Okay so I'm so sorry I erased Instability because I couldn't stand it wow. This is kinda like Instability but without the "girl group" part. I'm aiming for a better plot because tbh i probably couldn't get anywhere with that lol. The climax, I decided is going to be deep so i need a mature plot for that.

This might be a musical type fic, as i decided the girls could still be able to sing and sing together, but still, I'm cutting out the girl group thing. because the powers should be the main focus of the story.

Okay okay Onwards, Lets see how I'm going to actually do this-

Manipulators are, well, manipulators of Nature, Feelings, and Emotion. There are only 1,336 people in the world with these powers. Some are good, some are bad, and some neutral. When their powers are trained well enough, they can live normally and they can even help organizations. They can heal, they can destroy. The only thing that isn't affected by the powers is physical strength and the such. They can't fly, they can't do anything physically out of the ordinary. But in a teenager, will these powers affect their lives in more ways than just one?

A girl with long navy blue hair walked down the last flight of stairs in her blue puffy skirt and white leggings, followed by a short jacket with sleeves rolled up to her elbows and ankle strap sandals. She crashed into the couch, falling over the side to roll and sit up. Another girl with orange hair tied into a ponytail on the side of her head, and a yellow high waisted shorts and a shawl with a white t-shirt underneath, followed by vans on her feet, walked through the living room to giggle at her friend.

"Dawn, don't go sitting like that. You'll ruin your hair." She sat next to her on her knees and waited for the rest of her friends.

"But, Misty, I was nervous last night so of course I would wake up tired~" She sat up straight but it didn't help, she crashed again on her side, her blue hair splaying out on the leather.

"Oh really? But usually you're so bubbly in the morning, even if you're nervous!" Another, deeper voice came down, and then another girl who looked equally tired as Dawn followed close behind. The first girl's hair was completely white but cut asymmetrically and the long side was all the way down to just underneath her chest. She wore a creamsicle sleeveless button up with white leggings underneath that had dashes of colors around the bottom, where high top sneakers rested on her feet. The other girl behind her wore a black sleeveless turtleneck with a high waisted green skirt that buttoned up the side. She wore tights underneath and then ankle boots with small heels, standing at maybe 2-3 inches tall.

"That's because I wasn't as nervous as this!" She looked over the couch. "Besides, Winter, Leaf, where's May? We might be late if she doesn't hurry her lazy ass down here."

"I don't know. Let me check." Leaf started back up the stairs and then a few minutes later some crashing could be heard before a loud yell about how could she have forgotten. Leaf just walked back downstairs and shook her head.

"Jeez, May. We were almost late because of you. And you better be lucky you put on a cute outfit, or else we could have been later than we are." Dawn leaned over to rest her elbow on the armrest in the car while a hairbrush was levitating around her head and brushing her hair back to perfection. May laughed sheepishly. hair brown parted hair was curled inwards harshly, and her bangs were more on the side today. She wore her red bandana in a big bow on the top of her head, and a white off-the-shoulder boxy crop top and a red t-shirt underneath. Then red shorts and thigh high socks with red flats with white bows on the top. May steered the car into their new school's parking lot before turning off the car and turning over to look at all her friends.

"Okay guys, even thought it may be hard at times, we need to keep our powers under control. If we get caught we might be sent back to the facility." Leaf was about to ask a really obvious question because she made a frown, and Misty and Winter rolled their eyes.

"No, Leaf, that means not even if you fall in love. Boys can't be trusted." Misty looked down at the last line and Leaf sunk back into her seat.

"But forget that, let's go in- we have ten minutes until first class." Winter lightened the mood with a bright smile, and opened the door to kick her legs out and turned to face outside. But once she stood up, she was right in front of a boy with short black hair that was a bit messy, but still cute. His eyes where a deep sea blue and kind. He wore a white v-neck shirt that fit his frame- he wasn't completely muscle, but he was just right, Lean, with strong arms. A dark blue scarf. He wore black skinny jeans and Jordans. Winter blushed before apologizing and backing up, tucking some hair behind her ear. He smiled lightly and told her it was okay before walking of with his friends.

"...Ohlala? Winter's all worked up." Leaf poked her side and Winter jumped before turning back around and slapped her arm playfully.

"N-no I wasn't! I was just startled!"

"Yeah, by those dazzling blue eyes, darling. I understand." May teased, running ahead as Winter chased her. Dawn smiled a bit.

"These idiots. C'mon Misty, Leaf. Lets get situated."

Dawn's locker was on the second floor with the rest of the girls' lockers. They were in the middle of the school year and they were all 16 now, except for Winter and May, who were still 15 for a few more months. They just moved around here so it was to be expected for them to transfer. And they got into a pretty good school too. They were in a town that barely got snow in the minter, so it was a good spot for Misty, who was not good with cold weather.

