Author's Note: I started writing this series on a car trip, on my phone, on a whim. I had no idea what I was doing (I still don't) but received kind messages from so many of you and I kept doing it, in the process realizing how much I truly loved writing. And here we are 129 chapters, four stories and almost two years later. Thank you, to each one of you for your suggestions, encouragement and overall love for the story. Even though, some of you have asked me to continue, I believe it is time for it to come to a close (even if they forever will live in my head). I can ramble forever about my appreciation but instead I will say, I hope you enjoy the final chapter to this series.

Five Years Later…

The sunlight awakens Andy from his deep slumber, despite being pulled from comfort a content smile immediately grazes his lips. Her hair is spread over his face, arm still snug around him, and soft snores filling the room. Carefully he brushes her hair away. He is grateful for the morning light being his alarm now and not a buzzing telephone. His fingers make it through the web of hair and his smile widens at her pouted lips and soft breaths. The urge is too strong and he kisses the top of her head, leading her to shift closer to him seeking his warmth.

They had celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary last night and after a romantic dinner had stumbled into the house, keys clattering on the floor, clothes leaving a trail and ending up on the couch. They are not as young as they once were but it hasn't stopped them. They find ways to spice things up. The rest of their night was spent in the bathtub until they finally collapsed into bed, still stroking, touching and kissing sweaty skin. Now they lay in the same position Sharon always manages to find while awake or asleep. His hand runs up the bare skin of her back and she mumbles something incoherent, he holds back the laughter brewing in his chest.

There has been a change since the very first time they woke together, once an early riser and light sleeper Sharon has become a morning grouch. Andy has to wake her and kiss away her grumpiness. The best thing of all is that they have the chance to stir with the morning, no hurry or rush. She opens her eyes but they close quickly with the light. Neither of them had remembered the curtains while lying in the afterglow.

"Too much light." She grumbles.

Andy smiles pressing a warm kiss between her brows. "That's what happens in the morning." He teases.

"You forgot to close the blinds." She states grumpily while pulling the pillow over her head and blinks her eyes open. Andy agrees with a single hum. He is not about to argue with her being unreasonable. She knew it. In a few minutes she would be her normal cheerful self. He continues to run his hand soothingly up and down her back.

It is only five minutes later when she shifts and his eyes open. Sharon places a kiss to his chest, lingering a few seconds before she does the same to his shoulder then jaw. The pillow falls away with her movement. He gets a good look at her and smiles when he sees her shifting to climb on top of him. He helps her, more than eager to allow her to do as she pleases. Her eyes are bright as they meet his, a peaceful smile gracing her face and her hair an absolute-frizzy and beautiful mess. She hums placing her lips on his and eyes dropping close from gratification.

"You're so handsome," she says against his lips.

He will never get tired of the husky sound of her voice in the early morning. The smell of her shampoo, the way her toes always manage to be frozen.

Andy's hand runs down one of her arms and lace his fingers with hers, his other hand tight on her hip. He nudges her until they are both laying face-to-face on their sides. The protest that escapes her makes him chuckle and cover her lips with his quickly. He pulls back only to look at her properly, as he brushes her hair out of her face, palm warm and heavy pulling her forward for a longer and more passionate kiss. Sharon whimpers pressing herself against her husband fully, chest-to-chest. This will forever be her favorite pass time; making out in bed, early morning after a night of insatiably making love. His free hand drifts to her bottom, bringing a grin to her face and breaking the kiss.

"I can kiss you all morning." She whispers, her breathing labored.

Her eyes open, finally meeting his. "Good morning Beautiful," Andy chuckles pressing a soft kiss to the tip of her nose. "I can spend all day and night kissing you." She smiles but he suddenly rolls onto his back releasing her and leaving her alone. He can feel the frown she is offering and it is only confirmed by the growling noise letting him know of her little upset. He grins siting up on the edge of the bed and opening the top drawer on the night stand taking out something he meant to give her last night.

There is shifting in the bed, he looks back hoping she isn't escaping. Her arms are over her head stretching out from her night's sleep. The sheet drifts down her body exposing her breast to the cool morning air. He still sees her as the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. She still takes his breath away. Before she can get up he crawls back to his space beside her. His hand possessively tugging her by her waist to bring her closer and placing a kiss to her stomach. Sharon's fingers run through his hair as his tongue slowly makes a trail up to the space between her breast and stops with a wet kiss. His free hand drifts to her breast and he kneads it sensually, enjoying the humming sound she releases as he places his lips against hers. It vibrates through both of them.

