Chapter 4:Seeing the world threw heavens eyes


Here is chapter four for RDR:Dragons enjoy. Disclaimer:I own nothing from the games or the movie I just like both of them.


"John, has now been with us for about three months now. Each day he becomes stronger, wiser, and more like a viking. Today is the day he finally graduates from the academy; all he has to do is fly with me and Toothless. Just like everyone else; I know he is going to freak a little bit, but just like the others. Once he gets used to it; I know he will enjoy it. Then the real test will begin...the test of earning the trust of a dragon. I am afraid I must cut this entry short. It is now time for the test of flight and I believe John, is starting to get impatient."

(Location:Dragon training academy. Time:Some time in the middle of the afternoon.)

Hiccup, gently closed his journal and walked towards John. He was leaning up against one of the walls; his arms were folded and his hat was pulled down over his eyes. Which gave off the image that he was taking a nap. Once he heard footsteps walking towards; he flipped his hat up and saw, Hiccup walking towards him. He then shook his head and released a small irritated sigh. Earlier, Hiccup had informed him that today was the day he graduated. Which meant he had to do one At first, John was the against the idea; he explained that he witnessed a damn fool. Who had built the craziest thing ever seen. It looked like a giant white bat; shewn together with multiple animals' that he helped the damn man hunt, and when the man jumped off the cliff. He flew for a few seconds; before falling back down to the earth, like shit that came from a birds ass.

"So, are you ready John." Hiccup asked.

John released a heavy sigh as he got off the wall. "The faster we get on this wild horses back. The faster we tame it." He answered in his strange way of speaking; which still, up to this day. Confused everyone; even though he had been living with them for so long. When he saw Hiccup, looking at him with a look that reminded him of a cows stare. He had to restrain himself from plugging the boy right there, "That means yes." He said as he brought his hand up to his forehead.

"Okay." Hiccup said before he looked over at Toothless; who was just lying comfortably on the ground, "Toothless, come her girl." He said causing her to get up from where she lay; while she slowly walked up to the two. "Ready girl?" He asked.

"You talk to the stupid creature; almost like another human being." John said which earned him a growl from the dragon; which caused him to reach for his pistol, "You wanna try something, partner!" He shouted which earned him another growl.

Hiccup immediately stepped in between the two; placing one hand on Toothless's snout. While holding the other just in front of Marston, "Okay, Okay, enough you two. No one is going to get plasma blasted." He said which earned him a growl from his dragon; before he looked towards John, "And nobody is plugging anybody." He continued earning himself a glare from John. He then started to walk towards the exit of the academy, "Lets get moving." He said as the two started to follow him, "The sooner these two are done; being this close to each other, the better." He grumbled out making sure Marston, or Toothless did not hear him.

In about fifty minutes they had arrived at the top of raven's peak. Hiccup, had Toothless prepped and ready for the flight. The dragoness was eager to take flight; her body was shaking, her heart was racing. She was literally having to restrain herself from running and jumping off the cliff. The reason for her excitement was because; her and her rider, had not been flying for awhile now. So she was very excited when she heard they were flying today. "Forget this bullshit! I'm not doing this!" She heard Johns' voice shout.

Hiccup released a heavy sigh, "John, you can trust me. I'm not gonna."

"Go to hell, Hiccup!" Marston interrupted.

"Do you want to repeat the academy?" Hiccup asked.

"Hell, no!" Marston shouted in response.

"Then get you ass on the dragon! Before I throw you off the cliff myself!" Hiccup shouted which shocked, John. He had Hiccup shout only once before; it was at Snotlout who had ended up stealing his gun. Which ended up with him accidentally shooting, Fishlegs in the ass. Which makes it incredibly uncomfortable for him to sit down. Even though he had only gotten shot three weeks ago. John, then nodded his head and slowly got on the dragons back.

"Ready, girl?" Hiccup asked her; which was responded with an eager growl. "Ready, John?" He asked.

"No." John answered bluntly.

"Toothless." Hiccup answered while placing his prosthetic foot inside the tail fin release switch. Allowing him to unfold her prosthetic tail fin, "Lets' fly!" He shouted which caused Toothless to quickly run towards the edge of the cliff.

"SON OF A!" John shouted just as Toothless jumped off the cliff; causing the three to rapidly descend downward, "BIIIIIIIIIITCH!" He continued as he felt a strange tingling sensation moving threw his body. He could feel the wind moving rapidly past his body; almost a lot like the windstorms that would sweep threw the desert. Except this was no windstorm; they were falling right to the ground, and Hiccup was doing nothing to stop it. "DAMN IT, HICCUP. YOU BASTAD! IF YOU GET ME KILLED I'M GONNA!" He was interrupted when he felt the dragon come to a complete stop; the only problem was the wind was still moving around them. John, watched in complete disbelief. They were flying threw the air.

"What do you think, John?" Hiccup asked as he switched the tail fin to go higher into the air. Taking them higher above berk; allowing, John to see what it was like threw the eyes of a dragon. He enjoyed flying; it would always make him feel...well like a dragon. The cool wind moving past his body. The moist feeling of the clouds as they passed threw them. Then the feeling of free fall. Feeling the wind move rapidly past his body; the tingling sensation going threw his body, which would want to make him laugh. Then the sigh of relief when Toothless would catch him. That was the feeling of life; that was the feeling of being a dragon rider. That is what it was like to be...amazing.

"John, what do you."

"Is this what angels see?" John asked as he reached for a cloud they were passing. Watching as his hand disappeared into the cloud; allowing him to feel the cold, dampness of it. Only to slowly pull it out; before he looked down. Allowing him to see the entire village; almost as if he was looking down from heaven itself.

"I don't know what an angel is, John. But I do know this." Hiccup answered before taking a hard turn; allowing them to slowly circle the island, "This is what a dragon sees all the time." He replied as they passed over the forest; allowing them to catch site of a group of boars. Which was stampeding threw the forest, "And to experience the sight they see every time they fly." He continued before making one final turn. Allowing them to start flying back to the academy, "Makes life worth living." He continued before they landed back at the entrance of the academy.

"So, John. What did you think?" Hiccup asked as they dismounted the dragon.

John placed his hand on Hiccups shoulder, "Partner. That was an experience that I though I would never get to enjoy. Thank you." He thanked which made Hiccup smile, "But I must asked for forgiveness." He continued.

Hiccup shot, John a confused look. "What for, John?" He asked.

"This." He replied before he kicked Hiccups' feet out from under him. " That is for making think I was gonna get killed!" He shouted before stomping hard on his gut; causing Toothless to roar loudly before she charged Marston. Only to end up with Marston hitting her hard in her face; almost knocking her completely out. Because he had used his strange weapon to hit her, "And that...was because I always wanted to do that." He continued before he walked away from the two and back to the chiefs home.

"You (cough) okay girl?" Hiccup coughed as he slowly got to his feet. Receiving a low gurgle from her; signaling to him that she was okay, but she was slightly stunned. "Thor, Marston. You have a strange way of showing gratitude." He groaned out as pain shot threw his abdomen; almost taking him back down to the ground again. Thankfully, Toothless had managed to get beside him; keeping him from falling to the ground, "And apologizing." He groaned out once again; before both of them started walking back home as well. Hiccup, using Toothless as a way to keep himself from falling. While Toothless, was using Hiccup to keep herself steady.


Chapter 4 here it is; enjoy.