I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin

Date: August 8 2020
Location: Langnar Estate, Trost, Oregon
Time: 0700

Their first child born, named Fenrir, came out as a healthy boy; he had light brown hair and fair skin with freckles splashed across his face, though it was his eyes that he shared with Ymir only a tad bit lighter, wolfish even. He was now two when Ymir walked Marcel to the bus. The boy himself was doing well, his intelligence shown itself well in school, however, he was still soft-spoken until one brought up the subject of science.

He had grown well, quite well enough- Ymir had given him his own dog.

Life had improved on their land- her barn was now filled with horses, Ymir was able to get back to what she wanted to do best. Marcel had even taken up her hobby, much to her joy.

She was riding back home, Marcel's own pony was at her side being led, it was a morning thing for her to ride with him to the bus stop. Eventually she returned home to see Krista outside on the porch, sitting there with a smile. Ymir suddenly remembered they had decided to try for another child, she dismounted and went up to her.


The morning was slightly misty from the rain last night. It was warming up quickly though. Krista had Fenrir in her arms as he was staring down at the worn wolf book Marcel read years ago. He kept pointing at pictures and asking millions of questions. He was a ball of joy-a good child. Hardly ever cried and loved to laugh really loud.

Seeing Ymir come up the steps Fenrir immediately went to trying to scramble down Krista's lap, but she kept him there. She didn't trust him to keep on the porch. He had been adventuring too carelessly, almost toppling down the stairs once when she put him down to grab his juice.

"Positive," she gave a smile to her wife. After a long debate and consulting with Hanji, they decided they could try one more time. Marcel had taken a great liking to Fenrir. They both played, though, more so Fenrir chasing him around the house, imitating Marcel.

Fenrir gave a loud chirp, still struggling against Krista to try and get to Ymir.

"Here, Fen wants you," she hauled Fenrir up to Ymir to hold. Familiar but brighter golden eyes flashed at her in happiness when Ymir took him.

She left their horses untied as they preoccupied themselves with grazing. Ymir bent slightly to pick up Fenrir, he was truly a happy child, one that reminded Ymir of Krista's own warm nature. She nuzzled him for a moment, then held him close as she leaned in to kiss Krista on the cheek, warning her,"After this one, no more, understand?"

Though it wasn't more of a complaint, having too much was...too much.

Ymir had taken to adjusting her life as a parent, it was shocking, really. But she had taken it gradually. She sat herself down at the couch, resting for the moment before having to go out to do work.

Lining the mantel of their fireplace were family pictures over the years, like when Marcel had been taken out for his first hunting trip, his horse, and all the first moments. Their life was better, more than Ymir could ever imagine.

"Heard Hanji is retiring, she has a kid," Ymir said,"read it off her blog."

"Three is enough for me."

Fenrir was back in Krista's lap. However, she relocated them off the porch and inside near Ymir. Fenrir was almost climbing back to Ymir, kicking and squirming his way on Krista.

"Let Mommy rest," she chided, giving him kisses, but he gave a disinterested grunt.

"Mum! Mum! Mum!" His voice was cheery. Always so happy. People said that the 'terrible twos' was the worst, but Fenrir was an exception. Though he still had his moments .

"Hey, I am talking to you," she grinned, smothering him with more affection.

Eventually, he gave up his pursuit and went to giggling and slobbering on Krista in attempts to mimic the kisses. She rubbed her nose against his. He wasn't as dark as Ymir, but he held a lot of resemblance to her.

"A kid," now that was interesting.

"Who's the father-or mother?" She didn't ask Hanji much else than if she was doing ok when talking about another pregnancy.

"She never said," Ymir quietly said, it made her wonder how the scientist got pregnant to begin with. After all, they were at the height of the Kaiju War, or at least the end.

A year ago, a crew for Gipsy Danger was taken out, after that, attacks became frequent at the more populated coasts, Jaegers were losing. While Krista was a shareholder, Ymir was still a potential Ranger- Erwin himself phoned Ymir several times, begging her to return, along with the public, but she declined.

Her seeming indifference marred her image over the years as though she abandoned humanity, flares rose up but she ignored them from where she was. That life was over with and her partner was in no condition for action.

However, the little town they resided in was arm as ever, they were under the conviction that Ymir truly retired. They did their best to defend her from those who attempted to travel to her property to bring her back into action.

Now Hanji, one of the top researchers, has decided to leave, it was like the war was a lost cause but Ymir didn't care, she had her own life to lead.

"She sent me an e-mail, she's planning on moving here."