"I thought you were getting out of bed." Her eyes close as his lips move along her neck, leaving a heated path. He stops and meets her eyes before attaching his lips to her left nipple, a soft and satisfying smile reaches her lips. He never once stopped treating her body with so much reverence. Even when they lost control where things became rough and heated, he still looked at her as if nothing else in the world mattered. To her dismay his lips detach, and he moves up and smiles at her. Moving closer, he covers his body with hers but presses his weight into the mattress. Her eyes drift over where his hand extends to the corner of the bed as he pulls a slim squared box over to them.

It must be what he had gotten out of bed for. She had been suspicious of him planning something for weeks with vague answers of his whereabouts and asking her to just be patient. Her bottom lip is tucked under her teeth as she sees the joy in his eyes. Sharon hopes her surprise and excitement is enough for all the work he has put into whatever it is. He lifts the lid from the box and takes something out from it.

Her eyes brighten the moment she sees the dolphin key ring hanging over her. A small excited squeal escapes her as she takes it from his fingers and pulls him down to her. He smiles against her lips, glad he could still get that reaction out of her.

"The beach house!" She says giddily as they pull apart.

They have talked about getting away. The house has been too quiet this summer. Rusty had moved out a few months after Kate's wedding but they still found him scavenging through their fridge since his place is only five minutes away. Somehow he still is the most independent of all their children. He has finished school and taken the summer to travel just as he always wanted. He deserved to take some time before he went to work. As parents they couldn't be prouder but still missed his daily visits.

Ana and Nick still lived in Los Angeles. Their jobs kept them busy but they had the healthiest relationship of all their children. They managed their time well, put family and their love first. Friday night dinners at Sharon and Andy's are never missed by them. They are happy and enjoying the blessings life has offered them.

Chloe and Ricky are newlyweds, have waited five years to finally have a small ceremony. Just his and her family, with close friends. It had allowed them to both learn to live with each other, enjoy one another without the title of husband and wife. They have learned the responsibility of commitment and the joy of company.

Kate and Lewis continue in New York, their marriage is most tested. Yet, it is resilient. Sharon believes it shows how much they truly love one another. Their time apart increases yearly, both their careers have become more demanding since being promoted. Two weeks, every three months they disappear and no one can reach them. But everyone knows they disconnect from the world to be with one another. Kate continues to excel at being her dancing bean. Leads are offered to her as soon as one ends. She always calls home with so much pride in her voice to share her news with mom and dad.

Nicole and Jeff have allowed Susan into their lives again when Ian and Jake became comfortable with it. She is not around often but makes her visits when she can. Her life has come around just as Andy once did for the love of his children and grandchildren. Nicole is still Daddy's little girl and spend hours around him and Sharon.

Their grandchildren have grown, Ian their oldest is now in middle school but still finds his grandmother to be the coolest, most interesting person in the world. He shines in school, is always at the top. His ballet lessons have become a more serious vocation and attends as many of Auntie Kate's plays as he can. Jake is still the lovable troublemaker—his grandpa's boy with the charming smile. Still young and stealing hearts. His interest is baseball and takes every opportunity to go to the batting cages with his uncle and Andy. Ella and Marisol will be starting their first year of elementary in the fall. They still find their way into grandpa and grandma's bed at night, looking for cuddles and kisses. Then there is little Sharon Olivia, Nicole's youngest who is only two and Thomas Andrew, Chloe and Ricky's unexpected but blessed-surprise who recently celebrated his third birthday. They are an inseparable pair that spend their time running around causing havoc, but fill the household with laughter and joy. Summer break means Nicole is off of work and at home with the kids. She has volunteered and taken all six of them for a few days to give Andy and Sharon time for themselves.

It also means leaving them alone in the big house. Where they spend most of their time in the bedroom and kitchen. Some nights on the patio cuddled into a blanket, or walking along the lake. Their life is calm and peaceful nothing like they ever imagined.

Andy smiles down at her, "your beach house." He whispers.

"Ours," Sharon corrects him. He smiles when her lips land on his again. Her leg curls around his thigh and she tugs him so he'll move on top of her. His knee and elbow sustaining most of his weight when he pulls back and looks down at her.

It has been six months since she retired and waking up to her every morning—is the best gift he could every receive at this stage in life.

After four years of working in the rank of commander, she comes home to all her grandchildren and children sitting around the living room preparing for their monthly movie night. She is greeted by all of them and walks over to her husband climbing into his lap. He looks at her surprised but pulls her close and kisses the top of her head as she curls into him. Sharon always found a space in the mountain of blankets between her grandchildren. However, she felt the need to be close to him.

