A:/N: Hello everyone~! *waves* I am horribly sorry for not updating this in so long. I just... kind of lost depressing thoughts that this story needs, because I want it that way. but I got them back and I have a ton of ideas for it that I'm GOING TO write. I would NEVER leave any of my stories unfinished, I will finish this and it will good! Or I will throw myself into the river, that's my plan B if it doesn't work.

Eitherway, enjoy reading...?

"Bye, Tsuna! See ya tommorow!" Yamamoto excitedly yelled, waving a goodbye at his friend from behind the gates, along with Chrome, Ryohei and Gokudera that yelled after him. "Goodnight Juudaime! As a good right-hand-man I'll escore you to the Namimory Shrine right tommorow!"

"Haha! Me too!"

"Shut up baseball-freak! And who said you can come?!"

Tsuna sighed at his friends' antics, waving back as he watched them split-up to their respective homes. When they were out of eye sight, Tsuna closed the entrance door and locked it as his mother told him to whenever she wasn't home.

What was taking Kaa-san so long to buy grocery stuff anyway? It's already quarter to eight, and there's still no sign of her whatsoever...

Maybe Fuuta and I-Pin held her back for some sweets and they went to a cake shop, Tsuna mused and smiled. Yeah, that's probably it. The kids always do it when they are out eitherway.

Turning on his heels, the brunet made his way to the living room to check on their two new family members for the meantime and found them both chatting about something in a different language that kind of sounded like Italian.

Oh. The whole First generation are actually full blood Italians, what are you thinking Tsuna?

The brunette let out a soft sigh, finding it absolutely stupid how cluess he can be sometimes, before a loud annoying voice greeted him from the front. "Hihihihi! Baka-Tsuna! I'm hungry! Give me some food!"

Lambo came running down the stairs way too fast for Tsuna's liking and went straight to him. The cow boy tucked on the brunet's trousers with both of his small hands, trying to get the older boy to listen to him.

"Bakaaa-Tsuna!" He whined, making Tsuna sigh again.

"Okay, okay, Lambo. I get it. Come on, let's go to the kitchen, maybe Kaa-san has some leftover from yesterday." Tsuna said and picked the whinning cow boy up to stop him from ripping his jeans apart, and made his way to the kitchen to check the fridge for some food.

"You should tell Decimo that you're not feeling fine, Primo. He will have some aspirin for you." Lampo said to his boss before a long yawn escaped his lips, his hand moving up to cover it.

"Please, I don't want any tablets, Lampo." Primo said with furrowed eyebrows, the uneasiness of taking tablets in his stomach rising. "Besides, I don't want to trouble Decimo with this, since he's already having trouble with his Lighting guardian... however, why are you telling me this when I asked you about a completely different matter?"

"Geez, I'm sure he would understand, Primo." Lampo retorted and ignored the last part, sounding a bit annoyed as he wanted to fall asleep already on the unbelievably comfortable couch, but his boss is only keeping him up from that.

Noticing the annoyance in other's voice, Giotto frowned and his first reaction was to apologise, taking the gesture as a sign to leave. "...I'm sorry for keeping you up like this, Lampo. I won't bother you anymore, I'll go help Decimo." The ex-boss stood up from the sofa right after finishing, swiftly moving out of the room to the kitchen to not disturb Lampo's sleep.

Lampo yawned tiredly, sleepiness starting to cling to him as he mumbled to himself gladly, "Finally." After that he layed down on the soft couch and closed his one eye, falling in deep asleep right away, a small snore escaping his nose.

Giotto didn't miss the word coming from his lighting guardian, his back against the wall right behind the next room, his hands fisted for no reason. He knew that Lampo was tired, well, he is tired all the time anyway, but he can't understand why is he upset with being kicked out like that. A small depressed exhale left his lungs to calm himself down, hands relaxing again as he made his way to the kitchen.

He stopped though, when his eyes caught Tsuna washing dishes, the cow child nowhere to be seen. Maybe this was his chance to ask Tsuna for some pain killers for his headache.

His feet carried him to the short brunet as he called out. "Decimo?" Tsuna blinked at the sudden call and stopped washing. Knowing that his title uses only one person, Tsuna turned around to stare at his ancestor to see the troubled expression on his handsome face.

