I just started watching arrow and I ship Felicity and Oliver so bad.
Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow and do not own any of the character. I don't own any of the characters, but they will get changed a bit to match this story. Comments and reviews will be nice. Please enjoy.
thought '...'
speaking "..."
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. School left me no time for updates, but I hope that with winter break I can add a few more chapters before school starts up again.
Felicity point of view
I let out a loud yawn as I exited the school. 'Uhh that's it, no more late night hacking.' I thought, shifting my backpack as I started to walk towards the Queen's estate. 'First day of tutoring' I thought, waiting at a stop light 'how bad could…nope not finishing that thought because it could be very bad, it could be horrible.' I thought about to step out on the street when a black town car pulled out in front of me nearly running my foot over.
Before I could shout anything the door opened. Thea Queen sitting inside looking utterly uninterested. She scooted over with out saying a word. When I didn't move she looked into me a perfectly plucked eyebrow raised before sighing. "My mother said that your tutoring Ollie today." She says as if that explains everything. She gave another sigh "she said to give you a ride." I nodded slowly getting into the car as if expecting this to be another stupid trick. When I got in the car closing the door, the car started to move. For the whole ride Thea was quite looking at her phone the entire time and I just sat there looking out the window.
"You really think you can tutor Ollie?" Thea asked out of the blue not looking up from her phone.
"Well I can try," I say feeling more awkward now than yesterday with Mrs. Queen at lunch. Just what was it about the Queens that made them so hard to deal with.
She gave a little snort "So how much is my mother paying you for trying." She says putting an emphasis on trying.
"Your mom said I was getting paid, but I told her it wasn't necessary. So nothing I guess. I'm not really sure." I say honestly 'Geez for people that have a lot of money that's all they seemed to talk about.' I thought, turning my head to look at Thea who was being quite again still staring at her phone.
"Just to give you a heads up. Ollie went to a party yesterday so you might not be teaching him very much today." She says, the car stopping in front of the Queen's estate waiting for the gate to open.
"Well, we will see what we get to" I say awkwardly, shifting in my seat. I watched as Thea smiled and started to type something faster in her phone. "What are you looking at?" Thea snapped her head at me, her eyes narrowed. "Sorry sorry" I said, waving my hands in the air "Just trying to start a conversation." You swear she was doing something illegal on that phone. Well I do illegal things on my phone, but I doubt that Thea has secret hacking skill.
She pursed her lips "If you must know, I'm looking things up on the Hacker." My spine straightened and I could here an "Oh" coming from my mouth. Hacker has been on every news report since the video went viral. It already had more than a million views and counting. "Yah he's totally awesome." 'HE' I thought 'of course people would believe it was a guys.' "Like I'm sure he's gonna get caught soon, but he's got such a theatric vibe to him and that mask is so cool." As I heard Thea go on about Hacker I couldn't help, but tilt my head and squint my eye. 'Was Thea Queen, The Queen Bee of the school fan girling over me?' I thought, doing my best not to drop my mouth 'well Hacker is me, but she doesn't know its me. Still Thea Queen is fangirling over me.'
Before I knew it the car stopped and we were parked in front of the giant mansion that was the Queen estate. Thea who was still talking about what she found out about Hacker moved around me to the now opened door.
"Hacker by far is the most interesting thing to happen to Starling City since Oliver was born." Thea says, with a laugh.
'God that didn't sound conceded at all' I thought, as I rolled my eyes. Thea opened the door to her house and walked in without looking up from her phone. She walked up the stairs leaving me standing by the door awkwardly.
Risa came over to the door. "Hello Ms. Smoak" she says with a slight Russian accent.
"Hello" I say awkwardly, giving her a small wave.
"Mrs. Queen has set up the dinning room for your session," She says, starting to walk towards another room.
"Okay?" I say, following her.
"Mrs. Queen had us prepare a grilled cheese for you and tea will be ready in a moment." I could feel my face going completely red. 'Of course she would remember that part of my babbling.' I thought, wanting to smack my forehead.
"Thank you, but that wasn't necessary."