As the movies begins she whispers, "I am ready to just be Sharon."

He looks away from the television brushing her hair out of her face and she smiles up at him hesitantly. Awaiting a reaction but he only kisses her lips softly rubbing her back.

"You know I'm happy with whatever you choose." He whispers. She nods her head before resting it against his chest and looking back at the screen.

He assumes it is because of the case. Something that makes all detectives question their careers every so often. Instead of inquiring he holds her through the movie. She shifts at some point to sit on the couch but presses her cheek against his chest and clutches at him.

It is not until a month later where he finds her at their desk filling out a retirement form. When he looks at her with genuine surprise, concern crosses her features.

"You weren't joking?" He asks setting down the basket of laundry on the floor before approaching her.

She starts rambling quickly, hoping he will understand. "I was looking at the pictures of a ten year old boy, they were spread out along my desk. Birthdays, Disneyland, piano lessons, first bike ride, his lifeless body, the bruises and all I could see was Ian. I had nightmares of him being Ian." She suppresses the tears. "They are the same age, a month apart. I've seen so many children on that morgue table. I don't think I can do it anymore." She shakes her head, looking down at the forms on the desktop. "I want to enjoy Ian, Jake, Marisol, Ella, Tommy and my little Olivia." He walks around to her and tips her head up by tangling his fingers into her hair.

"You don't need to explain it to me." He moves his hands away to lace their fingers together. "I was just thinking about you and me being beside each other all day again. Just like when I was your Lieutenant. Now I'd be just your husband." She smiles as his leans down and presses his lips to hers. His hands tugging her up to her feet, then coming around her when she is standing. Andy pushes her until her thighs are being pressed against the desk. "Want to relive old times. You me and a desk?" He teases.

Just in her old Darth Raydor form, she left her conditions before retiring. He still is not sure how she managed that—out of the building but controlling all the men within. The most important was placing Provenza as head of Major Crimes. In his own words, finally taking the office I rightfully deserve. The old man would never retire and Patrice is patient enough to understand. Sharon and Taylor believed it wouldn't be a problem as it once could have been after Brenda had left. He had become accustomed to the rules. The convincing argument was that he had a mini-Sharon, Lieutenant Amy Sykes there watching over him making sure everything was done by the book. Everyone agreed that anyone else taking lead would simply be insulting. Sharon is proud to have been part of a team who have become family and still come to Friday night dinners when they are available.

Andy rubs her cheek with his fingertips and shakes his head beaming down at her. "No Gorgeous, really it's yours." She looks at him confused. "It's your beach house." She brings the key between them. Andy takes the swinging dolphin between his fingers. "I invested Lou's money in something that would make me happy like we decided so long ago." He sees understanding flash through her eyes.

"My Love…" She says breathlessly shaking her head. He smiles when the tears start to form in her eyes. "The beach house was my dream." She pulls the keychain down to her chest and sighs the first tear rolling down her cheek. "We put that money aside for something you wanted." She rubs his cheek with her thumb looking up at him in awe.

"You are my dream Sharon," He smiles down at her. "Seeing you smile it's still my dream just like it was the moment I fell in love with you. I promised you once that we would buy a beach house when we retired. It took me a few years but this is it." He turns and kisses her palm then the tear that flows down her cheek. It was so much more, it had been her healing place. Where she felt safe and secure. "After you were taken all those years ago," she wipes away the bead that forms against his lashes. "It was the place that allowed us to just love and live again. Set you free from all the terrible I couldn't keep you from. I held you like this again." She nods, he doesn't have to explain anymore. It was their place symbolically for so long. "The house was always meant to be yours. But the owner was a little hesitant until I finally convinced him, that's why it took half a year. We have many memories there, it's time to make more." Sharon's whole heart melts as she wraps her arms around his neck pulling him down and resting her forehead against his. Her leg wrapping around him to hold him down.

"I love you, Andy. This gift though…" she shakes her head not being able to express herself. She will never understand how she got so lucky to have a man like him in her life.

He shifts one knee pressing between both of her legs. "Plus," he tries to lighten the mood again. "You fulfilled one of my fantasies when I retired. It was your turn."

She licks her lips. "Hmm, my love. I'm living a fantasy right now, leisurely laying around with you in the nude. No worries or expectations." She grins playfully. "And I think you know that afternoon on that desk was as satisfying for me as it was for you." She slightly moves her hips against him hoping to get some reaction from him. He watches her eyes brighten with mischief and her laughter immediately fills the room. He smiles, finding the sound contagious. Through a breath she giggles, "Louie, would burn that desk down if he knew what we did."