Krista's eyes widened a bit. She didn't realize Hanji was planning to retire nearby, but somewhere deep down she wasn't surprised.

Things were never the same after Japan. Hanji wasn't as open as she was before. It was the price she had to pay for overstepping boundaries.

"I see," Fenrir was talking with a heavy slur like most children did his age. He was pointing at the pictures in the book. She could only make out bits of 'wolf', 'where are', and 'Mar-Mar'. She let him squirm out of her lap to play with his toys on the floor, glancing up at the TV whenever he heard his cartoon back on.

"Don't wander off," she told him before looking back at Ymir. "How old is her kid? Boy or girl?"

Krista wanted to know if they were close in age to any of her children.

"A girl, a year old," Ymir recalled,"she never said anything about her to anyone, didn't want people to look at her or give attention. I think the kid's name is...Ellie, Ellie Zoe."

Date: May 18 2028
Location: Langnar Estate, Trost, Oregon
Time: 1800

The Kaiju War ended four years ago, the world was able to breathe and slowly recover.

Marcel had grown handsomely, as had Fenrir. They were still boys in face but they had grown rather well, each of them excelling rather well in school. Already Marcel had been doted on as one of the best students for his age, advancing quickly in his interested field- it was thanks to Hanji as her influence upon him in biology came into power.

Fenrir was not as strong in science as his older sibling though he showed himself to be handy with tools, he spent most of his time tinkering away at the garage when Ymir wasn't busy with the barn. He had a knack for getting into trouble, though not with the law, it was more with technology as he played around with the mechanics- he was a prodigy, almost like Ilse.

While these two kids were well and good, it was the youngest of the bunch that made Ymir quickly age.

"God, Thrym, you did you beat the hell out of that kid?" Ymir asked, she was nearly done with the girl as this was the third or fourth time she had been called to pick up the girl from school- she had gotten tangled into a fight.

Unlike the other two, the youngest, a child of eight, was the most troublesome.

Thrym sat in the hot seat-the front of the truck where her mom could fully grill her. She glared at the side mirror, seeing her own face. She had freckles everywhere just like her mom. Though that was all she had from her. She had blue eyes and blond hair like her other mom, though. People always gave a look to her, always said, 'if only she got Krista's patience' or would say the look was wasted if she was always so angry and glaring.

Her mom gave another accusing question. She wished her other mom picked her up. She wouldn't have been yelled at as much.

"It isn't my fault!" She lashed out, throwing her backpack down onto the floor.

Nobody ever asked if it was her fault! They only assumed!

"Some boy was picking on Ellie! He took her glasses away from her! Who does that, mom?! So I punched his guts in!"

She made a motion of bopping it into someone. She left out the part that she continued to wail on him even after he fell.

"You said to stick up for yourself! Why're you getting mad? Ellie can't fight!"

After hearing her side, Ymir quietly nodded; so the girl did have a side. She shook her head, then smiled, she suddenly calmed down as this was a fight fought on reasoning. She sighed, then this time approached her gently,"I'm sorry I yelled at you for it...it's the way the principal was wording it, but, I get it now."

She reached over to pat her on the head.

"At least you didn't do it for fun, you're not in trouble this one, kid, alright?" She said, relieved. She got out of the truck. "Get your things."

When they get out, she noticed that Hanji's car was parked near the front. At the porch, Hanji and Ellie were standing there, along with Krista, Marcel was there as well, he was busy at looking over some collection of bugs Hanji had brought over for him, though the former researcher was there for other issues.

It was about Ellie, of course, the girl looked downtrodden, weak and meek, nothing like the Hanji Ymir and Krista knew years before- it was like the medication bled into the girl.

Now that the kids were old enough, Ymir had taken up smoking once more, though she made sure Thrym was at a distance on the porch.

Ymir spoke up as she lit her cigarette,"Marcel, take Ellie and Thrym inside. I need to speak with your mother and Hanji."

Thrym forgot about her backpack and went immediately to Ellie. She glanced at Krista who gave her a stern, disapproving look. She ignored it and took Ellie's hand, leaning over to whisper to her.

"I'd do it again if that jackass tries it again," she assured. Ellie only gave a nod.

Marcel gave nod, knowing that Thrym got in trouble again.

"Come on, let's go," he put his hands on their shoulders.

Ellie did as she was told though Thrym threw his hand off.

"Don't touch me!" Thrym snapped.

Krista watched as the three left into the house. She didn't say anything until the door closed. Krista was looking irritable and tired. It wasn't the first and she doubted the last time Thrym would cause trouble.

