A/N: So this was an idea that I couldn't get out of my head. If you are reading either or both of my other stories, I hope to have the next chapters of both stories posted this weekend. I have the first several chapters of this story completed, except for final editing, but I won't post the next chapter until both Cursed and The Queen's Happiness are updated.

This story will switch POV's each chapter so that you can get each of their perspectives. Who is telling what part of the story will depend on which character I feel should narrate as I'm writing. I will always start the chapter by saying which character's POV the chapter will be told from.

Please leave me a review and let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Once Upon a Time, nor it's characters.

Chapter 1

Ruby's POV

Opening my eyes, I silently cursed when I recognized the white door and pillars of the Evil Queen's house. Damn it. Why did I wake up here again? It wasn't the first time I'd woken up the morning after the full moon on her porch. Over the last several months it had happened every time I shifted. The worst part was that I had no memories of how I got there. Even since I regained control of my wolf, I always remembered what happened when I shifted, so what had changed? I quickly thought back over the previous night and could clearly remember everything up until the moment I caught a familiar scent. And then I…I don't know. Shit, what happened? What was that scent? Why am I here?

From inside the house, I heard the sound of footsteps heading towards the front door. I could tell by the clacking of heels on hard wood that it was Regina. I cursed again and scurried to my feet, hoping to make it out to the sidewalk before I was seen. Luck was not in my favor that morning.

The door behind me opened and Regina's surprised and wary voice filled the morning air. "Miss Lucas? What are you doing here?"

My shoulders slumped and I turned to face the woman I once tried to help Snow overthrow. "Uh, hey, Regina. Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you," I said sheepishly, hoping she would let me escape without further explanation.

"Why are you here? Are you looking for Emma?" she asked, pressing the issue.

Some part of me inwardly cringed at the reminder that Emma was living with Regina now. She had saved Regina from a frozen heart a few months ago with True Love's Kiss and had moved into the mansion shortly after. I knew I needed to say something before Regina got angry, so I didn't take the time to wonder why I was upset about the reminder of her relationship with Emma. I mean I was happy for Emma. She was a really good friend and I wanted her to get the happy ending she deserved. Plus, Regina had calmed down quite a lot and was actually being really friendly to everyone now that she had found love again, which was weird, but nice. Shit, what had Regina asked me?

I looked up from the grass I had been staring at while my mind wandered to see Regina standing right in front of me. She was staring at me with a worried expression on her face. "Are you alright, dear?"

I blinked rapidly and sucked in a sharp breath in surprise that I hadn't noticed her close the distance between us. Oh, God, she smells so good. I just want to bury my nose in her neck and bask in the scent of apples and spring rain and that special something that was just her…Shit, what the hell was that? I shook my head to get rid of the unwelcome thoughts and stuttered, "Um, yeah, I'm fine. I was going to uh, ask Emma something, but it can wait until later."

Regina's brow furrowed and I could tell she didn't believe me. "Nonsense, dear. Emma was just finishing in the shower; she'll be down in a minute. You can come inside to wait for her," she said, still eyeing me speculatively.

"I don't know. I mean I don't want to intrude," I said, wanting to just run away, but unwilling to draw attention to my new habit of waking up on her porch.

"It's not trouble at all. I was just getting the newspaper before I made breakfast. Have you eaten yet? I don't mind making extra," Regina replied in that new openly friendly tone that was starting to sound oddly normal.

Something in the back of my mind was urging me to agree, so I sighed and said, "Thanks, I'd really like that. I don't remember eating anything last night when I was running."

Regina looked startled for a moment before she smiled and stated, "I'd completely forgotten that last night was the full moon. Did you have any troubles, dear?"

You mean aside from waking up on your porch? I thought sarcastically to myself, never feeling more grateful that I didn't lose my clothing when I shifted than I did in that moment. "No, it was pretty uneventful," I said, letting her usher me into the house after she had picked up the paper from the sidewalk.

"That's good to hear," Regina said absently as she led the way into the kitchen.

I could hear the hair dryer running from somewhere overhead and tried to come up with a reason for why I would want to stop by so early to talk to my blonde friend. But, as the front door shut behind me, the scents filling the house completely captivated all my attention. Regina's fresh scent permeated every inch of the house; it was mixed with the boyish musk of Henry. Even Emma's earthy scent of leather, determination, and sunshine had started to seep into the walls and furniture.

"Miss Lucas?"

