Young Justice

"I am the Sole survivor of the Elemental Countries, I am the only Jinchuuriki merging with all the Bijuu by the others permission to defeat Madara Uchiha and the Akatsuki. I am the only living being to have all three Doujutsu and discover the Fourth and I alone am alive to witness the devastation left to the lands without any hope of being saved or repaired, only problem was I was wrong. I am Naruto Uzumaki Kai, and you know my story, just not the second part."

"Who the hell are you?" Speedy yelled at Naruto who was leaning against the wall with the other sidekicks to the hero's. "You know what, forget it. I thought I was your partner, someone you trusted." She had turned on Green Arrow who looked at the floor.

"Will you shut up?!" Naruto yelled at her angrily and the whole room went quiet as all the superheroes looked at him. "They are your partners and mentors, that's why they won't let you come because they know you aren't ready and they want to protect you!"

"Who are you?" Robin breathed into the silence before an alarm went off.

"Superman to Justice League, fire at Project Cadmus building." The man's voice came over the intercom before it was interrupted. "All Justice league respond, Wo-Tan is using the Amulet of Abin to blot out the sun."

"Superman, how bad is the fire?" Batman asked typing on the computer.

"It's small, the local authorities are handling it." the man replied and they all left for the Sorcerer leaving their partners behind.

"To answer your earlier question, my name is Kai. I was from the Elemental Countries before it was destroyed and I've lived on Earth for millennia and they need to test me before I have a chance of getting into the Justice League." Naruto said to them before he moved over to the computer. "Who's up for a trip to Cadmus Building?"

"They told us to stay away from the mission." Aqua lad complained to him.

"They told us to stay away from the Sorcerer mission, not from the fire." Robin countered the boy. "We'll just be looking for answers as to why the building is on fire."

"Let's go." Kid Flash said running out the door and everyone followed him.

They all arrived at the burning building and Kid Flash ran up the side of the building grabbing the two scientists stuck on the second floor and managed to get them onto the roof before he began slipping down the side of the burning place.

"I got ya." Naruto said running up the building and caught the boy before he back flipped off and landed safely on the ground with the speedster. "The civilians are safe, let's go in and see if we can stop the fire."

"Right behind you." Aqua lad said before they ran into the lobby with everyone behind them.

"This is wrong , the elevator should be locked down." Robin said approaching it before Naruto stepped in front of it and smashed both doors off with a punch. "Whoa, gym much."

"This thing goes done at least fifty floor." Naruto said kneeling over the side. "Anyone feel like sky diving?"

"Wait what?!" Kid Flash yelled before Naruto dived over the edge and down into the darkness. "I think we should follow him."

"He'll be on the last floor, lets check out as far as my rope goes first." Robin said shooting the grappling hook and they all began to descend until they reach level 26. They all jumped onto the small ledge while Robin began hacking the doors.

"Hey guys, skip this floor. The bottom one is way more interesting." Naruto yelled at them and Robin nearly fell off the ledge when they all saw Naruto standing horizontal on the wall. "Let's go." The Shinobi jumped down again and the other's followed at a more sated pace.

"What's so interesting about this floor?" Aqua lad asked as they crept around quietly and they all hid behind a corner when two monkey like things with red horns walked down the hall they were about to walk into. "I see."

"That's not even the worst part, Robin, what's the name for the atomic symbol Kr?" Naruto asked smiling at the boy's look of recognition. "Let's go."

"Hey Kit, when are you going to tell them about us?" Kurama asked referring to all nine Bijuu.

"Yea, that'll be a great conversation. He guys, did you know I have Nine Demons living inside of me that nearly destroyed my old dimension?" Naruto mentally scoffed. "I can see how that would be great."

"We're here." Naruto said stopping in front of a door that was almost invisible in the hallway they were in. Naruto began tapping on the doors lightly sending small pulses of chakra before the eighth tap the door opened and they all walked in with Robin quickly knocking out the scientist standing in front of a computer.

"Aqua lad, Flash. Guard the door, anyone who comes in take them down." Robin commanded as he began hacking the computer after they all saw a boy in a solar suit in a pod with three dead monkey things next to it. "I take it you got here before?"

"Just hurry up and hack it, I've talked to him and he's been treated like a literal weapon. As a replacement if Superman dies." Naruto said before the pod opened and Naruto knocked the boy out before he lugged him onto his shoulder. "We need to get out fast, I'm going to blow this place to Kingdom Come later on."

"Alright, let's go." Robin said and they all began running through the halls silently through the halls with Naruto running upside down on the roof.

They made it to the elevator shaft and quickly made their way up stopping once for Robin to shoot his grappling hook again before they were out the building and into the night. "How are you going to blow it up?" Flash asked as they stopped and turned to watch the building.

Naruto put down Superboy before he made a hand sign and there were a series of loud and blue explosions filling the night sky as the building crumpled to the ground with only rubble remaining in it's place. "Wow, how did you do that?" Robin asked as they gazed at the building.

"Trade secret, we'll wait here until the Justice League comes." Naruto said sitting down and they began talking and getting to know one another for a while. "Alright, before the Justice League gets here though I need for everyone to trust mean, so I'm going to tell you a secret."

They all stared at him intently and Kid flash screamed like a girl when Naruto grew black fox ears and nine black fox tails that reached his ankles. "I'm a Demon in a sense of the world, I have nine Tailed Bijuu merged with me so I have their power and their skills." Naruto said crouching.

"Are your tails real?" Kid Flash asked trying to touch one but was instead hit on the back of his head with another.

"Yes they are real." Naruto said as his ears twitched slightly. "Sounds like Batman, Superman and Flash are almost here."

"What else can you do?" Kaldur asked him as three spots become visible on the horizon.

"How about fly?" Naruto said as he began floating in the air down tricks for them and they all laughed as Superboy was beginning to come around. "Hey, sorry about knocking you out but it was easier than if we had to fight."

"S'fine, just don't do it again." The boy said before he sat up. "Where are we?"

"May I?" Naruto asked tapping his head with a finger and Superboy nodded before Naruto began pushing some memories into the boy's mind and the others discreetly. "And here come the three."

"Where were you?" Superman asked dangerously. "WE told you to stay put."

"Technically you told us to stay away from the League mission and this wasn't it." Kid Flash countered and Flash glared at him.

"Well you could have at least told us." Flash said angrily. "And who is this and why does Kai look like a fox?"

"This is Superboy, Superman, meet you son." Naruto said gently and the two looked at each other for a minute before nodding and they began explaining the rest of what had happened.

"We proved ourselves that we can handle mission, and might I added we weren't even discovered." Robin told them. "Until Kai blew up Cadmus."