"What happened? Did she really break the kid's nose?" The townsfolk had all been but kind and generous and protective of them since day one, but when Thrym began to start getting into fights people were beginning to get wary. The parents of the kids were downright angry.

"This can't keep going on, Ymir," she ran a hand through her hair, sighing.

"Hanji, that kid has a problem," Ymir stated, Hanji was holding papers, files.

She had aged poorly, her eyes were sullen, tired and wary- her skin had paled more and her complexion didn't do too well. She looked skinner, however, she had shown some mental improvement compared to when they last seen her in Japan, she was getting back to her cheery self as someone in her life, Ellie, was there to occupy her.

Her bony fingers rifled through the papers. "I spoken with her, ran a few tests and screening, she doesn't know much. Looked at her performance at school, the whole thing. I'd say she has the signs of aggression, one moment she's fine and then the next, it's hell, yes?"

They nodded.

"Bi-polar. Marcel's been helping me with this as well, bright boy, he's leaning towards that conclusion. Also, her grades and focus, I want to say ADHD as well, she's not hyper though, that's for sure; she just can't focus." Hanji sat back. "I'm willing to home-school her for you, I'd recommend it too as it's be too much to let her out with the other children."

"If it helps her, I'm willing to let her stay home for this."

"Bipolar?" Krista didn't meet Hanji or Ymir's gaze as she stared off at the fields. When she was pregnant for the second time, there were some problems and obstacles, but Thrym had been brought into this world healthy and problem free. She never thought her daughter would inherit something she couldn't control.

Krista brought her hands back to her face, sighing. She left with a morbid sense of humor that they had went through everything possible to have her born healthy because of the radiation, but never once did they think they had to protect their daughter from themselves and their faulty genes.

"We can't let her keep getting into fights... I don't want her to think violence is the option."

Krista remembers holding her close to her body when Thrym was three. She was a happy child, smiling, and giggling. She never thought she'd be causing problems down the road.

"If this is for the best," Krista didn't know if it was. She felt like she was cutting Thrym from the outside world, but at the same time she wanted to. Krista knew she could protect her at home.

Krista buried her face deep into her hands.

"Bipolar," she repeated. A deep sense of guilt was on her shoulders now. No matter how many times it looped in her mind it kept leaving a deeper impact- their genetics, things that were part of her and Ymir, was what caused Thrym to suffer this way.

"Don't blame yourselves for this," Hanji said, she neatened out her papers. "When she shows improvement, we can put her back into school, see what happens later on. True, Krista, violence isn't an option for her- she's not you and she's definitely not Ymir. Had you two been telling your children the truth of things?"

Ymir shook her head. "Marcel doesn't even know what became of his father, none of them need to know what we went through, it's not their lives they have to concern themselves with."

"Understandable. I'll start instruction with Thrym a week from today, then we'll see what happens when we go from there. Also, about Marcel, I've been thinking of having him work as an intern for me when he's older, then after that I can recommend him to the universities, see what goes on from there."

Their oldest child was already being groomed for an extensive role in academics, one that Ymir approved of so well.

"Ask him about it, he's old enough to choose," Ymir said.

Krista withdrew her hands and gave a small nod. Her face was still grim and refused to look anyone in the eye. Her expression made her look her age despite her young face.

"Thanks, Hanji," she gave the older woman a hug.

She went to Ymir, leaning into her for support.

She didn't know how she'd handle this if Ymir wasn't there to be the stern one.

"I'm sure he'd love it," she said. A very weak smile was on her face that was easily smeared off at hearing Thrym scream at Marcel for taking the last of the juice.

"Goddamn it," Ymir cursed as a fight went off inside,"...I took the last box."

Hanji shook her head. "Sharing...that, she needs to learn."

Marcel quickly was outside, running away from her with laughter. Thrym on the other hand was not amused.

"YOU TOOK IT! YOU TOOK IT!" She screamed after him. He ran down the lawn with her on his tail. Thrym caught up to him, punching him repeatedly on the shoulder.

But she soon began laughing with him, hugging him as he picked her up, bringing her back to the house much to Krista's approval.

"You fatty! You drank it all! You will buy me another one, right?" She was breathless with small fits of giggles. Thankfully, Thrym was a good child at heart. She loved her older brothers and they loved her just as much as they feared her wrath. It only took so little for her to change her mind at being angry at them. Most of the time.

"Yes, yes," Marcel glanced at Ymir and Krista. When he saw Hanji he put Thrym down with an embarrassed look, being caught acting immature.

