Hello everyone! T'is I, Kyroshiro, here with another chapter of The Teal Guardian and Yellow Mew. This is number two of the fics. that were chosen to be updated due to the poll. It's going to be a good battle, I can almost 80% tell you guaranteed you. I won't be taking to much of your time, so let the chapter begin!

Before I begin completely, I will be posting a form at the bottom of the page. I am asking for people's OC and their teams, though that'll be discussed at the end of this chapter.

Forgot to put this in the previous chapter:

1: So not cool

2:Phatom Force


4:Light Sky


Review answering time!

Emilbootanimefreak: Like I said before, there may or may not be redemption for Delia. I will be redeeming at most two people in this fic. for reasons that shall be stated later. As for Angie/Anabel pairing with Ash, well you'll just have to wait and see, ne? :P

Ultima-Owner : Yes it is for his starter, but its also for some of his other Pokemon. In this fic., the Mega Keys are like in X and Y where you can use them for any of your Pokemon.

SPark681: The reason for Delia betraying him will be explained at a later date. :P

zanarkand wintercall: Thank you! :D

hellfire45: As I said to Emilbootanimefreak, she may or may not get redemption. As for the Mew and Naruto thing, well to tell the truth I improvise don that. It was originally gonna be that Mew would be his mother and they get into a fight in which Naruto leaves, but I couldn't word it correctly. I got frustrated, and just scrapped that and made it into that. As for the lemon, well Imma get a lil' better at writing lemons before I think of doing that, though I'm not even sure if I'm even GOING to make one.

Herr-Mach-Der-Azur-Ritter: Don't worry. The legendaries (aside from the two Mewtwo's and a certain Pokemon plus the Kalos Legendaries as they hadn't met Ash at the time of the betrayal) and Ash's old Pokemon will be completely and utterly humiliated later on.

UnsafestMoss81: I hope I continue to make it interesting for you. :P

Sevvus: Thank you! :D

Babbii Pandaa: The Eevee's evolution shall remain a secret for now. ;P Yes Charizard did betray him as well. The Pokemon he catch shall be a secret for now as well. ;P;P

eltigre221: Thank you! :D Yes Ash's Pokemon will be Powerhouses, though the newer Pokemon will be les so until later. ^^

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon/Naruto

(The next day)

Ash awoke to the glaring sun as it peered through the window. He yawned as he got out of bed and looked around, trying to find Naruto, Hime, Fantomu, and Sukai. He saw the quartet sleeping, Naruto and Hime curled around the Normal Types in a protective embrace. He smiled at the quartet before he went about preparing for the day to come. He went into the bathroom, showered, brushed his teeth and did his business. By the time he was done, Naruto and Hime were awake and were cuddling with one another, Naruto having taken on the form of Cinccino again. The Eevee twins were playing with one another as they awaited for Ash to finish getting ready. The raven haired teen had grabbed some Pokemon Food that was made with actual fresh ingredients and several Poffins before he fed them. The Eevee twins were ecstatic when they tasted the food, gorging themselves on the delicacies.

Ash had put on his Aura Guardian clothing and grabbed his staff as Naruto put away all the food bowls into Ash's mini pack. It was specially made by Naruto so that it would go into his Pocket Dimension to house everything that they had. The group all went out of the room to go and get some breakfast before they would head down to go to their battle.

"So we have a battle today, eh," Ash rhetorically asked his Pokemon. "This will be really fun." Naruto and Hime nodded while the Eevee twins bobbed there heads up and down as they walked with their master. As they got to the dining area, they saw Gary with Umbreon eating a small breakfast. They greeted them as Ash went to get his own breakfast. The group calmly sat quietly as Ash quickly downed his breakfast. They then went out to the battle fields as they checked out who they would be battling as well as what stadium they would be in. "So it would seem I'm battling some guy named Orion. Says here that his most used Pokemon is his Ampharos, which is apparently his Mega Pokemon. This will be something." Gary nodded as he read over who he was fighting.

"I'll be battling some girl named Anais," Gary announced. "Says here she mainly uses her Aerodactyl. Not sure if it's gonna be a Mega, though I would prefer if it's not." He shook his head as they continued onto to their field. They had a battle in the same one after all. "Too many people use Megas now a days and just want to claim that they're the best with them. We did well without the Mega Jewelry (All the things the Key Stones can be placed on around the body like the Bangles, Bracelet, Earrings, etc.) and Mega Stones before they came out, and now its like its absorbed all of daily life." Ash and his team were nodding (though the Eevee Twins were doing it to copy the others) to Gary's words.