As I breathed in the compelling scents, I had a wash of strange emotions flow through me. I felt a weird combination of belonging, arousal, and jealousy that confused the hell out of me. The arousal I could understand. I always felt restless around the full moon, and I could still smell a faint hint of sex lingering in the air from Emma and Regina's activities the previous night. But I didn't understand the other two emotions.


The sound of my name spoken in that sultry voice sent a shiver down my spine. My blood heated and I wanted to be the cause of that voice turning rugged and husky. I needed to hear her scream my name in the throes of ecstasy.

"Ruby, dear? Are you sure you're alright? You look a little feverish," Regina said, laying a gentle hand on my arm.

I blinked, feeling my face flush as I realized that she had been calling my name while I was lost in thought. Her touch burned into me and I wanted to sink into it and feel her everywhere. What the hell? I thought to myself before shaking my head in an attempt to clear away the unwanted thoughts and meeting her worried gaze. I cleared my throat and roughly said, "Yeah, sorry. I uh…guess I haven't shaken off the effects of the full moon yet."

She studied me for a long moment before she let her hand drop. "Alright, if you're sure. Follow me, breakfast and coffee may help."

I wanted to grab her hand and put it back on my arm, but I stifled the urge and smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, thanks, Regina. I do really appreciate it," I said, actually following her into the kitchen this time.

"It's really no trouble, dear," she said, moving over to the coffee pot and filling two mugs. She carried one to the breakfast bar, setting it down before she asked, "Do you want cream or sugar?"

"Both please," I replied, moving to sit on one of the stools. She just nodded and gave me a small smile as she moved around to collect the half and half and sugar bowl. I quickly added some of both and inhaled deeply, hoping to get her intoxicating scent out of my nostrils so I could focus. It seemed to work so I took a sip of the hot beverage and let out a little moan. It had to be the best coffee I'd ever tasted.

Regina quirked up an eyebrow and smirked, "Are you enjoying yourself, dear?"

I blushed again and ducked my head. "Yeah, sorry. It's just really good coffee. And after a full moon I never really feel human again until I have my first cup."

She hummed in understanding and put the creamer back in the fridge, pulling out some eggs, cheese and a package of bacon before she moved over to the opposite counter. I watched her silently as she moved about the kitchen with confidence. A small smile graced my lips at the comfortable domestic silence that settled between us. I was surprised at how relaxed I felt in that moment. I'd never been alone in a room with her before, and I would have expected to react to the situation by becoming even more guarded and on edge than usual at the idea of being alone with the Evil Queen, but instead I had the opposite reaction. The woman behind the title put me at ease in a way I hadn't felt since before the first curse broke and I remembered my life in the Enchanted Forest.

It puzzled me, but I didn't have time to figure it out because Emma breezed into the kitchen. "Hey, Rubes," she said, her voice still rough from sleep.

"Morning, Em," I said immediately tensing.

Emma made a beeline for the coffee, filling a mug and taking a quick sip before she sighed happily. With her mug in hand, she turned and slid an arm around Regina's waist and dropped a quick kiss on her cheek. Regina turned in her embrace and wrapped her arms around Emma's neck to pull her in for a more thorough kiss.

A deep rumbling growl filled the room and I didn't even notice that it had come from me until two sets of eyes focused on me. I immediately looked down and cleared my throat to stop the sound. "Sorry," I muttered, feeling embarrassed and uncertain about what had just happened. I took a long drink of my coffee in the tense silence.

Emma chuckled, "It's okay, Rubes. So, what brings you over so early?"

I glanced up and immediately saw that Emma had backed away from Regina and was casually leaning against the sink, while the former queen was studying me intently from her position by the stove. I focused my attention on Emma and said, "I stopped by to ask you something, but I honestly don't remember what it was now. Sorry, I guess the wolf is still messing with my head this morning." I hoped that it would be a suitable explanation for why I was there, because I really couldn't think past my weird reactions that morning.

Emma just laughed again and said, "Hey it's cool. I'm sure it'll come back to you. Otherwise it must not be that important. Are you staying for breakfast?"

I glanced over at Regina and saw that she was still watching me. I shifted uncomfortably under the scrutiny and said, "Yeah, if that's okay?"

"Of course it's okay. You're always welcome, Rubes," Emma said, moving over to clap me on the shoulder.

I tensed even more under her touch, but as I could still feel the gaze of chocolate brown eyes on me, I tried not to let it show. "Thanks," I said a little weakly, looking down into my coffee mug.