Andy laughs too till his sides are aching and he needs to roll onto his back. The morning air is filled with breathless laughs and joyful memories. Sharon turns with him resting on her side, her head propped up in her hand, elbow pushed into the bed. She holds the keychain in front of herself and hums. He turns to face her.

"We can pack in twenty minutes be out in thirty." He offers. She bites her bottom lip and nods enthusiastically.

They are in the car a few minutes later. Messages sent to the children saying they were going away for the week. They all have slowly become used to them being away more often. Even when Sharon was working she put time aside for Andy and their plans. The spent quiet evenings in a cabin or hotel room but they also took dream vacations. Rome, Cancun, New York had been only three with more plans to return to Europe for an extended stay. Their last trip had them on a cruise, enjoying the tranquility of the ocean and excitement within the ship.

Sharon shifts in her seat inside the car and leans over placing a long kiss to her husband's cheek. She wraps her arms around his and hums. He looks over at her suspiciously.

"What's on your mind?" He has a feeling he knows what it is but wants to hear her ask for it. Plus he does not mind having her pressed against him.

They had turned in their two vehicles and bought the car with no console in the middle like Sharon had long ago asked for. Perhaps it is distracting but she had learned how to behave herself after Andy had dangerously crossed a red light because of her shenanigans.

"Can we make one stop before we get to our beach house?" She pleads, her chin on his shoulder.

He doesn't have to look at her to know that she is pouting. "Chocolate covered strawberries?" He asks. She nods her head. He goes quiet only grinning as he continues to drive.

She hums pressing her lips to his neck and opening them just enough to graze his neck with the tip of her tongue. "Please," she kisses his neck tantalizingly. "I'll even let you feed them to me." She whispers, "there the best." Her voice is soft.

"In the bathtub?" He asks.

She considers for a moment. "Maybe in bed after our bath."

He turns to look at her making her pull back with a large grin. "Are you telling me, we won't be going out to the beach today?" She bites her bottom lip because of his excitement.

"We have a week and I'm craving something else." He groans his hand drifting down her thigh and between her legs pulling her closer.

"You can even get some of that chocolate syrup." Sharon whispers into his ear. "Have an assortment of desserts."

He groans squeezing her thigh. "All you had to do was ask."

"Yes, but then it's no fun." She kisses his cheek with a soft thank you before resting her head against his shoulder and looking out at the road ahead of them.

It mirrors the way she is feeling: open, free and filled with possibilities. She never expected to feel happy, young and hopeful at her age but with Andy, her life has changed all for the better. Now she cannot picture it without him, even the thought frightens her. She lifts her hand and runs her fingers through his hair along the back of his neck, looking at his profile carefully.

He had been healthy ever since retiring. No more incidents. Just a full life.

"What are you doing?" Sharon walks in on Andy lacing up his tennis shoes, he is wearing baggy running shorts and large t-shirt. The sight makes her chuckle.

"I'm going jogging." He smiles proudly. Sharon laughs walking over to the bedside table and taking her phone from its charging place. When she looks up he is frowning at her with an odd expression on his face. "You don't think I am serious." He says disappointedly. He looks defeated, probably debating against it in his mind.

She frowns at herself tossing the phone onto their bed and pulling him by his wrist to get his attention. "Hey," she places a hand on his cheek when he meets her eyes. "I'm sorry, I thought it was a joke but not because I think it's stupid but because you do. You hate running." She smiles. "Hm?"

"I don't want to die, Sharon." He states blatantly. She pales quickly, looking at him concerned. "I'm fine right now but I'm getting older and you, you are healthier then you were five years ago." She nods because it was exactly what her doctor had said just days ago and she had told Andy when he inquired about her check-up. "I want to keep my promise to you. I don't' want to leave you alone."

Her eyes became glossy and her love for him grew instantaneously.

"Let me, change and I'll join you."

He laughs now, pulling her by the back of her blouse to stop her. "Oh no! I can't keep up."

"We go at your pace." She shrugs kissing him softly pulling back and smiling at him.

With his workout regime he has never been quite as fit as he is now. The small pouch around his stomach has faded. The muscles in his legs and arms have tightened. His health is excellent just as his physique. His determination of keeping his promise to the woman he loves is the main reason he is still alive.

He smiles honking the horn just to startle her. "You are staring."

She rolls her eyes holding onto him again. "Will you run on the beach with me in the morning?"

"Jog," he corrects her. He has gained stamina but not speed. He nods with a chuckle. "The things I do for love."