"That is true, but you have to remember that its too ingrained into our lifestyle now," Ash said, continuing before Gary could respond. "Besides, at the very least, people that abuse their Pokemon have a less likely chance of using them as you need a strong POSITIVE bond to get the Mega Evolution off." Gary sighed as he had to agree to that. They began to split off as they had arrived at their field, Gary going into the stands as his battle was a bit later after Ash's battle.

Ash had returned his Pokemon as he got onto the field, his opponent waiting there already. He looked to be around 23 with bright orange hair and Light grey eyes. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. He was about 5'11 with a Mega Necklace around his neck. Several Pokeballs were on his waist and he had a confident grin on his face. The referee saw that Ash had arrived and nodded before he raised a flag, beginning to announce the matchup.

"Since the red corner has arrived, we shall begin this match," the ref said as Ash covered a good part of his face with his fedora. He could feel some of the traitors as well several legendaries hiding in the stands as humans. He grinned as he would show them his real strength soon enough. "Now then, the first match of the Pokemon World Trilos Tournament shall now begin. Remember that this is a best out of three battle. Trainers... SEND OUT YOUR FIRST POKEMON!" Ash and his opponent sent out their Pokemon.

"Let's electrify them Amphy," Ash's opponent shouted as he sent out the Electric type known as Ampharos. It had a Mega bracer on its chest area with a yellow Mega stone that correlates with it. Ash grinned as he sent out Hime.

"Let's show them our strength Hime," Ash called out as the Steel/Fairy came out of the Love Ball. She grinned as her Mega Amulet swung a bit. The ref took the stand again.

"Now then, as I have seen Mega Stones, I'm assuming that you two want to use Mega Evolutions," the ref. asked, getting a nod from the two. Even if Dragon was weak to Fairy, his opponent certainly wanted to have a fun battle. "Very well, Mega Evolve when I give the signal. Now then, let the battle between Mega Ampharos and Mega Mawile BEGIN!" The two quickly placed their index and middle fingers on their respective Key Stones, though Ash just swung his staff in front of him while sending Aura to the Mega Stone, strengthening the power of the Mega Evolution. This didn't go unnoticed by the hidden legendaries, whom were the two Mewtwo, Mew and her mate, and Arceus. Several other Legends were hidden in the air, all of them invisible as they watched the match. They were interested in trying to help out their new chosen by scoping out the competition, and felt the aura pulses that Ash gave off. The traitors, which included Brock, Misty, Max, and the new chosen one, Trip, were watching this match. They scoffed when they saw their opponents, thinking they would be easy to take down.

"Do you feel that Father," Mew asked the Alpha Pokemon, whom nodded. "It feels like the Aura is strengthened by the bond the two share. And that bond is as strong as Ash's and Pikachu's used to be." Arceus nodded once more, before he gave his complete focus on the battle, as did the other legends.

'You're very lucky that only Mewtwo and I can here your thoughts Ashura," the female Mewtwo thought to herself, her mate no doubt thinking the same thing.

"Before we start, I'd like to introduce myself as Dareck," Dareck introduced himself to his opponent. Ash nodded before responding.

"Names Satoshi," Ash said, giving his opposition his middle name, rather than his first. He may want to prove the others wrong, but he wants to show himself when he gets a battle with one of them and humiliate them. He grinned ferally at the thought. His opponent nodded before his Mega Evolution took place. Dareck's Keystone sent out a pulse that reacted with Amphy's Mega Stone. Amphy began to glow a violet pink color before he was surrounded by an orb of energy that formed a cocoon. The cocoon cracked, before shattering, releasing the new Pokemon within. The Pokemon looked exactly like Ampharos, except that it had gained a full head of white hair that spiked at certain spots and came down like a ponytail. His tail had transformed into fur that had several of its gems fused into it.

Ash nodded before he activated his Mega Staff and chanted. "You who has the strength to evolve even further," Ash began the chant that he grew accustomed to saying whenever he practiced with his Mega Staff. While he never had a Pokemon to Mega Evolve before, he practiced what he would say and do as a sort of signature action. "If you lend me your heart and trust, I shall lend you my strength and will!" An image of a Pokemon similar to Hime appeared behind Ash, only that it was taller and had two jaws on its head rather than one. Hime began glowing that same purplish pink color, only some light teal could be seen coming from it as well. The same cocoon that covered Mega Ampharos a while ago was now covering Hime. "Transcend through the boundaries that keep your true strength hidden away! GO! MEGA EVOLVE!" The cocoon cracked, before it burst open in a show of absolute raw power.

