Alright, milkshakes, I'm back! First week of school has been conquered! :D I really miss typing every day. :( It's almost unnatural to me. But, hey, what're you gonna do? Oh, and the most recent Free episode…..WTF! WHAT HAPPENED?! D: IT STARTED OUT SO ADORABLE AND THEN…..WHAAAAAAAAT?! Other than that, I had to completely rewrite this chapter; just because I got a better idea for the beginning, so crap. I can't wait til' I actually get to the story, I have so many ideas planned! :D Ok, now I'm just blabbering my mouth. -_- Hope you like this chapter, and I'll see you at the end. :3

Disclaimers: Free! does not belong to me in any way, shape, or form. It rightfully belongs to Kyoto Animation. Also, the song that the chapter is named after doesn't belong to me either. I don't know which song I'm going to use yet, so I can't give the artist credit.

Miya's P.O.V

The bell rang as I sat in the awkwardness of the room. I was always shy when around people I didn't know well. In other words, I have trouble making friends. So, I was always known as the "quiet" one; the classmate that almost never talks. It would help if I was in the same grade as my best friend.

"Good morning, class." The teacher greeted. "Starting off for the day, we will be…" And the lesson started. I tried to pay attention; writing notes and everything, but I drifted off. While I was writing, the edges of the paper intrigued me. The blankness almost disturbing me. Unconsciously, I stopped writing notes and started scribbling, sketching, whatever you want to call it. The point was, I, again, ignored my note taking and started drawing. I couldn't help it. Then, I heard a bell ring. Knocking me out of my daydream.

"Huh?" I said looking around. It was lunchtime already? It was 8:35 just a few minutes ago. (I went with my school time, if it's different in Japan, sorry.) I packed all of my stuff back in bag and trotted out.

"Hah." I sighed holding my bento. I took my chopsticks, grabbed a piece of sesame chicken, and jammed it into my mouth. I chewed it pouting. I wasn't in a good mood. "How am I going to get through school if I can't even pay attention to the notes?" I mumbled.

"Just pay attention." My best friend said beside me. I glanced at her with a look of annoyance.

"I said I COULDN'T pay attention." I repeated. "It means it's hard to stay focused." She looked at me while chewing her rice, and when she finished, said…

"Then, stay focused." I sighed again. She really wasn't much help. I know she tries, but she's just too indifferent to really understand. We have a weird friendship, and I know it's almost foreign, but we have our reasons for being friends for this long.

"Hey, Ai-chan?" She turned towards me. "Do you think I'll be able to do it?" I asked discouraged. Already knowing what I meant, she replied.

"You shouldn't put yourself so low." She said. "You can only do it if you believe you can." And that was that. She continued to eat her lunch and I just stared at her. Aiyako can be really encouraging when she wants to be.

"Heh, thank you." I mumbled. She just continued chewing. After lunch was over, she went back to her class as I went back to mine. And, as usual, I ended up sketching again. Aiyako was the only person besides my family that actually knew me. When I say that, I mean that they know the real me. Everyone else just thinks of me as the quiet, shy girl in school, but that's really just one part of me. The other part I usually keep at home. Everyone knows that I want to be an artist, but only Aiyako and my family know what type of artist I want to be. I want to be…

"No, Reggie!" A game designer. "Oh, Augustine's not getting away with this!" I'm a gamer. (Can anyone guess what game this is?) I didn't start out as one; my mother got remarried a few years ago. When I was twelve I think. And, my step father had a son, he's five years older than me. He was playing Assassins Creed, I think, and I asked if I could try it out just for the fun of it. Let's just say…he didn't get the controller back. I just got addicted. Now, I'm fifteen and still can't get enough of it. "Darn it!" I screamed. "How am I supposed to beat a concrete Onix?!" I stared at the TV and glared. "Alright, Augustine, time to get serious."

Normal P.O.V

As Miya continued to play the game, a man with dark blue hair peered in through the door.

"Hey, sis, mom says you have to get off the console." He said.

"What, no! I almost have her!" She protested not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Miya, now!" He spoke louder. "Mom'll get mad!" The lilac haired girl started to lean over to the side, as if copying the characters movements.

"I'll get off in a minute!" She said.

"Sis, I know that you're not goin' to get off until you beat the game." He said smiling. "Or, until someone shuts it off." She paused the game and turned towards him.

"Please, don't do that!" She begged. "This is the boss battle, I can't save it!" Her brother laughed at her fearfulness of losing her spot in the game.

"Alright, I'll tell mom that you're just finishing somethin' up." He said turning away. Miya smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, Yuri!" She thanked as she grabbed the controller again.

"Hey, just don't stay on too long. You still need to do homework." He smirked at his next remark. "And you have your own problems to deal with; like getting taller!" She grabbed a pillow and threw it at her brother, he dodged almost effortlessly while cracking up laughing.

"I'm not short; I'm 5'3!" She protested.

"You're short."

"I am not!"

"Haha, you are!" Miya and Yuri continued the argument, while throwing pillows and dodging behind furniture.

"Miya, Yuri, settle down!" The mom ordered from the kitchen. Yuri and Miya looked at each other before responding.

