Gail Peck stared at the equipment before her, she was the lone person sitting at the top of the bleachers of the school grounds, waiting eagerly for the signal from Dov about the band. She could see Holly playing on the field, and she licked her lips looking at the young brunette. Gail Peck didn't normally go to these lengths for anyone, but when the brunette had scorned her for her advances; it had only spurred Gail to try harder to impress the nerd.

Meddling with the various controls for the public announcement system, Gail gave Dov the stink eye as she saw him scrambling about the field, waiting for Dov to give her the signal to put her master plan into action. Finally, Dov looked up to her and nodded and Gail smirked. It was time.

Adjusting the various knobs, and setting the volume at max, Gail took the mike and started her little serenade.

"You're just too good to be true.

Can't take my eyes off of you. "

Holly, who had been goofing with her friends for a while after her game, stopped to look around to find whoever it was singing like this.

Gail decided to show off a bit, grabbed the speaker-post that was next to her, and slid down the pole, down to the lower steps of the bleachers, singing all the while. Holly saw Gail, clad in her usual leather jacket and ruffled up short hair, standing at the bleachers, holding a mike and singing.

"You'd be like heaven to touch.

I wanna hold you so much.

At long last love has arrived.

And I thank God I'm alive."

Gail crooned as tenderly as she could, her eyes never leaving Holly. She gave Holly a genuine smile and Holly was trying her best to hide her absolute glee, failing quite a bit. Gail slowly walked about the bleachers and pointed a finger at Holly as she sang, just in case the brunette tried ignore her after this, and Holly grinned lopsidedly at her. Holly was unable to muster her usual indifference at everyone's attempt to impress her, as this was something out of her wildest dreams.

"You're just too good to be true.

Can't take my eyes off of you."

Now for the plan. Nodding to Dov, who was sweating and waiting for her signal. Dov saw her and whistled to the rest of the marching band, which had assembled while Gail was serenading Holly. The whole marching band started playing and marching, and Gail couldn't resist seeing the joy on Holly's face. Holly was completely amazed at the marching band and she and let out a laugh. She had to admit it now; Gail Peck wasn't someone she could ignore anymore. Gail let herself go now, knowing she had nothing to lose now.

"I need you baby, if it's quite all right,

I need you baby to warm a lonely night.

I love you baby."

Holly looked around at her friends and Holly walked towards the bleachers, not believing this was all actually happening.

"Trust in me when I say, OK."

This was all out of character for Gail, she didn't go about singing to nerdy brunettes in public announcement systems, but she had to admit, this was the most fun she had in a long time especially seeing Holly lopsidedly grinning at her and laughing at her goofiness. Gail was dancing about the bleachers the best she could, busting out all moves she could with the little space she had. Holly was immensely touched. No one ever made a fool of themselves this bad for her.

"Oh pretty baby, "Don't let me down," I pray."

Gail was putting her heart and soul into her singing, not caring about anything at all. She pranced down the steps, staring at Holly, who was trying to hide her face, but kept bursting into laughter everytime she saw Gail dancing so joyfully.

"Oh pretty baby, now that I found you, stay. " Gail sat on one of the benches, and stared at Holly longingly, and lost herself in the song.

"And let me love you, baby let me love you,"

At that, Holly knew the cheeky, snarky blonde had gotten under her skin, and was going to stay there, and Holly was feeling increasingly comfortable with letting her guard down with the blonde.

As the marching band kept playing on, Gail noticed that two security guards were now hauling her away and Holly finally gave in. She was impressed, she and all her friends started clapping and cheering as they hauled her away and seeing this only spurred Gail to be more mischievous. Fighting out of the hold of the two guards and escaping, only to run back and prance about more for Holly's eyes.

Holly doubled up in laughter at her antics, and Gail ran about the bleachers, running from the guards who were now chasing her, and got behind one of the guards, spanked him as he struggle with chasing her and ran off again, all this eliciting more cheers from the watching crowd, all while the marching band still still played on.

As Holly saw Gail finally get hauled off the bleachers, Holly bit her lip and looked around.

Damn you, Peck.

A.N: I just love this scene so much this way.