From the orb came Hime, only she was different. Rather than the full yellow dress she sported before, she now had a dress that had a yellow top half and a pick bottom half, with the edges of her sleeves having a pink band on it. She was now taller, and had grown an extra jaw on the back of her head, while both jaws had grown considerably and curved a bit towards the opening, while two yellow spots rested on the top of each.

Everyone was in awe at the two Megas, whom glared at one another from the field. Ash grinned.

"As a good sport, I think I shall allow you the first move," Ash spoke, getting a nod from Dareck, who smiled at Ash.

"Very well then, Amphy, use Thunderbolt," Dareck commanded his Pokemon, whom grunted in response as he charged up his attack.

"[Take this Thunderbolt!]," Amphy shouted as he released his pent up energy and released the powerful Electric attack, made even more powerful due to the Mega Evolution. Everyone gasped and were wide eyed when Ash didn't tell his Pokemon to move nor tried a counter attack.

"He must be really weak if he's not ordering a counter or trying to dodged," Max said arrogantly. He thought he was proven right when the Thunderbolt hit the Mega Mawile as a smoke cloud billowed from the power of the attack. The male Mewtwo (whom I shall be naming Chase from now on as it gets confusing which Mewtwo I shall be speaking off) looked in their direction and grinned in delight.

'You wish human,' Chase thought to himself. He turned back to the battle, missing the look the two Mew's gave him, both of them unpleasant looks as they thought he as going against the chosen's friends. They heard the traitors gasp, however, and turned back to the battle before gasping themselves. There, on the field, was Hime, who was relatively unharmed. She didn't even have any scratches or electrical burn marks.

Dareck gasped when he saw this. "W-what," he whispered to himself. Ash smirked as did Hime.

"If that was all, then I have this battle down," Ash said confidently, before he ordered a move. "Hime, use Play Rough." Hime nodded as she rushed at a still shocked Mega Amphy. Dareck got out of stupor before he ordered a counterattack.

"Quick, use Thunderpunch to get block it Amphy," Dareck desperately ordered, as he knew Amphy would go down to a Play Rough from a Mega Mawile if she were to land the attack. Amphy charged up electricity into his paw quickly before he lashed out at the incoming Hime. Ash smiled again.

"Jump and crashed down with an extra Ice Fang," Ash called out, getting a gasp from his opposition. Hime nodded and sprung up high into the air, before she rushed down, grabbed Amphy by his now non-electrical fist, before she began rough housing with him with her mouths that had ice fangs on them. Amphy took to much damage from the attack and fainted, reverting back into regular Ampharos. Everyone was shell shocked at this turn of events.

"I-I-It w-w-w-would s-seem that H-Hime has w-won this m-match," ref said, getting everyone out of their shocks. "Green Trainer, s-send out your ne P-Pokemon." The ref quickly got out of the way of the battle as Dareck sent out his next Pokemon, a Pokemon that looked like a giant iron demon. Ash frowned in annoyance as it was an Aggron. While they may be slow, that armor protects them from the fiery of attacks. "L-let the battle between Mega Mawile and Aggron begin.

"Hime, lets start off by getting in close," Ash said, Hime rushing in at the Iron Armor Pokemon being her confirmation. Dareck kept a neutral face, and many people believed he was giving up. Then, just as Hime had reached them, he called out an attack.

"Use Roar," Dareck shouted, getting a grunt from the Steel/Rock type. Aggron quickly let out a large roar that stunned and pushed back Hime, before she was absorbed by her Pokeball. Another Pokeball opened up and Naruto was released, thankfully as his Cinccino forme. Everyone sighed, knowing that a Cinccino against an Aggron was like a Magikarp against a Rayquaza on land. Mew, however, quickly realized who it was immediately, as the whisker marks on his cheeks were a dead giveaway.

"Naruto," Mew whispered, barely heard by Arceus and her own mate. Mew grew enraged by what she saw. How dare he side with the traitor?! She was about to go down there when Arceus held her down with his Psychic Plate. She looked at him in anger, only for him to shake his head.

