How it goes

Harry James Potter was a pure prodigy with his magic and he wasn't even using it. On the night of Voldemort's attack the killing curse had actually affected him largely and blocked off his massive magical core off completely. He felt the magic inside of him nearly doubling inside of him every day and no matter how hard he tried to reach it he couldn't, so he found a way to use all the ambient magic around him.

He read, memorized and mastered every book inside the Potter Library by the age four and had an unbeatable and unpredictable Taijutsu Style. His parents never cared though, they always cared about his brother the supposed Boy-Who-Lived. They barely remember to feed him or care for him and the only people that really cared were Sirius and Remus but the last time he saw was his fifth birthday when Remus gave him a set of six pristine and expertly made Katana fighting swords perfectly balanced and it absorbs ambient chakra and magic while it is made from platinum steel and coated in Basilisk venom and Chimera Venom.

Sirius had gotten him scrolls and scrolls on Jutsu and Taijutsu styles which Harry immediately began learning in haste and soon mastered everything. He added all the Taijutsu from the scrolls to his style and began documenting it while perfecting it while he kept his strength up by secretly using his mother's Time Turner and was everyday in the Library practicing Taijutsu, Reading, Exercising, Documenting. Creating New Jutsu or practicing his magic. He was safe in the library since nobody ever went in there and his parents forgot about him so much that they never actually realized that their daughter Hope Rose Elizabeth Lily Evans Potter became Harry James Potter.

"Dumbledore, we can't let Harry suffer anymore." Lily said to the Headmaster while she and her husband stood across him in the Living Room. "He's a squib and he shouldn't have to be jealous of his brother, we see Eric do first year magic everyday and Harry shuts himself in the library trying to do magic all the time."

"You are right Lily, we shall give him a day to pack everything saying that you will go on holiday and we shall leave him with the Dursleys." Dumbledore replied and everyone bowed their heads in shame while completely oblivious to the ritual going on upstairs.

Harry held a small vial of Phoenix tears from a Pure One Silver Royal Phoenix and one katana in the other hand with the tips on his chest where his heart was. Steeling himself Harry pushed the katana into his chest piercing his heart and out his back while both venoms rapidly spread through his veins changing his body instead of killing him and Harry pulled the sword out when he felt the venom spread through every part of his body and was his blood now before he poured the phoenix blood into his heart healing it completely and now it too spread through his body making it's own changes while it strengthened the venom changes and the venom strengthened its changes.

Harry collapsed onto his back on the floor breathing heavily while doing everything not to flail around and scream in pain while everything hurt all over his body and he managed to stay awake till the pain softened slightly, get into bed and was just covered and comfortable when the pain grew a thousand fold making his eyes go wide open staring at the ceiling in shock and pain, too much pain to even move or scream.

Harry sat bolt upright in his bed when he woke the next morning and looked down to see to very large breasts and a vagina between his legs. Sighing Hope turned back into Harry before standing up and going to the full length mirror and smiled at the changes. Hesaw his eyes now had three milky eyelids covering golden slit eyes which could kill, he felt scales running down the back of his spine and saw they were thick, shiny and dark green. His nails had turned black and grown into claws which he grinned thinking it would definantly further his fighting style, his hair had grown till it reach just above his butt and had a red streak through the centre while he saw nine black and white large fox tails coming out from an unknown place covered by his hair just above his butt along with large black and white fluffy fox ears where his ear used to be but shot upright so it looked like they were on his head.

He felt a large pair of wings ready to shoot out of his back between his shoulder blades and he let them out to find beautiful black and white Pure on Silver Royal Phoenix Wings that each were the length of him. Harry spat onto the floor by his bed while flexing something that was in his neck and grinned seeing his spit was pure black and burned a hole into the floorboards.

Harry tested out everything new about him till lunch, he had heat vision, psychic feelings and visions and many other powers which he quickly mastered and learnt about while he checked his eyes. His Seigen was evolved shocking him slightly but he grinned at it's newfound powers. (Byakugan, Sharingan and Rinnegan combined, fs71/PRE/i/2010/051/a/e/Xai_s_Eternal_Mangekyou_by_ )

"Harry my boy." Dumbledore said walking into his room as Harry was sitting reading a book which was actually his Manybook Notebook. He had charmed it to be connected to every book in the library and the notebook was normally small and listed the titles of every book inside and he merely had to tap on the name for the notebook to become a copy of the book he chose.

"Your parents are out at Diagon Alley getting things you will need, they wanted me to tell you that you are going on a holiday starting tomorrow and you need to pack." Dumbledore said in his grandfather tone of voice.

"Yes sir, I'll pack my things so we can leave tonight." Harry said closing his book and Dumbledore left the room leaving Harry behind. 'So they're sending me away are they, fine, we'll see what they think when I come to Hogwarts.' Harry thought as he stood up and summoned his multi compartment trunk.

Harry grabbed everything he would need, his white/blue Storm Dragon hide wallet which was connected to the Potter vault, his very large collection of Chocolate Frog Card which was over a thousand cards with four of each card, his Manybook Notebook which returned to its normal form, his swords and everything else he owned and put it in specific compartments before shrinking the trunk and put it on a platinum necklace which he always wore as it was an emergency portkey to the Goblin Nation.

Harry walked down the stairs to the Living Room and saw a stunner heading his way from the left but acted like he didn't see it and had to act like he was stunned as both his Lamia and Royal Pure One Silver Sigma parts couldn't be stunned.