Disclaimer: I Don't own Naruto or Power Rangers Dino Thunder

Chapter 4: The Forest of Death

So much bull shit kept me from typing this.

Been years decided to add a lot of random hilarious dumb shit in it.

Nao hopping from tree to tree, started thinking about Anko's actions from earlier and decided now is the best time to ask. 'Sooooooooo, Trent. About what happened earlier.' started Naruto.

'Okay, time for "The Talk".' said Trent.

-20 Minutes Later-

Nao hopping form Tree to Tree had a blush on his face. He stopped and looked below him and saw clear and grassy area. Nao started looking around and spotted a very thin line.

Nao took out his sword and started drawing in the area and suddenly yellow arrows appeared.

"Fire." and with that simple word the arrows shot into the area and as they hit the ground, the arrows exploded. And suddenly mass explosions and all that remained was ashes and burning grass.

Nao made some more Laser Arrows and fired them at the trees. Three grass nin came flying dowm toward the ground. As they stood up dusting themselves off, Nao suddenly dash toward them and started putting Xs on their chest. As Nao jumped away he said "Thats gonna hurt."

Blood spurted from all of their chest and one by one they fell to the ground.

Nao bent down and took the scroll. "Time to head toward the tower." A strong wind blew past him. Nao snifed the air, "Smells like snake."

Nao was zipping pass trees until he saw a clearing and stopped.

"Hm. Strange." Nao then noticed a very small thin line. "That's what I thought." said Nao. He took out his Sword and drew in the air in front of him and yellow laser arrows suddenly appeared.

Nao put his hand out and moved some to the side of him while keeping some in front of him.

"Fire!" Yelled Nao. And the arrows rushed toward the clear green area and as soon as the arrows hit the ground, they exploded , triggering all the traps, explosions and kunai.

Nao only raised his eyes at the burning area. "Talk about overkill." He then noticed some people talking even tho he didn't see them.

"On the tree!" He moved the arrows that were on the side of him. "Fire!" When the explosion hit three grass nin fell of the trees.

"Here I go." Nao using his speed he fell he went down into the area.

Nao didn't waste anytime and started putting large X on their chest using his speed. He stopped and appeared back into his spot.

"That's gonna hurt." Said Nao as blood suddenly erupted from their chest and they all fell to the ground. "Now who has the scroll." He picked up the one that was barely conscious at the time. "I'm only gonna ask once. Where's the scroll?" The grass nin slowly reached into his pocket and pulled it out. "Thank you." As Nao started to walk away. "Oh I almost forgot." He turned around. "Time for you vanish." Nao's hand started to glow yellow. "Cero." Nao muttered and a yellow beam shot out and destroyed the three grass nin.

Nao was started jumping to tree to tree but stopped. A gush of wind blew past him. Nao (thanks to his fox senses) smelled the air. "Snake."

'You think its wise to go after Orochimaru now or wait till later.' asked Trent. "I might as well deal with this problem now and be done with it'. Naruto replied in his head. "You're gonna have trouble with this asshole so I'll take over if things get a little to rough for ya." said Kyuubi. "Thanks Kyu." And he closed off the link in his head and headed toward the place where he smelled Orochimaru.

-Meanwhile with Team 7-

Natsumi was panting. Sakura's useless ass got flung right into the damn tree. Sasuke is struggling to get up out of breathe and every thing. "For fucks SAKE! What the hell is this guy." Sasuke screamed out in anger and frustration. "What do you think? An S Rank criminal and a damn snake!" Natsumi screamed toward Sasuke. "CONGRATULATIONS!" Orochimaru dived down and punched Natsumi right across her face. While Natsumi was in the air, Orochimaru being the creep that he is, stretched his neck and bit straight on Sasuke's neck. Sasuke screamed out in pain "GODDAMMIT!what...did you do" he barely managed to get out. "A parting gift my dear Sasuke." Orochimaru smiled as he licked his lips. But something told him to get out the way as a yellow beam of energy came flying by.

Orochimaru dazed and confused looked up. Nao was sitting there with his hand out stretched. "Hey buddy. Wanna tell me why you're molesting young boys in a forest?" Nao said with a smirk. "He was asking for it! I mean he said give me power." Orochimaru smiled. "...liar…." Sasuke said collapsing. "Alrite snake come play with this dinosaur. Wait a minute…." Nao paused. "Yeah think about that for a second." Kyuubi said shaking his head. "By the way duck." was all Trent said. Nao quickly ducked and avoided a kick to the head. "Alright lets dance."

