Finally here is the last chapter this story. Sorry it has taken so long in posting. I hope you enjoy. Please if you read feel free to review and let me know what you think, good bad or indifferent. I hope you enjoy.
A Simple Truth
"Jennie, are you okay now?" Lee asked still holding tight to his daughter on his lap. Shaking her head she welcomed her father's hug and compassion instead of the rejections of earlier that day and the week before.
"Here sit down next to me and let us talk." Lee kept his arm around her in the crook of his arm; not wanting to break the contact for fear she would misunderstand again. "I knew the moment you were born that I was going to have to watch you like a hawk. Anyone that comes into the world with a cord around their neck was going to need to be protected and watched carefully."
"No, I'm serious." He said with a wave of his hand. "I'm not sure if there is anything I can say to you to make you realize that you are wrong about me loving the boys more than you. You see, that just isn't possible. I love all four of you I just show it differently for each of you."
"Yeah, the boys can do anything they want and I can't."
"Not true, young lady. You told your mother that while she was gone last week that I let Matt go all over the neighborhood and you had to stay here; yes that is true. Matt was playing at Kerrigan and Tracy's house and if I recall one of them had chicken pox and Matt had already had them and you hadn't so I had you stay at home, plus your bike was still at the repair shop so you couldn't even go on bike rides. The movie that Matt went to see with Jamie was a Sci-Fi movie and you don't like those kinds of movies so I had you stay here with me and I think you beat the socks off me at Scrabble; didn't you?"
Smiling she said, "Yes, I did win; did you let me?"
"No, just like I don't let your mother win either; now your grandmother that is a different story she just makes up words and it is just too funny so I let her. Now back to the subject at hand, me not loving you."
"I know you love me, but it just seems like you love the boys more. They get to do all kinds of things that you won't let me do."
"Like what kind of things?"
"Learning about the car, playing baseball, going to the gun range with you, having sex…"
"WHOA! No one under the age of 18 is having sex in this house and yes ma'am that includes you. Do you even know what sex is?"
"No, but in your journal you were talking about it so I just figured it was one more thing you let the boys do that I wasn't allowed to do."
"You can talk to your mother tonight about what and how sex works but no it isn't something that I allowed any of the boys to do and just so you know it is definitely something I do not want you to do."
"Why?" Lee's heart swelled at the innocence his daughter still held.
"Mommy will explain all about the whys and why not later, but what I can tell you is that you are more precious to me than just about anything in the world. I never thought I would even be a parent; much less to four wonderful and thoughtful children."
"I think I read that; why didn't you think you would have kids?"
"For one thing I never really cared much for children; I didn't understand them and being raised with Uncle Robert I never got that warm family feeling. A few other reasons were because of the work I use to do; being an agent for me was the most important thing to me. I didn't think it was fair to bring children into this world and then go to work and leave them so often or in some cases permanently."
Lee watched his daughter's face and knew she understood what that last part meant. "Yes, Jennifer, there were real possibilities I could have died and never came home. Thank God I met your mother at that train station; Billy put us together a lot because I think he knew that I wouldn't take so many risks if she was around because I was responsible for her in the beginning; let me tell you what she scared me a lot of times too."
"You mean Mommy needed protecting and watched too?"
"She did but um so did Daddy. We are getting off subject, young lady so back to you kids." Jennie sat closer into her father's embrace, not wanting to see the love in his eyes for the boys and not as much for her.
"The love I feel for Philip and Jamie is completely different for each of them. They have both been in my life for as long as your mother has been. I started to care for them through her; she was always sharing and talking about them and what they were up to. I pretended like I didn't care what she had to say but in truth I wanted to hear those stories about them and your grandmother. When I started coming around out in the open around everyone, Philip and I got off to a great start. We had a lot of the same interests. It was easy to talk with him about things and I had already learned so much about him from Amanda that loving him was just as easy as loving her. Now we didn't always get along and after everyone found out we were already married and you and your brother were on the way things got a little patchy but I hung in there and tried to prove that I loved him, your mother, and everyone else."
"You had to prove you loved them? How can you prove you love someone?"
