Umm... This is a challenge from DZ2. I'm not sure if I'll accept everything on it, but most of it for sure.

'Dark Poké-Hogwarts' Challenge: Our heroes - sorry, I couldn't resist - attend a Hogwarts school, but instead of magic, they're taught how to bond with Pokémon and explore the regions

Rules:ALL Harry Potteruniverse characters attend this school: it's NOT a school of magic.

For whatever reason, Harry must decide to go to Hogwarts as an Anti-Hero type; someone out to make his own name or there for power or other reasons -Accepted

Harry must be sorted into a non-Gryffindor House -Accepted

At least ONE Pokémon Universe character must be a teacherand/or a student at the school e.g. Ash joins Harry in his class and they're taught by...Cynthia

Despite being at school, the students also learn in the field -Accepted

ALL students receive one Pokémon in their Sorting/acceptance ceremony that stays with them for the duration of their school time -Accepted

Grey or Dark Harry only -Accepted

Optional Additions:A Hero Class AND a Villain Class e.g. one Class that is led by someone like Red and one that's led by Giovanni

The Classes/Houses being named after either Legendary Pokémon or the regions -Accepted

Lily and James are alive -Accepted

Wrong BWL -Accepted

Harry abandoned by his family and adopted by another -Accepted

Grey or Dark Ash/Red - depending on who you use, the other could be the Father -Accepted

Harry choosing to prefer fieldwork to classwork or vice-versa -Accepted

Appearances in the story from Legendary Pokémon -Accepted

Slash -Accepted

ALL pairings are welcome

Forbidden:NO magic; the students can be gifted with Aura or Psychic or - and I'll allow it - an Elemental gift through their Pokémon partner: example: Pikachu giving his trainer lightning powers or Torterra giving his trainer Forest powers etc. -Difficult but Accepted

Good Harry -Duh

Harry/Hermione pairings

Harry siding with Voldemort even though he's Dark -Accepted (technically)

Gryffindor - or whatever you call that House - Harry

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Pokémon. If I did, the stories would never be the same. For one, Tom Riddle and Voldemort would be separate people and Ash would be a stronger trainer. Oh, and slash. Let's not forget slash.

WARNINGS: Possible slash, OOC, Dark/Gray!Harry, Abuse, Abandonment, Darkbutnotevil!Tom, Evil!Voldemort, Manipulative!Dense!Dumbledore, Asshole!Potters, Parental!Sirius & Remus, Slight crack, WTF!Pairings, Possible bashing, Google Translate on the Japanese, Technical Triple Crossover, OCs, Technical OC, Wrong CWL. That's it. I think...

Inspiration: Coffee and Don Paulo's Theme from Professor Layton

Heirvean Potter (Harry was his nickname that he hated since it didn't sound proper enough) was the youngest of triplets. His parents, James and Lily Potter, had only been planning for twins, he was a surprise. A welcome surprise though. His two older siblings were twins. Mya and Ashton Potter. Ashton was a miniature James Potter to the private horrors of some. He was a spoiled brat with black hair, hazel eyes, and a horrible disposition that most would be hard pressed to beat. Ashton was a whiny, demanding child who, when he wasn't paid attention to, would have the most horrible fits of anger. Mya was a mini Lily, except without her brains. She too was whiny and demanding, as most children were at the age of one, but just like her brother, she wanted all the attention of the world. Heirvean was a quiet child. A perfect mix of both James and Lily, with his mother's hair in his father's color and Lily's amazing green eyes. Heirvean tended to sleep throughout the night, and preferred not to cause trouble. One could often find him in his crib, watching the world move around him. No one noticed the way his eyes would glow slightly when he would do that.

The night everything changed was the night Voldemort attacked. Neither Lily nor James was home, so the Dark Lord had just waltzed into the house. He had found all three children in their shared crib and had smiled a smile so dark that it sent Ashton and Mya into fits of tears. Heirvean just watched him quietly, green eyes full of curiosity. The Dark Lord raised his gun and pointed it at the cradle, his grin pulling his lips back even further to reveal pointed fangs.

"Bang." he purred out.Then there was an explosion. Faintly, out of the corner of his eyes, Heirvean noted the Dark Lord's form ripping in two before disappearing. It was then that he noticed the roof falling their way. The dark haired child panicked and, to his amazement, a dome of light formed around them, the roof hitting it harmlessly and sliding off. Positive that they were safe, Heirvean drifted off into an exhausted sleep.

When the Potters returned to the destroyed house, they were horrified. Lily tore into the rubble like a crazed woman and only calmed when she saw the circle that was clear of destruction in the middle of all the debris. Cautiously she moved forward, only to let out a cry of delight and race forward when she saw her children were fine. Ashton had a lightening bolt shaped cut directly in the center of his forehead, and Mya had a star across her right cheek. Heirvean had none.

Dumbledore came over to her side and gently extracted Mya and Ashton from her arms. He turned them around and held them up for the crowd to see. "May I present Ashton and Mya Potter, the Children Who Lived!" There was a roar from the audience, and Dumbledore smiled. "These two have saved us from the Dark Lord Voldemort," He ignored the flinches and gasps at the name. "And have banished him forever!" And with that he returned the two children to their mother's arms. Gently, he picked up Heirvean. "I'm afraid that he will be a squib. I can't sense any Aura in him." Lily let out a gasp and took a step back.


