
A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. - Denis Waitley


Spencer and I had been texting back and forth for the last few days. Well when he could. He was on a case and I didn't even bother asking what it was about. I knew that he couldn't tell me. He never would be able to. It was a confidentiality thing.

"You miss him?" I looked over at my roommate, sitting on the couch in her sweats, drinking her coffee. She was my very best friend, my partner in crime and my roommate. She could tell what I was thinking before I would be thinking of it.

"I do not miss him. I saw him twice and I've been texting him on and off. I have no reason to miss him." I knew I was rambling. I knew she didn't believe me, even without looking at her. She could just tell.

"Uh uh. Sure you don't. Dr. dreamy." She giggled and bounced off the couch and made her way to the kitchen. I could hear her moving around and opening cupboards and then the fridge and freezer.

"What are you doing?" She didn't answer me, she just kept moving around the kitchen. After a few minutes, she came back from the kitchen, her arms full of ice-cream, dishes, spoons, chocolate chips and chocolate sauce.

"Really? All that?" She nodded and set everything down and when she finally had everything settled, she sat beside me and opened the ice-cream. She started scooping ice-cream into her bowl and poured on the chocolate and the chocolate chips and only then, did she stop and hand me the ice-cream.

"Yes. We are going to have a girl's night and you are going to tell me all about Dr. Dreamy and you will gush over him and fall in love. Now…" She handed me the scoop and motioned to the ice-cream.

"Get yourself some." I rolled my eyes and followed the steps she did and once I had my bowl of ice-cream, I sat back and smiled at her.

"There's really nothing to tell. We met each other at a coffee shop, twice, and we text but there is really nothing more than that. There's not a lot of exciting details." I spoke but she didn't hear me. She just kept grinning at me, like she expected me to tell her something more and different.

"What?" She looked at me and took a spoonful of ice cream, waiting until she had swallowed before she spoke.

"I think that there is something going on with you two and you don't want to admit it. I think that you two would be so cute together." I rolled my eyes and took a spoonful of my ice cream and then set it down.

"Have you ever even seen Spencer? How do you know how we would look together?" My roommate said nothing. She just picked up her phone, opened it and went straight to the internet.

"Dr. Spencer Reid has some information on him about his school work and his work with the FBI. Not to mention there are some pictures. A bit too thin for my liking, but you know I could work with that." I snatched her phone out of her hands and looked at the site she was on. There was some information about Spencer and a few pictures but other than some of the basic items, there wasn't much.

"Calm down, Allie. I was joking." She laughed and grabbed her phone, locking it after she grabbed it.

"Relax. Dr. Dreamy is all yours." I blushed and grabbed my bowl of ice cream taking too much into my mouth to avoid answering any questions she might have.

"Shut up." My cheeks were burning and I would bet that they were a bright red. Damn blushing.


The case was over. We caught the unsub and I was dying to get home just to be in my own space. I wanted to be away from the team and their questions. I wanted the good coffee from the shop down the street from my apartment.

"I can't wait to get back and sleep in." JJ was planning on sleeping in on Saturday and then taking Henry to his soccer game. Garcia was planning on staying home and relaxing as well as ignoring Morgan. Morgan was going to try to talk to Garcia.

They all told me their plans and I didn't tell them any of mine. I didn't have any plans really, but I would try and run into Allie again. We had been texting back and forth but I did want to actually go on a date with her.

"What about you Spencer?" Garcia, Emily and JJ were on my case about Allie. They asked me if I had been keeping contact with her. They asked me if I was planning on seeing her in a date like setting and if I wanted anything more than friendship from her.

"I'm not doing anything." I shut them out and returned to my book. It would only take me 10-15 minutes to read it and that would enough distraction to block out their questions.

"Are you sure you aren't doing anything?" I didn't look up from my book. I didn't want to snap at them for prying in my personal life.

"I guess not." The conversations died down and soon enough we were back on the ground and off the plane.

I was glad we were back and I was glad I would have a break from the prying team I worked with. They couldn't leave good enough alone and even though I said that Allie and I weren't in a relationship, they wouldn't let it be. They wanted to know every detail of her life, or so it seemed. They wanted to know how long we had been talking and what we talked about and why I hadn't asked her on a date yet.

"See you later Reid. Have a good weekend." I waved JJ off and focused more on my cellphone that was chiming. It was either a text or a phone call and depending on who it was from, I wouldn't mind either.

'Hey Spencer. Are you back? Can we talk? I need to ask you something. :-)' Allie's text popped up on my screen and I smiled knowing that it would raise questions from JJ.

I unlocked my phone and typed away sending her a reply, keeping it quick. I wanted to get back to my apartment as soon as I possibly could and wanted to get away from the prying eyes of the curious females I worked with.

I loved working with JJ and Emily and Garcia. They were great people and great people to work with, but they were nosey when it came to personal life. Especially Garcia. It didn't help much that she could find any information about pretty much anyone.

There was once a thought that maybe I would get Garcia to find out things about Allie that would take months to learn. I was hoping that it would make me be able to better understand and connect with her. I wanted to know what I could talk to her about. But learning these things from her would be the best connector I could get. It would be better than just learning this from a screen. I wanted to hear things from Allie. I wanted to know what she liked and what she didn't like from her own mouth.

I wanted to know what made Allie who she was.


Update! Sorry it took so long. Sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy!

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