"Well, I suppose that you were dragged out, eh Naruto," Ash asked his ever faithful partner, whom only smirked in response. "I suppose we shouldn't let the people here wait. I want to go and get some food, and I'm sure Gary would like something to eat before his battle, so let's finish this quick eh?" Naruto gave off a feral grin at the thought of food. "If you finish fast enough, I'll even let you have some Ramen~." Ash chuckled when Naruto disappeared, much to the confusion of the audience, including Dareck and his Aggron. Gary looked up into the sky and gasped. People around him heard the gasp and looked up as well, all of them gasping as well. Naruto had about thirty Shadow Clones around him, each of them holding a Rasengan. "Use Rasengan Naruto!"

To the audience, it looked like Naruto pushed off of the air as if he pushed off of the ground, his clones following as well. They all looked like a meteors falling into the poor Iron Armor Pokemon.

"AGGRON QUICK PROTECT," Dareck cried out, his Pokemon successfully getting the move off. He sighed in relief, only for it to turn into a gasp of shock as the attack TORE through the protective green barrier and slam into Aggron. Poor Aggron had no chance as Naruto completely dominated his opponent with his Rasengan Meteor Shower. The ref, whom had taken the stage again.

"A-A-A-And the winner i-i-is the Red Corner," the ref stuttered out as he was stunned by the pure power of his two Pokemon. Ash nodded as Naruto helped the Aggron up with his tails and scarf.

"[You okay there]," Naruto asked the Steel/Rock type, whom nodded, though a little dazed. Naruto bowed regretfully. "[I apologize, but when my master told me about letting me eat Ramen, I had to do all I could to win. I haven't had Ramen in ages!]" Here Naruto had anime tears running down his face as Aggron awkwardly told him it was fine while patting his back to reassure him. Ash sweatdropped as did Gary, whom had come down to meet up with Ash. Ash and Dareck both met in the middle, Ash looking sheepish.

"Good battle Dareck," Ash said mareepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Dareck deadpanned before he sighed and held out his hand, Ash doing the same as the two of them shook hands in respect.

"As much as I would like to call that a battle," Dareck said jokingly. "I knew I was outclassed when you took down Amphy down in one hit, even if it was a combo. She must be your strongest Pokemon." He darted his eyes to the Mew disguised Cinccino for a second. Ash shook his head.

"Actually, Naruto right there is my strongest," Ash announced to his opponent, unknowingly telling the traitors and Arceus and Mew who were all behind some stands that were around the field. "I only have those two and two Eevee that I recently caught. Naruto and Hime have been my family and friends as well as the best partners that a trainer could ever ask for, for three years." Dareck had wide eyes as did the traitors.

"Shoot, no wonder they're so strong," Dareck chuckled as he patted Ash on the back. "Well, you better win this whole thing." He grinned here. "Don't want to hear that you lost in the next round or anything." Ash chuckled mareepishly. He shook Dareck's had once more.

"Don't worry, I PLAN to win," Ash told his opponent, before he and Gary walked off to get some food, Dareck joining them for lunch. Everyone had left the field temporarily by now as the crews needed to restore the field as best they could since Naruto's attack did blow a giant chunk of a crater onto the field.

Aggron and Naruto were walking behind their trainers, when Hime's Love Ball opened up, and a yellow blur tackled Naruto into the ground. The blur turned out to be a regular Hime who was kissing the shiny Cinccino. Aggron chuckled at his new friends mate, while Amphy popped out of his ball and looked at the scene in adoration. Ash chuckled before he let out his Eevee Twins, the two shaking their furs to get ready to walk around and stretch their legs.

Mew was seething for reasons unknown to her, before she felt her mate wrap an arm around her. It was now just the legends watching them as the traitors had left to get food as well.

"Who does he think he is," Mew snarled out. "I leave him and he leaves the Hall of Origins, his legendary status behind, and then he hooks up with that... that... that HUSSY!" Mew's mate (whom shall be named Chuck) looked at her confusedly.

"And you care why," Chuck asked his mate, whom froze. Why did she care? She shook her head. Naruto was on of their species, so they should only go with Pokémon that are worthy enough! She glowered at the retreating forms of Naruto and Hime as well as Ash and his friends. She'll show him...

Later: Gary's match

The crowd of people were chattering about the previous match and the utter domination of Ash (whom they believed was Satoshi) and his Pokémon, especially the 'Cinccino'. Something like would be very tough to one up, though they hoped that they could see such a battle. Ash idly noticed that the traitors weren't there, probably called off to their own battles. He did sense the other legendaries hanging around the area, most likely analyzing the battles that were occurring. He himself was sitting in the front row of the stands as he, Naruto, and Hime awaited this next battle. The Eevee Twins were sitting in his lap, both wanting to see 'Uncle Umbreon' battle, though they were feeling a bit tired from lunch.

