Drobot: It's hard to look back at these moments and story. This is where someone got their pename!

Ridley: It's hard to think of life without the Ohm.

Drobot: *smiles* it sure is.

*No Face walks in*

No Face: I'm sorry about blowing this place up.

Ridley: Yeah, Drobot kinda wants to kill you now.

Drobot: This is over, If you want to dare go to this fanfic: s/10509241/1/Wheel-of-Dares

Ridley: Thanks to everyone for their support, And we will keep writing for you.

Drobot: Thanks for everything, Imaganation, Luna, Galbo, J, Wolf, Kitty, Gamerfan, Cloeey, Psycho, and everyone else who has supported me along the way. Thanks for reading what made my purpose. DrobotExtreme, out!