Piper and I have been married for three months now. It is quite comforting how she and I have settled in to this intriguing role as a new married couple. It is great actually. I am so happy that we decided to take the plunge and make it official. Piper is so much like the traditional house wife type…especially when it comes to the nagging, which is the way she has always been. In fact the other day I told her that she could probably win an Oscar for how good she is at it. Maybe not the right thing to say, especially if that look she flashed me had anything to say about it.

I am liking this whole being married to Piper thing though. I enjoy the fact that I can call her the wifey…my old lady or my favorite, my ole ball and chain. Okay so maybe I don't call her those things in public, because I would like to not get my ass kicked any time soon. Which sure Piper might look fragile, but prison taught her how to hold her own.

As soon as we landed from our wonderful honeymoon, it was back to work. Vause is really taking off and bringing in an income that neither of us even thought that a new company could bring in. Turns out people have a real need for soap, bath salts and perfumes. Who would have thought…right? Seriously though, we are making a bundle and it is pretty awesome.

I have been working on my own dreams as well lately. I have been writing more. Mostly blogs and little articles for the local newspaper. Nothing too big, but I am hoping that it is enough to get my name out there. My last few article pieces were published right away. One of the editors for the paper said I had a real knack for writing. He also asked if he could submit a few more of my pieces to the chief editor. I of course agreed, I mean fuck, this could be my big break.

"Alex, I'm home." A smile instantly spreads across my face at her announcement.

I quickly stand up and make my way downstairs. As soon as she is within an arm's reach I scoop her up and plaster my lips on hers.

"Mmmm hello to you too." She moans against my lips when she needs to catch a bit of air.

"I missed you." I tell her as I put my arms around her waist.

"I missed you too."

Piper has been putting in some long days at Vause, trying to get ready for the holiday season that is bearing down on us. There are hundreds of online orders that need to be fulfilled as well as stock that needs to be put on the shelves, before all of that begins.

"I hired someone else today." I raise my brow at her.

"I thought we were going to wait a couple more weeks." Piper looks down at the floor and then looks back up at me. I am positive there is something that she is not telling me.

"Well, this person really needed a job and I…" She is rambling which tells me that my initial thinking was correct.


"I hired Polly, and before you say anything, please let me explain." I let my shock wear down and give her my full attention, although, everything inside of me right now wants to scream out the word no.

"I'm listening." I try to keep my voice soft.

"She came in today really upset. I was shocked, I haven't seen her in a long time. Anyway, she asked if we could talk, so I agreed. I took her in the back and she just started crying. She said that Larry ran off with some girl he met on one of his business trips and left her, Finn and their new baby behind with nothing. I didn't even know they had a baby, which honestly why would I want to know?"

"Pipes, you're rambling." I reach out for her hand and walk her to the couch.

I sit down first, then pull her to settle on my lap. She gets comfortable quickly and lays her head on my chest.

"Sorry, it was just so out of the blue." I kiss the top of her head and she continues.

"Anyway, so I opened my big mouth and told her that you and I could give her a job." She looks up at me almost pleadingly.

"Pipes, I am honestly not sure that it is a good idea, but I trust you so I am going to let you decide what is best. I know that you can't stand to see people suffer." Her eyes light up as she throws her arms around me to pull me closer.

"Thank you Alex. I will tell her how we run the business and if she can't follow through that I will let her know right away that it's not going to work." I smile and agree with her.

"I still don't like her though."

"I know baby, and neither do I, but she has kids."

"Well then you should probably call "Molly" and tell her that "supercunt" says she starts tomorrow, and she better not be late. This is a one-time deal." I watch Piper as she tries her best to hold in a laugh.

I am really trying to be serious here. I am not over how Polly fucked Piper over. Obviously Piper and I had our own faults in the whole situation as well, but come on they were best friends for fuck's sake. There is some type of code or something that goes with that.

Piper pulls me into another deep embrace before scrambling off of my lap to phone her ex best friend. I hate to admit this but I couldn't help the little bit of sadness that I felt for Dolly at the fact that the douche bag left her and the kids. That is pretty fucking low, even for scum.

As soon as Pipes finished her quick phone conversation, she returned to the spot that she left a little cold on my lap.

"We got 50 more internet orders today." She said happily as she starts to paint kisses on my neck.

"That's great." I try to not let my voice squeak as her lips move up to my pulse point.

"I was thinking…maybe…we could do something to celebrate." I feel her smile against my skin.

"You were huh." I gasp out as she takes my pulse point in between her teeth.

I shutter as she continues, making sure that she bites down hard enough to make a mark. My arousal shoots through the entirety of my body as her lips move to replace her teeth. She latches on, roughly sucking on my skin. I am sure it is probably a deep purple by this point.

"Fuck Piper." I moan out, when she uses her tongue to softly sooth the once stinging area.

She moves her mouth away and fixates her eyes on the mark that she has made on my skin. I watch a huge grin pull across her lips showing just how happy she is with herself.

"Perfect." She softly says, before moving back to face me.

"Are you proud of yourself for that one?" I ask her in a playful tone, still admiring the grin that adores her beautiful face.

"I am in fact." She says a bit coyly.

I watch with an amused look as she stands up and saunters her way over to the CD player. She turns one of our favorite songs on and then spins around. She beckons me over with one of her fingers. I lift myself off of the couch and make my way over to her. She stops me from getting any closer once I am about an arm's length away from her.

