So here is my second story, don't worry, my first one will not be abandoned, I promise I'll finish it. I will be trying to write both stories at once. Tell me what you think. Anyway, remember the teacher from All Grown Up!, the artistic Ms. O'Keates? Well, in all honesty, I think all I should say is that I'll be using her for this story, as I find something suspicious between her looks and Chuckie's.

It was a normal Monday morning. It was the Freshman Biology class. First period. Like most of his first semester had been. Charles "Chuckie" Kassem Finster had been quite lonely. He had only one good friend in school, his soon-to-be-former-crush, Nicole. The two were officially close friends after 6th grade had finished and Nicole got over Chuckie's "Chongo" mishap. The two had each other, and Nicole was more than happy to just have Chuckie. Being that Jocks were quite arrogant, and thought of Chuckie as a whiny dork, with retardation, for whatever reason, Nicole really liked the lonesome redhead. The two were considered outsiders by all the other freshman, and they were happy about it. Chuckie was as loyal as could be. If Chuckie was the only person with that quality, he was the only friend Nicole wanted. The two were bored in biology though. It was genetics that they were studying. Chuckie liked science, but it was mainly towards psychology and computers, this class wasn't his least favorite, as he hated physics and chemistry more, but he found this boring. He was more of an artistic person. He enjoyed playing guitar, acting and writing in his friend's films, drawing manga and abstract. He had no known artistic blood relatives, so he just assumed that his Father's wife Kira, had been his influence, being that she was the only mother he ever had growing up, and did work as a stage actress. He was a good student, grades-wise at least, but despite having never seen lower than a B+ in his life, he hated nearly everything about school, besides arts, and when basketball units in gym would start up, and he could show his true physical talent, being the only 6-foot freshman (who doctors still denied to his Father and Adoptive-Mother that he'd gone through any growth spurt yet). He wished something out of the ordinary would happen in his biology class. If that could happen, he hoped it would be this unit. He hoped to learn how genes worked, being that all the undesirable genes he had were from his father (except for his mother's freckles, although her tall height was something he was happy with instead of his father's 5"6 stature.). Upon entering, Nicole and Chuckie did notice something good.

"Sweet, a substitute, and who better than the awesomest english teacher in this school." Chuckie exclaimed

"Don't you think it's kind of a bad idea for the school to have a language teacher substitute a biology teacher?" Nicole asked

"Who cares, it's Miss. O'Keates." Chuckie replied

"Yeah, the teacher who you're the teacher's pet to."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

The two sat down and began exchanging notes, seeing if they needed anything from that day's due homework. The bell eventually rang, and the class got ready.

"Good morning class. My name is Miss. O'Keates, as you most of you already know." The lady said. She was often compared to Chuckie, who she liked to call her "star pupil". She was taller than almost every teacher in the school board, with the exception of her boyfriend Vice-Principal Pangborn. Her hair was long, frizzy, and red, plus quite uncontrollable, and with her artistic personality thrown into the mix, many could jokingly assume she was Chuckie's "long lost" biological mom, although Finster had denied this several times.

"Are you sure?" Nicole whispered to Chuckie while O'Keates introduced herself.

"You've seen what my biological mom looks like before Nicole, how many times must I explain to you." Chuckie said

Chuckie then took out a small picture of his late birth mother, Melinda Finster. She was a very beautiful woman, and upon looking at her, it was obvious that even though she died when Chuckie was only a few months old, and too young to remember her, she left a huge genetic mark on him. Unlike Chuckie's father, Chas' brownish-red, her hair was a more light, orangish-red, she had many freckles, and was somewhere between 6"1-6"2, all of these genes being passed down to her son, and were some of his most notable physical features. Over the years, Chuckie learned more about her, like the Lebanese heritage he had from her, even taking it upon himself to learn Arabic at the local community centre, and he'd even joined the local Lancaster Syriac Maronite Church as an alter server, which many people recognized him at through her. He also learned his real middle name at birth was Kassem, but Chas had changed it shortly after Melinda's parents cut Chas and Chuckie from their lives, although it had since been changed back. "I don't really look at all like her, I look like my Dad, but with her features." Chuckie explained

"I know but what if she's not dead? Maybe she abandoned you, and treats you so nicely now because she feels bad. Maybe she's Melinda, and she changed her last name back to her maiden one." Nicole explained

"My mother's maiden name was 'Abdulwahid', not 'O'Keates'. "O'Keates' is not even an Arab name, it's Irish or something like that, which my Dad isn't either if you're gonna ask, he's half-German and half-French. Also, Ms. O'Keates' first name is Velma."