Regina shifted. I could feel her moving back over to the coffee pot before crossing to the island. I watched her hand as she poured more coffee into my cup. When I didn't look up at her, she reached her free hand out and gently touched the fingers I had curled around the mug. Warmth flooded me; traveling from the hand she was caressing up my arm and then spread throughout the rest of my body. The sensation eased some of the tension in my body. My eyes flew up to meet hers and some indecipherable emotion passed over her face for the briefest of moments.

When it cleared, she was smiling at me. "Of course you're welcome for breakfast, dear."

I couldn't stop an answering smile from appearing as I said, "Thanks."

"It's no trouble," she said and gave my hand a quick squeeze before she turned back to the stove and poured the scrambled eggs and cheese blend into a pan.

I settled down after that and we fell into easy conversation while Regina made breakfast. But every so often my mind started wandering towards Regina and I couldn't help but wonder what that emotion had been that I saw cross her eyes when she touched my hand. While we ate, I could feel Regina's gaze on me more often than not, but I tried not to let it get to me. My efforts were useless, because the weight of her gaze was heavy enough to feel like caresses against my skin, causing a sea of arousal to rise within me.

I was beyond confused as to what was going on. Why was I reacting to Regina that way? I've never been attracted to her before, so why is she affecting me so much today? I mean, she's gorgeous, but everyone with eyes can tell you that. What the hell is wrong with me? These thoughts and more plagued me throughout the meal, but I had no answers. As soon as we'd finished eating, I left as politely as I could and made my way home, hoping to forget about the strange morning or at the very least, deal with it after I'd gotten more sleep.

Later that afternoon, once I'd woken from a long nap, I could hear raised voices coming from the kitchen of the B&B. I could tell that one of the voices was Granny's, but I didn't immediately recognize the second voice. I crept over to my door and cracked it open, not wanting to alert Granny that I was awake. Immediately, Regina's strident voice reached my ears and my earlier arousal shot back through me.

"What do you mean, you think she's in mating heat?" the former queen demanded, her voice rising in volume and pitch as she spoke.

"Hush, girl. Do you want to wake her?" Granny said urgently. I could hear Regina's hands slap against her sides as she sighed. "Look, it's really not that surprising. Her wolf was dormant for so long during the curse and now that everything's calmed down around town and everyone is getting their happy endings, the wolf in her wants one, too," Granny stated flatly.

I froze. They're talking about me. Is that what's been happening to me? But if it is then why am I only reacting to Regina this way? She already has her happy ending. Shit, Emma's going to kill me. I thought, feeling panic welling up inside me. When Regina spoke again, I pushed aside my inner turmoil to focus on what she was saying.

"Alright, I can understand that. But what does that have to do with the way she was acting this morning?" Regina asked, sounding overly calm.

Granny sighed. I could hear her pull out a chair and sit before she said, "It's complicated. Ruby is an alpha wolf without a pack. If this happens when a female alpha goes into mating heat, the wolf is drawn to the person or wolf that best compliments both their human and wolf personalities. It is an emotional and spiritual pull to be with your mate. It is Fate's way of ensuring the continuation of the alpha line. If the Fated mate is another female, then she always has innate magic that would allow the alpha to produce heirs."

"Correct me if I'm mistaken, but what you're implying is that Fate has chosen me to be Ruby's mate. Is that what you're trying to avoid saying?" Regina asked incredulously.

Granny let out a defeated sigh and said, "Yes, I think that may be the case."

I gasped. No, this can't be happening. Why Regina? The panic was back. It weighed down on my chest and made it difficult to breathe. Over my desperate pants, I barely heard Regina's quiet question. "But, Emma is my True Love. How is it possible that I could also be fated to be Ruby's mate?"

"I have no idea," Granny said almost too softly for me to hear.

"What would happen if we do not mate?" the former queen asked cautiously.

A low growl rumbled out from deep in my chest, growing in volume as it escaped my lips in response to Regina's question. Silence immediately fell from the floor below me and I wanted to kick myself for alerting them that I was awake and listening to their conversation.

"Ruby, get down here," Granny called out.

I sighed and headed downstairs. I really didn't want to face the former Evil Queen in light of Granny's revelations. I kept my head down, not meeting either of their eyes when I walked into the kitchen. I had to force myself to stop just inside the doorway as some part of me wanted to go to Regina and nuzzle into her. I could feel the weight of both their gazes on me and a low whine escaped my lips.