Eyebrows furrowing slightly in worry, Tsuna questioned the blonde. "Primo? I-Is something wrong?"

The blonde took a deep breath to gather all of courage he could, worried that the brunette might find it weird of him to ask such thing, before he voiced his question out. "Don't you by any chance, have some pain killers or aspirin for the best choice?"

Tsuna blinked again at the weird question, but nodded once, making Giotto smile in relief that he didn't question him first for that. "Y-Yes, w-we have both actually. B-But why are you asking for it? I-If I may know, of course!" The boy quickly added, his cheeks turning slightly red from almost embarrassing himself in front of Primo for the second time this day.

The blonde ex-boss heaved a long sigh, the headache getting the better of him as his hand reached up to rub his forehead in a troubled manner. "I have a bad headache..."

"O-Oh... " Tsuna paused, his desorianted brain trying to process the information, since having Primo around was quite weird and he wasn't used to it yet.

"I-I'll give it to you right away, P-Primo. P-Please, wait." The brunet said softly at last, so he wouldn't worsen the blonde's headache, for which was Giotto thankful and moved to the cabinet in which his mom held medicine just in case anyone would need it.

Opening it, his hand reached inside and searched for the small box of aspirin in the very back of the cubboard away from kids' reach. Tsuna took the box out and popped one pill out from the aluminium cover on Giotto's raised hand.

The Primo smiled a little at him. "Thank you, Decimo."

"Y-You're welcome, Primo... " Tsuna said sheepishly, slightly flushing at the thank you.

But suddenly he exclaimed as Primo was about to put the pill in his mouth, successfully stopping him from doing so. "B-But wait! Aren't you going to drink it with water?"

"Ah, I forgot about that." Giotto answered slowly, blinking at the shout, definitely startled by it. "But you don't need to trouble yourself with that, I sometimes took the tablets without water."

"I don't think that's healthy for you. Wait here, I'll give you some water right away." Tsuna said, and immediately moved to get a clean glass for Primo to pour fresh water into it.

Giotto waited patiently by the fridge, wondering why was the brunet so alarmed about it, and accepted the given glass to him once the boy brought it to him.

He leaned against the desk counter and drank the pill down with a good amount of water, slightly grimacing at taste of it. He hates any kind of tablets, and aspirin is a proud weilder of the first place on his list. But if it gets rid of the pouding in his head, then has no problem with it.

Sipping a bit more from the glass to wash off the taste of tablet, he moved the glass away from his lips and waited for the dizziness to kick in. Surprisingly, even after some minutes, for the first time he didn't feel any kind of side effect from the pill. It was weird to him, considering the fact he always felt dizzy after taking aspirin.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed Tsuna staring at him expectantly, and he raised an eyebrow at him.

"Is there something on my face, Decimo?" Giotto asked, his hand unconsiously moving up to check.

The boy spluttered in surprise at his sudden question and blushed nicely, replying shyly with his eyes glancing at the ground. "N-No... i-it's just that... a-are you better now?"

"Yes, the pain subsided a bit." He told the younger boy. It wasn't a lie, his head felt much better after he took the tablet.

He watched as a cheerful smile lit up on other's face at his answer, his hands clasping together in a joyful manner. "I'm glad... b-but didn't you say earlier when we were at the balcony, that your head is better?"

Giotto blinked, so he noticed his lie after all. What a smart boy. Yet he wanted to try lying again.

"Yes, I did. However, once we returned downstairs, the headache came back to me and it was even worser." The blonde answered, easily telling another lie, his gaze settled on water's moving surface as he twirled the glass in his hand.

Tsuna watched Giotto play with the water as he mumbled something under his nose. "Oh, I see..." He tilted his head up to stare at other's face, trying hard to not flush under his ancestor's gaze, and asked. "Aren't you hungry, Primo? Kaa-san still didn't come back home, so-!"

A sound of a door being unlocked and creaking open interruped him, and a sweet motherly voice chirped in after it. "I'm home, Tsu-kun!" His ears also picked a sound of kids giggling in happiness.