"Well I'm just saying, if you were to be related, I wouldn't be surprised."

"Whatever Nicole."

"We are doing the genetics unit, you might find out something that you never knew."

Chuckie then accidentally banged his knee into the bottom of his desk. Being the only 6-footer in his grade, this often happened to him.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, earning himself stares from the class,. "Like what?" he whispered to her "gigantism running in my Mom's family?" rubbing his knee in pain, hoping he hadn't fractured it again, as b-ball season was next month.

Later that afternoon at the Java Lava, the café owned by the Finsters, which the youngest of their children, Chas and Kira's 4-year-old twin son and daughter, Kirk and C.J. planned on inheriting and expanding into a full-on state-wide chain, sat Chuckie's parents, as well as his four grandparents. Chas' parents, Marvin and Shirley, and Kira's parents, Yoko and Ken. They were waiting for the winter break to roll around. Kira's parents had been staying in America from Tokyo since Chuckie's 8th grade graduation, whereas Shirley and Marvin had just arrived from Modesto, obviously having been able to go to the ceremony and return to their home with ease.

"So Charles, in America, how long will it be until Christmas break begins." Ken asked his son-in-law

"Not too long, in fact, it should be in just two days, then it's a whole two weeks of no school for them." Chas replied

"Then we can take them skiing on New Year's eve like every year." Kira added

"Charles, I never knew you liked to ski" Yoko said

"Oh yeah, he loves it. growing up in northern Cali, I taught Charles how to both ski, and snowboard by the time he was 5, and Chuckie and Kimi got the hang of both even faster, heck, Kirkland hopes to one day get to ride his favorite attraction, the 'Leviathon'. He just needs an adult, to do it, but Chas and I both are just too old for the lodge to be willing to take responsibility if something happens, and Chuckie, despite his height is only 14 and can't be held responsible for the poor youngster." Marvin explained

"Oh that Kirkland, he's gonna grow up to do such amazing things, I can tell. He just has it in him." Shirley said admiringly

"Speaking of Kirkland, where is he with Chasity? Chuckie usually brings them here by now." Kira asked

"They'll be here soon, they just needed to get something done at the school. They want Kirkland to possibly skip 1st grade and move on to the 2nd. He's considering it, but seperating from his twin is not something he's too crazy about."

"Twins should never separate!" Marvin exclaimed passionately "Twins need to stick together, there is nothing more important than a bond as strong as one built in the womb to continue to exist!" Marvin said

Shirley had gone quiet at the mention of the word "twins". It had always been a sensitive word between her and her husband, but they loved the idea of twins.

"Dad, calm down, it's not like Kirk would ever want to ditch Chasity, he still needs her." Chas said

"I could never imagine those two wanting to separate. They are just so close." Kira added "Especially with their birthday coming soon."

"On December 31st-January 1st. 4 years ago they were born. Twins born on not only separate days, but years. And only one minute apart to say the least." Chas said

Meanwhile, Chuckie was walking the twins home, accompanied by Nicole. They were twins, but despite it, despite their similarities, by the looks of it, no one would ever assume they're twins. Both had red hair from their father, and it was a brownish tone, darker than their brother's red hair, and were quite tall for their ages, despite having short parents, unlike Chuckie's tall mother. Kirkland "Kirk" Marvin Kenneth Finster, the younger of the twins born on 12:00 midnight January 1st, was also a bit taller by an inch or two, despite having been born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and birth problems caused through genes from his father. He was also far more louder and eccentric. He was hyper and talkative, but smart, and knew his limits. His sister, Chasity "C.J." Shirley Yoko Finster, the older of the twins, born a minute before at 11:59 PM December 31st, was the more naive, and laid back of the two. She was intelligent as well, but nowhere near as smart as her brother. The biggest difference between them though, was something so rare, it was seen literally as 1 in a billion. On the night they were born, C.J. came out showing that she had caucasian skin just like the Finsters, which Kimi felt let down by, until Kirk came out, and was revealed to have his mother's Asian skin tone. He still strongly resembled his older brother and father, just a different skin colour. C.J. took a lot of features from her mother, but with her messy red hair tied back, she resembled a child-like version of O'Keates, another thing Nicole pointed out in her theory that their teacher was Chuckie's mother (even though she was not related to Melinda at all, being that Chasity was only Chuckie's half-sister through his father). Regardless, of the distinctiveness, the twins were very close, doing nearly everything together. Chuckie and Nicole were leading the kids into the Java Lava, where the twins were discussing their situation in school.