"Now, now, Marcel," Hanji chided him, a bit of mirth was caught in her eyes. Ellie was watching from where she stood at the porch, she had come out, smiling as well. "What kind of example are you setting for yourself? Chasing girls around and picking them up..."

Ymir tapped Hanji's foot with her toe. "Shut up, freak."

Thrym went over to Ellie, making sure she was alright. Despite the girl being older than her, Thrym acted as though she were the bigger sister of the two, Ellie was quiet and withdrawn after all. Once the yelling died down, the children returned to the inside as it was a rule for them to not be in Ymir's sights whenever she smoked.

But then Marcel stopped for a moment, pausing in front of Ymir. She was still smoking.

"Hm? What's up? You're not supposed to be near me when I smoke."

Marcel had a blush over his face as Hanji teased him. He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling awkward, but didn't leave when the rest of the kids did.

"Um," he glanced at Krista and Hanji who were near by, "can I talk to you...alone?"

Krista felt a little pained he couldn't talk to Ymir with her nearby.

"Do you want some tea?" She asked Hanji as she went to the door, knowing Ellie was going to be here for awhile.

When the two were finally alone Marcel went over to lean against the railing. He was beginning to reach puberty. His body was lanky and his freckles weren't as prominent as they were when he was smaller. His wide, curious eyes were narrower with experience and wisdom. Though they still held the shine of wonder. He was growing up. Taller than Krista, been like that for a year or two.

"I keep having dreams," he licked his lips.

"Of when we moved in this house... I remember going outside, looking for something, and I thought I heard...dad. I asked you about him but you said something that you'd tell me when I was older." His eyes were downcast in thought. He glanced back up at Ymir with a frown.

"Will you tell me?" Marcel would find himself often staying up late, wondering where his father was and if he'd ever comeback. The tears were long gone by now, but a small ache was still in his heart. Whenever he couldn't sleep he'd study. Mom often caught him doing that and he'd talk with her about it-he could always talk to her about anything. She'd rub his back and let him put his head in her lap, playing with his hair until he was drowsy or tired of talking.

Marcel recalled not knowing who Krista was at first. When he went to school for the first time and Mother's day came by, he thought he'd be the child left out, but Krista came. Sometimes Ymir would come along, too, but she always made it for Father's day. He appreciated it all, he really did...it just never felt the same.

"That's true," Ymir said,"I'd tell you about your father when you're old enough, it's been ten years."

She lit another cigarette to calm herself down.

"I think you can handle it. Your father...he's actually my father, you had a different mother- I'm actually your half-sister. You had an older half-sister, my own sister, named Ilse; she passed away during the beginning of the Kaiju Wars. From what I heard, your died at your birth, so your father took you in and raised you up until you were four.

"...before he had you, he had another family, one with me, Ilse, and my own mother. Your father...he was a gambler, he was an alcoholic, he put me through hell, he put all of us through hell- I'm not even going to tell you all the things he's done to us; my mother took the worst and killed herself, me and Ilse were left alone after she died. Elsewhere, we were busy trying to survive, we got into college, then into the Jaeger Program, then...after about four years, your father came back with you. So that's what happened with you...

"He died a week or so before we moved out here, he gave you to us as he was diagnosed with some cancer. Not sure what...Marcel, I never wanted to answer you about him because he was never a good man. Don't ever glorify your father for what he's done to me, my mother, your own mother, Ilse, and to you..."

Marcel felt his slaw slacken at the words that came out of Ymir's mouth. It was a hit after a hit.

He couldn't recall the man's face. It was a blur. His voice had long been forgotten, but his heart gave a long ache at hearing those words. He always thought his father might've been busy, enough to leave him in the care of Ymir. He knew he had relations with her but didn't know what until now. Half-sister.

Ilse...He heard Hanji mention that name more than once when she would speak with him. Saying he was a lot like her.

"So he's been dead this whole time," all the expectations and hopes of being reunited were gone. It only left a cold, hollow ache in his stomach. There were no tears or breakdowns. Only a deep found disappointment.

Some anger was in him that they withheld this information, but he begrudgingly knew it was for the best of him.

Marcel remained quiet as he digested the information. His emotions were slowly catching up. Anger, disappointment, sadness, and regret.

"Did...you willingly take me in?" The past was gone and he was left with the broken present. There was nothing he could say on his father, their father. He could only ask questions that were related to now.