When she swung open her locker, she stuffed a few unneeded items in there along with a magnet mirror and organized while a tall boy with purple hair opened his locker next to hers. Figuring she should at least try to make friends somehow, she turned over and smiled. He had thick eyebrows and onyx eyes, and was wearing a purple and black sleeveless jacket with a muscle tee, showing off how toned he was. He wore slightly baggy jeans and black tennis shoes.

"Hi! I'm new to this school, I guess we're locker buddies, now, Huh? I'm Dawn. Nice to meet you!"

The boy turned to look at her for a good second, seeming to be inspecting her before he just turned back to his locker. Dawn's smile kinda changed into an angry one before she stuck out her hand.

"Nice to meet you!" she repeated before he sighed and closed his locker and walked off, leaving an angry Dawn behind.

May yawned in her first class before the teacher walked in the class, noticing her.

"Oh you must be Maybelle! Class, settle down!" and the class became silent and everyone sat down. "Class, we have a new student! Want to come up and tell us a few things about yourself?"

May looked around silently, walking up to the front and turning to face the students. The boys all stared and whispered stuff about her to their buddies about how cute she was.

"Hello! I'm May Maple. I guess I like food and Singing? I hope we get along!" she gave a quick introduction before scanning the class and finding a strange aura in the back. It was coming from the boy with green hair in the back of the class. Curious, she flowed to the back of the class and sat next to his desk before study started.

When work time came around and they were assigned with a worksheet, she was completely confused. 'what the hell kinda formula is this?! How do you even solve this?!' She thought loudly to herself, and her hands came to rest on her head. But the boy sitting next to her seemed to be just fine, skimming through the paper like he knew everything in the world. She looked over. He wore a chocker around his neck and a black muscle tee with a giraffe on it, along with dark red harlem pants and red and black high top shoes. He was clearly a fashionista of some sorts.

"Hey- uh, I don't quite get the formula... Do you think you could kinda... maybe tell me how to do it or..?" May laughed nervously as he looked at her.

"We went over this like 5 times. Do you need to be in the special needs class?" He said rudely. And May snapped.

"What the hell, man? I just asked to go over it one more time, you bastard!" she ripped her paper and he laughed.

"No, not Bastard. I'm Drew. Nice to meet you, dumb ass." He flicked his hair and gave some type of 'dazzling smile', But May wasn't having it. She stomped loudly and turned back around with a 'hmph!'

'so this is what a bad aura is like. The nerve!'

Leaf walked around the special band room, the class was learning something she already learned a long time ago, so she was allowed to go check out the instruments. It was dark, except for one room. She walked through, seeing trumpets and flutes perfectly polished before she heard a faint cymbal. rounding the corner, she lined herself up with the door as soon as the beat came in strong and loud, echoing into her heart. She loved the drums. They where her favorite Percussion instruments.

"Shit!" The drum stopped suddenly and cursing came from the other side, and Leaf could sense pain from the other side, so she opened the door just enough so that half of her could peek through and he looked up from his pulsating finger at her.

"Are... You alright?" She asked, smiling a bit to give off a friendly vibe and sent a signal saying she meant no harm. He waved his hand to get rid of the sting and she walked over to sit on some boxes.

"Yeah, I'm cool." he replied, picking up the drumsticks again.

"I'm Leaf. And that was a nice beat." She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I'm Gary. And it's not enough to win a prize anywhere. I'm trying to make a new line but nothing's working." He had his sleeves rolled up over his shoulders, but his collar was pretty high up in his neck, and he had on regular jeans on and his shoes where off. Probably easier for him to play with them off.

"I hope you get to where you wanna be then. Do you have a drum line you can throw me? A simple one. I wanna see if I could sing along." She asked and he looked confused, but nodded and started a slow beat.

"Sometimes when you're Zorg, hm

And I'm your Betty Blue

And we're singing it close

Like the girls in "Belleville Rendez-vous"

I wish

That we

Could somehow freeze the frame

But this isn't the silver screen, no...

There's no pause...

No rewind..."

Leaf laughed while he gaped at her.

"That was actually really good- Are you aiming to be a singer?" he asked and she laughed.

"Probably if I could. But if that fails, then I always wanted to be a vet or some boss of a company. Something ordinary."

"You could totally be one, trust me!"

Winter focused on the Art project closely, her pot was big but at least thick enough to go in the burner afterwards if she kept this up for about three days. She put down the string and started to walk away before yelling came from the other side of the classroom. It was that cute boy from earlier today and another boy apparently fighting.