Finally, a ref came in along with Gary and another female. She was about 5'4 with ruby red hair and storming violet eyes. She looked to be around 15 years old, and was wearing a blue blouse and a white skirt. She also had a Mega Earring. The female, who Ash presumed was Anais, went of to the red corner while Gary had went of to the green corner. Ash smirked as the battle went underway.

"The second battle of this field for the day is now underway," the ref said as he pointed his flags to each side. "Trainers, send out your Pokemon!"

"Let's go Ptera," Anais called out, a pink pterodactyl coming out of the Luxury Ball that she threw, a Mega Bracer on its chest. Gary frowned before he threw his Pokeball.

"Let's go Blastoise," Gary called upon his old friend. The blue turtle came out with a grin on its face as it stared at its opponent. A Mega Necklace was around its neck. The ref nodded as he waved his flags.

"Now then, if your Pokemon need to Mega Evolve, do so now," the ref told the two, both answering by holding their fingers to their Mega Keys. Gary sighed as he saw his partner evolve even further into Mega Blastoise. He really didn't want to Mega Evolve, but he didn't want to have a disadvantage. Mega Blastoise ended up having his two cannons on his back fuse into one large cannon on his back while two mini cannons were equipped to his wrists in a way that made it seem like Blastoise could shoot them like a gun.

Mega Aerodactyl had a lot of spikes grow over his body while his claws and teeth seemed to get sharper.

"Right then, let the battle... BEGIN," ref yelled out before he quickly walked out of the range of fire. Gary quickly started off with the battle.

"Blastoise, let's finish this quick," Gary called out to his Pokemon, whom nodded as he concentrated on the task ahead. "Let's start off with Water Pulse!" Blastoise quickly gathered water molecules into his three cannons before firing them off at a fast rate. The crowd was surprised at how fast the Water type could do that.

"Dodge and attack with Aerial Ace," Anais cried out, as Mega Aerodactyl quickly flew out of the path of the Water attack and began flying towards Mega Blastoise at a quick pace. Gary quickly called out a counter attack.

"Blastoise wait and then use Water Pulse," Gary called out. Blastoise didn't respond before Aerodactyl appeared in front of him. It let out a squawk of surprise as it was flung away from the other Mega. "Keep up the pressure with an Ice Beam!" Blastoise quickly fired out the frigid blast of ice at Aerodactyl, whom was just getting up from the Water Pulse. It cried out in pain as it was hit by the frigid, before it was frozen over. Gary grinned at the result, before he frowned when the ice crack and shattered, leaving a free and pissed off Mega Aerodactyl flying in the air.

"Aerodactyl, use Stone Edge," the teen shouted as her Pokemon formed stones in the air and hurled them at their opponent.

"Blastoise, blast them back with Dark Pulse," Gary calmly stated, getting surprised gasps from his opponent. Blastoise couldn't normally learn Dark Pulse very easily, as they needed to be taught by experienced Pokemon. Gary's Blastoise charged up dark energy from the cannons along its body, before firing them off. The attack gained extra boost thanks to Mega Blastoise's Mega Launcher ability. The stones were easily flung back at Mega Aerodactyl, whom cried in extreme pain as its own attack was used against it as well as the Dark type move hitting. It changed back into its normal form as it fell to the ground, out cold.

"And the first round goes to Mega Blastoise," the ref, whom had returned to the stand, announced. Aerodactyl was absorbed into his Luxury Ball, an annoyed Anais clipping it back onto her belt. She brought out a Moon Ball and threw the ball into the air, calling out her next Pokemon.

"Let's go Umbreon," Anais called out, as the familiar Dark Eeveelution came out of the Moon Ball. This one was different, however, as it had blue rings rather than yellow rings. The ref nodded as he started the next match.

"Let's start things off with a Toxic Umbreon," Anais called out to the Dark type. Umbreon yelled out before it spat out a glob of poison.

"[Take this bucket of Poison]," Umbreon shouted as the glob of poison was about to hit the Mega Turtle. Gary grinned.

