brain, like her skull was cracked but it isn't. I figured it healed over but there was still some bleeding going on in her brain when it did. They drilled a hole in her skull to relieve pressure. She died for a few minutes but they got her back. She also got a huge gash across her back and the muscles are ripped open. They can't exactly close the bleeding there yet because blood is pooling in her stomach. They got her open and blood bein sent to her but they lost her a second time. Doc says he don't know if her heart can take it. They had to shock her to get her back. If they can get her stabilized then maybe we can move her to get brain surgery but right now they got to stop the bleeding in her stomach. If she can survive that, we might have a chance."

"How much of a chance Ty?" Connolly asked quietly, trying to compose himself and failing miserably.

"She's tough Jay. Have a little faith in her man. She's a SEAL."

"I need to get to her."

"You can't. you are in no condition to fly. You would just be in the way." Jack told him.

"Jack …"

"I know man. Just pray. All any of us can do."

6 months later

Connolly had been by Bella's bedside since she was brought to the Naval hospital in San Antonio. She survived. She sort of survived. It was up in the air. Due to the blood loss and swelling in her brain, Bella had been in a coma since surgery. Brain surgeons repaired the bleeding, Surgery on her abdominal wall fixed the bleeding and pins had been placed in both forearms, two fingers and the right tibula.

Through it all she had not woken up. She had been intubated and placed on a respirator and had not taken a breath on her own since just before the first surgery. Her heart had given out once more in the second surgery to repiar her brain vessels but she pulled through once more, thanks to very good doctors.

She had to be fed intravenously and looked worse than she had when Winter found her. Winter stayed in San Antonio as well. Charlie and Renee had taken indefinite leaves of abscence from their jobs and the President was making sure their income remained the same.

Jason had started to walk with a cane, his leg finally healing enough last week. His other leg was extremely weak but he was so sick of sitting that he wouldn't wait. The only rehab he would do was walk up and down the hallway outside Bella's room.

Winter was over constantly, Leah with her always. Winter still had difficulty breathing and walked with a permanent limp. She had a difficult time grasping things with her hands because her fingers had been shattered and held back together with tiny metal pins. She had a large scar in her side, the size of Yoso's broadsword reminding her of exactly where the blade entered and exited. She still had problems with coordination due to the blood loss and lack of oxygen for over three minutes until she was intubated.

She felt horrible Bella was in this state. Leah felt relieved he was sure. Connolly resented them both. He knew it wasn't fair, he knew Winter would have died with Bella and for her and nearly did. Still it was his heart that was waisting away in a hospital bed. She would either wake or die. The doctors said it was her body's decision.

She was 98 pounds now. It would take her months to walk again, and the doctors had warned him of possible brain damage. He had been warned of this as well in regards to his own injury but Max had come through again and saved him. Thanks to his work Connolly had only a few nervous ticks. Once he could walk again he could run again. Once he could run again he would be back to somewhat of himself. He would never be what he once was but that was fine. He only wanted her. He stayed by her bedside. He ate here, he slept here, he would not leave. A nurse tried to make him once and Dan Hawk explained to a hospital adminstrator why that was not a good idea.

Everyone from the teams came to visit once a week no matter where they were. Ty, Brody and Clive were recruting new members and Mina was busy with her intelligence ageny working with the vampires including Emmett, but still she came once a week. Hawk stayed, appointing himself Bella's bodyguard. His reasoning was you never knew what other vampires might want her.

"Any change today son?" Charlie asked, walking in.

Connolly said nothing. It was all the answer he needed. Renee sat down and began to work on a crossword puzzle. Charlie turned on the television. They did something like this everyday. They kept their minds occupied but never left her room during visiting hours. Hawk would bring them all food.

"Have you talked to the doctors about her weight? She shouldn't be losing this much weight. They must not be feeding her right. Did you talk to them Jason?"

"Yeah Renee. They told me again it is the best they can do. Until she wakes up and starts eating solid food at least."

"Brain activity is good right? They did an EEG yesterday, did the results come back?" Charlie asked.

"Brain activity is good. She is in there, somewhere. She just needs to find her way back."

"She will son. I'm going to step into the hallway and give the La Push gang an update. I'll be right next to Dan."

Charlie stepped outside next to the chair Dan sat at on the side of Bella's door everyday. He slept in a bed next door at night.

The room was quiet, only the low sounds of the television and the rythmic sound of the respirator breathing for Bella.

Then the respirator stopped. He looked up thinking it was broken, when it began to work again.

No it was not breathing as it usually did. Connolly had memorized the sound of her heart and the sound of that breathing machine.

Bella's hands suddenly reached for her throat.


She was trying to pull the breathing tube out. A nurse ran in and turned off the machine. Her own ragged breaths began to fill the tube.

Her eyes never opened.

A doctor came and removed the tube, watching her carefully for five hours. For five hours Charlie, Renee and Jason watched every single breath she took. Hawk only left to get energy drinks for everyone so they could stay awake.

The next morning doctors were fairly certain she would be able to breathe on her own and announced this as a step in the right direction. Connolly wanted to know when she would wake up.

No one had an answer.

Four weeks later

Winter was sitting by Bella's side along with Connolly. Charlie and Renee sat in their usual chairs while Leah visited with Hawk outside. Jack was due to visit today. He had discharged and was running a security firm now. He told Connolly it was calm and lucrative, meaning he was mkaing money and bored out of his mind. Chris had also planned on stopping by. He had been staying with Winter and Leah at least a week every month and was here everyday he stayed aong with Winter.