Ymir stared at him as though it were the stupidest question ever. "Marcel, I've known that man my entire life, if showed you first and told me who your father was, I would have taken you in in a heartbeat. I...I never want you or any other child to go through what I had to with him, I'd damn myself if I just left you. Again, he's not the best of men, and he never will be, not after what he taught me how to live, what life is. All in all, I took you in without a second thought; if you're a direct child from that bastard, at least be the one that never knows hell."

She sighed and finished her cigarette, she went in for another one.

"Krista and I, we were able to give you the best life possible, and we were careful with you. Again, I'm a product of your father, there were times I thought I couldn't make it as a parent, but looking at you and Fenrir, I'd say I did a damn good job. Thrym...that's a work in progress." She laughed. "Over all, I never want any of you to suffer the way your mother and I had."

Marcel saw the look she gave him as if asking if he was stupid. He cringed.

Ymir's words were what made him smile. Though the last parts made him frown.

"What happened to- nevermind."

He knew that Ymir wouldn't tell him. He'd have to ask his mom himself. He sighed, giving her a strange look.

"You know," a small, stupid smile was on his face, "mom kind of lied. You aren't too bad with words."

He gave a quiet chuckle. There was still bitterness in him, but he wouldn't show it. He knew that they did the best they could for him. If they didn't, he most likely wouldn't have been here right now.

"Fenrir is back," Marcel noted, using this as his way to take a quiet leave. He knew Ymir wasn't one for hugs or any of that so he just gave her a thankful look and left, ready to ask if Hanji wanted to look at the bug specimens again.

Running up the driveway with his baseball uniform on was their little ball of happiness. His hair was a lot lighter from all the sun exposure, nearing a dirty blond.

"Mom!" He waved, laughing with stories of today's practice.

"Marcel, what...?" But he already left, she shook her head and put out her cigarette on the railing. She tossed it away as Fenrir came running up to her. "Hey, what's up? Had some fun out there, kid?"

She led him inside, helping him with his stuff, the boy voluntarily took to playing the sport, she was perpetually cheerful, just like Krista, and Ymir was grateful for it- he contrasted Marcel as he was hardly shy, she was outgoing but not so much as Thrym. Once inside, Krista was busy setting the table.

Ellie and Thrym were upstairs playing, leaving the women and Marcel to do their usual business. Hanji greeted Marcel, calling him over to explain the differences of her samples.

"Looks who's back from practice," Ymir said aloud to Krista.


Having Fenrir in the house practically lit up the place with giggles and smiles.

"Oh, how was practice?" Krista wiped her hands off on a tablecloth and went around to hold her dirt-covered son. Fenrir gave her a big kiss on the cheek, scrunching up his nose.

"Ew, you're clean," his eyes were lit up with amusement. Krista crinkled up her nose in response.

"Ew, you're dirty," she stood up, playfully giving a very light swat to his butt, "go get cleaned, Fen. Dinner will be done soon."

Fenrir gave a little groan but noticed Hanji was at the table with her tea.

"Hi!" He quickly ran over to her, giving her a big rcel was given a playful poke on the shoulder. Fenrir even took off his cap, putting it on her head as he ran off with laughter to the bathroom. Krista watched him leave with adoration. Even when she felt down, he always had an infectious smile that made her forget why she worried at all.

Krista glanced over at Marcel, wondering what him and Ymir had to talk about, but she saw her wife in the kitchen. Krista went over to give a lingering kiss on her lips.

"Dinner will be done soon, not sure if you heard," her hands went to Ymir's shoulder, caressing it slowly. She pulled away before any of the kids caught onto the undertone of intimacy and went back to working on the meal.

"Alright," Ymir murmured, she still kept close to Krista,"I told Marcel about his father. He kept asking...thought it best to tell him now than never."

Hanji smiled as she took the cap off of her head, placing it on Marcel's as she went back to point out the differences once more. "...this one is from South Korea, the other is from China, then Japan, Philippines, Vietnam..." It was an endless plethora of regions she pointed out to him. "Every one has been classified..."

Even as her voice droned on, Marcel was able to pay attention to her.

"...he had the right to know," Ymir said, keeping her voice down as she eyes Marcel.

Krista gave a nod. She could feel Ymir behind her as she went to washing the rest of this morning's dishes. She pressed her back into Ymir, feeling her warmth.

"I'm glad you told him."

She could hear Hanji and Marcel go over their specimens. Ellie and Thrym were playing in the living room, talking about the latest Disney movie. She could hear Fenrir start the bath down the hall. It was all comforting to listen to. She gave Ymir another kiss but on the jaw this time.