"Water Pulse into Aura Sphere Blastoise," Gary called to his Mega Water type. Blastoise obliged happily as the Water attack rendered the status move useless while the sphere made of aura hit the Dark type for a lot of damage, fainting it. The ref and the others looked at the very one sided battle with sweatdrops on their heads as the ref called the match.

"This match goes to the green corner," the ref called. "We appreciate you all coming today. This was the last match for the day in this field. You may go about and see some of the other fields battles. The next battles on this field will be tomorrow at noon." With that, the ref left the field, ready to retire for the day. Mega Blastoise returned to his normal self. Gary walked up to his Pokemon as the other people in the stadium had already begun leaving, including his opponent, whom looked incredibly annoyed. He patted his started Pokemon on his head gently, getting a 'Blast' from the Shellfish Pokemon. He looked behind him to see Ash with his arms extended loosely, his Mega Staff in his right hand. Naruto and Hime were walking next to the raven teen, both looking quite excited from the battle while the Eevee twins were walking in front of Naruto as he kept an eye on them.

"Nice battle Gary," Ash said softly, his tone very calm. Gary grinned at his rival turned friend. He nodded to him as he began walking out of the field, Blastoise and Umbreon following him. Ash followed the auburn haired teen as they began chatting about random things, neither one having a care in the world as they headed on back to the Poke Center to rest.

(That Night)

Ash was currently awake as he was looking out of the Poke Center into the small city of Kiloude. Naruto and Hime were looking out into the city as well while Gary was resting. The Eevee Twins and Gary's Umbreon were sleeping with one another as well. The trio smiled as they thought over their friends as well as the fun they'd have in the 2-3 years they were with one another.

"It's been so long," Ash softly said as he looked at the moon. Naruto and Hime nodded silently as they enjoyed their alone time. Then, Naruto spoke up.

"Don't worry Ash," Naruto telepathed to Ash and Hime. "We'll show these chumps that you are stronger than they could ever be. Me, Hime, Fantomu, Sukai, and Gary will be here for you. We will support you forever." Ash had tears in his eyes before he wiped them away while nodding. Naruto and Hime smiled at their trainer sadly before they continued to look up at the moon. They didn't notice a two pink cats, two purple cats, and a blue Pokemon looking at them. One of the pink cats was looking at Naruto and Hime in anger, the other was looking at the pink cat in annoyance, the two purple cats were looking at Ash, Naruto, and Hime with hope, and the blue Pokemon was looking at Ash in sadness.

'I'm sorry Papa,' the blue Pokemon thought to himself. Tears leaked out of his eyes as the Pokemon kneeled on the ground in despair. 'I'm so sorry... Please forgive me...'

(Another part of the Island)

At the docks, a ship had docked. This ship wasn't to special, but there was a person inside that was special. They grinned as they arrived at the island. They were searching for someone, and they had a feeling that the person they were looking for was here, at this tournament.

'Ash,' the figure thought, a canine like Pokemon walking next to them as they exited the ship. 'I hope you're here...'

And that is chapter 3 of Teal Guardian. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a review. If you didn't enjoy, I apologize. Things have progressed a tiny bit as we see that Ash and Gary have won their first match. As stated before, Ash will not have as much trouble as he's had ONLY Naruto and Hime for three years (two for Hime). They WILL be over powered, so if you don't like that, then I apologize, but it's staying that way. Ash will be using the Eevee's and any other Pokemon he gets since he, like all other trainers, would like a challenge.

Who is this mystery person who is looking for Ash? IF you can guess who they are (though I didn't really give any hints so I'm sure 99% of you won't), then you'll get a cookie. Also, I think I'm gonna push the Eevee Twins evolutions to chapter 6 and 7. Not sure, I'm gonna think over that over the weekend.

Anyways, I believe that you all want to see the form for trainers ne? Well here it is! IMPORTANT NOTE! Please be aware that this is NOT first come first serve. I will only choose a limited amount of OC's for this competition. Also, no Legendaries may be used... except maybe Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde. I'll explain why in another chapter with another Pokemon that Ash shall capture.

OC form:





Personality: (Be warned I will more than likely screw this up)

Battle Style: (Be warned that I will more than likely screw this up)

Other: (Any extra info. you want to share like their history, references, favorite quotes, etc.)

That's pretty much it, so get to it. The only requirement I have is no Legends except for the ones that I stated above.

Anyways guys, that's it for now. The next chapter shall be whenever I post up the poll for the fics. to be updated and if this fic. wins.

Thank you and goodnight
(Bows and Exits)