Back to reality
Tamaki fell out of his chair as he shrieked. Nekozawa's lips twisted into a smile at Tamaki's embarrassment.
"What the hell happened?" Hikaru asked no one in particular as he adjusted to his normal surroundings. "When did Haruhi get pregnant?"
"Probably while we were riding to the tower," Kaoru answered, yawning. "The boss put it so far away it gave Kyoya a lot of time to do the deed."
"Takeshi, I think I want to take a break from cake today." Mori nodded to his cousin as Honey yawned as well.
Kyoya and Haruhi looked across the table at each other. Haruhi's face turned red and she glanced away. She could remember what they did in the tower. She was torn between pretending it hadn't happened and wishing it would again. She looked back at Kyoya, unable to stop herself.
"I do like something unexpected to happen at the end," Kyoya admitted, not taking his eyes off Haruhi. He needed to know if she was interested in more than just a fantasy. As he watched, she glanced away and then looked back at him. Her face turned a brighter red as he smirked. So, she is thinking of us. He was so focused on the girl, he missed the sudden move his best friend made.
"What did you do to my little girl?" Tamaki jumped up and tackled Kyoya, flipping the chair over with both of them in it. Mori walked over and pulled Tamaki off. He let him go when he was out of reach of Kyoya, who stood up with a slight smile on his face. "You took her innocence," he continued pointing at his best friend with tears in his eyes.
"You are not my father, Tamaki-senpai. You have no control over what I do or do not do." Haruhi walked up to Tamaki, glaring at him.
"But you had sex. You're pregnant." Tamaki said. "Daddy doesn't want you doing that." Haruhi sighed as the twins draped themselves over her, rubbing her belly.
"Look, boss. No baby belly." The twins teased. Tamaki ran over. He knelt in front of her and wrapped his arms around her waist, placing his head against her stomach.
"Are you sure she's not just a little bit pregnant?"
"How can someone be a "little bit" pregnant, senpai?" Haruhi glared at him. She didn't notice the looks Kyoya was giving the twins as they rubbed her stomach around their Host King's grasp. Kaoru noticed the Shadow King and got Hikaru's attention. The twins exchanged a glance, realizing what they were doing was upsetting Kyoya. Something did happen during their visit to Tamaki's mind theater. Matching evil grins covered their faces.
"Perhaps we should take a closer look," Kaoru suggested. Haruhi groaned. How did the three hosts not know that it was uncomfortable to have them in her personal space?
"I think that would be a good idea," Hikaru agreed. Together, they pulled up Haruhi's shirt until her stomach was showing, but not quite enough to show her bra. Kyoya's aura darkened. Nekozawa watched the scene before him. His suspicions were correct. Fujioka was indeed a girl. That was all he wanted to know. He left the room quietly.
Tamaki started touching Haruhi's stomach. He wanted to make sure there was no baby bump. She was shaking.
"Stop that," she said, trying not to giggle. Haruhi slapped his hand.
"Stop what, Haruhi?" Tamaki asked as he continued touching and stroking her stomach. The twins joined in, overjoyed that Haruhi was ticklish.
"That tickles. Stop that, senpai, Hikaru, Kaoru," Haruhi tried to sound serious but failed. She struggled weakly in their grasp. Honey and Mori looked at Kyoya's fists clenched to his sides. They needed to diffuse the situation now or three of their friends were about to be seriously hurt. It was obvious Kyoya and Haruhi had shared something. They needed time to figure out what themselves without the rest of the club interfering.
"Takeshi, it's getting dark. We need to get home. We didn't get a chance to practice this morning." Honey hinted loudly. Mori nodded. He followed his cousin to the door.
"We'll see everyone Monday bright and early," Honey said and lead the way out of the room. He closed the door loudly behind him.
The twins immediately stopped at the loud noise. They glanced out the darkening window. Their mom had a fashion shoot tomorrow afternoon and they had agreed to help with clothing adjustments beforehand. As one, they shrugged.
"Mom will be mad at us if we don't help tomorrow, Hikaru." Hikaru nodded at his brother. He glanced at Kyoya and then at the girl he was holding.
"Will you be okay, Haruhi?" Hikaru asked, glancing at Kyoya. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?" Haruhi took a breath and pushed Tamaki away. The twins stepped back as well. They knew when they had pushed the Shadow King to his limit.