A bright smile creept on Tsuna's face as he walked to the entrance to greet his mom back. "Kaa-san! Where've you been for so long?" He asked, and Nana smiled at him, placing the grocery backs on the ground before hugging her son in fond greeting. "I'm so sorry, Tsu-kun, we lost track of time. I-Pin-chan and Fuuta-kun wanted some sweets, so we went to a cake shop where we met one of my old classmates and we ended up talking for a long time." She apologised, and Tsuna smiled, hugging her back.

"It's okay, Kaa-san. You deserve to have some free time with your friends. Oh! I want you to meet someone!" Nana blinked in surprise, wondering who could it be as she watched her son sprint to the kitchen and bring out an old fashioned blonde-haired man with him. Tsuna wanted to get the intrudaction over with so he wouldn't need to worry about it later.

Tsuna smiled sheepishly at his mom, not knowing how to start as gestured to Giotto. "Um, t-this is..." He started confidently, but suddenly trailed off, remembering that he didn't know the blonde's true name. He paled lightly, knowing that his mom's honest eyes were watching him and waiting for an explanation.

"U-Uhhh... t-this i-is..." Tsuna stammered nervously while sweat trickled down his face, not knowing what else to say. Thankfully, Reborn saved him from humilaiting himself further and continued after him without any trouble.

"This is Iemitsu's friend from Italy." The infant jumped into Tsuna's hair and made himself comfortable there.

Lampo suddenly appeared by them in the small hall, being woken up from his beauty-sleep by the ruckus and rubbed his eye sleepily, yawning tiredly.

"And this is also his friend." Reborn added casually, pointing quite rudely a finger at Lampo, who looked completely oblivious to the situation.

"Oh!" Completely ignoring the fact that Iemitsu never told her about his firends, Nana smiled brightly at the newcomers neverthless and chirped. "It's nice to meet you! I'm Nana, Iemitsu's wife, but you can call me Maman."

Lampo smiled at the warm welcome, now fully awake and raised his hand to grab her's. "I'm Lampo, it's a pleasure to meet you, Maman." He said politely and kissed Nana's hand.

The woman blushed and squealed lightly, bringing her hand back to her once Lampo released it with hearts popping around her. "Oh, please~, you can call me Nana~." Sang thewoman in her sweet voice.

Tsuna sweatdropped at her mother's antics; hoping that she knows she's still married and has three children. Who knew she had a soft spot for Italians... oh, wait. Iemitsu is an Italian. That explains everything.

Giotto also kissed the back of Nana's hand as a usual Italian greeting. "My name is Giotto, I'm honored to meet you." Nana blushed twice as hard, then turned a brighter shade of red when the blonde man smiled a little at her.

She squealed like a high school girl, giggling maniaclly as she talked. "Oh my~. Iemitsu has such polite and nice friends~. If you don't have a place to stay, you can stay here with us~!"

"We'll gladly take your request, m'lady." Lampo said with a grin, making Nana giggle as she skipped to the kitchen happily with two full plastic bags. "I'll go prepare dinner for all of us then~. Tsu-kun, could you, please, help me with the grocery bags?"

Tsuna smiled and nodded, already holding the rest of the bags before his mother requested it. "Hai, Kaa-san!" Swiftly moving to the kitchen to place the plastic bags on the table, the mother and son exchanged some words together, something that Giotto choosed to block out as he watched them interact together.

The smiles, the hug, the happiness that his eyes noticed... irked the Primo. For what reason, he's not sure, although he has a pretty good guess what could it be. He heard Lambo yawn from behind, before footsteps greeted his ears and then quieted down, meaning that the lighting guardian probably took the place on the sofa again.

But still, the on going laughter from the kitchen made Giotto feel annoyed and flabbergasted. It was something he never did, couldn't do in his life once he became a boss.

And it irritated him to no end as he turned to the side and made his way to the bathroom to cool down without any other word. All the while, Reborn watched the blonde ex-boss stomp away from him, his onyx eyes registrating the language of other's body and noticing a kind of emotion that he didn't expect to see from the Primo.

Anger mixed with sadness and jealousity is an emotion you don't see much in a big legend such as Primo.