"Stay right there." She softly says holding her hand out to stop me from coming any closer.

"What are you doing?" I ask her, adjusting my glasses.

"Celebrating." She simply states before she starts to move her hips to the beat.

Her fingers skim her body, touching every curve, tantalizing me with every lingering touch. She moves to play with the buttons of her blouse, with each unclasp, revealing a little bit more of her skin. I want to touch. To let my fingers dance along her soft torso. I move my hands to try to come in contact with her stunning frame, but she quickly steps back, not letting me.

"Nope, not yet Alex." I throw her a sizeable smirk and let her continue the little game that she is playing right now.

Moments later her red silk blouse is being playfully thrown in my face. She laughs as I toss it quickly away so that I can continue to watch the wonderful display that is going on in front of me. Her fingers move down, slipping to the button on her dress pants, quickly unfastening it along with her zipper. Her pants fall to the floor leaving her in nothing but a matching pink lace bra and underwear.

"Stunning." I say, shaking my head and at the same time trying to keep my arousal at bay.

She shyly smiles as she continues to sway to the song. She moves in closer to me, taking my hands, warning me to keep them above my hands. I clasp them behind my neck, doing as I am told. She runs her long fingers down my front, making sure that she softly nudges my erect and aching breasts.

"Fuck." I gasp out quietly. My breasts have always been one of the most sensitive parts of my body.

Her hands continue to move down, sliding to the edge of my t-shirt, gripping the edge and pulling it up and completely off of me. The awesome thing about not having to leave the house to go to work is the fact that I don't have to religiously wear a bra…like today. She smiles brightly when she figures this out. Her hands move straight to my hard nipples caressing and pinching them with her thumb and forefinger.

"You are driving me fucking crazy right now." I pant out as she continues to torture me with her touches.

"I'm sorry Al." With that, she moves her mouth in closer to mine, capturing my lips with hers.

Her hands move from my sensitive nipples to drop down. She keeps our lips fastened as she unties the string on my already loose pajama bottoms.

"Pipes, please." It falls from my lips as one of her hands flattens against my stomach and inches its way down near my growing heat.

"I love you Al." She whispers against my lips as two of her fingers glide easily through my wet folds.

I arch my hips, trying to feel more of her against me, but I am limited in my movements by my promise to keep my hands above my head.

She smiles, and then moves her body closer. Her fingers move slowly, gathering my wetness to smear it around my clit. Her body continues to move towards me, causing me to back up until my knees hit the edge of the couch. I fall to the sofa, causing her fingers to come away from my wetness. She is still standing, looking at her now soaked fingers. I moan softly as she brings them to her lips and then opens her mouth to taste me.

"So good." I almost cum right there, watching her as she licks each of her long digits from end to tip. She leaves none behind, licking every trace of me off of her before dropping to her knees right in front of me.

I can feel my pussy clench, at the prospect of what is to come next. She takes her fingers and slips them in the waistband of my bottoms and pulls them down along with my panties. I am now naked and in full display in front of her.

"Gorgeous." She whispers as she widens my legs with a nudge of her hands. She takes my left foot and rests it so that it is flat on the sofa, while she moves the other to rest on her shoulder.

I am dripping I can feel the wetness as it falls from me. She takes one of her hands and places it flat on my inner thigh to hold my leg in place as she moves her lips in to kiss the top of my mound. I jerk at the feeling of her being so close to where I want her right now.

"Piper please." I beg, I am not usually one to stoop to that, but I am literally ready to let go.

She moves her body down to get comfortable. She looks up at me and smiles that beautiful smile before she moves in closer. She kisses my clit softly, then flattens her tongue. She starts near my opening and licks all of the way back up to my sensitive bundle of nerves, letting her tongue swirl around. She repeats her motions several times, making me moan and gasp.

She takes two of her fingers, and brings them to my soaked lips, sliding them up and down, collecting the juices as they start to run out of me. Her movements are slow, as she drives me closer and closer to the edge.

"Piper, I need you inside." I pant.

She wastes no time giving me exactly what I need. She moves her two fingers down to my opening, and without warning thrusts them inside. Her movements are quicker than before, going in knuckle deep and then pulling out almost all of the way. She is producing perfect friction, as she moves in and out of me at an even faster pace now. I can feel my walls starting to clench as she curls her fingers from deep inside of me. I am panting and moaning as her tongue alternates with her scraping teeth against my clit.

"Piper…" I can't finish my thought. I am so close.

"I've got you Al. Let it go."

It only takes one more hard thrust and a rough nip on my clit by her teeth to send me tumbling over the edge, screaming out her name.

She continues to move within me, slowly this time, bringing me down from my mind blowing orgasm. My wetness continues to spill from my body as I try to focus on my breathing. My body spasms and contract as she continues to help me even out my breath.

It is several minutes before my walls finally calm and she removes her fingers. I watch as she bring them to her lips and licks them clean as she had done earlier. When she is finished she removes my leg from her shoulder and sits in the space between me. She brings her body in closer and lays her lips upon mine, letting me taste myself.

"I love you Al." She says when she pulls away breathless.

"I love you to Pipes." She lays her head on my chest.

We stayed in the same position for several moments before she moved to get up. Once she was standing, she held out her hands for me to grab onto.

"What do you say we continue this celebration in our bedroom?"

Author Notes.

Sorry it has been so long since I have updated. I will try harder to get this one coming at a quicker pace.

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter.

Please Review.