"How much did you hear?" Granny asked sharply.

I flinched and muttered, "Um, since Regina asked about m-mating heat." I could feel my cheeks flaming with the evidence of my embarrassment over the situation.

"Alright, you needed to hear all of this anyway," she grumbled and shifted in her seat. "Regina, I'll answer your question if you tell me what you're feeling right now."

The former queen cleared her throat, sounding uncomfortable. After a moment's hesitation she admitted, "I feel drawn to her. I don't like seeing her so distressed."

Granny grunted and asked, "Ruby, why were you really at Regina's this morning?"

I shifted uncomfortably and focused my attention on my bare feet as I softly stated, "I woke up on the porch. I don't remember how I got there, but I've woken up on the porch every time I've shifted for months."

"What?" Regina asked, sounding irritated, causing me to whimper and duck my head until my chin was brushing my chest. If I had been in my wolf form, my tail would have been tucked between my legs. The clacking of her heels on the linoleum filled the room as Regina crossed to me. I couldn't stop myself from cringing as she got closer, expecting a sharp reprimand for invading her territory.

Instead, Regina gently cupped my chin in her soft hand and tilted my face up to hers. I was captivated by the compassion in her beautiful brown eyes. "I'm not upset with you, dear. I was just surprised."

Instinctively, I stepped into her and nuzzled the tender skin under her chin with my nose. The scent of apples, spring rain and Regina filled my nostrils and I relaxed. When I felt hesitant hands wrap around me, I felt like I'd finally come home at last. As that thought settled in my mind, the reality of the situation hit me and I jerked away.

Granny snorted, "Well, I think that makes it clear that our suspicions are correct. You're meant to be mates."

"You haven't answered my question, Granny," Regina said sharply. I forced myself to look at her and was surprised to see that her eyes were on me. It was easy to read the irritation in her gaze, but I could also see a spark of interest. It acted as a balm on my insecurities and I straightened my shoulders and was finally able to meet her intense scrutiny without doubt and uncertainties making me feel weak.

"I've never heard of a fated pair who didn't mate. But theoretically, if Ruby comes out of heat before you become mates, then she might be able to choose someone else," Granny replied.

"Very well. I'm sorry Ruby, but I won't jeopardize my relationship with Emma," Regina said, actually sounding like she meant the apology.

My heart lurched painfully, but I ignored it and nodded. I hadn't actually expected her to say anything else and I didn't want to hurt Emma. "I understand, Regina," I said softly.

When Regina turned to leave, Granny stood and said, "Hang on. Before you leave, I have one last question that needs to be answered."

The former queen sighed and turned back to face us, "Go ahead and ask."

"Ruby, when did you start waking up on Regina's porch?" Granny asked.

I didn't know why it was important, but I quickly thought back and said, "Three months ago, why?"

Granny nodded as though she expected the answer and turned to Regina. "And how long ago did Emma save you with True Love's Kiss?"

Regina froze. Tension filled the air as realization descended. "Three months ago," she replied stiffly.

"I think Ruby went into heat because her fated mate found true love with someone else. I suggest you find a way to work this out before the situation escalates any further. If I'm correct, Ruby could lose control of her wolf if it becomes desperate for its mate," Granny explained with a tone of finality.

The former queen looked stricken. Her expression hardened and she snapped, "I need to discuss this with Emma. I do not appreciate having my hand forced and I will not give up my true love."

"Regina, you should also know that if a wolf's chosen mate isn't already a wolf, the urge to change your mate is nearly impossible to resist. No mated wolf wants to run alone under the full moon," Granny added.

Fury washed over the former queen's face and she turned to glare at me. "We will discuss this further after I've spoken with Emma. Do not contact either of us until I do."

I nodded briskly and she spun and stormed out of the building. It felt like she took my heart with her when she left and tears welled in my eyes. Why am I so upset? She is the Evil Fucking Queen! I don't actually want her to be my mate. In the back of my mind, I knew that was a lie. Regina was the most complex person I'd ever known and there was certainly no one else in Storybrook who could really understand what I've been through and how it had felt when I killed Peter and my mother.

Granny moved up to my side and gently squeezed my shoulder. "I don't like it any more than you do, but fighting fate never ends well for anyone," she said resignedly.

I couldn't do anything but say, "I know," and brush the tears from my cheeks, hating that I felt heartbroken over Regina.