The loud ringing from my phone woke me with a start. I reached over beside me to find it but my hand ran into a warm and soft object. My eyes snapped open to see the one and only, Fang. My cheeks heated up. Did we go all the way last night? I quickly looked under the covers and almost sighed in relief at the sight of my jeans still on. Fang still seemed to be deep asleep; his face relaxed and almost childlike in the morning light. I continued the search for my obnoxiously ringing phone and found it on the floor buzzing like an angry hornet. Nudge was calling. I ran out of the room and swiped across to answer, quickly bringing the phone to my ear.

"Hey Nudge, what's up?"

"Max, want to hang out with Iggy and I today?" Her excitement drifted through the receiver.

"And ditch me and Fang like you did last night?"

"Hey, you know you loved spending some quality time with him. I bet you my life savings he's in your bed right now." Shit, she got me there. "And judging from your silence he is isn't he?"

I bit my lip. "Okay yes he is but nothing happened last night."

"Uh, what? You've got a fuck hot man in your bed and you guys didn't do the dirty?"

"It's a little complicated."

"Ugh tell me about it. Iggy and I were going at it as we walked into his apartment. It was going all well and then… he couldn't get it up." I could feel my eyebrows knit together while she spoke.

"Poor guy," I opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of juice, taking a swig out of it.

"Yeah I know. He was freaking out and telling me it never happened to him before but I told him it was alright. It's totally natural to be intimidated by a woman as gorgeous as me, am I right?"

A giggle escaped from my lips, Nudge always managed to make something sound better while almost complimenting herself. "Good job, Nudge. Did you guys have a fun night after that?"

"Yeah we stayed up drinking and played UNO until we passed out, it was actually really nice. He kept apologising though but I guess he was feeling pretty down himself."

"Yeah I can imagine, well I'm sure it won't happen the second time round?"

There was silence on the other end. "I hope there's a second time, Max. I think I really like him. I mean I was actually happy waking up next to him this morning. Anyway, so did you and Fang want to come out later? We could probably go out for dinner or hit up a bar tonight since we're not working."

I quickly checked the time on my phone, only seeing it was nine in the morning. "I'll see if Fang wants to go, I'm sure he won't refuse but I'll let you know."

"Coolies, see you soon girly, love you." The line clicked dead. A half laugh bubbled in my throat, I guess neither Nudge nor I got any last night. I made my way back to my bedroom, noticing Fang had rolled over and was now on his back. A cheeky thought flitted through my head. Crawling onto the foot of the bed, I slid past his legs and straddled his hips. Pulling the sheets from his body I traced the lines of his chest, feeling the muscle twitch beneath my fingers. I leaned over him until my lips were at his ears and I could hear his breath in my own.

"Fang, time to wake up." My voice a near whisper. When there was no response I grinded my hips down on his, sighing in pleasure at the friction. His hand brushed against my clothed thigh and I pulled back to see his eyes opened and lips curved into a smirk.

"Well, what a pleasant sight to wake up to, a beautiful half naked girl sitting on top of me. This is fantastic." My own lips curled up into a smile as I leant down and placed a kiss on his lips, moving my hips against his again. "Fuck you're evil, Max," He groaned and pushed up against me, forcing a gasp from my lips. I climbed off him and sat next to him, my hand resting on his thigh dangerously near where the stiff piece of material had tented. He rolled away from me, much to my disappointment, and hopped out of bed. "Do you mind if I used your bathroom?" I sighed, pointing to the door and watched him disappear from the room.

While he was in the bathroom I quickly pulled on a shirt to cover myself up, desperately trying to fix my hair in the wardrobe mirror. It was not successful. The sound of running water drew my attention to the bathroom, Fang was using the shower. Fang is naked. Max would like to see naked Fang. My cheeks heated with embarrassment but I couldn't deny the heavy feeling in my stomach. I had to go in there.