Nao aimed for a well time punch to the face. Orochimaru doing the smart thing, moved out the way…..right into a foot to the head. Nao being quick sliced the fucker in half only for snakes to come out each end. Nao quickly wrote a small X on the one the snakes and jumped back. While Orochimaru's body was getting back together, Nao just snapped his fingers and one by one the snakes inside began to explode. Orochimaru began to expand….and got bigger and bigger and bigger. Nao quickly using his speed grabbed Sasuke, Natsumi, and for some reason Sakura and got the hell out of there.

"I WILL END YOU!" was all Orochimaru got out before a huge explosion rocked the forest.

Nao set them down…..somewhere in the forest. "You saved us…..why?" a suddenly conscious Natsumi said. "Well you know, passing by and I see someone gone airborne. Somebody slumped against a tree and poor prince over here clutching his neck for dear life." said Nao . "Dumb bitch shoulda just used my other halfs power." mumbled Kyu. "Language buddy" said Trent.

"I would leave you guys here…..buuuut…...a squad is heading there way here and I wanna try something?" said Nao smirking ever so devilishly. "Like?" asked Natsumi. Nao suddenly began flashing all over the place placing wires and explosives. "I don't see anything." "Look ever so closely princess." Natsumi rolled her eyes and looked and saw a very….very…...very…...VERY…..thin line. "Oh….oh…...oooooh…."Natsumi said while looking around her.

Team Sound decided to make themselves known by jumping out and crashing on the floor. "Lookey what we have here. The Hokage's little brat." said Zaku and quickly set his sights on Naruto. "You if you don't wanna die then MOVE!" Zaku screamed while pointing at Naruto. Naruto decided to put on his straight face and just kept staring. "What you think the shit?! WELL YOU'RE NOT!" Zaku said towards Naruto getting slightly more and more irritated. "I wonder what I'm gonna eat when I get to the tower." Naruto said not really caring the dumbfounded looks he got.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH DIE!" Zaku firing his air….cannons….wave…...thingy. We're just gonna call them Air Cannons. Anyways Nao just teleported out the way. "Cmon you dumb shit." Nao muttered. While Zaku turned around Kin decided to try to attack Natsumi but didn't notice that Tiny line. So tragic. Domino effect and all explosions, trees and everything just BOOM BOOM BANG BANG BOOOM. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Nao laughed but realized something. "Ohh no!" Nao quickly jumped down to Team 7 and formed a gold barrier around them. And simply they all just watched as explosions trees and bits just fell on top of them.

Nao suddenly let out a YELL as the barrier expanded (Broly DBZ Style) and began to push away all the crushed thingy things. "Well that should clean things up" Nao confidently said. "Badum Tshhhh" said Kyu. Trent just sadly shook his head. "NAO LOOK OUT!" Natsumi's voice rang out. As a purple aury tattooed hand came flying by him. "Give me a goddamn break! I'll finish quick. The poor Uchiha needs a lesson in humility." As Nao swiftly dodged a foot to the face, he quickly grabbed Sasuke by the neck and proceeded to chokeslam the guy. "Is that all. The last remaining really isn't all that damn powerful." Nao taunted. Sasuke began to growl in anger trying to lift Nao's foot off him. Oh by the way Nao put his foot down on the subject. Yes I know its cringy.

"Oh yeah I forgot I could do this." Nao suddenly jumped back and stretched out his arm. Sasuke quickly got up and shot after him but stopped and suddenly began to levitate. Gold lightning shot out Nao's hand and began to drain Sasuke of his dark energy. Sasuke screams out in pain and agony. Nao flung his hand to right and Sasuke hit his head DIRECTLY on a Tree effectively, efficiently, essentially, knocked him out.

"Since when could he do that?!" Kyu questioned. "Can't blame him for getting, I only used it once and that was the first time I ever went White Ranger." Trent said. "Alrighty girly hold up." Nao dissappeared and reappeared with a scroll. "What?How? Why?" "You are asking Too many questions. Now round up ya buddy's gonna teleport. Surprised Pinky ain't wake up yet." Nao said as he used his levitation to bring Sasuke back. "Now hold on!" as they disappeared in a white flash. As a lone figure watched by. "Are you sure thats him?" "Yes, I can sense Trents spirit lingering in him." As the voice spoke inside. "Lets go check in on our students shall we? As he became invisible and disappeared.