"So if I say yes, I get a year less of school? Awesome!" Kirk exclaimed

"Don't get too excited about that Kirk, it might be really stressful." Chuckie warned his younger half-brother

"I don't plan on making the mistake you made Chuckie" Kirk said back with an attitude.

Like Kirk, Chuckie had been offered to skip his freshman year after his 8th grade year, after taking a special intelligence test when he nearly was held back in 8th grade after spending finals week in the hospital due to a stress-induced heart attack. Chuckie was tempted to skip and go straight to sophomore year, but his mother and father kept him from accepting the deal to keep themselves from going through the same pain twice, and just had him skip his repetition year of 8th grade, keeping him at least with people his age and not the rest of the gang, who were a year or in Dil's case, two years, younger. Plus, Chuckie had seen what happened to people who skipped grades, as Dil, who'd taken an intelligence test to avoid being put in special ed classes, took the test and skipped 7th grade. He was expected to end up finishing with a 4.75 GPA in the recent first semester of his early 8th grade year, but developed anxiety through the experience that may take him his whole summer after that year to recover from.

"And how do you know you won't end up like Dil, who is on medication to calm himself down and gets nightmares of numbers?" Nicole asked

"Easy, it's just 1st grade, no way it can be that hard." Kirk replied

"But Kirkland, why do you wanna ditch me so much?" C.J. asked

"Don't worry Chasity, I'm just explaining to Chuckie that skipping a grade is not a bad thing, I mean, obviously it's bad for me, but for a non-twin, it's okay. Don't worry, I promise, we'll stick together." Kirk replied

Chuckie was on his skateboard, and as they got closer to the Java Lava, the twins began pushing him to do a jump trick into the café, finally, they gave him each 5 dollars, and Chuckie, being broke, and confident he could pull off the trick, just took the money and agreed. Although upon even trying withing seconds, had crashed into the door, and into falling his mother's lap, grateful that she was sitting in the lounge area near the doors.

"Chuckie, goodness me! Are you alright?" Kira asked in concern

The twins and Nicole rushed in

"Thank goodness you're okay!" Chasity explained

"Hey, since when are you Mom's 'baby'? Not that I'm complaining" Kirk joked

"Very funny Kirkland, but I love all my babies equally." Kira said jokingly, pinching her older son's cheeks

"Hey, first off, I was 2 and technically, no longer a baby when you became my mom, and you never knew me as a baby. Secondly, I'm the oldest and farthest from a baby." Chuckie said standing up to his feet.

"Yeah, physically, but your mental state could use some aging maturity." Chas said

"Now Charles, you know my motto, 'those who use adult as a term of approval rather than a mere term of description, cannot be adult themself.'" Marvin said

"I agree. Now Charles-san, are you okay?" Yoko said, settling her dizzy grandson into a chair.

"I'm fine O Bāchan, just had a nasty fall. This always happens. Is Kimi here yet?" Chuckie asked

"No, the gang is on their way though. I sent them off with Angelica to take care of a pick up of Styrofoam cups from the warehouse." Chas answered. Just then, he was clung onto by his younger son. "Hey little fella, how was school today?" He asked

"It was great Daddy! I came up with a holiday smoothie idea! Our famous coffee slushees, with syrup made from melted candy cane drizzled over whipped cream with chocolate syrup as well, sounds delicious, right?"

"Oh that sounds like heaven Kirkland! We have to try it. I've got some candy canes in the back, let's start melting them now." His father replied

The two then rushed into the back kitchen

"So... How are all of you?" Chuckie asked

"Okay, you're grandfather just gave quite a powerful speech about twins." Kira replied

Chuckie looked at his grandfather in annoyance, why were his grandparents so sensitive on such a weird topic.

So, here's a pretty big first taste of what is happening. I personally love the idea of Chas & Kira having twins. If I could've thought of that, I would've put them in my first story, and I regret not doing so honestly. I know it might be annoying that all I work on are stories revolving around Chuckie, so I'll try to focus this equally as much between him and Chas. I do have a third idea for a Rugrats fanfic where Dil and Tommy are the main characters, but that's for another time in the hopefully-not-too-far future. Anyway, as always, please review!

Also, I'd like to point out that I got the heart attack back story from a fanfiction on deviantart- Chuckie's Close Call by fanfics4ever on deviantart, only I ended it differently. The back story credit goes to him.