A/N: So this may or may not be a One Shot. I had an idea for this and have more ideas on how to continue this story if you guys want more. If it's more than a one shot, it'll all be Anna POV, and mostly her finding more about Elsa, why she's shy and thin, etc. So, if you would like to see more of this story, let me know and it shall happen!

The writing style is simpler than I normally use, I hope you like it. Read and review, please!

Anna Summers was one of the best known students at Arendelle High School. With her strawberry blonde hair, cute rounded cheeks and plentiful freckles, she was gorgeous and popular. All the teachers loved her, in fact, everyone loved her. And she was all smiles. Not fake smiles, no, she was nice to everyone. Though she mostly hung out with the popular crowd; namely Hans, Rapunzel, and Flynn, she would never trade her less popular friends: Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf for anything.

Even if the latter three were mostly seen as "uncool," Anna didn't care. She was, all in all, a good person with a big heart. She was happy all the time, glad to talk to anyone, outgoing, and bubbly up and down the halls, who didn't want to get to know her?

The red head sat with Hans and Flynn at lunch. It was almost the end of the first semester of school and the annual Winter Ball was coming up. As customary, the boys would do the honor of asking girls to attend with them, and only occasionally would the tables be turned and boys be asked by girls. The three popular friends talked about who they wanted to go with. Flynn was planning on asking Rapunzel when she arrived at lunch, Hans was content and cocky enough to wait for some lass to ask him, and Anna, well, she really didn't know.

She had been asked by numerous people already and turned each one down. Not for dislike of the person, but because she wanted to go with someone that, well, she really liked.

"Well, the dance is only a week away, so you'd better find someone. Maybe Kristoff. Or me," Hans commented playfully.

Rolling her aquamarine eyes in as exaggerated of a manner as possible, Anna reprimanded "I want to go with someone special this year, not a snob like you, and Kristoff is just my friend."

"Whatever you say" Hans offered, holding his hands up in a defensive action.

"Ah, Rapunzel!" Flynn stood as the lady approached. Meeting her by the table, the boy bravely and loudly requested "would you like to attend the Winter Ball with me?"

Emerald eyes glowed brightly in the florescent lighting, sparkling with genuine excitement. "Yes" she squealed, and the two hugged tightly for a moment.

Once the newcomer had taken her seat by Flynn and conversation had once again shifted itself to Anna's un-found dance partner, something peculiar happened. A pale girl who had to be two inches taller than Anna quietly approached, clutching a chemistry textbook tightly over chest as if dropping it would kill her. Her skin seemed almost unhealthily white and she was very thin, maybe even edging on dangerously underweight, Anna thought. Shy, sky blue eyes peeked out from behind the textbook, everything on the girl's face from the bridge of her nose downward was now hidden.

She seemed to inhale to say something, the gazes of eight eyes trained on her intently now, all conversation had stopped. Her cheeks colored a deep red and her stare averted itself to the ground. Something was different about this girl. Anna didn't know her. Well, she had seen her around, but didn't know her name or anything about her, which was odd, Anna knew everyone. Except for her.

Just then, the clearly shy girl muttered out a rushed "sorry" and ran away, still clutching on to that accursed book. It was then that Anna noticed the color of her hair. White but silver, colorless but full of character, packed into a messy braid that hung over one shoulder. It was like a crown jewel reflecting in the lighting as it bounced to the mystery girl's steps.

"Well that was weird," Flynn offered.

Anna turned to look at her friends. "Who was that?"

Hans answered her. "Elsa, I dunno her last name, but she's super shy."

"Really? I couldn't tell" the red head sarcastically commented.

"I mean like really shy. She never answers any questions in class or talks to anyone. Every time someone tries to make conversation with her she just runs away."

"I heard that she has a doctor's note saying that she doesn't have to answer the teachers if they talk to her" Rapunzel gossiped.

Anna took one look back at where the girl had come from, perplexed. There was something about that girl. "What do you think she wanted?"

The next day, Anna was walking into the front of the school, ready to go to her normal morning spot to talk to Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven for a little bit. Out of the corner of her eye, however, she spied an incoming sparkle of easily recognizable hair, and before she knew it, she was face to face with Elsa for a second time.

This time it was just them, only one pair of eyes stared the timid girl down, and this time she wasn't hiding behind a textbook. This time Elsa was clutching her braid, wrapping it around her fingers over and over again, fiddling with it like a lifeline as her mouth opened. Then closed. Her face was already tinted pick, but grew warmer looking, a rosy red fading into the pale skin around it. It was then that Anna noticed her freckles, just barely dusting the skin, which Anna had to admit, looked flawless.

Elsa's mouth opened once again and she inhaled. For a split second, Anna got excited, but that was swiftly crushed when the blonde girl apparently opted not to speak and clamped her mouth shut. She spun on one heal as if to flee once again to wherever she came from.

Oh no you don't. "Elsa."

