
What happened after Zerelda and Charley left Mars.


Waking up from his sleep, Modo felt the bed had grown cold. Reaching for Zerelda's small body he noticed her gone. "Zee?" he called out to no avail. Laying on her table was a lipstick kissed letter for him. Jumping out of bed he ran to the table, knocking over the chair to read it.


Baby I am sorry I have to leave. Please know I love you with my heart and soul. Please forgive me but I have to leave and I am taking your sister Charley with me...Mo please don't be angry with me. Last night was more amazing to me than you will ever know. I hope I didn't disappoint you. I would ask for you to wait for me. But I don't know how long I will be gone. If you can't wait for me I understand. Just know I love you and only want your happiness for you no matter who it is with. Just know I will always be watching out over my shoulder for you. Until then just know I will be fighting like hell to come back to you. One day I will be back to you if you want me. And only you are allowed to call me this.


Turning the chair back over, Modo sat down. Tears ran down his face as he read and re read the letter from his Zee. The one female mouse that would push him to the brink of losing his temper. Then cooling it down with her gentle touch. She was so fierce with her love a few hours before that he thought she would break him! Then as they held each other in their sleep she chased all the fears he had of her rejecting him. She wanted him to wait for her. She had his sister and didn't say why or the reason they were leaving. His gut wrenching with fear for their safety he had to know why. And the only reason is to track her down. Grinning he knew exactly where to find out. Little nephew and Vincent would know.


Taking Sweetheart for a ride Vinnie went out on the ridges overlooking the Garden of Hope. Stopping he took his helmet off and closed his eyes, recalling his last conversations with Zerelda, Karbunkle and the rest of the gang. Zerelda ran into him explaining she was the only one that can undo what Hendrickson did. Opening his eyes he looked up to the space to see Zerelda's ship still in air as it kept climbing. Tears rolling from his eyes he cried out Charley's name and openly wept for her. This was killing him, all his decisions weighed heavily on his heart. "If that bastard was telling the truth Charley girl I'll find them. I'll find our babies don't you worry. Just please come back to me in one piece and say you forgive me!" Sweetheart beeped a mournful beep as well as she turned on the mp3 player and played Vinnie and Charley's song for him. Instead of consoling him, it just made the macho mouse openly cry harder.

Throttle and Carbine:

Back at the base in Carbine's quarters; Carbine is dressed for bed while Throttle was getting ready. towelling off from his shower, he was clad in only his black silk boxers that she had ordered for him from Frederick's of Hollywood the last time she was on Earth. Carbine was in her silk robe that Charley had given her on her birthday and was at first combing out her hair. Then she started to rant, still fuming over Zerelda, Charley, and Vinnie.

"Unbelievable! She disobeyed my orders again! What the hell is going on with her? Is it really too much for her to just ask me? ' Carbine I need to take your sister to another place to help her heal away from Mars. Can I have access to the ship' Is that to hard to form into a sentence or a question even. Then her hair brained cousin turns around and tells everyone that him and Charley has babies out there and he refuses to have Karbunkle pay a blood drop until he finds them" Carbine was furiously pissed off to say politely as she paced in front of Throttle ranting. About half way through the rant Throttle started laughing hard. Carbine turned on her heel to face him with her face screwed up into a furious scowl with her hands on her hips.

"What is so damn funny!"

"The look on your face now! You look like Primer after Rimfire gagged her!" Throttle fell back on her bed laughing so hard it made Carbine even madder at the thought. Straddling him at his hips she thought she was gonna get the upper hand on him and tell him off. Only to have him flip her on her back and plant a heavy-duty kiss on her lips. At first it was rough then softened as she relaxed. His hand slid up her leg, to the middle of her thigh as he massaged her muscles working his way up to her rib cage. Slowly the hardened General started give in to his kisses as she melted against him. Tenderly, he pulled away from her mouth and whispered in her ear, "Enough for tonight, it's just us. Let it be about us for now. Whats done is done, we can talk about them in the morning." After that he started nibbling and sucking on her ear as his hands started roaming over her body. Whimpering she gave in to his requests and let him have full access to her as she let him lead the way.

Stoker, Belle, Primer and Rimfire:

Releasing Primer from her gag, Belle looked at her sternly. Shaking her head she walked away for a few minutes then returned with a picture in her hand. In the picture was Modo, Xera, Belle, Primer and Rimfire as infants. "Your father took this photo right after you were born. Do you see what I see? Your family young miss. Family is family, whether your blood, adopted or been genetically altered to look like something else before you could even breathe. Stoker is Charley and Harley's father and we were robbed beyond our control from raising your aunts. But none the less I know you are really angry at me not Charley. You think you know everything miss thing. I never once betrayed your Grandpa Luggs. And how me and Stoker or when me and Stoker were together is not your concern it is ours. Now I refuse to throw a member of family out of the family because they are pissy. But if I ever and I do mean ever hear you talk about your aunt Charley or Harley like that again...So help me mother of Mars I will beat you black and blue. Rimfire will you please see to your sister for me? And Rimmy son, I'm gonna leave for a couple of days with Stoker. Give her a good attitude adjustment until I get back!" Sending a shocked look through everyone's faces but Stoker, Belle walked over to him grabbing him by the tail pulling him as she walked. Throwing his hands up as he shrugged he muttered' Thank the Gods I can't feel this or I would be yelling ouch now."

Laughing at his grandmother Rimfire doubled over smiling. It was good to see Primer get put in her place. Leaving her tied up he threw her over his shoulder and carried her in. She started to cuss him out and he shook his head. "Ok lets see how you feel about being tied up for the night sis" Then he put the gag back in her mouth. "At least maybe I can sleep for a change when your mad like this. Why didn't I think of it years ago?" Laughing he went upstairs to his room as Primer growled and screamed into her gag at him.

Harley and Mace:

"So with everything going on how long do you think Carbine's plan will take?" Harley searched Mace's face after he explained everything that happened at the warehouse. They were back at the apartment and had just finished cleaning up.

"I'm not sure babe but I hope we can get married soon. With you being pregnant I don't want anyone looking down on our children. Even if we have to leave and get married elsewhere. I want us to be married before our child arrives." With that being said, Mace scooped Harley up in his arms lovingly as he carried her to bed. This time had been so long and tiring and whether she wanted to admit it or not she was sleepy. Laying her gently on the bed he climbed in beside her. He then cradled her body next to him and protectively wrapped his arms around her as they both slept.

Dr. Vero and Lukas:

"I'm worried about you! You over do it sometimes and it's not right! This will sort itself out in time why do you have to be involved anymore?" Lukas all but shouted as him and Dr. Lena Vero readied for bed.

"Listen they are our friends. Besides shouldn't I be screaming at you for everything you have done?"

Spinning around on her heel he was behind her chuckling. "All right my princess you win." he reached down and wrapped his arms around her pulling her to him. For a second they were outside the bedroom in the kitchen. Then back in the bedroom in front of the bed. Crawling first Lena dropped her glamour spell revealing her true form along with Lukas. Curling up with each other they both sighed with contentment as they drifted off to sleep.