"I love you," she whispered to Ymir, nuzzling into her. It was a hectic day but things were beginning to calm down. She could finally appreciate the quietness.

"I love you too," Ymir whispered back. She looked down at what she was cooking, then felt herself drooling. She went to the fridge; it was free of beer. A near ten years since she had alcohol- she really had come a long way to fix herself for the sake of her family. She wondered for a moment where Berwick was, if he was arrested and detained, what became of him. "Krista...you remember Claudia? Do you know where she is?"

"Of course I remember her," every now and then she could recall memories of Claudia. When you Drift with someone you never forgot them.

"We lost contact two years ago." Even if they did she still hoped she was doing well.

It had been so long since they had been in a Jaeger. It was hard to imagine almost a decade ago they were getting married, fighting, and once upon a time she held Ymir's hand for the first time in a hospital bed, afraid and excited at the same time.

"Do you remember when I held your hand, Ymir," she asked, "when I hurt my back while sparring?"

"We're...we're young enough to remember things like that," Ymir chuckled, she stooped low to kiss her as she usually did.

For a moment, Hanji watched them, eyes drifting up, but she went back to working on her collection. There are things that went unsaid in life, things that were best kept away. She learned that now, she managed to get passed that part in her life, she had Ellie. She had Ellie.

Date: December 1 2033
Location: Langnar Estate, Trost, Oregon
Time: 1200

It was winter, snow had fallen upon the ground.

Ymir returned home from dropping Fenrir at the bus stop. Marcel had already left for college years ago, studying abroad in Europe for whatever it was he researched- Fenrir was in high school, already his second year. Thrym, however, was still home schooled as usual. Hanji had left for that morning's lesson, giving Thrym the rest of the day to herself.

She entered the living room to see Thrym sitting by the window, the look she had spelled frustration, anger of sorts.

"Hey, what's with that face?" Ymir asked her, curious.

Ellie was quietly sobbing in the back of the seat. She was gushing about her boyfriend at the time when they picked her up. The only way to make her shut up about him was to give her a drink of the vodka they stole from Hanji's house.

Now, she was crying because she said this would look back on her resume, or something along the lines.

Fuck if she knew.

"How about, you let me go by myself and we'll pretend this didn't happen," she wobbled out onto the ice and pointed at the officer.

"It's icy. I'm not drunk," she about slipped, cursing. Fenrir was laughing his off in the passenger seat, trying to calm Ellie but failing miserably.

"Come on," but she didn't want to. If she did then Ellie would get in trouble, too, for being with them and drinking.

"Hey, um," she bent over, dry heaving. The officer went over to her, putting his hand on her back.

"Let it out, Thrym," he gave an impatient sigh.

"No hard feelings, " she stopped pretending and quickly threw him down into the slushy bank. The man was pudgy at best if Thrym wanted to be kind. He had no time or the strength to fight a fit Varsity player. Thrym jumped on him as Fenrir yelped and was trying to retrieve her but ended up slipping on the ice in laughter.

"THRYM, YOU -" he gurgled as she pushed his face into the snow and slush repeatedly.

"WHITE WASH!" She howled in laughter with her brother until the officer was almost taking it without fighting.

Fenrir got out, thinking it was the best idea next to steal the squad car, he took Ellie out with him and led her over. He too didn't have a license but he knew how to use a vehicle. Just as he got in, the radio blared out. "Paramedics to the Langnar Estate, woman reported to have cardiac arrest, I repeat, Paramedics. All units, please standby, closest units, please report to the scene."

Their hearts dropped at the news.

At this Ellie managed to get out of the squad car, she shouted to Thrym,"STOP! WE NEED TO GET TO YOUR HOUSE, NOW!"

Fenrir backed her up,"Officer, we're drunk, we'll cover the expenses, just get us home...I-I think something's wrong!"

He got out and jostled Thrym off of the officer. He helped the man up, brushing him fast as best he could.

"Someone had a heart attack at home, we need to get there...now!" He cried out, frantic.

The officer gave Thrym a dirty look, face red from the cold, but nodded. She uncuffed him and they were racing down the road till they were back at home. By then an ambulance was there.

Thrym saw Hanji at the doorway with Ymir.

"No, fucker pull over! PULL OVER!" Before he could come to a complete stop Thrym threw herself out of the passenger side, rolling and tumbling in the snow. She got up, rushing over to the house. Something deep in her was pulling-a gut feeling.

"MOM! MOM!" She screamed, seeing her mom's blond hair matted to her forehead. Sweat was coursing down her face.

The paramedics were telling her to stand back. Thrym saw her mother on the porch.