"Kyoya and I did a lot together. We planned the dragon and cake men attacks. The pregnancy was my idea, though," Haruhi admitted, enjoying the shocked looks on her friends' faces.
"So he didn't do unspeakable things to you?" Tamaki asked, his eyes looking hopefully toward Kyoya who was calming down now that the three were no longer groping his Haruhi.
"If he did, I couldn't speak of them, now could I, senpai?" Haruhi asked. She almost chuckled as Tamaki tried to wrap his head around what she said.
"Haruhi, it is getting late. I'll take you home," Kyoya said.
"I wanted to do that," Tamaki said. He stood up and grabbed Haruhi's hand, missing the glare Kyoya shot him.
"I don't think Haruhi wants to be sexually harassed by you anymore today," Kyoya pointed out.
"The three of you started pulling her clothes off and touching her against her will. I believe it's within her right to press charges against all of you." Before they could start arguing, Haruhi spoke up.
"Thank you, Kyoya-senpai. I would appreciate a nice quiet ride home." Kyoya walked to the door and opened it. Haruhi passed by him and turned back briefly to wave at the other three hosts before leaving. Kyoya followed and closed the door behind him.
"Something's different," Tamaki said, rubbing his chin.
"We've gotta go, boss," the twins said as they left Music Room 3. Tamaki walked to the window and watched as Kyoya and Haruhi walked to the waiting limo. Kyoya's hand was on the back of Haruhi's waist. She didn't look like she was pushing him away.
- x X x -
Haruhi replayed the events of the day in her head. Her mind kept coming back to Kyoya and what they'd done in Tamaki's mind. Her senpai would forbid them from seeing each other if he knew. She tried to convince herself it wasn't real, but her heart and body didn't want to listen. She wanted to feel him touching her again. She wondered how it would feel different when he really touched her . . . kissed her . . .
The car stopped and the driver lowered his window, speaking his name into the stand next to the driveway. Haruhi looked out the window. She didn't know where she was. She turned to Kyoya who was deep in thought. Perhaps they were dropping off Kyoya-senpai first.
The car drove through the gates and up to a house that looked huge. Kyoya climbed out and offered Haruhi a hand. She looked puzzled. Was she supposed to go with him? Did he say something to her while she was thinking and she replied automatically? With a sigh, Haruhi accepted and moved next to him.
"Where are we, Kyoya-senpai?"
"My house. We have things to discuss." Kyoya grabbed her arm and pulled her after him. He knew this was the moment he had been waiting for . . . and he didn't intend to lose it.
- x X x -
Haruhi stood looking at the room Kyoya had declared was his. Her entire apartment could fit in here . . . twice. This was his room? No wonder they're so interested in my life, Haruhi thought. If this is what normal is to them, of course they were curious.
"Haruhi . . ." Kyoya's voice came from next to her right ear. She trembled as his breath moved over her neck. Haruhi had to stop herself from turning around and touching him.
"Do you have to be so close?"
"Perhaps if you paid attention instead of staring into space," Kyoya suggested, "I wouldn't have a chance to get so close. That is, unless you want me to." He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her back to him. Haruhi felt the heat of his body. Unconsciously, she relaxed against him.
"What are you doing?" Haruhi asked as he pressed a kiss under her ear and started licking her earlobe. She moaned softly. Kyoya took that as an invitation to move his hands under her shirt and touch her bare skin.
"I want to do what we did in Tamaki's bed. This time, though, we'll do it in mine."
"We can't do this," Haruhi said, trying to push his hands away. Kyoya refused to let go. She turned toward him. His hands slid along her skin as she moved. "What we did was fantasy only. It's not real." She wondered if she was trying to convince him or herself.
"I want it to become real. Do you deny you feel the same way?" Kyoya watched Haruhi as her mouth opened and shut. Her face twisted as she thought about what she could say. Everything came back to one undeniable face. She did want it to become real.
"It doesn't matter what I want," Haruhi admitted. "All that matters is what is. This is your world, Kyoya-senpai, and I have no place in it." Kyoya pulled her against him. Haruhi placed her hands on his chest. He bent down and quickly kissed her.
"I will make you a place . . . a very special place of your very own . . . right by my side, my queen." He swept his arm under her legs and carried her to his bed.
- x X x - COMPLETE - x X x -
Thanks to everyone for the great reviews / comments / follows.
My next story will be "Ghost Hunt", so I can finish up the next Ouran story.