Disclaimer: I don't own shit.

Chapter 1: Ticklish

Alright, this is just an idea that I had and stuff. I may turn it into a chapter story before I leave for college (woo!). If I do I'll most likely post the next chapter up on my birthday (August 14th~). It's weird knowing my 18th birthday is next Thursday, and the fact that I leave for college next Saturday. So weiiiiiird D; I'll try and update things while I'm college but hey, you never know with college!



"Well if you stopped moving so much I wouldn't have to accidentally hurt you," said Midnight as he went back to work.

Thanks to Racer's brilliant idea that he would cook their food that night instead of going out to eat, somebody ended up injured. That certain somebody ended up being Cobra. No one really knew how, but Racer managed to make the kitchen window of their apartment explode while he was cooking and Cobra's side ended up looking like a dart board thanks to the speedy mage. Needless to say, Cobra got pretty pissed and lunged forward to beat the living shit out of Racer. If it wasn't for Hoteye grabbing him from behind, and Jellal plus Midnight pushing him away they probably would be spending all of their medical supplies on Racer.

After that little series of misfortunate events Midnight coaxed his guildmate to their shared room (considering there was only a total of three rooms in the entire place) and set to work calming the other down while patching him up. Cobra sat on the edge of his own bed and took off his jacket and shirt while Midnight got the first-aid kit from the drawer.

Which is how they got to their current predicament.

For some reason Cobra would twitch or move while Midnight picked the glass out of his side. It was beginning to piss Midnight off; the dual-haired male had to stop pretty much every five seconds for the other to stop moving so he could get back to work. Finally after the fifth time he had to say something, "What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked, fingers clutching a pair of tweezers with glass between the metal.


Oh please.

Midnight knew he was lying, and if he was going to get anything done he'd seriously have to fix whatever the other's problem it before Midnight sent him flying through a wall. "Cobra, you better tell me right this instant or so help me-"

"Your pinky."


What the fuck does a pinky have to do with him moving all the time?! "You keep," Cobra took a deep breath as if it was something hard to say, "you keep rubbing your pinky against my side and it's tickling me."

"That's your problem?" Okay, he had to admit it was pretty funny.

Cobra turned his head to the right, and Midnight guessed he was a bit embarrassed about it. But what kind of person would he be to turn this golden opportunity down? He dropped the piece of glass on a towel next to them with the other four pieces he somehow plucked from the other's side. He reached forward again, "I'll try not to do that then," he full out lied as he grabbed another piece and rubbed his pinky gently on Cobra's ribs.

The reaction was immediate; Cobra lurched instinctively to the side, effectively ripping out the piece of glass, and glared menacingly at Midnight. The other paid no mind as he was sitting there with a sweet smile on his face, "Sorry!" he said in an innocent way.

"You fucking liar!"

"It was an accident, I swear."

Cobra didn't believe him for one second, but he knew he had to get the glass out of his side sooner or later, and he'd much rather have it out now. It was seriously beginning to sting. He looked right at Midnight and said with malice on his face as clear as blood on snow, "If you do that one more time I'm going to force feed you Racer's cooking."

Now he wouldn't want that now would he?

Midnight nodded and shrugged, "Alright, alright, I'll be good."

They moved back to their original position and Midnight did as he said he would. He didn't attempt to tickled Cobra any further, and even made the process relatively painless. Once they were done with that part the dual-haired male grabbed the bandages and wrapped the poison dragon slayer's left arm before starting on his ribs. He was nearly done with his ribs when he looked over at Cobra. The man was certainly less testy than earlier, and he seemed to not be paying attention as much as when Midnight agreed to stop tickling him.

A wicked grin spread across Midnight's face; he was sooooo going to tickled Cobra. He continued to wrap Cobra's ribs up, but right before he was practically done he struck. He figured he might as well take the chance, and that he did. He lightly ghosted his fingers over Cobra's right side, taking a small pause to enjoy the angry twitch on Cobra's face before he viciously tickled his sides and showed absolutely no mercy. Cobra couldn't control his laughter and ended up falling off the bed onto the floor.


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Woo! Got this one done pretty quickly. I may actually turn this into a chapter one. I like funnies, but I also enjoy causing my favorite characters extreme pain. Sucks for all of my favorite characters~!

Anyway, I hoped you liked it! I just needed a dose of this pairing again! There's practically no stories about them, so I can't exactly satisfy my craving for the pairing.

Should I continue this? Please review! I really appreciate it!