Hey everyone, I'm back. It's been almost a year! Everything has finally worked itself out and I'm in a good place. I have been for a while but I just recently got motivated to write again.
I don't own any of the characters in this story, only the plot. If any of you can catch the characters I brought in from another fandom, leave a review and let me know if you want them to make a reappearance. Also, leave me a review letting me know what you think. If you have any ideas, let me know. I'm thinking of doing a time skip. If you agree, let me know. Thank you so much for your support.

Much love

Hanna's P.O.V.

When Jenna left the room, Caleb came back with a bag of fast food. He knew I hated the crap that hospitals try to pass off as food. He tossed me the bag and I opened it greedily. Inside was a burger and fries with a chocolate milkshake that was slightly melted due to the heat of the food.

"Do you wanna fatten me up or is this one of those one time, 'You just got hit by a car and survived', treats?" I asked with a slight giggle.

"What ever you want I will get. I almost lost you twice, in the past month. I just want you to be happy, Han, and if that means all you want is burgers and fries and shakes for the rest of your life, so be it." A huge smile bloomed over his face as he sat on the edge of my bed, grasping my hand. He brought it to his lips just as my phone buzzed. I groaned as Caleb stood up with smile on his face. Once he reached my phone, he looked at the screen and didn't look up until Toby and Ezra burst through my closed door, holding both Spencer and Aria's phones. They looked between each other and sprinted out the door.

"CALEB!" I shouted. " What's going on?! Where are you going?!" Pushing myself into the sitting position, I swung my lower body over the side of the bed, never noticing that I couldn't feel the cold hospital tiles under my feet. I pushed myself to stand up only to have one my legs fail at the one job it had. As I fell, a million different thoughts rolled through my mind. They all stopped the minute head hit the unforgiving plastic bars of my hospital bed. I frantically attempted to grab onto something, only succeeding in grabbing the food Caleb left on my bed. The food and drink spilled all over the pristine hospital floor. I landed in the shake and hit my head on the tiles... Hard. There was only one thing I could think of before I slipped into the darkness... "What the Hell just happened?"

Spencer's P.O.V.

Toby grabbed my phone before I could even react to sharp annoying ring. Fear pierced his expression and he stood at once. He took off to the direction of Aria and Hanna's rooms. A minute later, Caleb, Ezra, and Toby rushed out the front door. I heard Hanna yelling for Caleb. I walked down the hall and was almost to her room when I heard a sickening crash coming from Hanna's room. I started running. When I walked through the door, I didn't see Hanna. I saw french fries covering the floor and an utterly destroyed burger by the left bottom corner of the bed. There was a small groan from the other side of the bed. I walked over, slowly, to where the noise came from. A mask of blonde hair covered Hanna's face and a halo of chocolate surrounded her head.

She let out another pain-filled moan. A small amount blood began to collect and stain her hair.

"HANNA!" I screamed. I knew not to move her. Instead I ran to the door and began yelling.

"HELP! PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME! I NEED SOMEONE'S HELP!" The nurses raced in and assessed the situation. They began yelling at each other to do different things like ordering an MRI and prepping and OR just in case. They put a collar around her neck and hoisted her into the bed. They ordered me to leave to room, but I refused to leave her side. A tall, buff-looking doctor with gray hair burst through the door, pushing the nurses aside. He shined a light in Hanna's eyes.

"I've got equal pupil dilation, but we need a CT and MRI to be sure. Page Grey and let her know we're coming down and need to get in there right away."

"Is she going to be okay? Dr..." I asked the doctor.

"Sloan. Dr. Sloan. I can't be positive right now, but you need to go to the waiting room and talk to her mother and friends. I'll let you know for sure when we get the scans back, okay?"

"Okay," I sighed. I walked towards the waiting room, wiping the tears I hadn't remembered falling. I passed Aria's room and as much as I tried to hide it, she saw through my facade.

"Spencer? Are you crying? Is everyone okay?" Aria begged.

"It's fine, Aria. Just stress."

"No... It's not. What happened?"

"I need to talk to Hanna's mom, but I'll talk to you later." I turned to walk away.

"What's wrong with Hanna? Spencer?!" She tried to stop but I kept walking.

"Spencer Jill Hastings don't walk out on me! What is wrong with Hanna?" I couldn't ignore the fact that she needed to know considering her heart monitor was beeping uncontrollably. I re-entered her room and saw the tears racing down her face.

"I'm sorry Aria, but I don't know what's happening. I just found her passed out on the ground and the doctor took her to run some tests. Her head was bleeding and I have no clue what happened and I'm freaking out. I have to tell her mom and Em, Maya, Jenna, Mona, and I have to call Caleb. I can't do all this."

"Breathe, Spencer," Aria said, tears glistening in her eyes. "I'll call Ezra and get him to bring Caleb back. You talk to her mom, Emily came in a few minutes ago and she and Maya left, I can all them, too."

I bent down and hugged my small friend. "Thank you, Aria." And I left. I walked to the waiting room, and Mrs. Marin immediately recognized my tears and quickly started crying, herself.

"I found her unconscious on the floor in her room. They took her for some test and I don't no anything, but the doctor said he'll come and talk to us when he knows more. Aria is calling Caleb and telling him that he needs to get back here."

