Thanks to ManyGamePlayer, FirstStrike1177 (Didnt know there was a song with my name, kinda haha) and mocomstock for reviewing, thanks guys!

3 hours on the same berth, only because I went out side to find myself a alt mode with Sideswipe, Oh that reminds me this is he's fault! Maybe I should prank him by duck tape him to his stupid of an aft brother, wait I'm suck with hatchet.

I groaned as I fell against the wall. Ratchet won't talk to me, I asked him about an hour ago if could go and he gave me this death glare that might make me scared of him for the rest of my life. Then me being stupid forgot that I've got a radio.

"I'm bringin' sexy back" I started singing "you mother fuckers watch how I attack dun dun... Ow what was that for" I asked rubbing my head.

"For swearing" He answered sternly pointing a wrench at me.

"But you've been swearing the whole time I've been here" He turned aroud a gave me that death glare again. "Sorry" I said putting my hands up and went back to leaning against the wall.

"Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain!

I'm not much into health food, I am into champagne!

I've got to meet you by tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red tape!

At a bar called O'Malley's, where we'll plan our escape." I sang getting into the song.


I looked around hearing a loud noise "Dont look at me" I said looking at ratchet, who turned to look at me. The door then opened and Optimus Prime, Jazz and Ironhide walked in.

"Hey there Mary how ya doin' " Jazz said sitting next to me.

"Great thank you" I smiled sweetly.

" wer out for a bout 3 weeks"

"Is that why you maoned to at me for going out" I asked.

"Yes" Ratchet said looking at me.


"Dont worry youngling" Optimus Prime said walking over to me "I have a question to ask you"

"Shoot away"

"Would you like to you to be onour team. Jazz will be training you combat, Ironhide will be training you with your weapons and Ratchet will be training you the basic skills in medic" Optimus said pointing to each of them.

"But I'm not a cybertronion" I looked at all of them waiting for an answer.

"Mary-Ann it doesn't matter if you are human or an cybertonyen" Jazz said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Just along you're on our side" Ironhide added.

"But what am I? " I asked.

"You are what we call evolvers." Ratchet spoke for the first time. "On cybertron you could turn into one of our animals, to blend in. To evolve , so if anything happened you could turn into that animal and go live in the wild"

"Mary-Ann was there anyone in your family, you think could be an evolver? " Optimus asked looking at me.

I never got to answer the question because the door opened and two pink small twins walked in "What happened to you two" I asked trying not to laugh.

"We walked into our bed room" One started. "And bang, all we see is pink".

"Sit down" Ratchet said annoyed. They both noded and walked in like two penguins, that made a laugh escape my lips.

"You need to write M and S on you because I can't tell you apart" I said laughing my head of. Optimus was smiling, Ironhide chuckled and Jazz was laughing has much as me.

"You can go now" Ratchet said when I finally stopped laughing.

I walked into my room expecting to see Crowley but he wasn't there. "Crowley" I called, still didn't show

Maybe he is with Dragonfly, I should go and find her I thought looking a round my room. The bed is made with the pillows how I like them. I looked to the left to see four boxes on my table, wrapped in Christmas paper. But first I gotta make a stop. I picked up the two biggest boxes and walked out the room.

I knocked on the door and Sideswipe answers "You know you dont have to knock" He said letting me in.

"Looks like our plan worked" Sunstreaker said from his berth.

Wait what plan. "Crowley! " I said bending down to patting him as gently has I can. "thanks for looking after him"

"Well we owe one anyway so" Sideswipe said shrugging and sitting back down.

"What for?" I asked looking between the both of them.

"For saving our lives" Sunstreaker said looking up from the pad-thingy.

"Our life's?"

"Yeah we share a spark so if one of us dies the other one does as well" Sideswipe answers looking at me.


"Heart" Sunny said simply.

"Oh" I say sitting next to Sideswipe "Wait does that mean if Dragonfly dies Bee would too?"

"I don't know, some twins are different" Sideswipe said honesty.

"So whats in the boxes" Sunny changed the subject.

"Oh" I said picking them up "There your Christmas presents" I gave the yellow one to Sunny and the red one to Sides.

Sunny opened he's to find a big yellow fluffy bear with a red bow, Sides has the same but red with a yellow bow.

"Do you like them, I didn't know what else to get you" I say quietly, but not knowing if they like them.

They was just staring at their bears. It was a good minute before one of them spoke. "Yeah love them" Sideswipe says putting his on the table between the two berths, while Sunstreaker put his on the end of the berth.

I truned to look at the TV and they had 27 dresses on, why I do not no but sleep soon took over me.

So there you go! Bit of what Mary-Ann is... You'll find out more about her parents next chapter! Till then!