"Isn't that what you are asking me to do with you?" Lee asked but Jennie just sat quietly and continued to listen to her father.
"Jamie was a completely different story; the first few months we were okay, I was just the new guy his mom was dating and we got on fine. Once Jamie realized I was here for the long haul and not just a few dates in my fancy car he began to worry about me and not trust me. When Mommy got shot on our honeymoon and was out in California for so long Jamie became worried about me not sticking around I guess and decided that I wasn't the best person for his mother. He grew distant from me, not wanting to do things with us, and despite having incredible manners he had no problem with being openly rude to me; not knowing that I was already his stepfather. I decided it was up to me to bridge the gap, now while things did get better in time Jamie still didn't want me around but he figured out the secrets your mom and I had been keeping, our jobs and marriage to top it off and after he confronted me and we talked Jamie and I began to grow closer."
"Is that why Jamie became an agent too, because you and Mommy were one?"
"You would have to ask Jamie that but I think he just believed in the same things we did; that people everywhere need to be safe and we need people to do that; not just the military but people that have a desire to make the world a better place."
"Philip believes that too but he isn't an agent."
"No he isn't and I think he would have made a great agent but he felt it was more important to teach about the history that his family protects in order for some of that history not to repeat on itself. Your brother is an excellent teacher and coach. He inspires young people every day to do their best and reach for whatever dreams they have inside of them and that takes a really talented and caring person to do that."
"Yeah I guess it does. Is he scared because Katie is going to have a baby? Is he afraid like you were with us?"
"I think every parent is scared and afraid the first time they become a parent. I know I was; I mean like I have been saying my parenting experience started with two teenage boys and then BAM twins. That is a shock to the system, plus at the time I was finding out about you I was waiting to find out if Katie was my daughter too."
"You thought Katie was your daughter? How?"
"When I was young I dated Katie's mom for a short time and then after we broke up we didn't see each other for a few years and the first time a lot of people see Katie and me together they see a resemblance between us so we took a test to find out and I found out I wasn't. Do you not see the same resemblance in you and Katie? Don't people ask you all the time if she is your older sister?"
"Yes, we do look a lot alike."
"See Matt favors your Mom in his looks, the dark hair and deep brown eyes. You young lady are me in female form. Left handed, hazel eyes, same hair color, dimples, hot headed…"
"I am not hot headed; I am just easily provoked by others around me at that time." Jennifer defended herself in true Stetson fashion.
Tapping her nose Lee continued, "That is what I am talking about; also you hold things in and let them set in and it takes twice as long to get you to either understand something or to realize you are wrong."
They sat quietly for a few minutes and then Lee continued, "Matt was born in a loud thunder. He was first and in a big hurry letting out the biggest cry. He wanted his presence to be known and I think that was because he knew you were on the way behind him. He has kept us on our toes ever since. We used to call him Bugsy after the mobster because he loved to steal things from everyone; mainly keys. Your mother and Grandmother always made up stories as to what a toddler would do with all the keys he took. I told them he was just proving that he wasn't going to be contained or confined. He isn't either; he loves to take things apart and see how they work; he just is curious as to the wheres and whys of things in life. He and your mother had an instant bond; she could and still calm him with the sound of her voice or a simple touch of her hand. She does that with me too."
"I don't want to hurt your feelings Daddy; but Matt says that when he is mad or scared the only person he wants is Mommy."
"It doesn't; Mommy has a special way around us men in this family. What about you; do you want Mommy at those times?" Lee already knew the answer but he wanted her to see it for herself.
"No; I want you."
"You always have. In the same way Matt and Mommy bonded easily; so did you and I. I saw that cord around your neck and I felt as if my heart had been ripped from me. They unwrapped the cord, cleared your airways and I heard the softest most wonderful sound in my life; your first cry. Then they took you over to where they clean you up a little and weigh you, check all your vital signs. I left your mom for just a minute to watch the nurses with you and your brother. They handed me your brother and I took him to Amanda and she was holding him when I went back to get you. They placed you in my arms and I couldn't see you for all the tears in my eyes. I mean I was holding the most beautiful baby in my arms and you were so tiny. I took you over to your mother and placed you next to your brother. I held you every chance I got after getting you two home. Your mother even said that if I didn't stop she would make sure a terrorist came and took me for a few days for international interrogation."