Bella had continued to breathe on her own and had even begun eye movements at night, according to the doctors this meant she was dreaming and was a good sign. Connolly fet a good sign would be her waking up. Despite the people in the room he laid his head on her matress and drifted off to sleep, holding her hand.

He was awoke by a sound. Someone said oh my God. Renee?

A small hand was rubbing his hair softly. He looked up and saw the eyes he had been waiting his whole life to see looking straight at him.

Then the eyes squinted.

"Turn off the light!" Winter whispered and just like that the lights dimmed.

"Hey …" Bella croaked out before grabbing her throat.


Jason cried.

Bella rubbed his cheek and smiled.

"Are you okay?" she whispered.

Connolly laughed through his tears.

"Am I okay? You died three times! You have been in a coma for seven months and you want to know if I am okay? Are you … are you hurting? Just don't fall asleep. Not ever. Just stay awake okay baby?"

Bella nodded her head and looked at her parents. Both were byeond words. They walked over to her and hugged her gently. She looked at Winter.

"You made it? We aren't dead? We won?" she whispered.

"Yeah Bella. We won. It's gone. They are all gone. We did it."

Bella looked back over at Jason.

"You still want to marry me right?" she asked quietly, her hoarse voice a bit stonger.

"Nothing is going to stop me. Hawk call a nurse or something."

"Aye aye."

Connolly didn't see the tear Hawk wiped from his eye.


"Yeah baby?"

"I'm very, very hungry."

One year later

Today was a milestone. Only Jason was present for it. Her parents had gone back to their homes and jobs two months ago after Bella assured them for months that she was fine. She stayed in San Antonio with Jason at the Air Force Base in their own small apartment and traveled to rehab everyday together. Jason was back to walking without a limp and occasionally jogging. Bella planned to walk a hundred feet today without a cane or assistance.

She started on the path and made it with no problems halfway. She still tired easily but was getting some muscle tone back and her back no longer felt like it was on fire when she twisted, though the scar remained. She wasn't shy about it. It didn't bother her in the least. She was proud of it. Slowly her memories of the portal room came back and she woke up many nights in Connolly's arms screaming but the nightmares went away. They made lovely slowly at first, as much as their broken bodies would allow and having that intimacy had brought her a sense of security that took her mind off the horror of her past. Winter stayed in San Antonio with Leah but they had talked recently about moving back to La Push to be around Leah's family. Winter never having any parents placed a lot of importance on family and confided in Bella that she really liked the area.

Eventually everyone went back to their lives and visited often except Hawk who refused to leave. Ty had asked him to be his second in command over the new special ops teams hunting vampires that killed humans and Hawk told him he accepted and would be there when he was ready to be.

Three quarters of the way through Bella was tempted to reach out to the guard rail. No. Not today. Jason was waiting on the other side. Just like on the beach she wouldn't quit in front of him.

She made it across and expected him to wrap her in his arms like he usually did. Instead she stood there while he knelt on one knee and asked her to marry him.

She said yes.

Seven years later

Jason Connolly looked across the battlefield and sized up the enemy. He had formed this team himself, molded them into warriors who took no prisoners and won at all costs. They were battle hardened and ready to destroy.

"You understand the plan?"

"Uh huh."

"He always opens with a right palm strike. Its because he isn't worth a shit at anything else. Block and kick to the sternum. Take his breath out with the first strike. If he can't breathe the fight will go out of him. You can play with him after that. Make sure to kick his thigh. Let the little bastard walk with a limp the next week."

"Okay Daddy."

"Jason!" Bella scolded.

"Yeah babe?"

"Summer is five years old. This is a junior Taekwondo tournament. Stop telling her to take people out! Behave or our dojo won't be invited back."

"I did not tell her to do one illegal manuever." Connolly defended himself. He and Bella had moved to Galveston after the wedding and opened up a school of self defense. Connolly taught many young charges how to fight in a variety of martial arts and Bella ran the business and helped out a little herself when she felt like it. Both of them had eventually gotten back to themselves but it was not an easy journey. The first time Bella tried to run a mile Connolly came home to find her crying on the front porch from the pain in her legs. But she kept on and got better. Neither of them were in the mood to fight vampires and demons so they felt they could go at a slower pace. They still swam and scuba dived and ran the beach. They worked out together but it wasn't with the intensity of preparing for a battle as in the past. They just had fun.

Then Bella became pregnant.

Now there five year old daughter was ready to face an opponent head on for the first time. She was smiling.

Connolly would have to work on her game face.

He smiled at Bella, four months into her second pregnancy and knew he would do anything for her.

"I'm sorry. Hey would you check on the rest of the kids, make sure they are at the right mats? We still have ten minutes."

"Okay, just behave." she warned him. "Summer don't let Daddy to tell you to act unsportsmanlike okay?"

"Yes Momma."

Bella walked off.

"So what are we doing today?" Jason asked Summer.

"Destroying the enemy."

"And how do we do it?"

"By any means necessary." she said with a cute smile.

"Daddy loves you sweetie. Let's not tell Mommy okay?"

"Its okay. Mommy told me the same thing this morning."

"Of course she did."

Jason looked towards Bella. She was looking at him with that smile he lived for and the smile he would die for. Bella walked back over and gave him a quick kiss. The time for romance was later.

Mommy and Daddy had to watch their little angel kick ass.

The end. Hope you enjoyed it everybody.