I know there are other fics based on this moment, but I wanted to spin it and continue onto the end of S3. What dialog I've borrowed I've changed as much as possible. I've also made up several spells from Old English, but I don't claim 100% accuracy in meaning or grammar (sorry if I botch it). With that in mind, please enjoy Change of Heart! :)

Morgana was brought to the surface of the darkness when a warm hand left hers. The presence moved away, but not far. Another joined it. Whispered words drifted her way, but she couldn't force them to make sense. The darkness pressed heavily upon her; she didn't even have the strength to lift her eyelids.

The warm presence moved further away until she felt it no more. The other moved closer—it was not as warm. In fact, it was cold, but much stronger. Something felt familiar about it. There was a sense of sameness. What that meant she didn't know.

The presence reached out and nearly touched her, and oh! All her senses suddenly became clearer. What just happened? But any further thoughts upon that were cut off by a voice. It seemed familiar, and yet not familiar. It was very deep and came across almost as a growl. The words spoken were ancient, yet known to her.

Power and warmth flowed from the presence into her. Breathing became easier and the dark weight oppressing her gradually eased off until it was gone. The words ceased, but the power continued to weave through her until its work was done.

She wanted to know who her mysterious savior was. She opened her eyes to slits and slowly turned them to her right where the presence emanated from. Her sight was still blurry, but she was able to make out dark hair above a featureless pale face. Other colors were there too—brown, red, blue. Something about those shades combined tugged at her memory. What was it? A sudden wave of fatigue washed over her and swept her back to sleep.


Morgana woke in the morning. She opened her eyes to look at her surroundings. She was still in Gaius's chambers, lying in the patient bed. Dark curly hair rested near her hand. Her loyal handmaiden had fallen asleep at her bedside. How sweet. But she wanted to know what was happening. Time to wake her. "Gwen?"

Gwen's head rose and those brown eyes looked right at Morgana. "Ah!" She squealed. "Morgana, you're awake!" That in itself shocked Gwen into a tizzy. She threw herself onto Morgana to embrace her, then stood and practically yelled, "I can't believe it! I have to tell everyone!"

Morgana rolled her eyes as Gwen ran to pound on the door to Merlin's tiny chamber. "Merlin! Merlin, wake up! Morgana's awake!"

The two women heard grumbling, then the door opened to reveal Merlin. He was dressed but had a massive case of bed head. "Whut? Oh, M'gana's awake," he mumbled.

Gwen grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. "Wake up! You've got to go tell Arthur and the King—Morgana's awake."

"Yeah, okay, got it." Merlin stepped into his boots and left, a little more awake.

Gwen returned to Morgana's bedside. "So how do you feel?"

"Still a bit tired, and my head hurts a little." She reached a hand up and felt the stitches on her forehead. "But overall, I feel fine."

"That's amazing, considering you should have been dead by now."

"Really? What happened anyway? I remember screaming and falling, but nothing else. I don't even remember what I was doing beforehand." That was a lie; she knew she'd been on her way to meet Morgause when the door slammed shut and the torch next to her fell, startling her into her fall.

"Well, Merlin found you in a stairwell. Apparently you'd fallen down the stairs somehow. You had a crack in your skull and a concussion. It affected your breathing. You were bleeding outside and inside your skull. We'd all lost hope for your survival."

"Merlin found me? I guess I'm lucky then." The betrayer probably pushed me.

"Definitely. You could have died alone, and . . ." Gwen sniffed.

"Hey, Gwen. I'm here, that didn't happen. See?" Morgana took Gwen's hands in hers and gave them a gentle squeeze. Just then the door opened and Arthur stepped through, followed by Merlin. Gwen vacated her seat for Arthur.

"I'll go see that your chambers are warm and tidy for your arrival, My Lady." Gwen curtsied and headed out the door.

"Morgana," Arthur said, "We were all so worried about you, you don't even know." He took her hands, unable to continue.

She manufactured a few tears. "Oh Arthur," she sobbed out and sat up slowly to give him a hug. She happened to glance back at Merlin. He stood a respectful distance behind Arthur, his face impassive. Well, at least it wasn't his usual hateful glare.

Arthur and Morgana pulled back a little, keeping hold of each other's arms. "I'm so glad you're better. Father should be here shortly . . ." he said.

