I am now sat with mr 'I am stronger than anyone because I am an alpha vampire mutt king'. So I'm guessing, unless you are REALLY stupid, you already figured out the answer I gave alpha mutt over here.

Aunty Damily is going to kill me if he/she finds out I left with his most feared enemies ever. (if your wondering why I put he/she and Aunty instead of uncle. Well the reason is, I'm not really sure if he's a man or a woman, with the way he acts sometimes, you can never be sure, and once I found him wearing drag. I obviously took a pic.)

So like I said, I was sat with Mr Mutt sorta against my will.

"Are you gonna stop glaring at me, or are you going to just act like a chil?"

"I'm gonna keep acting like a child for two reasons, number one every one is basically a baby compared to a thousand year old vampire, number two I am a child, well until I'm 18, and that's in 4 months, so ha!"

"Really? I was 22 when I was turned, so either way, you are a child to me."

"Wow wow wow, no need to get all ageist on me."

I came up with a new word! And it is totally better than Dam Dams one!

Wait, Dam Dam was in the car with me, and when I woke up I was alone, THAT SON OF A BEEEEP! He abandoned me! When I see him again I will personally put a stake through his heart. Ok so maybe I won't exactly be that harsh, but still!

I must have gotten lost in formulating evil plans to get pay back on Damon, because we stopped and when I looked up I was amazed! Even more amazed when I found out about Sparkling Fairies. I saw...It was AMAZING! I fell in love with it the second I fist laid eyes on it! I turned around to look at Klaus.

"Can I marry it?" I asked using my puppy dog eyes. MWAHHAHAHAHA!

"Sorry love it is married to another," he told me ,trying to keep in his chuckles, key word TRYING. He started laughing his ass off! I swear to god once I get out of this heart broken state I will find a way to kill him, then hunt him down and my favourite part, KILL HIM!

I turned to the house.

"Our love is forbidden, I shall never get to see you shine, yet I will never forget such beauty as you." I finished my speech with a few tears running down my cheeks.

"Lovely speech love, bravo!" Oh god help me I had to literally stop myself from pouncing!

"I don't like you anymore." I even put a little pout in! And you will NEVER guess what he did! HE SHRUGGED AND WALKED OFF! The cheek of some people! And I thought people from 1000 years ago were SUPPOSED to be NICE and POLITE!

I followed him in. Again I was stunned into silence. You don't know how hard it is to shut me up! Oh and don't forget he has not done this once nor twice but THREE times!

"Bekah! Guess who is in town!"

I'm guessing that's his 'evil' sister ,as uncle Damon puts it, is here.

"Oh, do you mean the sparkles are here? Then you're a little too late."

OH NO! Not sparkles and his gang of bunny murderers!