Hey! Sorry about Lucas' last name. :3 Maybe I should clarify once more that I no longer have much interest in GMW, as I haven't watched any past episode three because I lost cable, then, and I'm a wee bit on the lazy side and don't want to Netflix it. I use fanfiction to help me spell their names, but, sadly, it doesn't do character last names, instead using only the first letter, in Lucas' case he is "Lucas F." in the fanfiction character thing. I only had memory to go off of for his last name, and I'm sorry if I misspelled it. I at least got close to it, though, but I still must thank the Guest who so kindly pointed out to me the correct spelling for his last name. :3 I'm sure that if there were a book based off of this television series, I would have picked it up for more proper help than fanfiction, but seeing as there is none within reach of my extremely poor hands, I shall use your review as a guideline and not make the same mistake twice. Thanks for your help, Guest! ;3

Anyways! No more long author notes! Sorry if my grammar is a bit off in this chapter. I'm not paying much attention to what I'm doing, but I hope you enjoy it regardless.


As soon as the bell rang for the ten minute passing period, Maya tried to vanish from the classroom immediately. But it didn't work out the way she had wanted it to. Lucas had gotten out first, and had gotten hold of Maya as soon as she left the room. He played it off coolly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, but the way he had done it made it clear to Maya that she wasn't getting away anytime soon. She looked around for Riley, but when she saw her former best friend bounding off to the gym to get ready for P.E early, leaving her to face Lucas alone, she swallowed thickly. The blonde Texas boy led her to the front lawn of the high school, where groups of people were loitering, pushing the long passing period to the last minute before they felt the need to rush to their next class. To anyone around, Lucas and Maya might have looked like a fresh new couple, Maya the nervous one of the pair, and Lucas the more confident one who took everything in stride.

Stopping a few feet away from the door so they wouldn't be trampled, Lucas pulled Maya to stand in front of him. He kept his hands on her shoulders, knowing she might try to run away if he didn't. Maya kept her eyes away from Lucas, but he didn't care. He had her, and that was all that mattered. She didn't have to talk, but he was more than willing to do all the talking for her.

"Maya," Lucas started, "where in the name of God have you been?"

"At home," she responded meekly, not making eye contact with Lucas.

Lucas sighed. "To avoid me, right? Am I right? Nod if I'm right, Maya. I need to know. Blink once, for all I care. Just give me an answer!"

Maya flinched and slowly nodded.

Lucas Friar let in a shaky breath before proceeding to speak. "Riley started to think that you hated her, Maya. She thought she had done something wrong when I had talked to her the day after the last time I had seen you. She cried, and she cried, Maya. You were her best friend for years, and then you were gone. Vanished from her life in only a second. Because of me. You didn't need to do that, Maya."

"Yes I did," Maya argued. "It was the only way I could keep you away."

The blonde boy looked hurt at that, and he was silent for a couple of moments before speaking again. "I see," he said after a couple of moments. "Well... you don't need to avoid me any longer. There's no way I'm pulling what I pulled again. Riley wouldn't like it."

"You two are together, aren't you?"

Lucas nodded in affirmation. "We are. Last year. You would have known, if you had been a part of our lives." Sighing, Lucas Friar pulled Maya Hart into a hug. "Stay happy, okay? Do it, for me."

Maya felt her eyes water, but she nodded nonetheless. "O-okay," she responded, voice wavering.

Lucas eyed her sadly. "It could have been you, you know. If you just would have talked." Sighing, the teen from Texas removed his arms from around Maya and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I'll see you around, Miss Hart," he murmured before turning around and walking back into the school, leaving the love-stricken teen to cry on her own.


Short chapter, I know. But they've all been short.