"Sorry." They apologized at the same time. At that moment, Miya shut down the console and started her homework. She started off with her English because it was her favorite subject, but then she had to do science. Which was her least favorite subject. The time seemed to go by slowly, as she continuously tried to stay on track with her work. It didn't seem to work, however, because she didn't pay attention in class, so not only did she have more homework, but she had no idea how to do it. Nothing a little google can't help. Time passed and she was still working on the work that she didn't do in class. This would've been a lot easier if she didn't have a short attention span. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door.

"Yes?" She called out.

"It's time for dinner." The mother said from outside the door.

"Ok, I'll be down in a minute." She said.

"Do you need help with anything?" She asked in all sincerity.

"It's ok, I only have a few more papers to go."

"Alright, be down soon ok?"

"Alright." Once the mother went down the stairs, Miya pulled out her phone and called Aiyako.

"Hello?" Someone from the other side of the phone answered.

"Hey, Ai-chan, could you help me with my science homework?"

"Sure." She replied.

"Thank you! Ok, what is it that makes diseases caused by viruses and bacteria hard to treat?" She asked her friend.

"Influenza viruses and others continually change over time, usually by mutation. This change enables the virus to evade the immune system of its host so that people are susceptible to influenza virus infection throughout their lives. Bacteria mutate in the same way and can also become resistant if over treated by antibiotics." She explained. "Does that help?" Miya stared blankly into the distance.

"How did you know all of that?!" She inquired.

"It's easy." Miya sweatdropped.

"Ok, well, thanks anyway." Aiyako hung up the phone, and once she did, Miya groaned and banged her head on her desk. "I'm not going to make it til' morning."

Nagisa's P.O.V

"Rei-chan!" I yelled running towards him.

"Nagisa-kun, calm down." Rei-chan told me. "Why are you always so enthusiastic on the worst of days?" I shrugged.

"So what if it's raining? It's just water." I told him.

"It's storming, Nagisa-kun. It's not just water if you can injure yourself in the process." He said pushing up his glasses. I just rolled my eyes.

"You're too serious, Rei-chan." I said taking my seat. "We're inside, it's fine! Though, we probably won't have practice today." I put my head on the desk, pouting. "We won't get to swim today." Through my complaining, class started and everything went quiet. A few minutes later, a girl in the front raised her hand.

"Yes." The teacher said.

"Um, there's a girl outside." She said pointing out the window. Once she said that, everyone jumped out of their seats and towards the windows. Even me.

"Where? Where's the girl?" People were asking.

"Everyone get back to your seats!" The teacher ordered. He went to the window and saw the girl that everyone was trying to see or had already see. The doors were locked, apparently, and she was stuck in the rain.

"Hazuki." I stood up from my seat.


"Go down and unlock the doors for that girl, and after you let her in, find her some dry clothes. Will you?"

"Hai!" I headed down the stairs and into the lobby. Once I got there, I unlocked and opened the door. The girl turned towards me with surprised eyes. I sort of…stopped and stared. She was definitely a petite figure, with big silver eyes and purple hair tied into pigtails.

"Thank you!" She said to me. "I didn't expect the doors to be locked." She walked in and stood in the hallway.

"Don't worry about it!" I told her. "Come with me, the teacher told me to get you some dry clothes." I started walking towards one of the hallways, and she followed. She was keeping her distance though.

"Thank you, again." She repeated. I turned around and shook my hand at her.

"You don't need to thank me!" I insisted. "Anyone would've done it!" After about fifteen minutes or so, we arrived at the room; the one that held extra clothing and what not. "Ok, here you go! There should be some extra clothes in here."

"Um, thank you." She said sort of bowing.

"I don't think they have any bras though." I thought out loud.

"Eh, don't say it so casually!" She yelled. I thought of why, but just this once, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

"I'll leave you here then." I said heading out the door. "See you later!" I left her in the room to change and I walked down the hallway. "Oh wait!" I forgot to tell her where to put the wet clothes when she was done. I went back to the room, and was about to knock on the door, but I stopped myself. I stood there with my hand ready to knock, it just never did. I don't know what got over me, but I, instead of knocking, I peeked in. An hourglass figure stood before me; back facing me. Water was dripping down her body, and her glistened in the small lighted room. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. Her body was captivating; it was beautiful. I felt my face heat up, and my eyes grow wide. Suddenly, I shook myself out of my thoughts and knocked on the door.

"Eh, yes?!" I heard her shout.

"Um, when you're done, you can give your wet clothes to the lady at the front desk. She should be able to dry them for you!" I said with tinted cheeks.

"Oh, thank you!"

"Uh huh." This time, I ran up the stairs and back into the classroom.

"Did she come in alright?" The teacher asked me.

"Yep, and I showed her where to get some dry clothes. She should be alright now!" I forced out.

"Good; you can take your seat now." I gladly went back to my seat and sat down. The rest of the day, I couldn't think, and I couldn't concentrate. My mind was stuck on her.

"I wonder how I should deal with this." I thought as I stared out the window.

I know, the ending's really crappy, but it's a school night, so….yeah. Thoughts so far? Remarks, comments? Anything would help me so much! :D I have to go now, see you next week or so! Stay fabulous, milkshakes! ;3