They stop at the restaurant for lunch which they enjoy at their usual table. He remembers Sharon scared to be caught kissing in a coffee shop when they were still keeping their relationship a secret. Now she is pressed against him stealing glances and sharing kisses that taste like pasta sauce. She smiles when the waiter interrupts or someone looks their way. He will never question her, never wants her to change. He's proud to show the world who he is married to. It is one of the many evolutions in their relationship that he loves. The short drive to their beach house has Sharon practically jumping in her seat. She hurries out of the car and opens the front door with a grand smile.

She's quick in opening the curtains and the sliding doors, stepping into the warm sand and smiling as soon as Andy's arms are around her waist.

"Is it really ours?" She leans back into his chest.

"All ours." He places a kiss to the side of her neck. "Our getaway," he follows her as she tugs him out to the water. "I thought you said no beach today."

"How can we resist?" She lets the water run up to her ankles before she turns around and spots Andy watching her from afar. His hands in his pockets grinning from ear to ear. He toes off his shoes before walking to her as she extends her hand. Her arms are around his neck as soon as he's in front of her. Her lips on his.

She has never felt happier.

His hand is tight around her waist. "I did good." He smiles when she stands on her toes and the water brushes her calves.

"You did excellent." He runs his hands down her bottom and to her thighs lifting her. She smiles leaning down and smiling as he carries her the few steps back into the house. Sharon laughs when Andy tosses her into bed and crawls up her body lying above her.

He slowly runs his fingers up her arms and pins them over her head pulling back when she tries to kiss him. She squirms beneath him trying to get loose. He moves slowly. Leaving her body trembling with the hot breath and strokes against her skin. He takes his time to undress her, savoring every inch of her skin, her breathing heavy and arching against his touch. She moans when he finally moves inside her. Her nails dig deep into his back making him let out a heavy groan. Their bodies tangle, sweaty and hot, moving passionately. The sound of skin pounding skin, panting and labored breathing driving them to move faster. Her release comes with a scream and fisting the sheets at her sides. He prolongs it as much as he can, then collapses with her. Their hands don't settle, hearts beating frantically.

She smiles when the sheet is lifted at her toes his lips make a path up her leg. Then bites gently at her hip. He squeezes her bottom making her chuckle. Her hand takes his and pulls him up where he settles in front of her pulling her closer.

Sharon's hand drifts to his bottom and smiles at the small jump that he makes.

"You tired me out." She says happily.

He brushes her hair back and kisses the tip of her nose. "You always come alive here."

"It's our place. Plus the beach it is soothing." Her eyes close and she enjoys resting against him. The sound of her steady breathing. His arm rubbing her back. "We shared our wedding night here. We are back seven years later." She is grinning now remembering every moment of that day that feels like just yesterday.

"And more in love." Andy says quickly. "Sexier too."

She chuckles.

"I've spent most of my day naked today, lying in bed with you." She breathes out with a satisfying smile.

"What more could we ask for? Life is good, very good." She nudges him making him chuckle. When she yawns he closes his eyes feeling the tiredness of his own body. "Sleep Beautiful we can watch the sunrise together in the morning."

It's like every night, just feeling him present makes sleeping so much easier. She can't remember how she slept before him. She doesn't want to remember.

Sharon finds him sitting outside on the beach chair, still dark out. She is curled up in the blanket as she makes her way to him. He smiles pulling her to him as she settles next to him. Even wrapped in layers Andy can only warm her up completely. She closes her eyes as he pulls her legs over his and lets his hand drift under the blanket.—His favorite part of her body will always be her legs.—He runs his fingers along the soft skin and kisses her forehead.

"Call me when it starts." She yawns.

"Beautiful?" She hums in response. "I love you." She smiles brightly before opening her eyes and looking up at him. He runs his hand through her hair and sighs at how beautiful she looks in the moonlight. She leans into his touch.

"My Love?" She mimics the softness of his call. He hums. "I love you too." He grins pressing his lips to hers and holding her there. "Who thought ten years ago that we would be each other's second chance?"

He shakes his head. "No," with a huge frown.

"No?" She inquires.

He breathes out a small breath and speaks carefully, "I'd think of it more as a new beginning." She grins agreeing with him completely and leans forward capturing his lips once more. She rests her head on his shoulder and watches as the colors begin to change over the horizon.

It had been an adventure since the moment she had opened that door all those years ago to attend his daughter wedding. Just like the sunrise, their lives had turned from darkness and filled with color—hope. Hope, for a new start and the chance to learn to love. It was a new beginning.

The End