"What happened?! What happened?! Fuck!"

Tears were going down her face. This wasn't good. This wasn't right. She began to pace. The alcohol in her made her mind too slow to properly think.

"She just collapsed," Ymir explained, she was looking like hell as well,"heart attack, fuck..."

Hanji was on one knee, still checking Krista- she looked at Ymir, one look as if to say 'I told warned you', but Ymir ignored it. She was being held back as the paramedics began to load her onto the gurney. Fenrir got there in time, as well as Ellie, though he went to hold his sister, to keep her from acting out.

When they took her, Ymir hopped into the back along with her, never intending to leave her wife- she yelled to Hanji,"Watch over them, I'll call for you!"

And within minutes, they were whisked away. The policeman that had been plowed head first into snow had decided to let them go, telling them that they could pick up the car once they were sober enough to retrieve it.

Hanji could only watch the rest of the scene unfold, she looked over at the three and, quite clearly, could smell the vodka off of them. "...someone explain why my daughter rode here in the back of a squad car."

Fenrir's arms barred Thrym from reaching the squad car and chasing after her parents.

"We should be with them! How could they leave us?!" She clawed at his arms, but he held tightly onto her.

"They will call. They will call," he repeated, trying to keep her from making a mistake. Thrym barely heard what Hanji had asked.

"It was me and Fenrir, nothing to do with her." Her eyes were still on the road.

It felt surreal. Like they were only outside goofing off and mom and mother were inside, cooking, and about to get after them for not wearing appropriate clothing. But she knew they weren't there.

"What's going on...?" Thrym felt another wave of tears fall over her as she buried herself into Fenrir's arms. Both of them looked lost.

Not once had they ever questioned their parent's mortality. They knew the two were Rangers once upon a time, went through hell and came out alive. They always thought if the Kaiju hadn't taken them then nothing could.

Days rolled by, they were still awaiting a call from Ymir. However, it never came.

Ymir was at her bedside all night, all day, never moving nor bothering to eat. Even when doctor's told her that it was nearing to a close, she still stayed there.

As it turned out, with the information Ymir withheld from Krista, the radiation poisoning had dilapidated her body, weakening it; it was when they got the report from the police that Thrym was caught again, the stress had gotten to Krista- she collapsed in their bedroom as they were chatting idly about Marcel.

Now Krista was laying in the hospital bed, just as it was the first day they met back in Los Angeles, back in the Shatterdome after a sparring match. Ymir's mind was clouded, in a daze, all that was missing was the cigarette and it would have been complete, that first meeting they spent together, talking, to that last meeting together when they had their moments.

Ymir sat back.

She reached into her pockets to pull out a pack, she took one between her lips, but she couldn't light the damn thing, it dropped from her lips, dropped to the floor.

She always thought she would be the first to go, she was wrong here again. The machine beeped, over and over, Krista still hadn't woken up.

She held her hand, just as Krista had done before.


Knives of all sizes were pressed against her body. Orange chains slithering against her, constricting her throat, and making her bleed from the inside out. Screams that were glutural rang like distant echoes of waves in her head.

A light in the middle of the ocean. The vertigo of the drop. Waves coming.

There, there was Ymir, leaning against the railing.

"Ymir," she went up to her with a smile. Her girlfriend smiled back, giving her a kiss as they looked at Dancing Titan. Something felt wrong about it-like this wasn't its true form. Krista didn't think about it when Ymir gave a few more kisses.

They sat like this in the quietness. Sparks and rushing was going on below them, but it was utterly quiet except for Ymir's exhales.

"Krista," Ymir's voice was soft. She leaned into her lover's arm.

"Hm?" It was warm. Her eyes were like summer-home... Oh, an image of a seaside cabin flicked through her head. Children. Weird.

"When this is all over," she began but stopped, laughing.

"What?" She brought Ymir closer, locking her into her embrace.

Then she was gone. Emptiness.

Blackness. The swirling ever changing but blinding void.

"Ymir," her voice was barely a whisper as the sounds of beeping came to her ears. She felt sick like she'd throw up her intestines if she could.

Where was she? Oh, right. She hurt her back. The drugs must've really hit her hard. She peered over, seeing Ymir, but she looked different. Older. Tired. Those drugs...


Krista licked her chapped lips, noticing Ymir was holding her hand.

"Wh-when...do we start training?"


Ymir thought she was hearing voices, then looked up to see Krista's blue eyes staring at her in a daze.

