As Harry grew older, the cupboard became less scary. He even began to grow fond of one of the spiders, whom he named "Alfred." The cupboard may have only been a hole in the wall, full of socks and dust, but it was his. Unlike everything else in the house.

"HARRY! Get up already, it's time for breakfast. Don't keep Dudykins and your Uncle waiting now."

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Harry sat up, hitting his head on the steps above for the third time in a week. He groaned and wished his cupboard was more sympathetic to the growth spurts of young boys.

Many years later, after surviving his magical schooling, his cousin's wedding, and a war, Harry once again visited Pivet Drive.

"Well, Harry, what do you think?" asked Dudley.

"I think it looks great," said Harry. Dudley chuckled and slapped Harry on the back.

Harry's cousin was like a new man. Having moved away from his parents, he still suffered an occasional bout of gluttony or rudeness, but on the whole was much more pleasant to be around. Today, he was beaming with pride. Dudley had been repairing and repainting #4 Privet Drive all summer in preparation for it's sale. Petunia and Vernon had decided to move to #6 Magnolia Road after Vernon's (possibly forced) retirement from Grunnings drill company. Dudley informed Harry that, although #4 Privet Drive was bigger, #6 Magnolia Road had a better view of the neighbors.

The front door opened and Ginny entered with Dudley's wife close behind.

"I must say Dudley, your wife has quite the green thumb. I could stay in that garden all day, but I've been promised tiny sandwiches and a look at the Harry's old room."

"Well it's right upstairs if you want a look," said Dudley.

"Thanks," said Harry, "but I think we should go in order don't you?"

Dudley and his wife busied themselves in the kitchen and Harry slowly lead Ginny to the cupboard under the stairs. He stooped and opened the door. The inside of the cupboard was barren. No bed or even a spider's nest remained as evidence of years gone by. Harry laughed a little.

"As much as I hated it, it's kind of sad to see a cupboard this empty. Dudley nearly nailed it shut, but I think the next family will put it to good use."

Ginny wrapped her arms around Harry. He relaxed.

"Want to get some sandwiches?"

"You know, I think I do."

An update to what I thought was a one-shot. Do you think it works? Be honest now, I love criticism. Regardless, I hope you have a wonderful day.