Its been a little while since I've written anything, but I am in love with GTA 5 and have had some ideas floating around my head. Rockstar owns GTA and all its glory, I just own my ideas and OCs.

"Nothing quite like a loud buzzing of a cellphone to wake you up after a long night of drinking. Really gives you a nice headache of a wake-up call." Charlie mumbled to herself as stretched out her hand from under her covers and grabbed the phone off of the nightstand. Without bothering to look at ID she slide over the answer key.

"Mmm g'morning" She answered. She didn't even bother to wipe the annoyance from her voice.

"Well good morning to you too sunshine." Lester's unmistakable voice filled her ear. She smiled a bit and slowly sat up stretching.

"You need me to stop by today?" Charlie asked.

"Yes. Garment Factory at 2pm. Don't be late." Charlie shook her head and slowly stood from her bed. A rush of blood filled her head and she groaned unintentionally.

"Oh and make sure to take some aspirin Drunky." He let out a small chuckle before hanging up the phone. Charlie made her way across the small apartment to her bathroom. She already knew she wasn't going to like what she saw in the mirror. Her makeup had been smeared and her hair resembled a rat's nest. She wasted no time and shredded off her clothes and jumping into the shower. As soon as the heat hit her body, she let out a satisfying moan and let it everything soak in.

Lester had contacted her some 5 years ago. She had been in Los Santos for only a year then. She was doing her damnedest to stay out of trouble. Fresh start kind of mentality. But, finding a job proved difficult and she quickly found herself falling back into her old hacking habits. Unknown to her, she hacked into the wrong persons bank account.

Lester had first taken notice of her when several small amounts of cash went missing from his accounts. It didn't take him long to crack Charlie's program and found out everything about her small existence. Charlie found herself with a towed car, closed bank accounts and an angry voice mail . Fortunately for her, she was able to talk Lester into a partnership after some long convincing (which was a month or so of counter hacking and pranks). Lester seemed to just be happy to have someone around, or so Charlie assumed. He helped her with her hacking and her skills improved greatly. She owed that creepy, lonely man a lot.

Stepping out of the shower, Charlie began preparing for the day. She quickly dressed and ate a small breakfast. She had some time to kill before meeting up with Lester so she didn't bother to rush. Rushing was something Charlie hated. She was a typically laid back person and took things as they came. Rushing just kind of, ruined the experience of things.

When the time came, Charlie made her was out. She climbed into her navy blue Cheval Fugitive and headed on her way. She wasn't far from the factory, Lester had made sure of that. She was his "protege" after all and needed to be on call. Well, that was what Lester had informed her anyway.

After pulling into a spot alongside the building, Charlie made her way out of the car and into the factory. She could hear a man speaking as soon as she started walking up the steps . "Look, I just owe some Mexican hoop a couple of million bucks 'cause I wrecked his girlfriend's house. I don't need to go crazy here." Charlie sighed to herself. Only a couple mill huh?

"Martin Madrazo." The unknown man stated as she opened the door the man and Lester turned to her. "

He's not supposed to be very nice." Charlie said smiling as she walked through the door. She closed it quickly behind her. "Michael this is Charlie, Charlie, Michael." Charlie offered him her hand and Michael took it.

"Shes my um assistant." Lester muttered. Michael gave her an odd look and faced Lester.

"Assistant huh?" He said with a smirk. Charlie sighed and walked across the room to her favorite chair.

"More like his protege." Charlie said in response. "Someone's going to need to take over Lester's empire when he dies."

Lester gave her a small smile. It was moments like this she actually thought he respected her. "Empire huh? I can't see you ever ruling an empire." Yup, scratch that last thought.

"Anyway, Lester, What do you think?" Michael had his eyes back on Charlie.

"Oh, erm, let's see." Lester responded while scratching the scruff on his chin. "Either we hit a bank in the sticks, or we do a store. Which do you like?" Michael shifted his stance and started to pace. "Well, a store's usually easier, but I gotta make a big take."

Lester looked at Charlie, almost expectantly. "It would have to be gems in then. Somewhere like Valgelico?" She said questioningly.

"Let's go to Vangelico then and buy ourselves an engagement ring." Lester said turning around. Charlie could have sworn she was a smile on his face.

"And we're gonna need a crew" Michael said walking after him. Charlie took the queue and moved herself up off her chair. "I can round up some of the old guys?" Michael continued.

Lester looked at Michael with a confused look on his face. "There are no old guys. Moses, ironically, he found Jesus. Uh, All those Irish crazies, they mostly just disappeared. That crew from the south, they all went down." Lester looked at Charlie a moment and she shrugged. No, the few lackies Lester still had contact with weren't much of a 'crew'.

"There was Eastern European guy making moves in Liberty City but..." Lester paused a moment. He shook his head. "Nah, he went quiet." Lester turned and opened the door. He shuffled through as quickly as he could with Michael trailing behind him. He was a slight slump to his shoulder. Charlie assumed it was the stress of whatever situation he had himself in. And if it was a situation with Martin Madrazo, it wasn't a good one.

So there's your first chapter! I hope that Charlie is interesting to you and that you'll want to see more of her in the future. I have a lot of this fiction already planned out, just working on getting it all written down and edited. Thanks everyone and see you in the next chapter!