"Alright. Thank you, Spencer." She walked towards me and hugged me. I hugged her back and instantly broke down in tears. We sat down and just cried together.

Hanna's P.O.V.

I slowly began to wake, moving my head to avoid the bright lights in my face.

"Hanna, Sweetie, don't move. You fell and hit your head pretty hard. You are getting a CT so you need to stay as still as possible, okay?" A nice sounding woman said, somewhere I couldn't see.

"Okay. Can you talk to me, or get my mom or friends?" I asked.

"I'll have Dr. Sloan get your mom, but I'll talk to you in the mean time, how's that?"

"That's great, I'm just kinda freaking out."

"Alright, that's okay, and perfectly normal. I'm Lexie Grey, and I'm a doctor here. I just need you to answer a few questions, alright?"

"Sure, what ever you need." I agreed. What ever took my mind off of the fact that I was in a tube that felt like it was getting smaller and smaller.

"Okay, Do you know who you are and where you are?" Dr. Grey asked.

"I'm Hanna Marin, and I'm in Thomas Jefferson University Hospital."

"That's very good, Hanna. So, why are you here?"

"I got hit by a car."

"That's right. Now, do you remember what happened right before you hit your head?" She asked, very slowly, scared of my reaction.

"My boyfriend left and... and he was really upset so I... I tried to get up to see what was wrong so I stood up. I... I couldn't feel one of my legs and I-" She cut me off right then.

"Wait. What do you mean you couldn't feel one of your legs? Was it tingly, or completely numb?" There was a fear in her voice that made me want to get up and run far far away.

"It was numb. When I stood up, I couldn't even feel the tiles on the ground." My voice was shaking the whole time.

"Okay. The scan is over but I don't want you to get up. I need you to pinch your leg right now, as hard as you can." Dr. Grey covered the mic and and spoke to someone else in the room. I did as I was told, but I could't feel it. I tried again and again and still nothing.

"Dr. Grey?!" I called. The door opened and a woman who could't be more than 28 walked in, her long brown hair in ponytail.

"Call me Lexie, Hanna." She walked over to me, and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. She started tapping on my knee and pulled on my right leg.

"Did you feel any of that, Hanna? I need you to be completely honest with me." I broke down in hysterics. This couldn't be happening. I was gasping for breath. I couldn't breathe.

"I can't feel that! I can't feel anything! Why can't I feel my leg?!" I shouted.

"It's okay, Hanna, just breathe. Breathe with me. In. Out. In and out." Lexie did this for a while until my breathing evened out. When it did, she turned to the nurse, who was standing by the door.

"Get her mother and any other family and take them to a private room," she whispered. "Get Dr. Sloan and have him read her CT. I'm taking her down to MRI personally. She's too young to be going through anymore of this crap."

"Is this permanent?" I looked up at Lexie. "Please? I need to know if I'll every walk again." She avoided my gaze.

"Lexie, please?" I pleaded.

She looked down at me and sighed.

"I don't know, Hanna. I just don't know."

Caleb's P.O.V.

My phone kept ringing over and over. Then Ezra's started and then Toby's. I finally gave up and looked at my phone. Seeing that it was Mrs. Marin, I picked up.

"Ashley? Is Hanna okay?"

"Caleb, you should really come down here." I could hear the tears in her voice and a chill shot through my core.

"Why? Is Hanna okay? Is she worse? What's going on?"

"No she's not okay, but I can't..." Her voice faded out and turned into the sobs of a distraught mother, sobs that told me I had to get back to the hospital now.

"I'll be right there. We're about 15 minutes away." I spoke into the phone. Ezra quickly started the car the second we were all in.

"Where have you all been?" Spencer questioned from the other end of the phone.

"We needed to talk to someone, Spencer."

"Who!? Who could possibly be more important than your girlfriend who almost died less than two days ago."

"I am trying to help her, Spencer!" I shot back. No one is more important to me Hanna. There was a long silence that was only broken periodically, by the sobs of Hanna's friends and family.

"I know. I'm sorry," she whispered. "Caleb, it's really bad. We all just need you guys here."

"Okay Spence. We're pulling into the parking lot now."

"Okay," she whispered, hanging up the phone just as we parked.

Five minutes later, I was sitting in a room with a terrified Ashely Marin, and an inconsolable Spencer. An older looking doctor comes in with a grim look on his face.

"Mrs. Marin?" Ashley nodded.

"I'm Dr. Sloan, I'm a neurologist here. I have some news about your daughter."

"What is it? Please, Dr. Sloan," Ashley begged.

"We know why she fell and I would like to give you the good news before the bad, if that's okay."

"That's fine. I just need to know what's wrong with my baby," she cried.

"Of course. Well the good news is, I don't see anything wrong with Hanna's brain, no bleed, no bruising. She only has a minor concussion."

"Oh thank God!" I sighted.

"There is something wrong though. The reason she fell is because she couldn't feel her leg."

"Oh God! No!" Ashley cried.

"We did an MRI and there is no evidence of any spinal or brain injury during the crash. We ran some test and it seems that there is a sever muscle and nerve injury. They are getting her prepped for surgery now. If the surgery is a success, she should be up and walking by the end of the month."

Mrs. Marin let out a cry of relief. After everything all of us have been through, Aria was going to be released from the hospital within the week, Mona in next two. Hanna would be fine and we would all get through this.