Light seeped through the cracks of the slightly ajar door. Steam seeped out and I could smell the scent of my soap. Fang is naked. Fang is wet. Fang is covered in soap. I'm acting like an inexperienced teenager; I should be in there right now doing my stuff. I crept towards the door, only hesitating for a moment before softly pushing it open. He stood there with his back to me, water and soap running down is back and perfectly toned ass. He hadn't noticed my intrusion yet, so as quietly as I could I began to shimmy out of my pants and underwear, mentally thanking myself that I had remembered to shave. After I had taken off my shirt though I was met with, not the back of his head, but his face looking at me in a mixture of shock and lust.

Blinded by desire, I took a couple steps forward, working to remove my bra. While doing so I thought back to last night. He didn't want to do anything then, maybe I should have respected that decision. What if I was pushing something onto him that he didn't really want to do? I slowly pulled my bra off and stepped into the shower with him, trying to keep a bit of distance between us. Hot droplets of water splashed onto me and began running down my body. I watched as Fang's eyes dropped, heated, warm and filled curiosity as he followed where the droplets would go. I myself took the time to enjoy the sight of his body. I lifted my hand to his shoulder and began to run it down his arm and back up again.

"Max..." He warned. I looked up to meet his eyes staring directly into mine. The look was so intense it was almost smouldering. I licked my lips. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this. But before I could make a move to walk away, he wrapped his arms around me tightly, pulling my body up against his. The contact made my knees turn into jelly. The water ran between the two of us now, but the heat couldn't be compared to warmth of his skin.

"Shit Fang, I'm sorry." My voice was muffled with my head buried into his chest. "Maybe I should just leave you to finish your shower. This was a mistake."

"We can just be like this, Max. I don't want anything else," But I couldn't ignore his own desire pressing against my leg, the throb almost tearing away any rational thought I had left.

"No, you don't want just that. But you don't want to go all the way either." I twisted away from his embrace and, almost slipping, escaped the shower, the steam and the heat. Hot tears stung at my eyes while I closed the bathroom door behind me. I grabbed a towel from a cupboard in the hall and dried myself off, dressing quickly in case he finished his shower early. The shower was still running and but all I could think of now is if I made a mistake pushing him away. I leant against the wall next to the bathroom door, slowly sliding down until I was on the ground. "I'm such an idiot," I muttered. "He's going to realise what a numnut you are and run the hell the other way." After wiping away angry tears I brought my knees to my chest, resting my head on top of them.

The water stopped running and a few moments later Fang walked out dressed in his clothes from yesterday. He looked fresh and relaxed, acting as if I hadn't been a tease and left him like that. He knelt down beside me and I almost drowned in the worry in his eyes. He lifted my head and placed a tentative kiss on my lips. "It's okay, Princess, just try not to do that again, yeah?" I nodded before allowing him to pick me up and put me in bed. "So, what would you like for breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry at the moment," I thought back to the conversation I had with Nudge earlier, "Actually Nudge and Iggy want to hang out again today, they wanted to have dinner but maybe we could have lunch instead?"

"Sounds like a plan." I texted Nudge, letting her know of the change of plans, noting her immediate reply with a place and time.

"So what do you want to do until then, Fang?"

"I was thinking, the number that texted you last night, maybe I could try and give it a call today?"

"Let's give it a go."

Fang and Max sat down in the couch in the living room together. Honestly, he wanted to lay in bed with her and hold her so nothing could ever harm her. Their thighs pressed together as they stared down at his phone, breathes held in anticipation to find out who had sent the mysterious text. The phone rang, and rang, and rang. There was no voicemail that could lead to anything.

Max groaned in frustration and leant back against the couch, closing her eyes and letting out a huff of air. Fang used his free hand to rub her knee to console her, it can be irritating not having all the answers. Then again, he was still lying to her about who he really was. But he couldn't deny that the feelings for her were true and pure. He had spent months training to protect her, watching her from a distance, and now he's breaking all the rules just sitting next to her at that moment.

He was in trouble and he didn't care.

So.. it's been a while...