"I never knew that Iemitsu has such wonderful friends. I wonder why he never told me about them in the first place, did he think I wouldn't like them?" Nana asked herself out loud, making Tsuna turn his head to look at her with a small sweatdrop, not knowing if he should answer her or not.

"He probably wanted it as a surprise for us..." Tsuna finally found the rights words to mumble out, and his mother brightened at the answer right away. "You might be actually right, Tsu-kun! Iemitsu knows I love surprises, so that must be the reason why he didn't tell me!"


I'm sorry Kaa-san, that I have to lie to you like this... Tsuna thought to himself with a gloomy smile, feelings of guilt bubling in his chest.

"Nee, Tsu-kun? Did you show our guests their rooms, yet?" Nana asked without looking at Tsuna, knowing he was listening while she was washing few tomatoes in the sink with other vegetables in a blue bowl next to her.

"U-Umm... I only showed one to... G-Giotto-san..." Tsuna awkwardly said. Primo's name was really hard to spell, although it sounds it pretty nice...

Giotto... Giotto... Giotto. Tsuna repeated in his head and his lips turned upwards into a noticable smile.

It is a nice name for Primo... what does it mean, though?

He was snapped out of his thoughts, when his mother turned to him with a smile and requested. "Would you show the guest room for Lampo-kun, Tsu-kun? He seems tired and I don't want him to sleep on the couch. His back is going to hurt!"

"S-Sure, Kaa-san." Tsuna answered. He blushed when his mother kissed his forehead, and he left the room right away, trying to escape the embarrassing moment. Nana giggled, returning back to cooking the dinner as she talked to herself. "Tsu-kun is growing up really so fast... I'm so proud!"

Tsuna had to sweatdrop when he heard his mother talking to herself once more, his feet dragging him to the living room. It was weird, but also nice to hear his mother praise him like that.

"A-Ano... L-Lampo-san?" Tsuna awkwardly called, looking at the lighting guardian snoring on the couch. He moved closer to him, and hesitantly poked Lampo's arm, wondering if he's going to wake up. He didn't receive any reaction from the man.

He poked his arm twice. Nothing.

Thrice. Nothing.

Four times. Still nothing.

Five tim-"What are you doing, Decimo?" A voice from behind him suddenly asked.

"HIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Giotto swiftly covered his ears as Tsuna shrieked out loudly. The sudden noise forced Lampo out of his dreamland and he shot up into a sitting position with a gasp, looking frantically around. "What?! What happened?! Are we under attack?!"

Primo looked at him, hands still covering his hurting ears and replied to his question. "It's nothing, Lampo. I just accidentally startled Decimo."

As Giotto calmly talked to his friend, completely unfaced by the shriek, Tsuna, on the other hand, trembled lightly, his hands placed over his fastly beating heart, face bright red as he stared at Primo with wide eyes as if he saw a ghost. (Although, Primo is a 100% ghost.)

Lampo blinked at Tsuna's reaction, staring at the Decimo for a long time before looking up at Primo. "I don't think you just startled him, Primo." He deadpanned. "He looks like he saw a ghost."

Giotto stared at his guardian with a I-am-a-ghost-if-you-don't-know-face, seriously debating if Lampo even knew they were all dead. He sighed shortly after a while, deciding that it was futile to think about it. Lampo was a lost case four houndred years ago, and he will forever be.

"P-Please, d-don't do this to me ever again, P-Primo..." Tsuna weakly requested, calming down somewhat from the little scare.

"If it's your wish, Decimo. Tommorow is going to be a hard day for you, won't it?" Giotto asked, wanting to change the subject and hopefully make his descentant feel less awkward around him for the sake of their everyday lives. They're going to see each other every single day after all, since Primo's family is going to stay here for quite some time.

Tsuna eyed him at first, trying to figure out how to make his brain fuction properly again before answering shyly. "Y-Yeah..."

"Perhaps we should go rest and gather some needed energy for tommorow." Giotto offered, but Tsuna shook his head at that, saying nervously. "K-Kaa-san is preparing dinner for us, s-so..."

