I just started watching arrow and I ship Felicity and Oliver so bad.
Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow and do not own any of the character. I don't own any of the characters, but they will get changed a bit to match this story. Comments and reviews will be nice. Please enjoy.
thought '...'
speaking "..."
The day started out like any other day. I woke up to my small cramped broken down room, changed into my expensive uppity up school uniform, got on the bus for a forty minute drive to my expensive boarding school, got picked on by trust fund babies and billionaire kids, it was like every other day, but it was at lunch that things started to get interesting. For started I was called into the principal's office before lunch something that made me very nervous.
'Why do I need to go to the principal's office, is something wrong with my scholarship? Am I being pulled out of school? Did I do something wrong? I haven't done anything wrong, I mean I did hack into the school data base, but there is no way they figured out it was me I mean-' I was starting to get a panic attack just thinking about it. So before walking into the office I took a deep breath placing my hand over my heart giving it a little pat as if to tell it to calm down, "3…2…1" I muttered opening the door.
"Ms. Smoak thank you for joining us." Said the principal Mr. Clerd a mid aged man, with a slight belly, and a reseeding hairline. He stood up straighten his suit "Sit sit" he says gesturing to the chair in front of him.
I slowly make my way to the chair, only now realizing that there was someone else in the room. She was a middle age woman, defiantly younger than my principle. She sat tall and straight, her blonde hair cut to her shoulder, but not a hair out of place, her green eyes showed that she was her for a reason. "Ms. Smoak this is Moria Queen" part of me wanted to roll my eyes there wasn't a person in this city that didn't know the Queen family. I mean I have her daughter in most of my classes. "Moria Queen would like to take you out to lunch."
I repeatedly blinked my eye "Whhaatt" I say not really understanding what's going on. "Why? Did I do something wrong, I mean-" Moria Queen stands up silencing me before I could completely ramble.
"Ms. Smoak you aren't in trouble I just have a proposition for you, and I think lunch would give us a chance to get to know one another a little better." She says a smile on her face, I gave an awkward one back, but nodded following Mrs. Queen out of the office. After all it was the Queen's family that gave me a full ride scholarship to one of the most prestigious schools in the country.
I didn't say a word as we exited the school and entered the black expensive BMW that could probably pay off my parent's debt and house. I didn't say anything as we walked into one of the most expensive restaurants in the city, nothing when we were instantly seated, and nothing when the waiter gave me a menu and I scanned the outrageous prices looking for anything familiar. 'Is a burger to common for these people' I thought, confused at what I'm suppose to be doing. I finally put the menu down and just stared at Mrs. Queen, who was still looking at the menu.
"Do you know what you want dear?" she asks, not lifting her gaze from the menu.
I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. Pausing and trying again, I finally got out a "what am I doing here?"
Mrs. Queen smiles something that's board line smirking folding her menu and placing it elegantly on the table in front of her. "My dear we're here to have a nice lunch."
"Why would one of the most powerful people in this city want to have lunch with me." I say without thinking "I mean I don't want to be rude, but I'm a little confused and I don't like being confused it just makes my head all weird and-and I'm rambling right now aren't I yah I am I already know and I'm going-"
"My dear, you aren't in trouble and there is nothing wrong with your scholarship. I was just wondering if you were interested in a job offer."
"A job offer?" I asked, calmer than before knowing that my scholarship wasn't in danger.
Mrs. Queen leans forwards resting her elbow on the table. "I have seen your grades, read your teachers recommendation even learned that you were interested in applying for MIT very ambitious goal." I nodded my head not sure what I was suppose to say exactly. "Well for a junior you exceed most of the school intellectually, your test scores prove that, and for that I was wondering if you would be willing to tutor my son."
I blinked my mouth opening and closing like a fish. "I'm sorry Mrs. Queen, but you want me to do what?" I asked my voice kind of high pitched something that I knew caused peoples head to turn, I ducked a bit trying to hide the red hue appearing on my face.
"I want you too tutor my son. My daughter Thea has told me how smart you are and your records and test scores prove just how qualified you are."
"You're son is in college? I'm a high school student'' I said, completely confused by this situation. She knew the Queens, who didn't; Thea was in some of her classes, yet they never talked even when her little gang was picky on me she never joined in, she would always just stand there.
"Yes, he's in his second year and I know that you are only a junior, but what I've heard I have faith that you can teach him. Besides maybe it will help knowing that someone younger than him is so much smarter than him'' Mrs. Queen smiled removing her elbows from the table as she waved a waiter over. In no time at all a waiter was at the table asking if we were ready.
I gaped at him, completely forgetting anything on the menu. "I uhh umm I'll have the uhhh" My eyes were darting at every direction trying to find a way out of this or remember any of the expensive dishes on the menu.
"We will have two of your filet mignon medium, with mashed potatoes and cook greens. Two caesar salads light on the sauce." Mrs. Queen handed her menu to the waiter with complete confidence. "That's all right with you right?" but based on her face expression it wasn't up for debate. So I frantically nodded my head my ponytail swinging up and down. She smiled at the waiter, shooing off to get the orders filled right away.
"So what do you say?" she says leaning back against her chair looking at ease.
" I say why not. I mean I haven't had anything less than an A in my academic career and as you said I am hoping to be accepting into MIT, but I don't know about that yet I have some responsibilities here and the fact that MIT is way expensive that I would need another scholarship, but - '' I stopped talking, closing my mouth and a small sigh left my mouth, ''And you just need a yes or a no'' I simplify, glad that I didn't get into to much details about my 'responsibilities' in Starling City.
"You know," she says her voice even, leaning in a bit. "You won't have to tutor my son for free, you will be getting paid" Mrs. Queen grinned, probably thinking about the money I need for tuition, thinking that her money would be enough to buy me. "We will pay you well Ms. Smoak'' Mrs. Queen would never admit to begging a 16 year old girl to tutor her 21 year old son.
'' I-I... '' Pausing before I make even more word vomit, I sigh and think of the words that are about to come out of my mouth. "Miss Queen, I would have tutored your son for free. I was just in shock is all, I have taught other kids for free, but never anyone in college before. You don't have to pay really, I like helping people'' I say smiling remember all the kids I help in the Glades. I didn't want their money…well more of their money it was bad that people at school called me "Thea's charity" since the Queen's are funding the scholarship for my full ride, but I didn't need peoples pity I made it this far by myself.
Mrs. Queen blinked tilting her head a bit looking confused. 'Probably the first time someone rejected her money' I thought, happy that I could make such a strong women speechless. "Nonsense," she says after recovering from her surprise "My son won't like it, he'll hate it and that will make it a pain to teach him. I can't, no I won't let any girl in the world go through that without at least being paid." She laughed light-hearted
'' Ok-kay.." I answered not really sure if I could keep rejecting one of the most powerful and well known people in Starling City. '"When do I start?" I ask, feeling a little light headed.
Mrs. Queen finally gave a real smile "Well why don't we enjoy our lunch and chant. By that time you can come over to the estate and you can start today. Oliver doesn't live on campus seeing as the campus is only thirty minutes away. So you can start today" she gave me another smile, sliding her napkin on her lap.
Just as I was about to ask her a question our waiter came back with our salads placing them in front of me. Mrs. Queen raised her water glass "Here's to new beginnings." I clumsily reached for my glass almost spilling it as I tried to raise it next to hers. She reached over and clanked the glass "To new beginnings" I say, my stomach twisting with excitement and dread.