Disclaimer: I don't own the Naruto series.
A/N: Criticisms are fine. Don't like, don't read. I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
Warnings: Do not take this seriously. No serious plot, more like side stories in an AU.
~Chapter 2: Kakashi~
A pair of black steely eyes stared at him on top of Obito's gravestone. It belonged to a rabbit, but he could had swore that the rabbit was part Uchiha with its glare. He vaguely wondered if it wasn't the reincarnation of some Uchiha that hated him, but dismissed that thought as soon as it came. What can a rabbit-that-could-had-been-a-Kakashi-hater do to him anyways?
And he got the answer the hard way, the very hard way.
He was also wrong about them being Kakashi haters because he had a Sharingan. No, the reasons for all his pain was because of everything he had done to them in the near future where they couldn't do anything to him but complain and glare.
He first felt the ground beneath his toes shift and he quickly dodged the tiny pink (Pink?) rabbit that exploded out of the ground, aiming at a very sensitive area. With that one action, he concluded:
Some Rabbits (Capital R needed) are dangerous. And he certainly wasn't interested in finding out if rabbits had rabies. He also heard a rather disturbing rumor about a meat-loving rabbit, which could be these rabbits he was currently facing.
However, back to the situation at hand, a third, and final rabbit also appeared when it jumped from its tree and aimed a devastating rabbit!kick at his head. The ground cracked from where Kakashi dodged and he heaved a sign of relief. How embarrassing would it be to get a concussion from a rabbit!
He took note of the three rabbits that appeared. One was the Uchiha-like rabbit from before, still calmly sitting on the gravestone. The other was a tiny pink rabbit that apparently, was strong enough to dig and propel itself at him, rather accurately, may he add. The third one looked innocent enough if it hadn't just aimed a head-bashing kick at him, but there was something about it that just screamed 'Mischievous!'.
And he soon found out why when the apparent rabbits multiplied!
"Oh, my lord Hokage..." three he could handle. Ten? Still can. A hundred? A little hard, but still yes. The who-knows-how-many-hundreds-perhaps-thousands in front of him? Definitely not. He was quickly surrounded and buried by a pile of fur and tiny bodies as he struggled to get out.
When he 'kills' perhaps a hundred of them, another hundred was quickly made and there was no end in sight. Understandably, he would also not notice one of the many rabbits sneaking a certain orange object off his person while he struggled.
'Rabbits are supposed to breed like crazy, not actually clone themselves!' he thought, deeply disturbed and annoyed at the never ending waves that finally, thinned enough for him to see his own legs. With renewed energy at the sign, the rest of the bunny-army was quickly put to rest and he spied three small figures running (hopping) away like crazy while carrying something suspicious...
His eyes widen in alarm. "My Icha Icha!" and he chased after them like a starving wolf, greatly alarming the runaway thieves.
It was at this point, Sasuke stepped forward and bravely sacrificed himself for the greater good:
The Bonfire.
The final piece of revenge against Kakashi and they would do it no matter what. Even if it meant losing some fur and perhaps becoming rabbit stew.
With a snarl that shouldn't have come from a bunny, Sasuke broke away from the group and charged toward the gaining Kakashi with claws outstretched and fangs bared.
"Feel the pain of Team 7!" Sasuke roared, but of course, Kakashi could not understand his words of fury and pain.
The rabbit and man fought a brutal one minute battle before Sasuke finally fell. But even as he fell, Sasuke could feel a smirk stretch across his face. Stalling the ninja for even a minute would be a huge boost for the team, and he could fall peacefully to the ground as Kakashi cursed and continued the chase.
'I'll leave it up to you guys... Sakura, Naruto.'
Naruto and Sakura ran with their prize stuck on their fur through the steady stream of chakra as they prayed for the health of their brave teammate. They were about halfway to their destination when they heard the rumbling steps of doom that was quickly catching up to them and Sakura transferred the entire bundle to Naruto, and broke off from their retreat to confront Kakashi.
Naruto was their best bet on completing their mission since he could still escape with Kage Bunshin if the the two other members of Team 7 failed to stall Kakashi long enough. He was also the best escapee among their group due to the constant pranks he played as a kid.
Naruto forced some more chakra into his four paws and started to take shortcuts through the village by unconventional means.
Comments like: "Ow! Don't hop on me!" "Watch it!" and, "Why is there a book on his back?" were constantly thrown around as the tiny Lop bunny caused chaos within the village whilst trying to make it to their destination.
The showdown between Sakura, the pink Pygmy rabbit and Kakashi the Copy Ninja (or Perverted Ninja) began as soon as she broke away from Naruto. Without giving Kakashi any chance to register her sudden appearance, she launched a tiny fist (paw) directly at his abdomen. True to being titled as one of the elites, Kakashi dodged, but his single eye did widen in shock when the attack broke apart the spot where he once stood.
His eye narrowed in suspicion and wariness.
Sakura made a come-on gesture with her paw as she stood on her hind legs. She allowed a smirk to cross her face as Kakashi's single eye narrowed, and he disappeared in a burst of speed!
Sakura dodged the kicked that was aimed at her and poured chakra into her forehead for a headbutt. It was swiftly dodged and she was thrown into the air. Rabbits were small and light animals, so throwing them off certainly wasn't hard. But Sakura wasn't just any rabbit, she took a bite out of Kakashi before he could run after Naruto.
'We're leaving it all to you Naruto... If that book isn't properly burned, I'll smash you, SHANNARO!'
Naruto felt a chill up his spine that urged him to run even faster.
'I feel like Sakura-chan's threatening me...' and then he felt an even more ominous chill that just threatened to skin and torture him.
Damn, it was Kakashi! A furious Kakashi with the complete package of both eyes, killing-intent, and weapons flying from their pouches!
He was also arriving at their camp (Thank Kami) and he leaped, Kakashi following behind him like a shadow (who really wanted to kill him).
He was within arms (or is it legs?) reach of their roaring bonfire and he threateningly held the book within burning distance, which instantly froze the ninja.
"Now, now Rabbit-sama, there is no need to do that. I don't know what I've done to annoy you, but I'm pretty sure the book can stay out of it, yes?" the aura around Kakashi became more and more dangerous and Naruto gulp.
It was now or never.
The book fell into the fire and when the kunai hit him, he went up into a puff of smoke.
"Damn those accursed rabbits..." 'This means war!' and he went to sharpen his weapons while hidden behind a sign, Naruto let out a small sigh and he fell forward into a slump.
"I'm never doing that again."
"But it was worth it." Sakura popped out from the ground, a little bit of dirt on her nose while Sasuke appeared quietly from a bush.
"Hn." he nodded, his head held up high and proud.
"Yeah, but did you see how close he was to skinning me alive?" Naruto felt another chill go through him and he got up, preparing to hop to Iruka before his life was taken. "I'm running to Iruka-sensei, he'll save us from Kakashi."
And the teacher did.
Kakashi sat through a four hour lecture about reading porn in public and possibly scaring innocent kids, while saying his pets were off limits and what they've done was good for the village... The list was too long and they've dozed off in the middle of it.
Iruka-sensei was Kami, no other people would be able to lecture like he does and to someone higher ranking than they were.
Preview for next chapter: Anko
"My, my. What cute looking rabbits."
"May we eat them mistresssssss..."
"Why her?"
"Tch, of all the ninjas in this village..."