"Ah, I see." Giotto nodded in understanding, choosing to ignore the rumble that the brunette's stomach made after his statement. "I'll go rest now if you don't mind, I'm not much hungry."

"S-Sure... y-you really don't want anything, though?" Tsuna asked for reasurence, slightly worried for his blonde ancestor, since the man hadn't eaten whole day. He wasn't even sure if the ghost needed to eat anything, but he was still anxious anyway.

Giotto flashed a small smile and Tsuna's worries melted away almost completely. "No, but thank you, Decimo. I wish you a goodnight."

"N-Night..." Tsuna mumbled, his eyes watching Primo's outlined body as he ascended the stairs.

The door creaked open and a person stepped inside the dark room, silently and carefully for some reason. Giotto looked over the room almost suspiciously, as if he was waiting for something to jump him, maybe an assassin or a bunch of killers waiting to ambush him.

An expressed sigh left his mouth right after that, thinking how stupid that sounds. He's long dead and a ghost, what's the point in worrying over something that won't happen anymore?

It only meant it was a habit of his. Better sound than sorry as someone would say, therefore he can't stop being on high guard all the time no matter how much he forces himself not to.

His legs took small strodes across the room, comfortable with the silence and ignoring the darkness of it. The outline of his transparent body luminated the room enough for him to see where he was going.

He sat on the side of the medium-sized guest bed, his hands resting idly on the weirdly soft covers. Subconsciously, he ran his fingers along the cotton surface of the blankets, realizing it must have been washed not too long ago, given the way the cloth felt quite dry and irritant on his skin.

Then the bed creaked as his back dipped into it, arms stretched out on either side of him as he exhaled deeply. He stayed in that position for a few breathless moments, trying to catch on any suspicious sounds, but only heard low chatting below him.

Alright, so he was alone upstairs, what could he do? Surely, he was feeling tired, but not enough to fall asleep easily. He didn't want to tousle and twist in the bed just because of that through the whole night, he had to do something to tire himself out enough to fall alseep the second he falls on the bed.

Even as thoughts ran through his mind, his gaze was settled on the ceiling above him, eyes unblinking and never showing a sign of his musing. Before long, Giotto prodded himself up on his forearms and sat upright once more, but his elbows were pressed against the thighs – a thinking and troubled position.

He rested his chin on the top of his interwined fingers as his amber eyes stared off into the darkest corner of the room. He couldn't help but think something was there, standing and watching him with an amused smile.

The thought made his hair stand up at the back of his neck, but his cold gaze never faltered. It seemed he stayed in that position for a long period of time, minutes, hours, years maybe? He wasn't sure, nothing happened just yet.

And in that exact second a black liquid like person morphed out of the shadows and jumped him with its sharp mouth prying impossibly open, a terrifying scream ripping from a black void of its throat.

His eyes blew open immediately with a gasp and he sprung into a sitting position. Giotto's chest heaved with shallow breaths, body racking with small trembles as he registered what just happened.

Had he fallen asleep? He doesn't remember doing that, he had been lying on the same spot just few minutes ago.

His hand moved up to grip his forehead, golden bangs getting tangled between the fingers in the process. He feels so confused, he must be really out of it if he can't even remember such trivial thing like falling asleep.

A shaky sigh forced its way out of his lungs as his eyes opened up to stare at the same corner he had his attention not too long ago.

It was still dark, and quiet as before. Not a single sign of movement.

The after-effect of the aspirin has probably finally kicked in, he feels slightly drowsy and his eyelids feel quite heavy. He should go to bed already.

Without anything else to do, it's his only option and so he kicked hsi shoes off, crawled under the covers and closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep without much difficulty. The Moon's rays broke through the small gap between the curtains and fell on his face, bringing some of the comfort to him.

But it wasn't enough to scare off the darkness completely. A black oozing liquid shifted in the shadows and sneaked around the room, got closer to the bed and without a single sound crawled under the blankets.

It twirled around Giotto's neck and squeezed ever so lightly, inducing a small gasp from him just to make its prey aware of their vulnerability without access to air. As the grip got eventually tighter and Giotto's hands flew up to pry it off, the head of the black tentacle morphed into a sharp needle and crawled over the blonde's heart.