"I read you stories and chased away your monsters from under your bed. I learned how to make a pretty mean French braid and taught you how to cook. Can Matt make a Frittata? I didn't teach you how to cook because you are the girl; I taught because you allowed me to spend that time with you. If you really want to know how to work on cars I will show that to you as well. I never meant to make you feel as if you were less important than the boys; the truth couldn't be further from that."
"What about the gun range; why was Matt ready and I weren't?"
"That is another easy answer; you have been having trouble seeing lately, that is why you have an eye appointment on Monday and until an eye doctor tells me you will be able to see the target then you young lady are not ready for the gun range. Besides, Jennie, the main reason I didn't include you with Matt today was because sometimes guys just need to do guy things. I don't think that when you and Mommy go have girls night with Grandma, Katie, Francine, and Mandy that you love me less because you don't want me there. There is one simple truth in life Jennie; you and I will disagree from time to time but always know you are one of the biggest reasons I get up every day. I don't know how to prove that I love you; you are the best and worst of me and your mother. You are unique in your insight; you have an amazing power to believe in the human spirt until it gives you a reason not to. You look for the best while at times expecting the worst but you keep on. You are honest, brave, and fearless. I learn something new from you every day I am around you and I will be here for every good and bad thing that will ever happen in your life. I was once told that your children decide on their parents from Heaven; well you choose me to be your father and I am going to do everything I can to live up to that choice. I love you Princess, never doubt that."
Jennie knew like the whole family that when it came to her father as her as well the truth always lied in their eyes. She looked into his eyes and saw all the love a man could have for a daughter but more importantly she saw his love for his daughter. She put her arms around his neck and said, "I never will ever doubt your love again Daddy. I'm sorry if I hurt you."
"You didn't hurt me as usual you just surprised me. Now how about we go downstairs and challenge your brother and Mother to a game of Scrabble; you can be on my team."
"I'm always on your team." Jennie put Lee's journal back on his dresser and picked up the pictures for her mother and then the two of them went down the stairs to order pizza for dinner and have a family night of games and laughter.
Later that night Amanda found Lee looking over her box of photos; "Hey, whatcha doing there Buster?"
"Looking at these photos of us through the years and I noticed that most of the pictures since the twins were born most of Jennie's are with me and most of Matt's are with you."
"Well, Lee, you know what they say about Daddy's girls and Momma's boys; as crazy as it is if a family has boys and girls in most cases I know of the boys will bond with their mother and the girls with their father. Do you remember being closer to one parent more than the other?"
"Yeah, I guess I was with my mother. I loved her voice; that proper sounding English. She taught me my manners and I even remember a piece of advice she gave me once, 'At times boys will laugh at what they put girls through but they won't be laughing when they are wiping the tears off their daughters face for the same reason.' She told me that because I went along with some other boys laughing at a little girl who fell and was scrapped up pretty good. It was my first lesson in how to treat a lady of any age. Jennie was that little girl today because I had to tell Matt the same thing because he thought it was funny that he was getting to do things that Jennie wasn't."
"I thought you said that Matt wanted to do some guy talk?"
"He did, but that was right after Jennie came back in the house before we left."
"I see; I always thought that all your old fashioned ideas of how to treat a lady came from Bob?"
"Some did but Dad always said that if she was a true lady she will wait for you to open the door and to pull out her seat; he said that she would wait because a real lady would never allow to be treated as anything less. I want that for Jennie; I want her to wait for the one that won't make her wait to feel anything less; is that wrong? I want my daughter to wait and I want my sons to not let them wait."
"I think that is wonderful maybe you should tell that to Matt and Jennie; Philip and Jamie already have that down."
"I think it is time for bed Mrs. Stetson; what do you think?" Lee stood and took his wife by the hand and then lifted her into his arms to carry her to their bedroom; neither one aware of the little girl watching and listening to her parents and then running to her room before she got caught.