The door opened again and the King stepped in. When he saw Morgana sitting up, he rushed over to her. Arthur immediately stood up and stepped away from the chair. Uther sat and looked back at him. "Arthur, if you don't mind—"

"Of course Father," he replied and reached over to touch Morgana's hand briefly. "I'll see you later, eh?" to her. He walked out, taking Merlin with him. That left the King and his daughter together.

"Morgana . . . this must be a miracle; I can think of no other way to describe it!" Uther sat next to her so he could cradle her upper body. They embraced fiercely for several moments, and when they let go, both had tears in their eyes.

"I—I don't know how it happened. Gwen told me, but I don't know how I can be alive after such an injury. Something Gaius did—it, it must have been a miracle!"

"I never thought . . ." Uther replied, but just then the door opened, and Gaius stepped in. "It's surely a miracle," he said when he saw Gaius.

Gaius looked surprised for a moment, then schooled his expression and indicated the King should follow him back into the hallway. As soon as they left the room, Morgana dropped her pleased expression. She wanted to know who had healed her and why. Something was very familiar about that mysterious figure by her bedside.

The door opened again and she quickly rearranged her expression back to its grateful look. Uther walked right over to her and stood at her bedside. Gaius walked over as well. He looked thoughtful but bent over her to examine her thoroughly. After that bit of poking and prodding, Gaius declared her in perfect health. "I can see no reason she shouldn't be moved back to her chambers. She should rest another day or two, just to be sure."

"I am so pleased," Uther replied. "Thank you again Gaius. Would you find Arthur so he can carry her back to her chambers?" Gaius nodded and left again. "We'll talk more when we get you settled into your own bed. I just want to look at you." He sat back down and took her hands again.

Great, she thought. They've just ensured me little to no privacy. But I must talk to Morgause—so many things to tell her!


It was somewhat humiliating to have to be carried up to her room when Morgana felt well enough to do it on her own. But she let Arthur and Gwen fuss over her as they got her settled in bed. Arthur left and Gwen stayed long enough to prop Morgana up with pillows. "Thank you, Gwen," she said.

Uther was waiting close to the foot of her bed. When she finished, Gwen turned and bowed to him before leaving. Uther went to Morgana, who reached out her hands to him. "I couldn't let you die. I believe I somehow willed you to live," he said.

Time to play the thankful ward. "You've always been so gracious to me. I'm thankful," she told him.

"You and Arthur are everything to me."

"I couldn't have a better guardian. Being so near death has caused me to see how important you . . . and Arthur are to me. How dear we are to each other." Come on, you half-wit king, admit it. She'd decided she'd give him one chance to admit to her that she was his daughter.


"You're like a father to me." She searched his eyes for any kind of acknowledgement.

"Yes." He bowed his head to kiss her hands, which were joined with his.

"I want the people to know that." There's a hint, Uther.

"They do."

"Not really."

"Certainly they do." No, they don't.

"In their eyes I am merely your ward, a guest." Take a look around, fool! She seethed.

"What's important is what we feel. That's what matters, not what the people think. I need to let you rest." And with that statement, Uther pulled away and left the room.

Morgana was beside herself. She threw off her covers and went to her vanity, where the mirror from "King Gromause" lay. Holding it up, she whispered the enchantment then exhaled to fog the mirror. She used her finger to write, Sister, please come to me tonight. After she repeated the spell, the fog cleared and the message was sent. There was much she needed to tell Morgause. Perhaps Morgause could help her figure out who had healed her. That had been an exceedingly powerful spell and there couldn't be many sorcerers strong enough to perform it.


After nightfall, Morgana crept to the balcony corridor near her chambers. She needed fresh air after being cooped up in her room all day, pretending to recover. Not too long later, she felt Morgause's presence behind her. She smiled, then turned to say, "Morgause."

"Sister. I waited long the other night. What happened? What is wrong?" The love and concern in Morgause's voice filled Morgana with warmth.

"There is a lot to tell you, Morgause."

"What is it?"

"I overheard Uther."


"Uther is my father. I am his daughter."


"He's lied to me all these years."

"But this is wonderful news." What? There is nothing wonderful about being lied to about your heritage!

"He disowned me. He wishes people to think that he's the ideal king. It's more important to him than his own flesh and blood."