Small droplets of swarthy ooze fell on Giotto's clothes when the needle lined up as it prepared to bore right into the blonde's non-existent heart. The blonde started to choke and wheeze for breath as his brain registreted the life-threating situation.

Automatically he started to struggle and twist to many directions as he tried to break free, but his endeavor soon quieted down when the lack of oxygen numbed his senses and courage to fight.

Giotto cussed in his head as he noticed the dark dots taking over his vision, yet for a second he managed to catch a sight of what attacked him that made a diving sign before his eyes slipped closed.

And suddenly he could breath again when the door to the bedroom was opened and someone peeked inside.

"...P-Primo?" Tsuna called shyly as he pushed the door wider to get more light into the room. He stared at the blonde who sat up on the bed tiredly and rubbed his temple.

"Yes...? Is there something you need, Decimo?" The older male sounded exhausted to Tsuna and it made him feel slightly guilty for waking the blonde up.

"Uhm, Kaa-san told me to bring you some pajamas s-since she didn't want you to wear the same clothes all day..." Tsuna mumbled under his nose, but Giotto heard it all clearly.

"That's very kind of you both, thank you. I hope me and Lampo are no trouble for you." Primo chose to check the room quickly for the thing he saw while the brunette strode towards the bed. Finding nothing made him relax a bit.

"No, you aren't at all and h-here they are. Hopefully they'll fit..." Tsuna mused out loud and clamped a hand over his mouth immediately. The action brought a small smile to the other man's lips as he reached to take the given clothes from the boy.

"I think they will. They are your father's old clothes, right?" Tsuna nodded at that and Giotto placed the clothes on the nightstand. "Then I'm sure they will, although I'm not a man his measures." The boy couldn't help but laugh a bit at that.

"I'm kind of sad that he's not home to hear that right now." Tsuna cackled. "I would love to see his reaction if you told it before him."

"I'm pretty sure we both know how would that end." Giotto chuckled with Tsuna at the same time, already seeing the image of broken Iemitsu sobbing in his wife's hold, his mind full of murderous thoughts. It felt nice to Tsuna to have a normal conversation with another normal person, although Primo is a long dead man.

Tsuna moved closer to the blonde and his lips turned into a smile as he shyly placed a hand on other's interwined ones. He totally missed the tension in the blonde's posture at that action. "Uhm, w-we are happy that you're staying with us in the meantime P-Primo-san... s-so feel at home."

"...Thank you, Decimo. I really appreciate it." Tsuna blinked when he noticed the slight breathlessness in the Primo's voice, but brushed it off as nothing and smiled brightly.

"You don't have to thank me, it actually feels nice to have someone normal here." Tsuna grinned happily. "Reborn won't hit me so much as well!"

A small chuckle escaped Giotto. "On some ocassions I think I should intervene to help you, Decimo. Your tutor has one of those personalities that believe iron hand will solve everything, but that's not always achievable."

He placed a comforting hand on Tsuna's small shoulder. "I promise I'll show you how real and productive training should look like tomorrow. For tonight we need to restore our energy."

With that, Tsuna stood up with a much peaceful mind and thanked Giotto for the reasurence. He never expected for the Primo to see his anxiety for the exercise, but now he's grateful that he did. Smiling cordially, Tsuna left Giotto sitting alone and went to his room.

The blonde still sat there even when Tsuna had closed the door and the room got lost in darkness once more. There was a brief sound of liquid moving and before Giotto could react properly, the tentacle pierced the back of his neck and injected some kind of substance into his blood.

Small groan of pain managed to escape his throat, but it was barely audiable as his sight turned blurry quickly, eyelids got heavy and body numbed with a painful fire like sensation. When the thing let go of him, Giotto flopped against the bed limply and found himself staring at the ceiling like he previously did.

Only this time everything was too blurry to recognise, but he could feel something touch his cheek and he could hear a familiar voice speak to him as he fell into tranquil arms of sleep.

Sleep, Vongola Primo, and let the demons crawl into your sane mind once more.

Darkness will always lurk around your soul.

Well? Are you curious as to what will happpen now?