Deeks POV:

This time of year is the hardest for me. My team thinks that they know me and they know my story, but the truth is that I have been lying to them in order to protect the ones that I love. You see my name is Andrew Jackson Queen or AJ as I prefer to be called. I am the eldest twin of the Queen family. My father is the richest man on the planet... or was. He had gotten his money by destroying people's companies and making cheep deals. I have a twin brother Oliver, and a younger sister Thea - we were a normal family... Well as normal as you can be when you are a Queen. My brother and I used to be know as the party people in Starling City. I had gotten arrested with my brother after we kinda sorta got into a fight with the paparazzi after stumbling out of a club at 2 in the morning. We have always had an attitude of party first be serious later. Ollie and I were as close as two brother can be and we always looked after our little sister, but that all changed five years ago. I had recently gone on a hunting trip with my father I had always loved to learn how to fight, survive in the wilderness, and to shoot a bow and arrow, so my dad took me on a hunting trip with him to put my skills to the test. I usually underplay my abilities because that is what is expected of me, if people only see what they want to see, then there is no reason to challenge their belief. Anyway I had just gone on that trip with dad, so he offered to take Ollie and a friend on his yacht because he was traveling to China and could use some company. He took Sarah Lance, Ollie was always the player and he thought that it would be a good idea to take his girlfriend's sister on the boat trip with him. That was the last time that I saw them. My brother, my father, my friend family. There was a storm and the ship went down - everyone was declared dead. I never believed that Ollie was dead, my father had given me a small book of his, saying that if anything happened to him that it was my job to right his wrongs. I tried to do that, but I was a mess. Laurel and Tommy tired to help me, but they also lost a friend or in Laurel's case a sister. Plus it did not help that my brother and I looked very similar - I was a constant reminder of a person they just lost. So, I decided that I needed to travel and get my mind off of Ollie and dad.

When I was traveling I got kidnapped and I knew that no one was going to come looking for me because I said that I was going to be gone for 6 months to a year. I was tortured for ten months before I managed to escape, they kept on drugging me thinking that I knew all of my family's secrets. The kidnappers wanted to find out where my father was, and where and how he got all of his money. I did not tell them, but it was hell. While I was there I experienced pain greater than any kind I had before. These people really wanted information that I could not give and they were not pleased about that. I never told anyone about it because no one would believe me, they would think that it was some hallucination I thought of when I was too drunk to think properly one night.

After I escaped, I realized that I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself and get my life back on track and now I wanted to help others. I decided to work at LAPD and for the next three years I became the best cop I could. Then about a year and a half ago, I joined NCIS and worked with the LA branch. I visit my family any time that I get, but that is not a lot since I try not to have any contact with the Queen family in order to keep them safe, and my true identity a secret. I decided that if I was going to work in LA with NCIS and the police, then I should not have any connections to the people that I love back home. So, with the help of some 'reliable' contacts I created a fake past under the name Martin Deeks. It is hard to keep up this Deeks persona that I created, but it protects my family and if I have to suffer because of that, then so be it. The only person who knows who I really am is Hetty Lang. She knows who I am incase of emergencies.

Anyway... when I visit my family, I try to keep Thea from making most of the same mistakes that Ollie and I made. I think that losing Dad was the hardest on her because pops always had a soft spot for Thea; one that Ollie and I could never compete with. I was always making sure that Thea knew she was not alone, and she would always have me to lean on no matter where I was, I was a phone call away. I apologized to Mr. Lance and payed for Laurel to go to law school, it was the least that I could do after the actions of my baby brother destroyed their family. Mr. Lance still hates my family, but now he at least tolerates me. I tried to fix my city, but I vowed that when Ollie would come back we would fix what has happened to our city together. I never believed that my brother was dead. Yeah sure we had a funeral, but we buried an empty coffin. Call it a twin thing if you want, but I am convinced that my brother is not dead.

I am working now for NCIS they think that I am a surfer, a dirty cop who did not grow up, and as a result jokes around and does not take anything seriously. I allow them to think that because if they tried to get to know the real me I would scare them away, or they would only see the rich boy exterior. My team does not even take me seriously, they treat me like gum on the bottom of their shoe or something that can be overlooked or thrown away. How am I supposed to trust these people if during our job it comes down to life or death?

If and when Ollie comes back, they are in for a shock that I am really looking forward to giving. My team thinks that I can't fight, they think that I am not smart and can only speak English, they think that they know what I look like and how I act, but they are wrong I am capable of so much more then what they could ever dream of. Those ten months in captivity did more than scar my body, and being the son of a billionaire comes with its perks when you want to take extra curricular activities.