"Oh!" She kissed her hand, then stood up to kiss Krista's lips. "No, no training, Krista. We're done with that, we're just resting, just like how I told you when it was all over." She didn't want her to be alarmed, to know she was dying. "We're just...just resting."

Her broke.

The person that was dying before her was the one she learned to love again, to live once more. Through the Drift she opened up to her, grew to trust another person. She always needed her in life, for her to just depart, it was too much- tears swelled up in her eyes, she couldn't believe it was happening, but it was, it was the reality.

Her reality.

She hated it, but she loved it because of Krista.

Ymir wiped away at her nose, her eyes, then kissed her again.

"It's just you and me..."

Krista didn't understand when Ymir kissed her all over. She only had met her.

"But-" she was cut off with a few more kisses. Maybe she hit her head.

Krista closed her eyes, trying to regain her thoughts. Flood of memories came. Nothing made sense and she was feeling sicker and sicker by the second. She only wanted to sleep and wake up feeling better.

"Ymir," slowly her mind was coming to again.

Right, the drugs...they weren't for her back. It was for the radiation. Krista brought her eyes to open again, but she knew it wouldn't be like that for long.

"Ymir," tears were coming down her face as she brought her hand to hold Ymir's.

She knew if she fell asleep she'd die. She heard it in her dreams.

"I am so scared," she whispered, clutching as tight as she could onto her wife's hand. She didn't know where she was going if she closed her eyes. That she'd never see those golden eyes again.

"I'm scared too, Krista," Ymir admitted when she realized that Krista caught on to what was going on. She scooted closer to her, but then decided to get up, she crawled herself onto the bed, taking her into her arms to hold her close, just to give her reassurances. She kissed her again, then laid on the extra pillow next to her so that Krista could see her eyes.

She couldn't remember how many times Krista was counting her freckles, but she remembered them all, even when she looked into her eyes- she knew Krista loved them.

For once she maintained eye contact with her, longer than ever.

She wiped away Krista's tears.

"We'll meet again, I promise that...don't worry."

Krista kept her eyes fixed on Ymir's even wandering to look at her freckles.

"I love you." Krista whispered.

Her eyes kept on Ymir's as what felt like hours passed, but her eyes felt dry. They felt like they were going to be ripped apart because of how heavy they were. She closed them to blink, but they never came back open. She sobbed, choking, too tired to hold back the sleep.

"Thank you."

Her voice was carrying away.

"Th-thank you...for living with me." Slowly, her breath slowed and she was back in her sleep in Ymir's arms. Just like all the nights they spent together she was with Ymir. She was held. She was loved.

In that love she slipped away.

Ymir could hear the dull beep of the machine.

It was over.

She was crying as well, her chest convulsed as she gathered Krista into her arms and held her even closer, in her chest. She breathed in her scent to have the last of it as she let out a painful, pitiful, mourning wail. She wouldn't let go of her for hours as she was being pulled out of the room an hour or so later.

The children were called in by the nurses, Ymir merely sat on the chair, though she was sitting away from Krista, a numbed expression upon her face. She hadn't spoken to anyone, never looked away from Krista, even as the sheet was pulled over her.

It was over.

In her mind, Ymir had left the moment Krista had, she suddenly became a shell of her former self, empty. She couldn't go on, not again at loss.

Date: March 12 2038
Location: Langnar Estate, Trost, Oregon
Time: 2000

It was the anniversary in which Ymir met Krista.

She sat at the porch, looking into the night sky, remembering when she first sparred with Krista, how their lives changed in the Drift. Things were playing in her head, over and over, again and again, though in reality, she failed to care for herself; Hanji had helped her as best she could, along with trying to care for everyone else.

Marcel had returned.

Ymir thought back, to all that she had done, to her life.

No matter what, she couldn't live.

Ymir Langnar sat at the porch, nothing at hand. She simply closed her eyes, tired.

"...we're really birds," was all she could muster.

When Marcel went to fetch her for dinner, Ymir wouldn't wake up- she too had decided to pass on, just as those two birds.

He looked around as he shouted for help, ignoring the two birds in the distant field flying away.

Flying into the endless stars.


A/N: I will not lie, myself and Reservation Red were torn up about this story ending. We've poured our time and dedication into this and we hoped you have enjoyed this.

Reservation Red has done most of the editing, go look at her stories to read more of her works.

Thank you for sticking through to the end.

Reservation Red A/N: Thanks for sticking with us and reading UltraViolet all the way from the beginning to the end. It was a very long fic but one I'm proud of.

With love, Ymir and Krista broke their chains.
P.S. We cried like babies, too