Their rooms were lavish and perfect. His room was a dark, dingy corner of the attic. They had all the toys and games they could want. He had the broken and unwanted toys. They were treated like kings and queens. He was the servant. They were the Goody-Two-Shoes. He was the scapegoat. They were spoiled children who depended on their parents. He was a sweet child who was used to being on his own. They were twins. He was a single child. They were loved. He was hated. They were wanted. He was not. They were remembered. He was forgotten.

It had been their birthday today. The twins had gotten all sorts of presents. He hadn't gotten one. No one remembered him, his parents made sure of that. He was the slave in this house, doing all their work for nothing. Heirvean had even had his Potter name stripped from him. It had been the result of an argument a couple years ago when Ashton and Mya had blamed him for breaking the precious Ming vase that had been sitting in the hallway for years. Ashton had broken it, then him and Mya had promptly blamed it on him. It was two against one, he had lost badly, and James had smacked him across the face along with disowning him. Now he was Heirvean No-Name, a slave to the prestigious Potter family.

In the years that had passed since the 'Dark Lord Incident', as Heirvean liked to call it, James had made sure that everyone knew the Potter Name. He had even stolen the spot of eighth and final Gym Leader from a Lord Lucius Malfoy. He'd also bankrupted the man with false claims and lies to make sure that the male couldn't take the spot back. Now, Lucius and his family had fled to the Muggle world where they were barely making ends meet. Heirvean couldn't help but wish he could help them. He'd met Lucius once, before James became a thief, and the man was nice, if a bit stuffy, and Heirvean had really enjoyed spending time with Draco. The blonde wasn't an ass or an idiot like his siblings, and they had spent several hours together chattering in their baby talk. Two weeks later, Lucius' position had been stolen and he was gone. Heirvean missed them. A lot.

He scowled and swore under his breath, even as he packed another of the twin's bags. Today was the birthday of the Children Who Lived, no one ever remembered his... well, except for Remus and Sirius, and they were all heading to Japan. Mya had, apparently, wanted to see the shrines, but Heirvean knew that it was just an excuse to bask in the attention of others. He was actually rather excited to see the home of the legendary Forest Spirit, not to mention Irontown itself.

When they arrived in Japan, Heirvean could barely contain his excitement. Both Ashton and Mya had tried to get him into enough trouble to be sent home, but it hadn't worked. The dark haired child pretended not to notice the dark glares that were being aimed at his back, but really Heirvean was nervous. What were those two planning now? He got his answer a few hours after dusk fell. They brought out their favorite game, Heirvean Hunting. Recognizing the looks in their eyes, he ran.

Heirvean Hunting was a game that the Children Who Lived had created to hurt and embarrass him. They would chase him down and, if he was caught, beat and kick him mercilessly. That is, if he was caught. And Heirvean had no interest in that happening. Both Ashton and Mya had gotten none to little exercise over the past years, while Heirvean had made sure to stay active. Currently, while he wasn't stronger then them, he could outrun them. And so he did.

Ignoring the signs to stay out of the forest, he flew past them and into the woods. Heirvean didn't care at this moment, he needed a place to hide. And hide he did. The dark haired child scrambled up the nearest tree, apologizing in his mind to the kodama that he'd probably scared. Below him, Ashton and Mya were searching for him. They'd give up and a few minutes if they couldn't find any evidence as to where he was.

Heirvean was right. The twins gave up on finding him after only five minutes of searching. He waited until five minutes after they had left his range of sight before beginning to climb down, this time avoiding the areas where he had seen the kodama before they had disappeared. When he was safely on the ground, he whispered a thanks to the kodama and the Forest Spirit for letting him hide here. Then he looked around. There were many pools of water and gently Heirvean bent down to scoop some up. He was careful where he stepped as well, for there were many plants that he didn't want to accidentally kill. It was then that he noticed the island in the middle of the lake and used the stepping stones to get across to it. The twins would never find him here, Heirvean realized, and so settled into a mossy patch to sleep. He was safe for now.

The moment he was comfortable, Heirvean fell asleep. He never noticed the stag and the doe standing at the edge of the clearing. Nor did he notice when they padded across the water and stepped onto the island. Plants grew and died around each print, only to stop when the forms shifted.

The doe became a young man with dark hair. "Ri..." he began, "What is a child doing here?"

"I'm not sure." The now human stag returned. "He came running through earlier. That's when I fetched you."

"Because I'm better with children?"

Mori-ō let out a whine. "Ashitakia..." He sighed under his breath. "He was being chased by two other children. They were trying to attack him."

Ashitakia scowled deeply. "There's signs of abuse here, Ri..."

"What do you want me to do? Adopt him?"

Ashitakia's head shot up, even as his smile became evil. "Actually..."




Ashitakia's eyes narrowed dangerously. He stood up and moved over to where Mori-ō was leaning against a tree. Slowly Ashitakia dragged his hands up his mate's body even as he ground against the Forest Spirit. Mori-ō let out a low groan and wrapped his arms around his mate's waist. When he was sure that his mate was completely aroused and flustered, Ashitakia backed away and glanced up at him with pleading eyes. "Please?"

"Damn." The Forest Spirit let out a huffing noise before nodding. "He doesn't look like us though." He paused. "Didn't you say there was a way to blood adopt someone even if you weren't magical?"

"There is. Come on. We should take him home and ask him before we do anything." And with that Mori-ō shifted into his stag form and Ashitakia placed the dark haired child on his back before shifting himself. And with that, a doe and a stag vanished into the darkness of the forest around them.