This stopped the girl dead. Anna mentally patted herself on the back for her success as Elsa slowly turned back around. She looked dead at the ground, still clutching her braid, cheeks still lit up like a Christmas light.

"You- you know my name?" The voice was soft, barely audible, almost like she didn't want it to be heard. But it was so pleasing to Anna's ears for some reason, like an auditory massage.

"Of course" the shorter girl happily sang out. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

Just for a split second, Anna thought she saw some semblance of confidence erect Elsa's spine, but it was short lived. Gone in a flash, just like lighting, like a voice in the wind. The girl once again spoke so quietly that Anna had to strain a little to hear. "Never mind." Then she was gone. Okay, what's up with this?

"Hey, Kristoff" Anna blurted as she neared where the three friends were standing, which was in view of where Elsa and Anna had their most recent interaction.

"What's up?"

"Do you know anything about Elsa?"

"Is she that quiet girl with, like, white hair?"

The red head perked up. "Yeah, I was just talking to her."

"We saw" came the combined chorus of three voices. Anna stuck her tongue out in reaction.

Kristoff was the one to continue speaking. "I don't know anything about her, but from where I'm standing, she seems to be crushing on you pretty hard."

"But really, who isn't?" Olaf interjected. He was a skinny boy with fairly thick glasses, almost like the generic nerd, pale, imperfect skin. At least he wasn't covered in acne, though. And he was one of the nicest kids you'd ever meet, he'd never admit it, but Anna knew that his favorite thing was to be hugged by someone.

"Whatever" Anna said, rolling her eyes and playfully elbowing her friend. Then she turned her attention back to the well built blonde. "Does she really?" Kristoff may be mostly a loner, but one of his skills is reading people. He can watch someone for thirty seconds and know their entire life story, as well as read their minds. It was really kind of uncanny... and creepy. Still, Anna was not about to be very skeptical of his judgment.

"Yup. Why? Are you crushing on her, too?" He winked and elbowed the strawberry blonde.

Anna's cheeks lit up, heat spilling across them, splashing her ears. "No!"

"Oh, I think you are." Then the bell rang.

"Whatever you say" Anna dismissed as she walked to class, waving her friends off. So Elsa likes me, huh?

Once the final bell of the day rang, Anna raced out front of the school. She was determined to find Elsa and make her fess up to why she had approached twice. She anxiously stood, scanning the crowd for several minutes, tapping her right foot on the cement. Just as she was about to give up, the platinum hair appeared in the the sea of randomly moving heads.

The strawberry blonde bounced her way through the crowd, closing in quickly on the shy girl known as Elsa. Once she was finally close enough, the crowd left behind, she hollered "Elsa! Wait!"

Elsa seemed startled, fumbling her rather large stack of books for a brief period. She didn't turn around, but rather her grip said books tightened visibly and her entire body tensed, blanching her knuckles. Anna caught up to stand and face her, speaking once again. "Elsa. I want to ask you something."

The poor girl looked like a deer in headlights, her breathing was labored, this must have been almost excruciating for her. Her eyes looked up to meet Anna's, timid and such a rich blue that they were almost hypnotizing. She shakily nodded her head.

"You've come up to me twice and looked like you were about to say something, why?"

It was about as direct of a shot as one could take. The taller girl shifted her hold on her textbooks and adjusted her weight, not looking so tall anymore. She looked back to the ground and, after several long, tense moments, mumbled entirely too fast. "I wanted to know if you would go to the dance with me." She was blushing furiously now.

It took a few seconds while Anna's brain caught up with the speedy, quiet words. In that time, Elsa was barely able to stand still and wanted to hide and run, but Anna was in her way.

Finally, the red head mustered up some words. "Do you know how many people have asked me? I've turned down every single one thus far, it has to be over thirty people just last week."

A scale seemed to tip inside of Elsa, she looked severely conflicted momentarily, but that look quickly subsided to hurt, like she had just heard the worst thing in her life. It weight on Anna's heart heavily. Elsa muttered out a quick "sorry" and turned to bolt.

It almost happened too fast for Anna to stop it. Almost. The shorter girl reached out with cat like reflexes and grabbed Elsa's wrist firmly. "But" she began, and she could she those blue eyes light up with the tiniest hint of hope as Elsa turned back around to listen. "I'm gonna finally say yes to one. So yes, I would very much like to go to the dance with you."

Dull blue eyes lit up, a bright light refracting through a rich sapphire, widening in delighted surprise. The thin, pink lips stretched into a face splitting grin as Elsa perked up, spine straightening, excitement practically oozing out of her. Anna couldn't help but smile at the sight. Okay, so maybe I am crushing on Elsa pretty hard, so what?

Elsa let out an excited "okay!" She then continued on her way home, a big smile on her lips, pep in her step as she walked through the cold, crisp air.

Anna watched on, a silly smile on her own lips. The blonde's breath whisked into the air, forming momentary clouds that eased into nothingness in seconds. I think I'm really going to enjoy the Winter Ball this year.

A/N: So do you guys like this as a one shot or do you want more?