Disclaimer: I don't own Deadpool.

Bold being serious Wade and Italic as other wade.

I quickly made my way over to our room, entering in the middle of Howard and Ginger being filled in on Sofie's plan. "Glad you could join us," Sofie said acknowledging my presence. "Yeah yeah, so what's the plan?" I asked leaning onto the table. "First we need clearance, I've already set to speak with Fury first thing in the morning. What is down there is very important and holds great value. I'm certain you've been told about…" Sofie started. "My hopes aren't even existent at this point. But yes I have. So what exactly is so precious that needs to be recovered?" I asked turning to the cylindrical glass room. "There are documents not in the data base, simply hacking into those old computers will be fruitless. A few files can be reached from the computer but hacking into that old place will take to much time, we could access what we need with my old passwords. And I want to hack into the deeper more classified files, this'll take quite a bit of time so if you could just plant this hardware in one of the old computers I'd be free to work." Sofie answered straight to the point. "Quite the list there, any particular reason?" I asked picking at one of my nails. "Hm? You seem to be more quizzical then before. Is it not preferred in our line of work to not be inquisitive?" Sofie asked. "I think I have a right to know why you need us to go back down into that hell hole." I scoffed. "Project Sword, is a large part of our past and those who do not study and learn from it are doomed to repeat it. Furthermore, need I remind you that you are a field agent you do what you are told and nothing more? Everything you do is on a need to know basis." She retorted. I gritted my teeth and pointed at her, "Need I remind you that you'd still be locked away wrapped up in the four laws fail safe if it weren't for me?" "Technically it was my hacking that found her…" Howard corrected. "Shut up I told you to do it! So how about for once you share a bit of your motive on why you want us to delve into a wroughting, make shift tomb of metal and wiring. That place is a grave sight for our past and you want us to go digging around there? I have spent years of my life trying to wipe the guilt… the sight, from my mind." I swallowed hard. "You don't have to go down there if you don't want to. Besides we don't even have clearance yet." Sofie said turning back to one of her monitors.

"Hey," Wade smiled from the door holding a take out bag. "Hey you," I smiled softly looking up from the floor. "Are you alright?" He asked stepping into my bunk. "Yeah… just tired." I tried but he didn't buy it. "What's the matter babe?" He asked taking both my trembling hands into his. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, "Sofie wants us to return to the Project Sword base… to retrieve some stuff and place some hard ware for her to hack into the more top secret files." I answered lowering my gaze to the ground. "…And you don't want to go?" He asked tightening his grip. "Not really no. I just can't… my last memory of that place is…" I sighed trailing off. "Then don't go babe, I understand it is painful for you. However if it is that old guilt creeping back up on you… it wasn't your fault. Some things are just out of our control." He reasoned squatting in front of me. "…Wade." I sighed resting my forehead on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed up and down my back. "…When you asked me… if Hazel was important to me, were you jealous?" I asked sliding from my cot to kneel in front of him. "Jealous? Me?" Wade asked with a fake laugh. "Don't act like you weren't jealous that I had a thing for Logan for awhile. Did you think that me and Hazel were more than friends?" I questioned. "Maybe I did. Why are you asking about that now?" Wade asked looking into my violet eyes. "Because… that guilt, it was from our escape. When the protocol was enacted and we were fleeing I went after him." I started. "And you convinced him not to kill himself like the others, even though he was supposed to." Wade continued. "Yeah… but if I let him, he wouldn't have… suffered. You see I had made support beams and a bridge to keep the exit open and accessable… but I- I couldn't keep them up. After I had crossed the bridge had gone out but that wasn't a problem until where he was standing collapsed. I couldn't use my powers to do anything and he plummeted into the dark abyss beneath us… the last thing I had seen before the corridor had collapsed was his out stretched arms and his terrified expression. The man who was supposed to be my friend… fell to his death because I couldn't help him. Even if he had survived the fall he surely would have suffered significant injuries, internal or otherwise. And even after all that… all this time down there he surely would have starved or bled to death. Going back there and delving into the wreckage would mean me facing… not only my past but the possibility of his dead body. Rotting… unburied remains, forgotten by the world." I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed fighting back my tears.

"But you remembered. And I understand… I do." He said holding me tight. "Bee…" He started but closed his mouth. His expression made it clear he was choosing his words carefully. "How about we just play it by ear. If they get clearance… just refuse to go. They can't force you, and if they don't then oh well right?" He asked lifting my chin to meet my eyes. "…Ok." I tried a soft smile. "Oh. Hey I brought Samantha's," He said reaching behind him and held up the bag shaking it slightly. "Thanks… but I'm really not hungry," I said placing my hand on his cheek. "Oh ok… well how about we…" He started lifting me bridal style and layed me on the cot. I could feel the blush rush to my cheeks as he layed beside me and nuzzled his mouth into the crook of my neck, pulling me closer. Taking deep slow breaths he traced his index finger up and down my spine making me shiver. "I've always loved your smell… you always smelled like roses and something warm… like… I can't explain it." He said working at loosening my hair so he could play with it. "And you always smelled of sweat, blood, and smoke. Occasionally hot sauce and pizza." I softly laughed. "Yeah but who wants to keep spraying new scents from a can? Though I don't mind their marketing campaigns. Kinda like that burger chain… something junior? They really know how to sell a burger," He smiled running his hands through my loose locks. I took a deep breath and placed my hand on his chest giving a light squeeze. "Just cuddles tonight. I AM a classy broad and have standards," He gasped. "Really now? Well then I guess you can get off," I said kicking him off the bed. "Then you're coming with me," He said wrapping his arms around my waist and dragging me with him. "Wade!" I squealed as I fell with him to the floor. "I've always wanted to try it in the office," Wade exclaimed ripping the blanket off the cot. "You're so bad…" I giggled tearing both our masks off and kissing him.

"Wilson you're late to the briefing. We are all waiting on you." Howard called from the door. "I'll be right there!" I shouted sitting up holding the blanket against my bare chest. "I can't believe I over slept…" I said trying to get dressed as quickly as possible. "I don't wanna…" Wade muttered in his sleep when I accidently kicked him. "Sorry.. see you later." I kissed his cheek and rushed out of the room. "Sorry I'm late." I said pulling my mask on. "Well now that we are all here how about we discuss what it is exactly you want," Fury said turning to Sofia. "It's simple there is information quite valuable in that rotting pit, I simply seek to gain access to it. I need to send a couple of agents in grab a few old files and implant some hardware so that I may gain access to the encrypted computers." Sofia answered straight to the point. "Do what needs to be done then. I'm hoping for a bit more information when your team returns however," Fury said narrowing his eye at Sofia. "I guess then we should go," I said looking over the plan. "I thought you didn't want to go." Ginger stated raising a brow. "I don't. But I can't keep pushing what happened away. I'm allowing my emotions to hold me back from things that need to be done." I answered not meeting their eyes. "Then I am coming with you," Wade chimed in. "You're not exactly part of the team." Howard said eyeing him. "You wanna try getting between me and my wife punk?" He asked turning to face him. "Uh no sir… just uh… I'll go run some numbers or something… over there." Howard said turning tail and sitting at his computer. "Didn't think so. So how soon can we get started?" He asked wrapping an arm around me. "In a couple of hours. We need to gear up and we'll be heading out shortly," Ginger answered. "Then let's get ready," I smiled to Wade.

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