"Nonsense as much as I hope Oliver will be on time, he will most likely be late to your session." Risa says sadly.
"What can I expect from Oliver?" I ask, watching as Risa pulled open a door for me.
We walked into the biggest dining room I had ever seen. The table could fit like thirty people and the chandelier was probably expensive enough to pay off Roy's and I rent for months. "Oliver is a smart boy, if he actually tries." Risa says walking me to the end of the table where a grilled cheese was waiting for me. "But the boy doesn't try."
"Why?" I ask, looking at Risa's face for some clues as to what I would be dealing with.
"I don't know." She says, pulling the chair out for me. I knew she was lying, she probably knew more about the relationships in this house than the people that actually live here. "I hope you can help him Ms. Smoak."
"Please call me Felicity." I say, giving her a smile.
"Felicity" she says with a smile "let me go get your tea." Risa walked out of the room and for a moment I just sat there wondering what I was doing here. I looked at the sandwich and then at the doors. 'Why not?' I thought, picking up the sandwich and taking a bite. 'If he's going to be late I might as well eat' I thought, chewing. It was good, the sour dough was nice and crispy, but it needed more cheese. I started to compare this sandwich to Roy's. Roy wins hands down.
"So you came after all" I heard a voice says. I jumped up in shock not having heard anyone come in. I looked down the long table to see a tall blonde adult who acts like a child walking into the room. Oliver Queen was strutting in with all of his playboy glory a set of sunglasses on his faces. I looked at the watch he was only about ten minutes late. 'Is this him trying' I thought, swallowing.
"Your mother had Thea pick me up." I say watching as he slumped into the chair next to me. I knew that he was hung over. You don't live in the glades and not know the symptoms of alcohol.
"And Thea actually did. Look at speedy being responsible." He says a lopsided smile on his face.
"So should we get started?" I said, reaching for my backpack.
"What's the rush?" He says, leaning in his chair. "We've got time."
"Maybe you do, but some of us have things to do that don't involve babysitting a wanna be adult." I say, rolling my eyes until I realized that I said those words out loud and not in my head. However I wasn't lying I needed to be out of here by 4:30 to be home to babysit some of the kids in the neighborhood.
"Wanna be adult," he says, "hmmm. I never wanted to be an adult in the first place."
"No on ever wants to be an adult, but you have to grow up some times." I explain, knowing that we were about to approach a touchy subject.
"Maybe you do," he says smiling at me. Although he didn't say it out loud the words were still there in the air. 'Not like us trust fund kids.' And just like that any cool I had was gone.
"Your right I do, which is why a sixteen year old is here tutoring you." I say taking another bit of the grilled cheese. He looks at me as I chewed and I may have taken longer to swallow than needed. "Looked I told your mom I would try to tutor you, but I have better things to do than coddle you. You want to go party yourself away, don't let me stop you."
"So your not even gonna try" Oliver says with a frown.
"I'm here aren't I" I say, watching as Risa walked back in with a tray of tea. "That's me trying. The rest is up to you."
"Is this that saying," Oliver says throwing one hand in the air trying to remember it "You can lead a horse to a well, but your can't make him cross is type shit."
"You mean you can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink" I ask, wondering how someone could get a saying that wrong.
"Yah that" he says, that carefree smile on his face.
Risa placed a teacup next to me getting ready to pour. I placed my hand over the cup "That's alright Risa. Oliver doesn't seem to be taking this seriously, so I think I'm going to take my leave." I say standing up from the table. I titled my head in a bow "Thank you for the grilled cheese."
"So this you trying?" Oliver snaps as I pick up my bag.
"This is me caring about your grades as much as you do." I say, swinging my backpack on my shoulder as I head to the door.
"Phfft so much for being a genius" He says, standing up his chair falling to the ground.
"It must be nice, not having to worry about your future. However unlike you I work for what I have and I'm proud of that. Tell me Oliver do you have anything to be proud of?" I turned to look at Oliver his face was twisted in anger, his fists clenched, but he didn't answer. "Yah I didn't think so." I say walking out of the dinning room.