"But don't you see? This is glorious! You have a lawful claim to his crown." I don't care about that right now.

"No, Sister. You don't get it. He has to pay for this," Morgana replied, just before the warning bells sounded. "You must go." So much for discussing my savior.

"No, I shouldn't leave you like this." Morgause could sense something was amiss in Morgana.

"You have to or you'll be found here."

"Don't do anything hasty, Morgana. Promise me!" Morgause kissed her on the cheek, but Morgana pulled away. "We must wait our turn," Morgause left. Morgana knew she wouldn't follow her sister's advice; she'd made no promise. Uther would get his just reward for lying to her all these years. With the beginnings of a plan forming in her head, she walked back to her chambers to "go to bed."

She sat at her vanity and absentmindedly began brushing her hair. Gwen came in a few minutes later to turn down the covers and help Morgana change. After a couple more minutes, Morgana put down her brush and stared out the window. Her plan was perfect—the storm outside and the search for the intruder would be sufficient distraction for her to carry it to completion. "Have they located the intruder?" she asked Gwen.

"Not yet. Seems like it's going to be a rough night," Gwen replied.

"Yes." There was a loud thunderclap.

"Do you want help changing for bed Morgana?"

"No, thank you Gwen. This storm will likely keep me awake for a while. I can manage it myself when I feel tired. You may go for the night."

"Thank you, My Lady. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Gwen."

After Gwen left, Morgana walked over to her wardrobe, pulled out her favorite red cloak and put it on. She then went to her vanity and pulled out its drawer. The dagger Arthur had given her lay before her eyes. She pulled it out and walked toward her table, sliding it in her belt as she went.

She looked up in surprise as footsteps came close to her chambers and the door flew open. It was that lucky meddler Merlin. Not again! "Why are you here?" she sneered.

"Arthur asked me to look after you. He's concerned about the intruder," he replied then closed the door. Not likely, she thought.

"I don't need you." The dismissal was clear. She walked toward the door but he ran to block her way.

"He was very adamant." Morgana moved to shove Merlin out of the way, but he caught her arm and held on.

Morgana gasped, shocked at his boldness. "Move out of my way!" Her eyes glowed with her anger and he and a torch were thrown against the wall. He was knocked out and her curtains were set on fire. She walked past him to the door then paused to look back at him. He'll probably wake up before he burns to death, too bad. She turned and left her chambers.

Hiding from the search parties wasn't difficult. Most were concentrated outside the castle. When she reached Uther's chambers there were no guards. Smirking, she strolled right in and up to his bedside. He was asleep—perfect. Your time is finished, Uther Pendragon.

The storm raged outside as she unsheathed her dagger with a flourish. She held it with both hands high above her head, but before she could plunge it into his body, the window next to his bed shattered from the outside in. The force threw Morgana back against the wall; she reflexively dropped the dagger to the floor. Uther woke with a gasp.

"What's happening?"

"Ah . . . there was a fire, and I was frightened." Morgana stood and stepped toward Uther, kicking the fallen dagger under the bed. "I yearned to be with you. You're the only one who makes me feel safe." She leaned down and Uther hugged her.

Guards came in a few minutes to check on the King, ensuring he didn't cut himself on the glass. Arthur followed soon after, not quite believing what he was seeing. "What on earth . . ?"

"A fire started in my chambers; I was scared so I came here. Then the storm blew the window in. It's all so overwhelming!" She had tears in her eyes, so Arthur walked over to embrace her.

"Father, are you all right?"

"I am unharmed. Look after Morgana."

"Come on; let's go see to your chambers." Keeping an arm around her, Arthur walked Morgana back to her chambers. The fire had been contained and a maidservant was cleaning up. "Would you feel better if I had Guinevere brought back here for the rest of the night?"

Morgana nodded meekly, but inside she was seething. Not only had she failed to kill Uther, but Merlin had gotten away. Again. She didn't really want Gwen back, but her role as frightened ward required it. Arthur settled her on her bed then asked the maidservant to fetch Gwen. He stayed with her until Gwen arrived.

After Arthur left, Gwen helped Morgana into her nightgown and helped her into bed. She blew out all the candles and retired to the small servant's antechamber adjacent to Morgana's chambers. From here she could hear if Morgana called her. Both women settled down to sleep.

Thanks for reading! Reviews are welcome, but not mandatory. :)