"What the hell do you mean you goddamn piece of shit?! You wanna say that again?!" The other boy yelled, puffing his chest out and the "cute boy" just stared back.

"I never even said anything for you to get worked up about. It was constructive criticism. Calm down." He replied back in a calm and collected tone and the boy gave him a punch in the face and then the cute boy took his arm and hurled him over his head and onto his back on the ground. Everyone gasped and Winter ran over.

"Woah woah woah stop now. We did not need to get physical-"

"YOU THREE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" The teacher came in and marched up to us and I froze.

"O-oh good, Teacher, you're here! These two were fighting-"

"ALL OF YOU TO THE OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" She screamed and the Cute boy and Winter were sent out while the other boy was actually passed out.

We walked in silence while the boy held his cheek in his hand.

"...Why did you guys fight?" She asked after a while and he shrugged lightly.

"I told him that he needed to make his pot larger to get at least a C and he got upset like the delinquent he is." He responded, looking to the side. She nodded.

"Well, I'm Winter. What's your name?" She greeted him. He turned to her and smiled happily.

"I'm Riley. Nice to meet you." He nodded and we made it into the office.

Usually being sent to the office on her first day should be a bad thing, but maybe it wasn't the worst thing.

Misty lifted the pot off the stove while a boy hovered around her. He was fairly cute, so she could kinda forgive him but still.

"Okay first of all I don't know you, and what are doing?" Misty sighed as she set the pot on the counter. Her group was a bunch of bums who only put spices in the soup.

"Oh, sorry! I'm Ash, what's your name?" He greeted cheerfully. He had on a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a few buttons where open. He also had on skinny jeans and high tops. A few bracelets where on his wrists and he had this dorky messy black hair and light brown eyes.

"Misty. Nice to meet you. Now if you could back up a bit, I have to earn a good grade for these kids and you alone." she shooed him away and he looked sad for a second before taking a few spices out the classroom spice cabinet and came back, dumping a few in the pot. "Hey- stop that! You're going to ruin the whole-" before she got to finish, there was a spoon shoved in her mouth. And the taste that came with it was actually really good. Like really really professional good. Better than the soup was before.

"Is it good?" he asked, stirring so that the soup got a creamy texture to it.

She looked over his shoulder and hovered around him now.

"That's amazing, Ash!" she said happily and he gave back a boyish grin.

They got an A+.

"Urghhh, thank Arceus it's lunch time! I was about to pass out because I was so hungry!" May stretched her arms over her head, and Leaf giggled.

"So, Winter. I heard you got sent down to the office." Misty scolded Winter while Winter grinned sheepishly. Dawn leaned in.

"Did you get into a fight?" she asked, getting her tray and nearly dropping the bottle water she just picked up.

"No, no. I broke up a fight between Riley and another kid but she thought I was involved." She stated, punching in her lunch number and walking towards a random table. May sat down harshly and immediately dug in.

"Who's Riley? Did you actually talk to that cute guy you were blushing over?" May asked, food in her mouth.

"Yeah. He's actually really kind."

"Speaking of kind, I met a boy in the band room today. His name was Gary. He plays the drums and calls me-"

"Singer chick!" She heard a call from the boy in question as he speeded over to the table. "What's up? Are these your friends?" he asked, sitting across from her. Beside him, Dawn mouthed to Leaf 'Nice catch!' to which Leaf scrunched up her nose. "You guys, over here!" He ushered to about four more guys and one groaned while they made their way over.

"Oh hey look it's the dumb ass from first hour. Yo." Drew laughed at her. May fumed in her chair. "Stop eating like that, you're never gonna get a man like that."

"Fuck boys get money," May responded, and Misty laughed. Ash sat next to her, striking up a conversation about a chocolate milk he had a few years ago and the story about what happened to it.

"Hi Winter," Riley sat by Gary and looked at her across the table, smiling with his eyes closed. Winter waved back girlishly, hating that he was so cute to make her act like that.

And then there was purple head. he sat and ate in silence.

"C'mon Paul, talk to them why don't you?" Gary smiled over at Paul and Paul shrugged.

"yeah, PAUL. Why don't you?" Dawn emphasized his name and he glared at her.

"I don't feel the need to talk to troublesome girls like you."

"WHAT?!" Dawn was about to launch up, but Misty kept her planted down.

This year was going to be long.

So So SOOO?! IS IT GOOD? I TRIED NOT TO PUT MUCH POWER STUFF IN HERE because it's the Pilot, friends.

Now we're going to get into all the business starting next chapter.

Please review and Favorite, I'll start drawing for the story most likely if I get at least 3 reviews ;0
