Hi! This idea didn't let me sleep until I put it on paper, and it was blocking my thoughts for me DP/ Teen Titans croosovers.
Enjoy! I hope.
Got the idea after reading a few chapters of Behind the Mask by LoveWritingStories. My thoughts (coming in the typical author's thought of character's voice) kept on bothering me until I told that character I would write it. The author's mind is a powerful thing.
I do not own Danny Phantom. If I did, the series would still be going, and Danny and Sam wouldn't have ended up together.
Dash Baxter walked along the school halls, rubbing at a bruise under his jacket. Once again, his father had taken his wrath out on none other than his son, Dash. Everyone in Casper High had a crappy life, except for Fenton. And yet he still complained about it. Parents who loved each other and their kids, cheery family, friends who stood by him to ends of the Earth, and still, he complained about his life. Lucky bastard.
Dash doesn't know about what really goes on in the Fenton household. Of course he doesn't. He assumed, and apparently never decided to check if he was right. And, like most people, he doesn't notice that Fenton and Phantom are one and only. Yeah, Dash's punching bag got flung at sidewalks hard enough to make a Danny- shaped dent in them. But, when he saw Fenton this morning, he stopped all his previous thoughts and just stared at the boy who had bumped into him, and the scar, along with the bruise, uncovered by the fall.
Fen- Danny rubbed his arm, having gotten it in a previous fight with Skulker. Also, Valerie made some new weapons. Average day, including bumping into Dash. He had been lost in a thought about something that had been revolving in his head for months. He still hadn't forgotten.
Jack and Maddie stood in front of the door, along with other parents, arguing with a teacher about Spectra's ghost disease.
"Poor Jazz," Said Jack, sniffling. "She was always my favorite." Then he blew his nose with a handkerchief, giving the dirty, snot covered cloth to his son to keep.
~End Flashback
"Hey, Fenton, you okay?" Danny blinked himself out of the thought, and saw Dash holding out a hand, and asking him if he was okay. Wait, what? That was a sentence he never thought could happen. "Uh, Fenton? Hello?" Dash snapped his fingers in front of Danny's eyes.
"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." Danny declined Dash's hand (hey, when your personal bully starts to be nice, you have every right to hold your suspicions) and walked to class.
Dash stared dumbfounded at what just happened. What actually happens in the Fenton household? Is Fenturd being abused? With that thought, Dash walked to class.
As Danny made his way to his seat, Sam and Tucker bombarded him with questions. That conversation was quiet.
"Danny, what happened?" Asked Sam.
"Dude, are you okay?" Tucker said.
"The usual, and I'm fine." Murmured Danny, starting to get his paper ready for the pop quiz Lancer was giving them. Yet, he really didn't focus, one thought enveloping his head. Or rather, what someone said.
"Poor Jazz, she was always my favorite."
We all heard it and saw it in Doctor's Disorders, but let's face it: Danny must have been thinking about that.
Reviews, follows, and favorites will be appreciated! Flames, on the other hand, won't.